We should stop calling them "Liberals!"

No... sorry, it was Democrats. Republicans were more liberal back then but they had to be, the Democrats were so racist. I will invite anyone to go back and look at the votes on civil rights... it was the Republican support that passed it. Democrats were split.

It doesn't matter. GOLDWATER opposed it. He was the candidate in 1964. He opposed it and only won his home state and 5 Racist cracker Southern States. Sides were picked on this issue, and you guys picked the wrong one.

There is no record of this "mass exodus" from the Democrat party to the Republican party. Aside from Strom Thurman, you don't have any examples. You people KEPT your racists, gave them some sort of fucked up "amnesty" or something by claiming the had "repented" and then started blaming racism on Republicans. George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Robert Byrd were all racists who died life-long Democrats. Byrd, most recently, was celebrated as a Democrat party ICON!

I think you miss the point. it isn't individual politicians, it's the VOTERS. The Democrats said they would no longer support Segregation, and all those deep south states became bastions of Republicans... That's the "mass exodus", not the senile old politician who kept getting returned to office after getting with the program because it's nigh near impossible to vote people out.

We won't even get into the Kennedy's and what a bunch of racist fucks they were. RFK had his FBI crawling all over MLK and probably was behind his assassination.

So let me get this straight. RFK stopped being attorney general in 1964, where he had a very rocky relationship with J. Edgar Hoover (a Republican AND a racist) but he was responsible for the FBI assassinating him in 1968. Ummmmm.... okay. Are you drinking the same stuff Dale Smith is?

And Nixon's "Southern Strategy" yielded 32% of the black vote from working-class Southerners. The racists all voted for George Wallace... the Democrat-turned-Dixiecrat. Nixon's 1972 Administration featured many prominent black faces like Senator Edward Brooke, Earl Kennedy, Nathan Wright, Clarence Townes and Arthur Fletcher.... hardly sounds like he was a flaming racist to me.

Uh, no, Nixon won 32% of the black vote in 1960, when he was riding on Ike's sensible coat-tails. By 1972, with the Southern Strategy in full swing, it was down to single digits.

This chart tells the tale.


The ironic thing is that blacks started to warm up to the GOP in 2004 due to George W. Bush making a good effort. But the way you guys lost your shit over Obama has probably set you back another generation.

I know exactly how racist is sounds, dickhead.. I was paraphrasing the Progressives who are RACIST!

Clearly, you don't understand the concept of paraphrasing. Paraphrasing means you repeat something they ACTUALLY SAID. Just not verbatim.

But there are a lot of concepts that are lost on you, buddy.
Liberalism is defined as a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights.

For all practical purposes, what was once thought of as "liberalism" is now known as "libertarianism." So what happened to "liberalism?" Well, it was hijacked in the mid 20th century by progressives. Progressivism is a general political philosophy advocating or favoring gradual social, political, and economic reform through government action. So we see the major difference is the use of the government, liberalism and progressivism are distinctly different concepts. From here, the progressives have been usurped by the socialists and communists, who advocate for a Marxist-style system to replace capitalism. These people currently claim the "Liberal" banner, but they are not even remotely related.

The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty. We established a government system that did not interfere with personal freedom, and confined itself, through the constitution, to a limited role. However, through the Progressive movement to the modern day Socialists, we now see "liberals" adopting a 2,700 page health care bill which uses the word "shall" over 3,000 times. These people are not about personal liberty at all. They are all about control. From the type of light bulbs you can use, the kind of car you can drive, and how much of your income you will be allowed to keep.

We continue to see and hear the very same arguments presented by the Socialist movement in Europe, through most of the 20th century, repackaged and presented as if it's some new revolutionary idea. The 1% vs. 99% meme, is almost verbatim, the argument made by Mao Zedong, which sparked the People's Revolution in China. What had happened in China, was a result of a dynasty which controlled all power, unfairly and unequally favoring the elite members close to the ruler. These people were exploiting the resources and labor of the masses, and profiting from the capitalism at the expense of the people.

