We should listen to the “experts”

We on the right have the intelligence to understand this was something nobody could have prevented. We also understand how thick and slow our bureaucracies are. I think it's time we eliminated most of them.

In any case, it would have been much, much worse under Democrat leadership. If they were in charge today, we likely still would not have a travel ban, and southerners would continue to pour across our border.

People coming from the South weren't the problem, it was Americans coming back from China and Europe who brought it.

Trump Failed. People died.

They were not the problem originally, but they are now, and Democrats would still have an open border if they were in charge letting all those people in.
His only point is NOBODY knew how this could get. It was like 911. It was something nobody could fathom. It's not Trump's fault, it's not Cuomo's fault, it's not DeBlaahhhzio's fault, it's not Newsom's fault. The only people responsible are the Chinese.

Nobody took it seriously until it became a problem here, and that includes all the leading Democrats. You on the left are trying to make this out as if Trump was too stupid to see the problem ahead of time, even though every Democrat did the same as the President.

it wasn't leading Democrats job to solve the problem, it was Trump's. He failed miserably.

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I never said it was their problem to solve, but local officials have the right and obligation to put their own policies into place, which as we know, they didn't. Not only did they not create restrictive policies, but they encouraged people to do just the opposite of sheltering.

In short, TDS works like this:

Democrat Mayors, Governors, and congress people saying Covid is not a threat--good.
Trump says Covid is not a threat--failed leadership.
They were not the problem originally, but they are now, and Democrats would still have an open border if they were in charge letting all those people in.

Um, not really. The number of undocumented workers declined under Obama...

This isn't even really a problem at all.. except in the minds of the bigots.

I never said it was their problem to solve, but local officials have the right and obligation to put their own policies into place, which as we know, they didn't. Not only did they not create restrictive policies, but they encouraged people to do just the opposite of sheltering.

Are you trying to rewrite history we just saw? The governors are the ones who put restrictions in place when Trump refused to do anything lest he panic the markets.

Trump failed. Failed pretty badly. We are now cruising to 20% unemployment.
Are you trying to rewrite history we just saw? The governors are the ones who put restrictions in place when Trump refused to do anything lest he panic the markets.

Trump failed. Failed pretty badly. We are now cruising to 20% unemployment.

When? In early March, it was Cuomo and DeBlahzio who were telling people to get out there and mingle, shop, socialize as if nothing was wrong. Piglosi encouraging people to get out and do business in Chinatown. As I already posted, Trump was taking action long before that. So why did they do that? For the same reason Trump did it, so as not to damage a booming economy.
When? In early March, it was Cuomo and DeBlahzio who were telling people to get out there and mingle, shop, socialize as if nothing was wrong. Piglosi encouraging people to get out and do business in Chinatown. As I already posted, Trump was taking action long before that. So why did they do that? For the same reason Trump did it, so as not to damage a booming economy.

Well, the mingling in Chinatown was because racists like you were beating up on Asian people because you thought they were infected... but never mind.

Trump didn't take action, and he was the one with all the resources to deal with this. He didn't want to spook the markets. He put the Dow ahead of American lives... Now we have 55,000 dead and 20% unemployment.
When? In early March, it was Cuomo and DeBlahzio who were telling people to get out there and mingle, shop, socialize as if nothing was wrong. Piglosi encouraging people to get out and do business in Chinatown. As I already posted, Trump was taking action long before that. So why did they do that? For the same reason Trump did it, so as not to damage a booming economy.

Well, the mingling in Chinatown was because racists like you were beating up on Asian people because you thought they were infected... but never mind.

Trump didn't take action, and he was the one with all the resources to deal with this. He didn't want to spook the markets. He put the Dow ahead of American lives... Now we have 55,000 dead and 20% unemployment.

It was unavoidable. There would be four times that many if Democrats were in charge. So thank God (or whatever you believe in) for that.
It was unavoidable. There would be four times that many if Democrats were in charge. So thank God (or whatever you believe in) for that.

Not sure what you are basing that on. Trump is running the country the way he ran most of his businesses - INCOMPETENTLY.

What am I basing that on? Read my signature for once.

