We should all agree with this!

Do you support a 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act?

  • Total voters
Baloney. I remember clowns protesting banks here in Chicago for not making enough loans to people with sketchy credit. One of those clowns is the whiner in the White House.


It is clear to anyone who has studied the financial crisis of 2008 that the private sector’s drive for short-term profit was behind it.

...The nonbank underwriters made more than 12 million subprime mortgages with a value of nearly $2 trillion. The lenders who made these were exempt from federal regulations.

Lest We Forget: Why We Had A Financial Crisis - Forbes


I know, telling poor risks that you won't lend to them gets the poverty pimps all in a tizzy.

The nonbank underwriters

Ummm....we're talking about Glass-Steagall. That means we're talking about banks.
Try to stay on topic.

There was no requirement in the Community Reinvestment Act that required banks to lend to marginal borrowers, just encouragement to try to lend to weaker borrowers in areas where the banks opened branches.

Further, most all sub-prime loans were not done by banks. They were done by “non-bank” lenders which were not covered by the CRA.

The common factor is an explosion in “funny” mortgage products and low interest loans, that had no connection to the actual risk of the loan. This allowed people to purchase more house than ever before, and drove a bubble. The reason you could detach the risk from availability of loans was that they found a way to hide the actual risk from the end purchasers of the loans. Furthermore, they found a way to insulate the people who could and should have known about the risks, from the consequences of the risk (yet those people still harvested the upside with little or no exposure to the downside). In most cases it was an adoption of the failed ideology of “markets can take care of themselves” that allowed these absurd situations to develop without regulators or politicians stopping them.

just encouragement to try to lend to weaker borrowers in areas where the banks opened branches.

And if you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.

Further, most all sub-prime loans were not done by banks.

This thread is about banks. Try to stay on topic.
It's repeal helped banks to diversify.

If you define diversification as extreme leverage and exposure then you're right.

Which banks got in trouble because of securities trading? Or derivatives?


Then we had AIG, Washington Mutual, Ambac, Fannie Mac and Fannie Mae. The institutions all failed due to derivatives exposure. If they weren't bailed out, they wouldn't be around today.

diversify: to produce or sell more kinds of products : to increase the variety of goods or services produced or offered by (someone or something)


We're talking about banks that take deposits, not investment banks.
Try to stay on topic.

And why did Lehman fail? They held mortgages bonds financed with overnight money. LOL!

Then we had AIG, Washington Mutual, Ambac

AIG, not a bank.

Washington Mutual failed because of mortgages, not securities trading or derivatives.

Ambac, not a bank.

Fannie Mac and Fannie Mae not banks and didn't fail because of securities trading or derivatives.

You should take a break, you're more confused than usual.

Fannie Mac and Fannie Mae not banks and didn't fail because of securities trading or derivatives.

Nope they failed because of Dubya's requiring them to buy $440 BILLION in MBS's to meet his 'affordable housing' goals in 2002 AND then changing their goal of 50% to 56%, in 2004, AND dropping Clinton's 2000 rule that forbid high cost (see subprime loans)

"(In 2000, CLINTON HUD restricted Freddie and Fannie, saying it would not credit them for loans they purchased that had abusively high costs or that were granted without regard to the borrower's ability to repay."

How HUD Mortgage Policy Fed The Crisis

"In 2004 (BUSH) , the 2000 rules were dropped and high‐risk loans were again counted toward affordable housing goals."


Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”
Good you agree, Wall street loans performed 450%-600% worse than Gov't backed loans!

Government backed loans are backed by the taxpayer.

The bond holder does great.

The backer of the bond, not as well.

Just wait until we add up the student loan losses due to "Gov't backed loans!"

Good you agree, Gov't backed loans (meeting the Gov't underwriting standards, the one the private markets collapsed 2004-2007) did MUCH better ,450%-600% better and if NOT for the private markets going nuts, allowed by Dubya, Gov't loans wouldn't had collapsed at all!