Mao proposed, just as the Occupy Wall Streeters have, that something must be done to mitigate the out of control capitalism, which was not benefiting the masses. Of course, after Mao was brought to power through revolution, the "grand plan" called for systemic elimination of all capitalism, to the extent of literally executing those who practiced it. Once all of the capitalists were dead, and the government had confiscated their wealth, the idea was, the wealth would be equally distributed to the people and everyone would be better off. But that didn't happen. The socialist "dream" never does happen, because those who are to do the redistributing become very corrupt, and take the money for themselves.

The disaster in China began to unfold after the capitalists were gone, and the elite controlled the wealth, but didn't know what to do with it, other than spend it. As the masses continued to suffer and starve to death, they became rebellious, and eventually, the Mao regime began to execute political dissidents. It is estimated that over 70 million people died as a result of Mao's reign of power. In the end, the masses were not better off, they were considerably worse off. It wasn't until after Mao's death, the government was able to 'moderate' back to a somewhat capitalist style system, and in a matter of the past 40 years, have emerged as a global economic superpower. The point, and lesson, was that destroying capitalism didn't solve the problems, it made matters worse.

It is through our unique combination of limited government intervention, personal freedom, and free market, free enterprise capitalism, that we have been able to enjoy unprecedented success as a nation. This was very much a "liberal" idea, but what we see today from the left in America is completely foreign to that concept. Indeed, we should stop calling these people "liberals" and start calling them what they are, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists.
...and nutters
I think you miss the point. it isn't individual politicians, it's the VOTERS. The Democrats said they would no longer support Segregation, and all those deep south states became bastions of Republicans... That's the "mass exodus", not the senile old politician who kept getting returned to office after getting with the program because it's nigh near impossible to vote people out.


So, the Democratic Party finally gave up on supporting Segregation and the segregationists flocked to even MORE anti-segregation Republican Party?

Because, they were handing out cookies?

You do know who desegregated most of the Southern Schools?
It doesn't matter. GOLDWATER opposed it. He was the candidate in 1964. He opposed it and only won his home state and 5 Racist cracker Southern States. Sides were picked on this issue, and you guys picked the wrong one.

So one candidate in one race makes everyone associated with his party a racist and the party itself the racist party from then on?

I think you miss the point. it isn't individual politicians, it's the VOTERS. The Democrats said they would no longer support Segregation, and all those deep south states became bastions of Republicans... That's the "mass exodus", not the senile old politician who kept getting returned to office after getting with the program because it's nigh near impossible to vote people out.

Ohh.... So when it's Democrats, it's NOT about one man and one race and it doesn't have any bearing on the party whatsoever? Contradict yourself much, hypocrite?

Those deep south states retained all their racist Democrats... George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Robert Byrd... all Democrats... never changed parties... died Democrats! Who changed??? Name a few for us, ass clown?

So let me get this straight. RFK stopped being attorney general in 1964, where he had a very rocky relationship with J. Edgar Hoover (a Republican AND a racist) but he was responsible for the FBI assassinating him in 1968. Ummmmm.... okay. Are you drinking the same stuff Dale Smith is?

I didn't say he did... I said he probably had something to do with it. Are you denying the Kennedy administration had the FBI investigating MLK? This is a widely-known FACT!

Uh, no, Nixon won 32% of the black vote in 1960, when he was riding on Ike's sensible coat-tails. By 1972, with the Southern Strategy in full swing, it was down to single digits.

No, Nixon won 38% of the black vote in the South in 1968. His administration featured at least five prominent blacks. That, in of itself, pretty much burns your convoluted argument to the ground. The Southern Strategy was to appeal to blacks and working class whites to tap into the racist Democrat strong-hold. Go find us ONE EXAMPLE of a Nixon stump speech or position in favor of segregation or anything racist whatsoever! Segregation was DEAD by 1972 anyway... I don't know what the hell you're yapping about unless it's just to get your ass torched some more. This is part of your REVISIONIST history that you lie through your teeth about all the time. Again, it was DEMOCRATS who supported segregation, like I said two pages ago.

Clearly, you don't understand the concept of paraphrasing. Paraphrasing means you repeat something they ACTUALLY SAID. Just not verbatim.

No... that's called a QUOTE! You are the one who doesn't understand the concept of paraphrasing. And I am sure some of you racist fucks said those exact things behind closed doors. It's why you keep on whining and complaining about more social welfare programs for black people. You're a little racist fuck who thinks blacks are inferior and need your liberal white ass to be their champion. You are quite a disgusting piece of racist shit.... you try like hell to hide it but you can't.
Let's be clear, Conservatives don't call anyone stupid or lazy

So now you're saying you're not really a conservative?