Democrats have demonstrated they are more for immigrants than Americans. That's why they stopped Kate's law--a law that would have imprisoned a deported felon for five years if they returned to our country. They created sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. In some lib places, they have laws against our authorities contacting ICE when they have an illegal who broke the law in custody. They closed down the federal government for the longest period in history over Trump's wall.

Who's side do you think these people are on? And you mean to tell me they would have supported a travel ban to the US? Don't you believe it. How many Americans have died or been injured by an illegal, and the Democrats could care less?
Democrats have demonstrated they are more for immigrants than Americans.

If you aren't a Native American, you descended from an immigrant or a slave.

That's why they stopped Kate's law--a law that would have imprisoned a deported felon for five years if they returned to our country.

Our prisons are already filled with a lot of people we don't have room to lock up, This was another one of those "unfunded mandates" - where the Federal government demands the states do something and don't come up with the funds to do it.

So how many murderers are you going to put back on the street to lock up a guy who snuck back into the country after he got a DUI?

They created sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states.

Awesome. Until the Feds fix our broken immigration system, we should. Before Trump fucked up the economy, we have jobs Americans don't want to do, people who want to do them living in other countries, and they can't get here easily because some white trash lives in terror that a Mexican might date his daughter.

Meanwhile, the states and cities have to live with the reality that these people ARE here, they are part of their communities, and if you want them to cooperate in that community, they can't live in fear that schools or the police are going to call ICE for shits and grins.

In some lib places, they have laws against our authorities contacting ICE when they have an illegal who broke the law in custody.

Again, given the way ICE acts now, like a bunch of jackbooted thugs, they should.

They closed down the federal government for the longest period in history over Trump's wall.

Because a wall is a waste of money. Republicans shut down the government under Clinton and Obama for much dumber reasons.

Who's side do you think these people are on? And you mean to tell me they would have supported a travel ban to the US? Don't you believe it. How many Americans have died or been injured by an illegal, and the Democrats could care less?

Travel bans are worthless, because unlike you, Viruses aren't racist assholes. Trump ignored the problem for three months. Democrats would have (and did at the state level) carry out testing and social distancing, which is what is bringing this to heel.
If you aren't a Native American, you descended from an immigrant or a slave.

So what does that have to do with the price of rice in China???

Our prisons are already filled with a lot of people we don't have room to lock up, This was another one of those "unfunded mandates" - where the Federal government demands the states do something and don't come up with the funds to do it.

So how many murderers are you going to put back on the street to lock up a guy who snuck back into the country after he got a DUI?

No, because they would have went to a federal prison which is funded. Since Democrats became the anti-white party, their goal is to flood our country with as many immigrants as possible. That's why they tabled the bill. They knew it would have worked on most immigrants. Democrats don't care if they come back and kill Americans like Kate. Americans don't matter to them, only immigrants do.

Awesome. Until the Feds fix our broken immigration system, we should. Before Trump fucked up the economy, we have jobs Americans don't want to do, people who want to do them living in other countries, and they can't get here easily because some white trash lives in terror that a Mexican might date his daughter.

Meanwhile, the states and cities have to live with the reality that these people ARE here, they are part of their communities, and if you want them to cooperate in that community, they can't live in fear that schools or the police are going to call ICE for shits and grins.

Maybe if we instilled enough fear, they wouldn't be breaking our laws by coming here in the first place. If you sneak into a private club, that doesn't mean you are part of that club, you are still an unwanted intruder. When caught, you will be arrested and forced to leave the premises.

Again, given the way ICE acts now, like a bunch of jackbooted thugs, they should.

Act how, by doing their jobs?

Because a wall is a waste of money. Republicans shut down the government under Clinton and Obama for much dumber reasons.

Use your brain for a minute. Don't you think that if the commies thought a wall wouldn't work, they would give little resistance? The best way to prove somebody wrong is to let them have their way. If a wall didn't work, they would be able to rub the Republicans noses in it for decades to come.

So why don't they want a wall? Because a wall will work, as it has in every other place it's been tried. If they ever get leadership again (God forbid) they can reverse Republican immigration policy, but they will never be able to get rid of the border. That's what scares them so badly.

