We now have corroborating evidence that Michael Cohen was telling the truth about the hush money

Stupid People -
Go Mueller - But if Mueller doesn't prove anything -
The Southern District - that's the one baby - they hate Trump and they have no restrictions - they got him.

The Southern District - Case is closed no further crimes to be announced.

Really Stupid People - YEAH! WE TOLD YOU -- Fucking GUILTY!
What is stupid is you do not know how the law works.

Ok. Tell us how this is going to work.
Everything you say is true, now what?
We wait until after the election and Trump is prosecuted. The OLC opinion, which by the way can be challenged, but probably don't have enough time, is also another option. Personally, I would draw articles of impeachment on principle alone. Fuck politics. Even if the Senate doesn't vote for it, we will expose every criminal in government, and the people have to choose what their values are then. Nixon was a boy scout compared to this animal. This is about right and wrong, and the rule of law people. If we walk away from that, we as a country are nothing anymore. This will be the ultimate test for this country. We either stand for this Republic, it's laws, it's Constitution, it's Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Independence, or we become a thug nation with a dictator and criminals running the show. We are at that pivotal juncture right now.

So you want to wait until after Trump is re-elected. Who is going to prosecute him? Are you going for the Hague thing?
The Dems will draw up articles of impeachment right before the election if they do it.

I can't wait.

Is that your best plan? LOL

Trump making fun of the "impeachers" at rallies will be epic.

The chants will be deafening.
Cohen was not part of the Trump campaign.
The candidate and the treasurer are solely responsible for campaign finance reports.
The candidate did not report that financial disclosure to the government. That is a federal crime I would go to jail for.

The candidate did not report that financial disclosure to the government.

Can you post the form that shows "hush money payoffs to hoes"?

That is a federal crime I would go to jail for.

But you still can't post the law that mentions jail time for violations.......weird.
No, but Cohen can. He's in jail for it. I already posted it earlier on here. All Trump has to be is "knowing and willing" to pay off porn stars, then fail to report those payments in a presidential campaign. I already posted that information. Politifact gives us the details of the crime.

Look, anyone with a cock up one's ass who can't punch back like a man with an intelligent counter argument, can't afford to call others pussies, you pussy.

Lol....s0n....all that anger and misery. Looks like youve been sporting a large bumpy cucumber for some time now.

You're type gonna lose all his shit when shtf times come. You'll happily hand it all over!:113::113:
Cohen was not part of the Trump campaign.
The candidate and the treasurer are solely responsible for campaign finance reports.
The candidate did not report that financial disclosure to the government. That is a federal crime I would go to jail for.

The candidate did not report that financial disclosure to the government.

Can you post the form that shows "hush money payoffs to hoes"?

That is a federal crime I would go to jail for.

But you still can't post the law that mentions jail time for violations.......weird.
No, but Cohen can. He's in jail for it. I already posted it earlier on here. All Trump has to be is "knowing and willing" to pay off porn stars, then fail to report those payments in a presidential campaign. I already posted that information. Politifact gives us the details of the crime.

Look, anyone with a cock up one's ass who can't punch back like a man with an intelligent counter argument, can't afford to call others pussies, you pussy.

Still can't find the law or the jail time.....pussy.
Stupid People -
Go Mueller - But if Mueller doesn't prove anything -
The Southern District - that's the one baby - they hate Trump and they have no restrictions - they got him.

The Southern District - Case is closed no further crimes to be announced.

Really Stupid People - YEAH! WE TOLD YOU -- Fucking GUILTY!
What is stupid is you do not know how the law works.

Ok. Tell us how this is going to work.
Everything you say is true, now what?
We wait until after the election and Trump is prosecuted. The OLC opinion, which by the way can be challenged, but probably don't have enough time, is also another option. Personally, I would draw articles of impeachment on principle alone. Fuck politics. Even if the Senate doesn't vote for it, we will expose every criminal in government, and the people have to choose what their values are then. Nixon was a boy scout compared to this animal. This is about right and wrong, and the rule of law people. If we walk away from that, we as a country are nothing anymore. This will be the ultimate test for this country. We either stand for this Republic, it's laws, it's Constitution, it's Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Independence, or we become a thug nation with a dictator and criminals running the show. We are at that pivotal juncture right now.