Okay. I think everyone agrees with that. Historical conservatism is nothing like the racist fringe cult of modern conservatism.

Huh??? :dunno:

Here is my post:

Let's be clear, Conservatives don't call anyone stupid or lazy. We assume that everyone is smart and wants to be productive... to use their skills, talents and ideas to better their lot in life through free market capitalism and free enterprise. Without the government playing favorites to one group over another based on their race.

It is PROGRESSIVES who think some people are too stupid and lazy to be productive or useful to society and that we must take care of them for the sake of humanity. [ME paraphrasing Progressive thought here] We have to give the poor little stupid blacks their welfare because they could never be expected to compete with whites. We have to encourage abortion in order to get rid of the undesirables in society who are a burden. THAT is the mindset of Progressives.

Now, I am sorry that you're having trouble with your reading comprehension skills. I have added some footnotes to help you with what I said.

Conservatives do not think people are stupid or lazy. That's YOU... Progressives! That's what YOU think! That's why YOU advocate for all these programs to help certain people... YOU don't think they can do it on their own because they're stupid and lazy!

And yes... when you are the "benevolent master" your plantation is a happy one. This is what LBJ knew and why he implemented his Great Society policies... to keep the blacks happy by giving them just enough to be content but not enough to make a difference. He has been quoted as saying as much.

And let me tell you something else... black people are waking up to this shit. The Internet is a wonderful resource. They are finding out every day, more and more about how the Democrat party has fucked them over and things are about to change.
So, the Democratic Party finally gave up on supporting Segregation and the segregationists flocked to even MORE anti-segregation Republican Party?

Because, they were handing out cookies?

You do know who desegregated most of the Southern Schools?

Nixon wanted to desegregate the schools about as much as he wanted to hand over the tapes...

He didn't have any choice in either.

So one candidate in one race makes everyone associated with his party a racist and the party itself the racist party from then on?

Um, yeah, when the party doesn't realize it's mistake, apologize for it, and move on. The GOP didn't apologize for the Southern Strategy until the freakin' Oughts. YOu see, it isn't just one candidate. It was

Ohh.... So when it's Democrats, it's NOT about one man and one race and it doesn't have any bearing on the party whatsoever? Contradict yourself much, hypocrite?

Those deep south states retained all their racist Democrats... George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Robert Byrd... all Democrats... never changed parties... died Democrats! Who changed??? Name a few for us, ass clown?

Were they still spewing racist shit when they died? Or did they repent? Meanwhile, Reagan talked smack about welfare queens and young buck up until the miserable old fuck didn't know what he was doing... that's the point.

Now you got a guy - Trump - who doesn't think our black president was born here.

I didn't say he did... I said he probably had something to do with it. Are you denying the Kennedy administration had the FBI investigating MLK? This is a widely-known FACT!

Probably not. J. Edgar had his own hardon about King. He didn't need encouragement.

No, Nixon won 38% of the black vote in the South in 1968.

Uh, no, he didn't. Next lame argument.

No... that's called a QUOTE! You are the one who doesn't understand the concept of paraphrasing. And I am sure some of you racist fucks said those exact things behind closed doors. It's why you keep on whining and complaining about more social welfare programs for black people. You're a little racist fuck who thinks blacks are inferior and need your liberal white ass to be their champion. You are quite a disgusting piece of racist shit.... you try like hell to hide it but you can't.

Guy, I don't think we need affirmative action because minorities are inferior. I think we need it because the people who do the hiring are as racist as fuck. LIke my ex-boss who fired a very experienced black lady so he could create a job for his golfing buddy. (Who had no college education, experience or much of any other qualification.)
It's why you keep on whining and complaining about more social welfare programs for black people. You're a little racist fuck who thinks blacks are inferior and need your liberal white ass to be their champion. You are quite a disgusting piece of racist shit.... you try like hell to hide it but you can't.