Travel bans are worthless, because unlike you, Viruses aren't racist assholes. Trump ignored the problem for three months. Democrats would have (and did at the state level) carry out testing and social distancing, which is what is bringing this to heel.

Will thank you for admitting that as a Democrat, you view travel bans worthless which supports my original point, and that is under commie leadership, we would have ten times the problem with this virus as we have today.
So what does that have to do with the price of rice in China???

Did I need to use smaller words?

No, because they would have went to a federal prison which is funded. Since Democrats became the anti-white party, their goal is to flood our country with as many immigrants as possible. That's why they tabled the bill. They knew it would have worked on most immigrants. Democrats don't care if they come back and kill Americans like Kate. Americans don't matter to them, only immigrants do.

So if you are trying to claim that "most" immigrants would be effected by this law, then it would have been unconstitutional. Probably a violation of the Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments. Probably the fourteenth as well.

No, honestly, if you guys were really concerned about Americans like Kate, who was killed by a gun, then you'd be worried about the other 32,000 Americans who are killed by guns every year.

Maybe if we instilled enough fear, they wouldn't be breaking our laws by coming here in the first place. If you sneak into a private club, that doesn't mean you are part of that club, you are still an unwanted intruder. When caught, you will be arrested and forced to leave the premises.

Uh, guy, you don't want them. The people who are hiring them do. So while you might be upset they are here and might take that very complicated job of driving in a straight line, most people don't care. Most people support immigration reform and oppose the wall.

Use your brain for a minute. Don't you think that if the commies thought a wall wouldn't work, they would give little resistance? The best way to prove somebody wrong is to let them have their way. If a wall didn't work, they would be able to rub the Republicans noses in it for decades to come.

Naw, if people held Republicans accountable for their fuckups, they'd have been all voted out of office in 2008, never to be heard from again.

So why don't they want a wall? Because a wall will work, as it has in every other place it's been tried. If they ever get leadership again (God forbid) they can reverse Republican immigration policy, but they will never be able to get rid of the border. That's what scares them so badly.

Actually when Trump is gone, those walls will be torn down as a symbolic gesture of how fucked up he was to start with. Post Trump, you are going to see a massive amount of 'Not my fault" across the spectrum.

Will thank you for admitting that as a Democrat, you view travel bans worthless which supports my original point, and that is under commie leadership, we would have ten times the problem with this virus as we have today.

Travel bans are worthless. The virus got in here, anyway, and we have more cases and deaths than any other country.
So if you are trying to claim that "most" immigrants would be effected by this law, then it would have been unconstitutional. Probably a violation of the Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments. Probably the fourteenth as well.

No, honestly, if you guys were really concerned about Americans like Kate, who was killed by a gun, then you'd be worried about the other 32,000 Americans who are killed by guns every year.

What would be unconstitutional about it? Where in the US Constitution does it give protection to law breakers in our country?

No, Kate was not killed by a gun. A gun didn't jump out of a dresser drawer somewhere, hop to Kate and shoot her. She was murdered by an illegal, and that illegal was set free by a commie judge to kill again.

Uh, guy, you don't want them. The people who are hiring them do. So while you might be upset they are here and might take that very complicated job of driving in a straight line, most people don't care. Most people support immigration reform and oppose the wall.

Of course they do. That's why Donald Trump is our President and will remain President for another five years.

Actually when Trump is gone, those walls will be torn down as a symbolic gesture of how fucked up he was to start with. Post Trump, you are going to see a massive amount of 'Not my fault" across the spectrum.

Good, let them tear it down. Let them spend billions of our tax dollars to demonstrate something we've been saying all along, and that the commies denied, which is is they are an open borders party, that cares more about immigrants than Americans.

Travel bans are worthless. The virus got in here, anyway, and we have more cases and deaths than any other country.

We would have ten times more if Hillary were in charge. Even Dr. Fauci stated without those travel bans, we would be in huge trouble right now.
What would be unconstitutional about it? Where in the US Constitution does it give protection to law breakers in our country?

Um.. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments are very clear in their protections of the rights of those accused of crimes.

Or did you think the Constitution only has two Amendments.