So you want to wait until after Trump is re-elected. Who is going to prosecute him? Are you going for the Hague thing?
Anyone voting for Trump at this point is worse than Trump. They hate America, they hate freedom, our Constitution, our laws,and they are traitors. They stand for nothing other than their own miserable soulless evil that hurts all of us in the end. Damn those people to hell, and vote their asses back into their miserable holes from where they came.

You have to be a poorly paid troll
No one could be this stupid by accident.
It isn't MSNBC's evidence. It's the FBI's evidence. They have the phone and bank records corroborating the evidence Michael Cohen presented. Case closed. On to the indictment.

Well, you just hold your breath until that indictment comes.


Anyone voting for Trump at this point is worse than Trump. They hate America, they hate freedom, our Constitution, our laws,and they are traitors. They stand for nothing other than their own miserable soulless evil that hurts all of us in the end. Damn those people to hell, and vote their asses back into their miserable holes from where they came.

The traitors are the ones with connections to foreign countries like AOC, Omar, and Tlaib.
And your moot argument with zero substance is for all to see. Congratulations loser.

It's a federal crime.

Sounds serious!
Can you post the actual law.....be sure to include how much prison time if found guilty.

Don't need to. Cohen is in jail for Trump telling Cohen to do it. Look it up for yourself if you really want to know. I'm not your secretary. You Trump toads are not only ignorant as hell, you're sorry as hell too. This is why you people get your ass handed to you everytime.
Cohen is in prison for doing it not for being told to do it

You are a liar and there is no evidence trump told him to

Actually that is still off.
Cohen is in prison for unrelated crimes
He pleaded guilty if Campaign Finance Violations that really were not violations in an attempt to curry favor.
Wrong! Unrelated crimes + the Stormy Daniels payoff crimes;

You are a liar and there is no evidence anywhere to support your claim.

You are gonna live with trump as your president for years to come and he will never be indicted
You forgot to include the physical evidence of Trump making the five phone calls to get the deal completed. Look we already know you Trump cultists do not care what Trump did. We do, because it was illegal, and it stole my right to a free and fair election.

So now negotiating over the phone is illegal?
Hell yes it is, when you are planning on using unreported hush money to hide an affair. Remember, Bill Clinton was impeached for hiding is. Why is Trump so different? Do you support criminals?
That's incorrect. Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury. He was later acquitted.
He lied about an affair.
So did The Surrender Monkey....Larry Sinclair says so!


I'm a professional photographer. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 80s.

I can spot a photoshopped photo from a mile away. That one is really bad.

Either stop lying or learn how to photoshop properly.
So now negotiating over the phone is illegal?
Hell yes it is, when you are planning on using unreported hush money to hide an affair. Remember, Bill Clinton was impeached for hiding is. Why is Trump so different? Do you support criminals?
That's incorrect. Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury. He was later acquitted.
He lied about an affair.
So did The Surrender Monkey....Larry Sinclair says so!


I'm a professional photographer. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 80s.

I can spot a photoshopped photo from a mile away. That one is really bad.

Either stop lying or learn how to photoshop properly.
What newly-released Michael Cohen hush money documents reveal

So, the Trump apology tour can put to rest their fears as to whether Michael Cohen was lying about the hush money payments to stormy Daniels or not. He wasn't, and we now have the physical evidence thanks to the FBI, that Trump was involved in the scheme based on toll records, phone records, and bank records. This solidifies Trump's guilt with these campaign finance crimes that made this election illegitimate and illegal. Lock his ass up, as that is all that needs to be said.
Trump and Melania gave there girlfriend hush money to not talk about there Threesome.. stop the press
It's circular logic people. Trump is guilty, and if the rule of law and the Constitution apply, Trump will be indicted. And Hope hicks does not get to enjoy the OLC argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Indicated on what!? Lol giving someone money?? Hahah

More stupid questions. Take a hike. You're too stupid to discuss anything.