I agree, government backed loans cost us hundreds of billions for Fannie and Freddie and will cost even more for bad student loans.

Awesome when government gets involved!!

I know, telling poor risks that you won't lend to them gets the poverty pimps all in a tizzy.

The nonbank underwriters

Ummm....we're talking about Glass-Steagall. That means we're talking about banks.
Try to stay on topic.

There was no requirement in the Community Reinvestment Act that required banks to lend to marginal borrowers, just encouragement to try to lend to weaker borrowers in areas where the banks opened branches.

Further, most all sub-prime loans were not done by banks. They were done by “non-bank” lenders which were not covered by the CRA.

The common factor is an explosion in “funny” mortgage products and low interest loans, that had no connection to the actual risk of the loan. This allowed people to purchase more house than ever before, and drove a bubble. The reason you could detach the risk from availability of loans was that they found a way to hide the actual risk from the end purchasers of the loans. Furthermore, they found a way to insulate the people who could and should have known about the risks, from the consequences of the risk (yet those people still harvested the upside with little or no exposure to the downside). In most cases it was an adoption of the failed ideology of “markets can take care of themselves” that allowed these absurd situations to develop without regulators or politicians stopping them.

just encouragement to try to lend to weaker borrowers in areas where the banks opened branches.

And if you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.

Further, most all sub-prime loans were not done by banks.

This thread is about banks. Try to stay on topic.

Protested and sued? AND? You trying to claim Banksters created a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST BECAUSE OF CRA? lol

This thread is about FACTS, things YOU don't really like, instead you prefer to minimize and obfuscate

I know, all those mortgages. Just awful.
Mortgages that weren't prevented by Glass Steagall.

Mortgages were one part of the equation, how they were securitized is another, as were derivatives and credit default swaps.

One of the dumber liberal ideas. Ever.
More proof, not that it's needed, that liberals don't understand markets.

LOL, that precious considering I work on Wall Street.

A Tobin tax is simply a sin tax for speculation. It will discourage the practice.

Also, transaction costs have become so cheap that the total ratio of real-economic activity to trading have become all out of whack. A perfect example is high frequency trading, where speculators can increase liquidity when it's not even needed or required, and removing it in a destabilizing way is how we get into trouble.

You still haven't come up with a bank that failed because of anything that would have been prevented by Glass Steagall.

LOL, that precious considering I work on Wall Street.

Shhh....don't let your boss know you're an idiot.

A Tobin tax is simply a sin tax for speculation.

Speculation is a sin? LOL!

It will discourage the practice.

Yes, sending trading to foreign exchanges will certainly be discouraging.
Government backed loans are backed by the taxpayer.

The bond holder does great.

The backer of the bond, not as well.

Just wait until we add up the student loan losses due to "Gov't backed loans!"

Good you agree, Gov't backed loans (meeting the Gov't underwriting standards, the one the private markets collapsed 2004-2007) did MUCH better ,450%-600% better and if NOT for the private markets going nuts, allowed by Dubya, Gov't loans wouldn't had collapsed at all!

I agree, government backed loans cost us hundreds of billions for Fannie and Freddie and will cost even more for bad student loans.

Awesome when government gets involved!!

So you DON'T know the Gov't actually made money off of F/F. Got it..lol
"A bank's CRA performance record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities"

4. Enforcement
The CRA regulations contain several provisions relating to enforcing the CRA, including the effect that discriminatory lending practices will have on a bank’s CRA rating and the effect that a bank’s CRA record will have on its expansion applications. Evidence that a bank is engaged in discriminatory credit practices will have an adverse impact on the bank’s CRA rating.54 The degree of adversity depends on the extent and nature of the evidence and corrective action the bank has taken. The CRA regulations also state that the federal banking agencies will take a bank’s CRA record and public comments about that record into account when considering a bank’s application to establish a branch, relocate a branch, merge or consolidate with another bank, or acquire the assets or assume the liabilities of another bank.55 The regulations state that when considering an application, a bank’s CRA performance may be the basis for denying an application or conditioning approval of an application on an improved CRA record.

