We Should Elect a Governor to the White House?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
So far, the most effective chief executives in American history have been governors – the current occupant clearly has no idea of what that means. So, which current or past governor do you think is most qualified to hold the position?

Present and past GOP governors @ Republican Governors Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Present and past Democrat governors @ Democratic Governors Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Moonbean Jerry Brown from California?

Grassland John Hickenlooper?

Bayou Bobby Jindal

Navajoland Susana Martinez?

Think about it. Who do you think has the best chance and would be the best candidate?

Theoretically a governor, a person with organizational and managerial experience in a political context, would make the most sense.

Unfortunately, these people are narcissistic politicians (yes, redundant) as well, which pretty much tosses that whole premise into the ol' toilet.

I think if you check the list of governors, you will find a few who are not "professional politicians" who have had successful careers outside of government.

That's what I think we need.
We should elect a citizen who shows restraint on exercising power over others.

I humbly nominate myself
We should not elect another community agitating jerk who only had half a term in Congress as a Junior frikken Senator before he decided we should be blessed with his ugly hateful self.

AND YES electing a Governor I believe it the best for President.
Presidents that were not Governors:

George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, John Q. Adams,Andrew Jackson Wm. H. Harrison,Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce,James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, U. S. Grant, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Ben. Harrison, Wm. Howard Taft, Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George H. W. Bush and Barack Obama.

I'm not a President, but I played one on TV.

I'm going to be the most transparent President in historeeeeeee!


It turns out a black man, by definition, is not transparent.
Jeb would be an interesting choice for the GOP.

.....if the gop wants to lose again.

Based on what objective criteria do you say that?

Most don't see him as being conservative at all. There are no new ideas coming from this family tree. They're as stale as the clintons. I wouldnt vote him. Id try to dissuade people against him.
This would be subjective criteria.
Jeb would be an interesting choice for the GOP.

.....if the gop wants to lose again.

Based on what objective criteria do you say that?

Most don't see him as being conservative at all.
Not objective; also not a large matter. Ronald Reagan would not be seen as conservative by most of the GOP stalwarts these days.

There are no new ideas coming from this family tree.
Again, based on what exactly? I tried to look up his campaign's website; I didn't get a hit on it. I also haven't seen a lot of stump speeches since we're so far away from the first primaries....

I think you're simply making a statement without anything to back it up. True; there are no "new" ideas but you haven't heard him parrot any of the "old" ideas one way or the other.

They're as stale as the clintons.
Gee, and she is doing very well in the polling that has taken place.

I wouldnt vote him. Id try to dissuade people against him.

So you're telling me that you wouldn't vote for him if he's on the GE ballot? Comic.
Put an "R" Next to a warm bucket of spit, you're going to get 40% of the vote. Just the way it is.

What each party needs is someone who can reach independents. Jeb is one of the select few in the GOP that doesn't actively try to drive them away.

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