'We never sleep': RT stays overnight with Kurdish fighters on front line in Iraq


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I would imagine that there are many reporters on the front lines wherever there is action. I realize that they feel they have to do their job, but in my opinion they are very brave to put themselves in danger in order to get the news out to the general public.

'We never sleep': RT stays overnight with Kurdish fighters on front line in Iraq

Published time: October 08, 2014 17:41
Edited time: October 08, 2014 20:03
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Kurdish Peshmerga fighters observe the front line with Islamic State, in Gwar, northern Iraq September 23, 2014. (Reuters/Ahmed Jadallah)

Kurdish forces, known as the Peshmerga fighters, are struggling to repel Islamic State militants from Syrian borders. Spending the night behind the sandbags, RT's Paula Slier witnessed gunfire and jihadists' vehicles moving less than 2 miles away.

With US-led airstrikes targeting the Islamic State group (formerly known as ISIS) in various parts of Syria, the Kurdish fighters say the coalition attacks help them push the militants back.

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We never sleep RT stays overnight with Kurdish fighters on front line in Iraq RT News?
Journalist's seem to lose their heads when reporting in that place. ...... :cool:

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