Just to make it clear, Joeblow and ignorant bed wetters like her might believe welfare programs are designed to "help" people, including black people but it's only because they're stupid. If welfare programs were established to lift people OUT of poverty there would be incentives for people to achieve independence. There would be cut offs for people who waste the charity of the tax payers. There wouldn't be 5 generations of "families" on the dole if it wasn'the designed to create a dependent class of voters.

Ordinary bed wetters lack the capacity to think.


If they had a single synapse of independent thought they could draw the conclusion themselves, but they suffer from an ignorance so severe they're unable to process the fact that the rate of poverty since the sociopath LBJ's asinine "war on poverty" has only gotten worse. We have spent so many trillions of dollars keeping people dependent, that we could have trained all the poor to be astronauts and colonized Mars by now.

Liberalism is defined as a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights.

For all practical purposes, what was once thought of as "liberalism" is now known as "libertarianism." So what happened to "liberalism?" Well, it was hijacked in the mid 20th century by progressives. Progressivism is a general political philosophy advocating or favoring gradual social, political, and economic reform through government action. So we see the major difference is the use of the government, liberalism and progressivism are distinctly different concepts. From here, the progressives have been usurped by the socialists and communists, who advocate for a Marxist-style system to replace capitalism. These people currently claim the "Liberal" banner, but they are not even remotely related.

The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty. We established a government system that did not interfere with personal freedom, and confined itself, through the constitution, to a limited role. However, through the Progressive movement to the modern day Socialists, we now see "liberals" adopting a 2,700 page health care bill which uses the word "shall" over 3,000 times. These people are not about personal liberty at all. They are all about control. From the type of light bulbs you can use, the kind of car you can drive, and how much of your income you will be allowed to keep.

We continue to see and hear the very same arguments presented by the Socialist movement in Europe, through most of the 20th century, repackaged and presented as if it's some new revolutionary idea. The 1% vs. 99% meme, is almost verbatim, the argument made by Mao Zedong, which sparked the People's Revolution in China. What had happened in China, was a result of a dynasty which controlled all power, unfairly and unequally favoring the elite members close to the ruler. These people were exploiting the resources and labor of the masses, and profiting from the capitalism at the expense of the people.

Mao proposed, just as the Occupy Wall Streeters have, that something must be done to mitigate the out of control capitalism, which was not benefiting the masses. Of course, after Mao was brought to power through revolution, the "grand plan" called for systemic elimination of all capitalism, to the extent of literally executing those who practiced it. Once all of the capitalists were dead, and the government had confiscated their wealth, the idea was, the wealth would be equally distributed to the people and everyone would be better off. But that didn't happen. The socialist "dream" never does happen, because those who are to do the redistributing become very corrupt, and take the money for themselves.

The disaster in China began to unfold after the capitalists were gone, and the elite controlled the wealth, but didn't know what to do with it, other than spend it. As the masses continued to suffer and starve to death, they became rebellious, and eventually, the Mao regime began to execute political dissidents. It is estimated that over 70 million people died as a result of Mao's reign of power. In the end, the masses were not better off, they were considerably worse off. It wasn't until after Mao's death, the government was able to 'moderate' back to a somewhat capitalist style system, and in a matter of the past 40 years, have emerged as a global economic superpower. The point, and lesson, was that destroying capitalism didn't solve the problems, it made matters worse.

It is through our unique combination of limited government intervention, personal freedom, and free market, free enterprise capitalism, that we have been able to enjoy unprecedented success as a nation. This was very much a "liberal" idea, but what we see today from the left in America is completely foreign to that concept. Indeed, we should stop calling these people "liberals" and start calling them what they are, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists.

Very good post.....and so true...modern liberals don't even know about this......they think the world started the day they were born.
So, the Democratic Party finally gave up on supporting Segregation and the segregationists flocked to even MORE anti-segregation Republican Party?

Because, they were handing out cookies?

You do know who desegregated most of the Southern Schools?

Nixon wanted to desegregate the schools about as much as he wanted to hand over the tapes...

He didn't have any choice in either.

I like that you can read the mind of a dead man though the Veil of Time, but regardless, he desegregated the Schools of the South during the time period when according to the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy he was pandering to southern racists, somehow.
So, the Democratic Party finally gave up on supporting Segregation and the segregationists flocked to even MORE anti-segregation Republican Party?

Because, they were handing out cookies?