Trump makes racism his brand for 2020 campaign
What newly-released Michael Cohen hush money documents reveal

So, the Trump apology tour can put to rest their fears as to whether Michael Cohen was lying about the hush money payments to stormy Daniels or not. He wasn't, and we now have the physical evidence thanks to the FBI, that Trump was involved in the scheme based on toll records, phone records, and bank records. This solidifies Trump's guilt with these campaign finance crimes that made this election illegitimate and illegal. Lock his ass up, as that is all that needs to be said.
Trump and Melania gave there girlfriend hush money to not talk about there Threesome.. stop the press
It's circular logic people. Trump is guilty, and if the rule of law and the Constitution apply, Trump will be indicted. And Hope hicks does not get to enjoy the OLC argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Indicated on what!? Lol giving someone money?? Hahah

More stupid questions. Take a hike. You're too stupid to discuss anything.

Trump makes racism his brand for 2020 campaign

Just keep beating that Racism drum, that's all you got. You have a Party that has made it's top priorities illegal immigration, abortion rights and reparations. Woohoo now that's 'Murica!
Anyone voting for Trump at this point is worse than Trump. They hate America, they hate freedom, our Constitution, our laws,and they are traitors. They stand for nothing other than their own miserable soulless evil that hurts all of us in the end. Damn those people to hell, and vote their asses back into their miserable holes from where they came.

The traitors are the ones with connections to foreign countries like AOC, Omar, and Tlaib.

- The Clintons
Trump and Melania gave there girlfriend hush money to not talk about there Threesome.. stop the press
It's circular logic people. Trump is guilty, and if the rule of law and the Constitution apply, Trump will be indicted. And Hope hicks does not get to enjoy the OLC argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Indicated on what!? Lol giving someone money?? Hahah

More stupid questions. Take a hike. You're too stupid to discuss anything.

Trump makes racism his brand for 2020 campaign

Just keep beating that Racism drum, that's all you got. You have a Party that has made it's top priorities illegal immigration, abortion rights and reparations. Woohoo now that's 'Murica!

In 2016 it was -

Criminal Aliens, Minorities, Gay and Transgenders -
They are opening their tent a little-
What is stupid is you do not know how the law works.

Ok. Tell us how this is going to work.
Everything you say is true, now what?
We wait until after the election and Trump is prosecuted. The OLC opinion, which by the way can be challenged, but probably don't have enough time, is also another option. Personally, I would draw articles of impeachment on principle alone. Fuck politics. Even if the Senate doesn't vote for it, we will expose every criminal in government, and the people have to choose what their values are then. Nixon was a boy scout compared to this animal. This is about right and wrong, and the rule of law people. If we walk away from that, we as a country are nothing anymore. This will be the ultimate test for this country. We either stand for this Republic, it's laws, it's Constitution, it's Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Independence, or we become a thug nation with a dictator and criminals running the show. We are at that pivotal juncture right now.

So you want to wait until after Trump is re-elected. Who is going to prosecute him? Are you going for the Hague thing?
The Dems will draw up articles of impeachment right before the election if they do it.

I can't wait.

Is that your best plan? LOL

Trump making fun of the "impeachers" at rallies will be epic.

The chants will be deafening.
A vote for Trump is a vote for white racism in this country. You will own it. Donny Deutsch was right; Trump makes racism his brand for 2020 campaign
Trump and Melania gave there girlfriend hush money to not talk about there Threesome.. stop the press
It's circular logic people. Trump is guilty, and if the rule of law and the Constitution apply, Trump will be indicted. And Hope hicks does not get to enjoy the OLC argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Indicated on what!? Lol giving someone money?? Hahah

More stupid questions. Take a hike. You're too stupid to discuss anything.

Trump makes racism his brand for 2020 campaign

Just keep beating that Racism drum, that's all you got. You have a Party that has made it's top priorities illegal immigration, abortion rights and reparations. Woohoo now that's 'Murica!