No, Kate was not killed by a gun. A gun didn't jump out of a dresser drawer somewhere, hop to Kate and shoot her. She was murdered by an illegal, and that illegal was set free by a commie judge to kill again.

No, she was killed by a bullet fired by a gun that was defective. A jury reviewed the evidence, and even though the person in question had a public defender, they could not make out a case of murder or manslaughter because there wasn't any INTENT to kill anyone. He picked up a bundle of cloth that had a gun in it, it fired and the bullet deflected off the ground and hit someone. It was an accident, and 800 Americans every year are killed in firearm accidents. Few go to jail for accidents.

Of course they do. That's why Donald Trump is our President and will remain President for another five years.

Sorry, buddy, Trump is pretty much done... I think it was after he told people to start drinking bleach, no one takes him seriously now.

Good, let them tear it down. Let them spend billions of our tax dollars to demonstrate something we've been saying all along, and that the commies denied, which is is they are an open borders party, that cares more about immigrants than Americans.

Man, you sound like a mother fucking five year old. "Mommy, You love Timmy more than you love me!!!"

Here's the thing. An undocumented person being here doing a shitty construction job I don't want to do takes nothing away from me... It really doesn't.

We would have ten times more if Hillary were in charge. Even Dr. Fauci stated without those travel bans, we would be in huge trouble right now.

Fauci is saying whatever he has to to appease the man-child. The travel bans were worse than worthless, they probably made the problem worse.
Um.. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments are very clear in their protections of the rights of those accused of crimes.

Or did you think the Constitution only has two Amendments.

It has nothing to do with laws passed by the Congress and signed by the President. If they want to make it a felony for a deported felon returning to this country, there is nothin in the Constitution stopping them.

No, she was killed by a bullet fired by a gun that was defective. A jury reviewed the evidence, and even though the person in question had a public defender, they could not make out a case of murder or manslaughter because there wasn't any INTENT to kill anyone. He picked up a bundle of cloth that had a gun in it, it fired and the bullet deflected off the ground and hit someone. It was an accident, and 800 Americans every year are killed in firearm accidents. Few go to jail for accidents.

Only stupid libs in CA bought that cartoon story. How could anybody be so dumb as to believe another person stole a gun out of a detectives car, decided he didn't want it anymore, wrapped it in a cloth, and instead of throwing it in the ocean, left it for anybody to see? Do you know how low intelligence or extremely naive one would have to be to believe such a story?

Sorry, buddy, Trump is pretty much done... I think it was after he told people to start drinking bleach, no one takes him seriously now.

It's the Democrats (once again) lying about what Trump said that will help usher him into the White House again. Oh! And now the commies want an investigation into him defunding the WHO. Don't worry bout the White House, worry more that Americans are fed up with the House using up every dollar we pay them to try and find ways to get rid of Trump because they are so petulant.

Man, you sound like a mother fucking five year old. "Mommy, You love Timmy more than you love me!!!"

Here's the thing. An undocumented person being here doing a shitty construction job I don't want to do takes nothing away from me... It really doesn't.

This might come as a surprise to you, but it's not about you all the time.

Fauci is saying whatever he has to to appease the man-child. The travel bans were worse than worthless, they probably made the problem worse.

Right, because JoeB on the internet knows more than the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
It has nothing to do with laws passed by the Congress and signed by the President. If they want to make it a felony for a deported felon returning to this country, there is nothin in the Constitution stopping them.

Actually, it would probably violate several amendments... Being in this country illegally is ONLY a misdemeanor.

Only stupid libs in CA bought that cartoon story. How could anybody be so dumb as to believe another person stole a gun out of a detectives car, decided he didn't want it anymore, wrapped it in a cloth, and instead of throwing it in the ocean, left it for anybody to see? Do you know how low intelligence or extremely naive one would have to be to believe such a story?

Right... Only cops who shoot black kids deserve to have improbable stories believed. Our system works on reasonable doubt. No one saw the guy break into the car, and the gun WAS in a cloth.

It's the Democrats (once again) lying about what Trump said that will help usher him into the White House again. Oh! And now the commies want an investigation into him defunding the WHO. Don't worry bout the White House, worry more that Americans are fed up with the House using up every dollar we pay them to try and find ways to get rid of Trump because they are so petulant.