Good YOU agree....
There was no requirement in the Community Reinvestment Act that required banks to lend to marginal borrowers, just encouragement to try to lend to weaker borrowers in areas where the banks opened branches.

Further, most all sub-prime loans were not done by banks. They were done by “non-bank” lenders which were not covered by the CRA.

The common factor is an explosion in “funny” mortgage products and low interest loans, that had no connection to the actual risk of the loan. This allowed people to purchase more house than ever before, and drove a bubble. The reason you could detach the risk from availability of loans was that they found a way to hide the actual risk from the end purchasers of the loans. Furthermore, they found a way to insulate the people who could and should have known about the risks, from the consequences of the risk (yet those people still harvested the upside with little or no exposure to the downside). In most cases it was an adoption of the failed ideology of “markets can take care of themselves” that allowed these absurd situations to develop without regulators or politicians stopping them.

just encouragement to try to lend to weaker borrowers in areas where the banks opened branches.

And if you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.

Further, most all sub-prime loans were not done by banks.

This thread is about banks. Try to stay on topic.

Protested and sued? AND? You trying to claim Banksters created a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST BECAUSE OF CRA? lol

This thread is about FACTS, things YOU don't really like, instead you prefer to minimize and obfuscate


I'm not saying anything about the world-wide bubble.
Just pointing out your idiocy.

If you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.

"A bank's CRA performance record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities"

4. Enforcement
The CRA regulations contain several provisions relating to enforcing the CRA, including the effect that discriminatory lending practices will have on a bank’s CRA rating and the effect that a bank’s CRA record will have on its expansion applications. Evidence that a bank is engaged in discriminatory credit practices will have an adverse impact on the bank’s CRA rating.54 The degree of adversity depends on the extent and nature of the evidence and corrective action the bank has taken. The CRA regulations also state that the federal banking agencies will take a bank’s CRA record and public comments about that record into account when considering a bank’s application to establish a branch, relocate a branch, merge or consolidate with another bank, or acquire the assets or assume the liabilities of another bank.55 The regulations state that when considering an application, a bank’s CRA performance may be the basis for denying an application or conditioning approval of an application on an improved CRA record.

Good YOU agree....

agree that encouragement means shutting them down or preventing them from expanding. Do you think you'll ever get one right? What does that tell you about liberalism.
Good you agree, Gov't backed loans (meeting the Gov't underwriting standards, the one the private markets collapsed 2004-2007) did MUCH better ,450%-600% better and if NOT for the private markets going nuts, allowed by Dubya, Gov't loans wouldn't had collapsed at all!

I agree, government backed loans cost us hundreds of billions for Fannie and Freddie and will cost even more for bad student loans.

Awesome when government gets involved!!

So you DON'T know the Gov't actually made money off of F/F. Got it..lol

Really? They sold all their shares and removed the government guarantee? Got it.

How much have they made on student loans?
just encouragement to try to lend to weaker borrowers in areas where the banks opened branches.

And if you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.

Further, most all sub-prime loans were not done by banks.

This thread is about banks. Try to stay on topic.

Protested and sued? AND? You trying to claim Banksters created a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST BECAUSE OF CRA? lol

This thread is about FACTS, things YOU don't really like, instead you prefer to minimize and obfuscate


I'm not saying anything about the world-wide bubble.
Just pointing out your idiocy.

If you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.