You do know who desegregated most of the Southern Schools?

Nixon wanted to desegregate the schools about as much as he wanted to hand over the tapes...

He didn't have any choice in either.

Uh bullshit, Watch the CNN Kennedy vs Nixon...Nixon was waaaay more committed to Civil Rights than Kennedy, fuck tard.

So one candidate in one race makes everyone associated with his party a racist and the party itself the racist party from then on?

Um, yeah, when the party doesn't realize it's mistake, apologize for it, and move on. The GOP didn't apologize for the Southern Strategy until the freakin' Oughts. YOu see, it isn't just one candidate. It was

No southern strategy....a myth made up by the left.

Ohh.... So when it's Democrats, it's NOT about one man and one race and it doesn't have any bearing on the party whatsoever? Contradict yourself much, hypocrite?

Those deep south states retained all their racist Democrats... George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Robert Byrd... all Democrats... never changed parties... died Democrats! Who changed??? Name a few for us, ass clown?

Were they still spewing racist shit when they died? Or did they repent? Meanwhile, Reagan talked smack about welfare queens and young buck up until the miserable old fuck didn't know what he was doing... that's the point.

Now you got a guy - Trump - who doesn't think our black president was born here.

So Reagan was right about welfare queens......dipshit...saying the truth doesn't make you racist...

Welfare queen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term was coined in 1974, either by George Bliss of the Chicago Tribune in his articles about Linda Taylor, or by Jet Magazine.[6] Neither publication credits the other in their "Welfare Queen" stories of that year.

Taylor was ultimately charged with committing $8,000 in fraud and having four aliases.[7] She was convicted of illegally obtaining 23 welfare checks using two aliases.[8] She was sentenced to two to six years in prison.[9] During the same decade, Taylor was additionally investigated for murder, kidnapping, and baby trafficking.[10] Stories of her activities were used by Ronald Reagan, starting with his 1976 presidential campaign, to illustrate his criticisms of social programs in the United States.[11]

Yeah she was a piece of shit...

I didn't say he did... I said he probably had something to do with it. Are you denying the Kennedy administration had the FBI investigating MLK? This is a widely-known FACT!

Probably not. J. Edgar had his own hardon about King. He didn't need encouragement.
Uh The Kennedy's did investigate MLK And Bobby did as AG....get a fucking clue.

No, Nixon won 38% of the black vote in the South in 1968.

Uh, no, he didn't. Next lame argument.

No... that's called a QUOTE! You are the one who doesn't understand the concept of paraphrasing. And I am sure some of you racist fucks said those exact things behind closed doors. It's why you keep on whining and complaining about more social welfare programs for black people. You're a little racist fuck who thinks blacks are inferior and need your liberal white ass to be their champion. You are quite a disgusting piece of racist shit.... you try like hell to hide it but you can't.

Guy, I don't think we need affirmative action because minorities are inferior. I think we need it because the people who do the hiring are as racist as fuck. LIke my ex-boss who fired a very experienced black lady so he could create a job for his golfing buddy. (Who had no college education, experience or much of any other qualification.)

so when should we get rid of affirmative action? What is the goal to meet?
Let's be clear, Conservatives don't call anyone stupid or lazy

So now you're saying you're not really a conservative?

Okay. I think everyone agrees with that. Historical conservatism is nothing like the racist fringe cult of modern conservatism.

Huh??? :dunno:

Here is my post:

Let's be clear, Conservatives don't call anyone stupid or lazy. We assume that everyone is smart and wants to be productive... to use their skills, talents and ideas to better their lot in life through free market capitalism and free enterprise. Without the government playing favorites to one group over another based on their race.

It is PROGRESSIVES who think some people are too stupid and lazy to be productive or useful to society and that we must take care of them for the sake of humanity. [ME paraphrasing Progressive thought here] We have to give the poor little stupid blacks their welfare because they could never be expected to compete with whites. We have to encourage abortion in order to get rid of the undesirables in society who are a burden. THAT is the mindset of Progressives.

Now, I am sorry that you're having trouble with your reading comprehension skills. I have added some footnotes to help you with what I said.

Conservatives do not think people are stupid or lazy. That's YOU... Progressives! That's what YOU think! That's why YOU advocate for all these programs to help certain people... YOU don't think they can do it on their own because they're stupid and lazy!