Only the Trump Bleach Drinkers (replaces Koolaid Drinkers) are upset with this. Most of the country sees Trump's incompetence and want this game show to end.

GDP Growth for Q1 was -4.8%. It will probably be worse for Q2. 26 million unemployed, and we haven't even seen today's numbers. 60,000 dead from Covid-19.

Trump has hit the bad President Trifecta- Impeached, Recession, Failed National Crisis.

Right, because JoeB on the internet knows more than the Director of the

Funny how you suddenly believe a government agency when it supports the bleach drinkers. Okay, let's get real, we see those breifings where Brix and Fauci are trying their level best to do their jobs, and Trump is ranting crazy shit about how his ratings are better than the Bachelor or drinking bleach...
Actually, it would probably violate several amendments... Being in this country illegally is ONLY a misdemeanor.

It is until we change the classification, and there is nothing in the Constitution that says we can't. That's what Kate's law would have done.

Right... Only cops who shoot black kids deserve to have improbable stories believed. Our system works on reasonable doubt. No one saw the guy break into the car, and the gun WAS in a cloth.

No, but he should have at least been charged with receiving stolen property. He should have been charged of handling a firearm under disability. Instead, they just turned him loose to come back and kill another American. The guy had a rap sheet as long as your arm, but you believe that ridiculous story his lawyer made up.

Funny how you suddenly believe a government agency when it supports the bleach drinkers. Okay, let's get real, we see those breifings where Brix and Fauci are trying their level best to do their jobs, and Trump is ranting crazy shit about how his ratings are better than the Bachelor or drinking bleach...

You haven't watched one of those briefings. You may see excerpts out of context that CNN wants you to see, but you never turned on Fox News, and watched a half-hour of any of the daily briefings he's done. You can't bullshit me.
There are many, many reasons for DiBlasio not to shut down New York too early. Neither of which include him thinking the virus is a hoax, or wanting New Yorkers to die.

I guess that conservatives with their limited intellect, can't fathom the idea of a multiple choice with more than two options. When I was working with disabled children, I was told to give them three choices, to make them think they were in control, but that I was really the one in controll since I stipulated the options.

His only point is NOBODY knew how this could get. It was like 911. It was something nobody could fathom. It's not Trump's fault, it's not Cuomo's fault, it's not DeBlaahhhzio's fault, it's not Newsom's fault. The only people responsible are the Chinese.

Nobody took it seriously until it became a problem here, and that includes all the leading Democrats. You on the left are trying to make this out as if Trump was too stupid to see the problem ahead of time, even though every Democrat did the same as the President.

If it's "nobody's fault" but the Chinese, how is it that every other first world country in the world did a better job at controlling the virus, and a better job at curing the virus than the USA. The current rate of death to closed cases in the USA is 29%, which is down from a high of 37% a week ago. But this is still a higher rate of death than either Spain or Italy, the difference being that the USA still has 880,000 active cases, versus 210,000 closed cases, while both Spain and Italy both have more closed cases than active.

The rate of death is still rising in the USA, but the US has a long long way to go to reach more closed cases than active and the number of active cases continues to rise. Yet of all of the countries in the world, the USA is the only country in the world where there are pubic demonstrations to re-open.

It is not the job of the Democrats to lead the nation's fight in a "National Emergency". Donald Trump declared a National Emergency on March 15th, which means that the Trump and Trump alone was supposed to be leading the national response to the pandemic. Not only did Trump immediately hand the job off to Mike Pence, he then proceeded to spend hours in the daily briefings touting unproven malaria drugs which ended up KILLING more people than it cured, and proved to be of limited benefit to anyone. Then he suggested "getting disinfectants inside people", and other idiot ideas, which his cult like followers immediately seize upon and promote.

Trump keeps blaming everyone but Trump is the guy who made the decision to call 40,000 Americans home from China, but didn't test them when they got here. Trump is the guy who decided not to use the WHO tests which lead to the mess with testing in the USA that endures all these months later. Trump is the guy who now says states are on their own because he doesn't have a fucking clue how to fix this, and he wants to blame someone else, not him.