Yes, you meant when you red lined and didn't meet the communities needs,, they did those things and had ZERO to do with the WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE or Dubya's regulator failure in the US that allowed the Banksters to crash the worlds economies!
4. Enforcement
The CRA regulations contain several provisions relating to enforcing the CRA, including the effect that discriminatory lending practices will have on a bank’s CRA rating and the effect that a bank’s CRA record will have on its expansion applications. Evidence that a bank is engaged in discriminatory credit practices will have an adverse impact on the bank’s CRA rating.54 The degree of adversity depends on the extent and nature of the evidence and corrective action the bank has taken. The CRA regulations also state that the federal banking agencies will take a bank’s CRA record and public comments about that record into account when considering a bank’s application to establish a branch, relocate a branch, merge or consolidate with another bank, or acquire the assets or assume the liabilities of another bank.55 The regulations state that when considering an application, a bank’s CRA performance may be the basis for denying an application or conditioning approval of an application on an improved CRA record.

Good YOU agree....

agree that encouragement means shutting them down or preventing them from expanding. Do you think you'll ever get one right? What does that tell you about liberalism.

NOTHING in the post says ANYTHING about shutting them down. More failure on your part on understanding basic English I guess!
I agree, government backed loans cost us hundreds of billions for Fannie and Freddie and will cost even more for bad student loans.

Awesome when government gets involved!!

So you DON'T know the Gov't actually made money off of F/F. Got it..lol

Really? They sold all their shares and removed the government guarantee? Got it.

How much have they made on student loans?

Nope, the money they INVESTED to save F/F has been repaid, luckily they are holding onto F/F to bring down the GOP's deficits :eusa_angel:

Student loans? Yes, I agree free university education would've been cheaper!
I agree, government backed loans cost us hundreds of billions for Fannie and Freddie and will cost even more for bad student loans.

Awesome when government gets involved!!

So you DON'T know the Gov't actually made money off of F/F. Got it..lol

Really? They sold all their shares and removed the government guarantee? Got it.

How much have they made on student loans?

Really? They sold all their shares and removed the government guarantee? Got it.

How much have they made on student loans?

"Toddsterpatriot wrote:

This thread is about banks. Try to stay on topic."

Protested and sued? AND? You trying to claim Banksters created a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST BECAUSE OF CRA? lol

This thread is about FACTS, things YOU don't really like, instead you prefer to minimize and obfuscate


I'm not saying anything about the world-wide bubble.
Just pointing out your idiocy.

If you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.


Yes, you meant when you red lined and didn't meet the communities needs,, they did those things and had ZERO to do with the WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE or Dubya's regulator failure in the US that allowed the Banksters to crash the worlds economies!

When you didn't lend to poor risks in poor neighborhoods, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama protested. When banks increased loans in those poor neighborhoods, they had more loans default.
Clear yet?
So you DON'T know the Gov't actually made money off of F/F. Got it..lol

Really? They sold all their shares and removed the government guarantee? Got it.

How much have they made on student loans?

Nope, the money they INVESTED to save F/F has been repaid, luckily they are holding onto F/F to bring down the GOP's deficits :eusa_angel:

Student loans? Yes, I agree free university education would've been cheaper!

luckily they are holding onto F/F

Yes, it's always lucky when the government distorts such a huge market.

What could go wrong? :lol:
I'm not saying anything about the world-wide bubble.
Just pointing out your idiocy.

If you didn't make enough loans to weak borrowers, community organizers protested and sued.


Yes, you meant when you red lined and didn't meet the communities needs,, they did those things and had ZERO to do with the WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE or Dubya's regulator failure in the US that allowed the Banksters to crash the worlds economies!

When you didn't lend to poor risks in poor neighborhoods, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama protested. When banks increased loans in those poor neighborhoods, they had more loans default.
Clear yet?

When you didn't lend to poor risks in poor neighborhoods, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama protested. When banks increased loans in those poor neighborhoods, they had more loans default.


Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up

For example, if the CRA was to blame, the housing boom would have been in CRA regions; it would have made places such as Harlem and South Philly and Compton and inner Washington the primary locales of the run up and collapse. Further, the default rates in these areas should have been worse than other regions.