And yes... when you are the "benevolent master" your plantation is a happy one. This is what LBJ knew and why he implemented his Great Society policies... to keep the blacks happy by giving them just enough to be content but not enough to make a difference. He has been quoted as saying as much.

And let me tell you something else... black people are waking up to this shit. The Internet is a wonderful resource. They are finding out every day, more and more about how the Democrat party has fucked them over and things are about to change.

I call people stupid and lazy all the time. Those "people" are the bed wetters who promote dependency. They are weapons grade stupid and intellectually lazy. They care only about their own agenda and couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the people stuck in government poverty plantations or they would do something truly "progressive" to get "poor" people on the road to success rather than voting for meager hand outs.

Were they still spewing racist shit when they died? Or did they repent? Meanwhile, Reagan talked smack about welfare queens and young buck up until the miserable old fuck didn't know what he was doing... that's the point.

Repent? Well it seems you've made that impossible unless you're a Democrat! You have a little 'double standard' thing going there. Racist as fuck Democrats apparently can just stop talking about their past and everything is forgiven. But because one Republican ran a populist campaign in 1964 on the platform of segregation... an issue staunchly held by many Democrats of the time... that is unforgivable for ever and ever!

So you can't name a single Democrat who switched over to the Republican party in this Great Mass Exodus? You can't show any blatantly racist comment from any Republican over the past 50 years. The only Republican you can cite an example of supporting segregation is Goldwater... (who Hillary worked on his campaign, incidentally....oops!)

Guy, I don't think we need affirmative action because minorities are inferior.

It's exactly what you think and what all guilty white liberals think. It's the whole reasoning behind your argument. You can sit here and spew nonsense about racist white man hiring practices all you like... we've had federal anti-discrimination laws on the books for over 50 years. I don't know if you realize it but there are actually black people who work in positions of hiring others now.... yeah, I know... it's surprising to you, isn't it?

All you have is some anecdotal personal story that's probably a fucking lie anyway. But you parade that around like some kind of justification for your racist bigoted thoughts. Black people don't need your liberal lily-white ass taking care of them. You've done enough "helping" them through the years. Meanwhile, your lying ho-bag of a candidate will prance around in front of black audiences pandering and mocking blacks... I Don't Feel Noways Tired! You people are fucking disgusting and despicable racists and you need to be exposed for it.
A GOP plan (if Pubs would ever vote against their own scam of a system) for health reform is not communism, brainwashed dingbats.
like dems voting against theirs right. Only the pubs should. yo all are funny. you are so one way thanks,
I call people stupid and lazy all the time. Those "people" are the bed wetters who promote dependency. They are weapons grade stupid and intellectually lazy. They care only about their own agenda and couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the people stuck in government poverty plantations or they would do something truly "progressive" to get "poor" people on the road to success rather than voting for meager hand outs.

Please don't miss the point here. It's NOT Conservatives who think black people are stupid and lazy. It's the Progressives. Conservatives believe ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL! We hold that truth to be self-evident and there is no need to "level the field" because it's already leveled by God who created us equal. We ALL have the opportunity to participate in the free market, free enterprise capitalist system and attain any level of success we so desire, regardless of our skin color. It is the Progressives who think black people are too stupid and lazy to do that without their help. What motivates all their social welfare bullshit is this underlying belief that blacks are inferior to whites and without them coming to their rescue they don't stand a chance.
Let's be clear, Conservatives don't call anyone stupid or lazy

So now you're saying you're not really a conservative?

Okay. I think everyone agrees with that. Historical conservatism is nothing like the racist fringe cult of modern conservatism.

Huh??? :dunno:

Here is my post:

Let's be clear, Conservatives don't call anyone stupid or lazy. We assume that everyone is smart and wants to be productive... to use their skills, talents and ideas to better their lot in life through free market capitalism and free enterprise. Without the government playing favorites to one group over another based on their race.

It is PROGRESSIVES who think some people are too stupid and lazy to be productive or useful to society and that we must take care of them for the sake of humanity. [ME paraphrasing Progressive thought here] We have to give the poor little stupid blacks their welfare because they could never be expected to compete with whites. We have to encourage abortion in order to get rid of the undesirables in society who are a burden. THAT is the mindset of Progressives.