After all, if not for the Constitution, he COULD have ordered the states to do what he wanted to fix it. And then he could have done a better job.
There are many, many reasons for DiBlasio not to shut down New York too early. Neither of which include him thinking the virus is a hoax, or wanting New Yorkers to die.

I guess that conservatives with their limited intellect, can't fathom the idea of a multiple choice with more than two options. When I was working with disabled children, I was told to give them three choices, to make them think they were in control, but that I was really the one in controll since I stipulated the options.

His only point is NOBODY knew how this could get. It was like 911. It was something nobody could fathom. It's not Trump's fault, it's not Cuomo's fault, it's not DeBlaahhhzio's fault, it's not Newsom's fault. The only people responsible are the Chinese.

Nobody took it seriously until it became a problem here, and that includes all the leading Democrats. You on the left are trying to make this out as if Trump was too stupid to see the problem ahead of time, even though every Democrat did the same as the President.

If it's "nobody's fault" but the Chinese, how is it that everyone other first world country in the world did a better job at controlling the virus, and a better job at curing the virus than the USA. The current rate of death to closed cases in the USA is currently 29%, which is down from a high of 37% a week ago. But this is still a higher rate of death than either Spain or Italy, the difference being that the USA still has 880,000 active cases, versus 210,000 closed cases, while both Spain and Italy both have more closed cases than active.

The rate of death is still rising in the USA, but the US has a long long way to go to reach and the number of active cases continues to rise. And yet of all of the countries in the world, the USA is the only country in the world where there are pubic demonstrations to re-open.

It is not the job of the Democrats to lead the nation's fight in a "National Emergency". Donald Trump declared a National Emergency on March 15th, which means that the Trump and Trump alone was supposed to be leading the national response to the pandemic. Not only did Trump immediately hand the job off to Mike Pence, he then proceeded to spend hours in the daily briefings touting unproven malaria drugs which ended up KILLING more people than it cured, and proved to be of limited benefit to anyone. Then he suggested "getting disinfectants inside people", and other idiot ideas, which his cult like followers immediately seize upon and promote.

Trump keeps blaming everyone but Trump is the guy who made the decision to call 40,000 Americans home from China, but didn't test them when they got here. Trump is the guy who decided not to use the WHO tests which lead to the mess with testing in the USA that endures all these months later. Trump is the guy who now says states are on their own because he doesn't have a fucking clue how to fix this, and he wants to blame someone else, not him.

After all, if not for the Constitution, he COULD have ordered the states to do what he wanted to fix it. And then he could have done a better job.

What's with this Trump, Trump, Trump thing? The US had experts and bureaucracies that led the charge. Trump is not a doctor, an infectious disease expert. He leaves it to them to call the shots. The WHO test kits? It was the FDA that only permitted one test kit to be used, and that was the CDC test kits, which resulted in complete failure. But you know how these bureaucracies look out for each other.

My only point with Democrats is they didn't know how serious it would be either. I never said they led the charge for the country, but they did lead the charge for their cities and states. The lefts assertion to use this tragedy to advance their political agenda is Trump should have known more than every Democrat leader in our country.

The United States is currently considering any death related to Covid-19 a Covid death. They are not doing that in other countries. If you have a heart attack, die on the way to the hospital, and your blood work comes back with Covid in it, they consider it a Covid death.

The Biden campaign referred us to a Politico article that said the WHO shipped coronavirus tests to nearly 60 countries at the end of February, but the U.S. was not among them. That is technically correct, but it suggests that the United States would have been on the list under any circumstances.

The countries WHO helped are ones that lack the virology lab horsepower that exists across the United States. The outreach work by the Pan American Health Organization is a case in point.

The group is WHO’s arm in the Americas. It conducted trainings and sent materials to conduct tests to 29 nations. The list included Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and many others.

The group said it focused most of its efforts on “countries with the weakest health systems.”

“No discussions occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States,” said WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris. “This is consistent with experience since the United States does not ordinarily rely on WHO for reagents or diagnostic tests because of sufficient domestic capacity.”

Now quit listening to liars and start watching Fox News. You will be more informed that way.

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