There is no such thing as illegal immigration in this country. If that were really true, all of us would be illegal. And by the way, the only reason the invaders in this country decided to make it illegal, was to pave the way for the US to enter other countries by taking over their countries, governments, resources, and way of living.Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - TheHumanist.com Your illegal immigration argument sucks.

Abortion is legal, and these chicken shit asses can't prove when life begins, because they're too damn backward and ignorant so they play God. What a fuckin joke.

"Repatrations"? Are you fucking kidding me? 400 years of slavery without an identity, murdered, raped, family separation,worked to death, only to later find a path to voting and civil rights, then to have the voting rights gutted? Then, they were put in public housing to segregate them from the rest of society? Are you out of your damn mind?
It's circular logic people. Trump is guilty, and if the rule of law and the Constitution apply, Trump will be indicted. And Hope hicks does not get to enjoy the OLC argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Indicated on what!? Lol giving someone money?? Hahah

More stupid questions. Take a hike. You're too stupid to discuss anything.

Trump makes racism his brand for 2020 campaign

Just keep beating that Racism drum, that's all you got. You have a Party that has made it's top priorities illegal immigration, abortion rights and reparations. Woohoo now that's 'Murica!

There is no such thing as illegal immigration in this country. If that were really true, all of us would be illegal. And by the way, the only reason the invaders in this country decided to make it illegal, was to pave the way for the US to enter other countries by taking over their countries, governments, resources, and way of living.Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - TheHumanist.com Your illegal immigration argument sucks.

Abortion is legal, and these chicken shit asses can't prove when life begins, because they're too damn backward and ignorant so they play God. What a fuckin joke.

"Repatrations"? Are you fucking kidding me? 400 years of slavery without an identity, murdered, raped, family separation,worked to death, only to later find a path to voting and civil rights, then to have the voting rights gutted? Then, they were put in public housing to segregate them from the rest of society? Are you out of your damn mind?

Comedy hour thanks
Hell yes it is, when you are planning on using unreported hush money to hide an affair. Remember, Bill Clinton was impeached for hiding is. Why is Trump so different? Do you support criminals?
That's incorrect. Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury. He was later acquitted.
He lied about an affair.
So did The Surrender Monkey....Larry Sinclair says so!


I'm a professional photographer. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 80s.

I can spot a photoshopped photo from a mile away. That one is really bad.

Either stop lying or learn how to photoshop properly.
So you lied. Color me surprised. When do Republicans ever tell the truth?
Indicated on what!? Lol giving someone money?? Hahah
More stupid questions. Take a hike. You're too stupid to discuss anything.
Trump makes racism his brand for 2020 campaign
Just keep beating that Racism drum, that's all you got. You have a Party that has made it's top priorities illegal immigration, abortion rights and reparations. Woohoo now that's 'Murica!
There is no such thing as illegal immigration in this country. If that were really true, all of us would be illegal. And by the way, the only reason the invaders in this country decided to make it illegal, was to pave the way for the US to enter other countries by taking over their countries, governments, resources, and way of living.Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - TheHumanist.com Your illegal immigration argument sucks.

Abortion is legal, and these chicken shit asses can't prove when life begins, because they're too damn backward and ignorant so they play God. What a fuckin joke.

"Repatrations"? Are you fucking kidding me? 400 years of slavery without an identity, murdered, raped, family separation,worked to death, only to later find a path to voting and civil rights, then to have the voting rights gutted? Then, they were put in public housing to segregate them from the rest of society? Are you out of your damn mind?
Comedy hour thanks
You are way to ignorant to be here. Scram!
Anyone voting for Trump at this point is worse than Trump. They hate America, they hate freedom, our Constitution, our laws,and they are traitors. They stand for nothing other than their own miserable soulless evil that hurts all of us in the end. Damn those people to hell, and vote their asses back into their miserable holes from where they came.

The traitors are the ones with connections to foreign countries like AOC, Omar, and Tlaib.
So why is Trump and his whole family up the asses doing business with foreign countries then? Wouldn't he be a traitor too?

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