CRA were less likely to default than Subprime Mortgages — Source: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What occurred was the exact opposite: The suburbs boomed and busted and went into foreclosure in much greater numbers than inner cities. The tiny suburbs and exurbs of South Florida and California and Las Vegas and Arizona were the big boomtowns, not the low-income regions. The redlined areas the CRA address missed much of the boom; places that busted had nothing to do with the CRA.

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up | The Big Picture

Really? They sold all their shares and removed the government guarantee? Got it.

How much have they made on student loans?

Nope, the money they INVESTED to save F/F has been repaid, luckily they are holding onto F/F to bring down the GOP's deficits :eusa_angel:

Student loans? Yes, I agree free university education would've been cheaper!

luckily they are holding onto F/F

Yes, it's always lucky when the government distorts such a huge market.

What could go wrong? :lol:

Weird, GSE's have been around for 70+ years, what happened 2002-2007 that created the situation where they failed? EVERY US Prez had a homes push, what changed

" turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007."
We're talking about banks that take deposits, not investment banks.
Try to stay on topic.

You asked what banks failed. And Washington Mutual took deposits.

And why did Lehman fail? They held mortgages bonds financed with overnight money. LOL!

It's more complicated than that. Lehman's failure is a story of control fraud. And this fraud started in 2001, with liars' loans (Alt A) and subprime operations. It's primary source of bullshit income and losses was buy and selling liars' loans through Aurora Loan Services, one of its subsidiaries.

AIG, not a bank.

No shit Sherlock

Washington Mutual failed because of mortgages, not securities trading or derivatives.

Derivatives played a major role in how the subprime mess unfolded. Jeez, not even the Wall Street Journal denies this.

Ambac, not a bank.

No shit Sherlock

Fannie Mac and Fannie Mae not banks and didn't fail because of securities trading or derivatives.

They utilized derivatives to increase yield, decrease funding costs, decrease capital volatility, and to limit exposure. Again, subprime and derivatives were both a cause of the financial collapse. I'm trying to keep this as elementary and polite as possible.

You should take a break, you're more confused than usual.

With all due respect, do you even know what derivatives are and why they're used?
Last edited:
Yes, you meant when you red lined and didn't meet the communities needs,, they did those things and had ZERO to do with the WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE or Dubya's regulator failure in the US that allowed the Banksters to crash the worlds economies!

When you didn't lend to poor risks in poor neighborhoods, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama protested. When banks increased loans in those poor neighborhoods, they had more loans default.
Clear yet?

When you didn't lend to poor risks in poor neighborhoods, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama protested. When banks increased loans in those poor neighborhoods, they had more loans default.


Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up

For example, if the CRA was to blame, the housing boom would have been in CRA regions; it would have made places such as Harlem and South Philly and Compton and inner Washington the primary locales of the run up and collapse. Further, the default rates in these areas should have been worse than other regions.


CRA were less likely to default than Subprime Mortgages — Source: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What occurred was the exact opposite: The suburbs boomed and busted and went into foreclosure in much greater numbers than inner cities. The tiny suburbs and exurbs of South Florida and California and Las Vegas and Arizona were the big boomtowns, not the low-income regions. The redlined areas the CRA address missed much of the boom; places that busted had nothing to do with the CRA.

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up | The Big Picture


Did the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Lead to Risky Lending?

Yes, it did. We use exogenous variation in banks’ incentives to conform to the standards of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) around regulatory exam dates to trace out the effect of the CRA on lending activity. Our empirical strategy compares lending behavior of banks undergoing CRA exams within a given census tract in a given month to the behavior of banks operating in the same census tract-month that do not face these exams. We find that adherence to the act led to riskier lending by banks: in the six quarters surrounding the CRA exams lending is elevated on average by about 5 percent every quarter and loans in these quarters default by about 15 percent more often. These patterns are accentuated in CRA-eligible census tracts and are concentrated among large banks. The effects are strongest during the time period when the market for private securitization was booming.

Did the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Lead to Risky Lending? by Sumit Agarwal, Effi Benmelech, Nittai Bergman, Amit Seru :: SSRN


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