Now, I am sorry that you're having trouble with your reading comprehension skills. I have added some footnotes to help you with what I said.

Conservatives do not think people are stupid or lazy. That's YOU... Progressives! That's what YOU think! That's why YOU advocate for all these programs to help certain people... YOU don't think they can do it on their own because they're stupid and lazy!

And yes... when you are the "benevolent master" your plantation is a happy one. This is what LBJ knew and why he implemented his Great Society policies... to keep the blacks happy by giving them just enough to be content but not enough to make a difference. He has been quoted as saying as much.

And let me tell you something else... black people are waking up to this shit. The Internet is a wonderful resource. They are finding out every day, more and more about how the Democrat party has fucked them over and things are about to change.

I call people stupid and lazy all the time. Those "people" are the bed wetters who promote dependency. They are weapons grade stupid and intellectually lazy. They care only about their own agenda and couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the people stuck in government poverty plantations or they would do something truly "progressive" to get "poor" people on the road to success rather than voting for meager hand outs.

Like all the cheap college and training programs you twits have been blocking the last 7 years, dupe? The infrastructure/jobs bills? Idiot.
Please don't miss the point here. It's NOT Conservatives who think black people are stupid and lazy. It's the Progressives. Conservatives believe ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL! We hold that truth to be self-evident and there is no need to "level the field" because it's already leveled by God who created us equal. We ALL have the opportunity to participate in the free market, free enterprise capitalist system and attain any level of success we so desire, regardless of our skin color. It is the Progressives who think black people are too stupid and lazy to do that without their help. What motivates all their social welfare bullshit is this underlying belief that blacks are inferior to whites and without them coming to their rescue they don't stand a chance.

I recognized your point sir, but before any of the bed wetters could call anyone out (specifically myself) I wanted to point out who these truly stupid and lazy parasites are.

You're right that it isn't the victims of regressive policy, it's the moonbats who promote it in spite of the compounding failures of the last 50 years.

Like all the cheap college and training programs you twits have been blocking the last 7 years, dupe? The infrastructure/jobs bills? Idiot.

Your boy got a trillion fucking dollars for "infrastructure/jobs" and didn't produce. He had to sheepishly admit there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" after he gave the money away to his donor buddies and liberal cronies. And here you are, asking for ANOTHER hand out for the SAME THING! You must think we're all a bunch of morons?

And hey... College costs money... it's not cheap. The reason it's so expensive now is because of your stupid liberal policies of handing out student loans like candy at the candy store. Colleges are capitalist enterprises, they know there is "free money" out there, so they jack up the tuition to soak it all up. It's a nasty little cycle you've created by having the government interfere with free market capitalism. Had you left well enough alone, colleges would have to compete for consumer dollars and the cost would be lower.

But... as we repeatedly see... Liberal policies FAIL and the blame is shifted off onto the mean old Republicans who don't care about the little people. You fuck things totally up, then point to the Republicans and blame them!
Like all the cheap college and training programs you twits have been blocking the last 7 years, dupe? The infrastructure/jobs bills? Idiot.

Your boy got a trillion fucking dollars for "infrastructure/jobs" and didn't produce. He had to sheepishly admit there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" after he gave the money away to his donor buddies and liberal cronies. And here you are, asking for ANOTHER hand out for the SAME THING! You must think we're all a bunch of morons?

And hey... College costs money... it's not cheap. The reason it's so expensive now is because of your stupid liberal policies of handing out student loans like candy at the candy store. Colleges are capitalist enterprises, they know there is "free money" out there, so they jack up the tuition to soak it all up. It's a nasty little cycle you've created by having the government interfere with free market capitalism. Had you left well enough alone, colleges would have to compete for consumer dollars and the cost would be lower.

But... as we repeatedly see... Liberal policies FAIL and the blame is shifted off onto the mean old Republicans who don't care about the little people. You fuck things totally up, then point to the Republicans and blame them!
200 billion, actually, dupe. And you're clueless as always....The jobs did all appear and it was very good, dupe. Just needed it again for full recovery mode. TY, New BS GOP...

So what would competition from free public colleges do? Unlike when they doubled in cost just under W...

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