We should stop calling them "Liberals!"

Sorry, I'm not in any mood to argue with a racist today.

Yes, I imagine given all the times I've left your dumb cracker ass a greasy smear on the pavement, you probably aren't up for that kind of beating.

no, I just don't want to trash up a good thread with your idiotic excuse making and apologetics. People have history books, they can go find out who the Democrat president was that ordered the Trail of Tears, who was ambivalent toward slavery before Lincoln, who interned Japanese-Americans during WWII and who shackled black families to years of generational poverty through welfare.
no, I just don't want to trash up a good thread with your idiotic excuse making and apologetics. People have history books, they can go find out who the Democrat president was that ordered the Trail of Tears, who was ambivalent toward slavery before Lincoln, who interned Japanese-Americans during WWII and who shackled black families to years of generational poverty through welfare.

Yup, you done kn ow that's true, Cleetus, because you done heard that on hate radio.

Forget that hte parties have completely swapped places since the 19th century, you done know what you are talking about. The Party of Willie Horton done loves them some minorities.

So why aren't the minorities buying it?
Forget that hte parties have completely swapped places since the 19th century...

LMAO... Yeah, I forget about that amazing immaculate transformation that happened where we flipped parties! That was when George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Robert Byrd switched over and became Republicans... right???
So why aren't the minorities buying it?

Well it's for the very same exact reason many slaves were contented on their plantations across the South. The plantation owners knew that a benevolent master was popular. They treated their slaves well... some of them even got to sleep in the big house with the white folk. They were fed well and received medical care when they got sick. They were allowed to marry and have families... weren't beaten or abused... and many of them responded with an undying loyalty to their masters.

The same thing is happening today with the "benevolent masters" running the Democrat Plantation. It's like LBJ said... we've gotta give them a little something... not enough to make a difference but enough to make them think we care. It is a brilliant strategy that has served the Democrat Party well.
LMAO... Yeah, I forget about that amazing immaculate transformation that happened where we flipped parties! That was when George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Robert Byrd switched over and became Republicans... right???

NO, it's when the Christian Right did when Democrats stopped letting them segregate their churches... The start of the "Moral Majority" wasn't abortions or gays, it was segregation.
Well it's for the very same exact reason many slaves were contented on their plantations across the South. The plantation owners knew that a benevolent master was popular. They treated their slaves well... some of them even got to sleep in the big house with the white folk. They were fed well and received medical care when they got sick. They were allowed to marry and have families... weren't beaten or abused... and many of them responded with an undying loyalty to their masters.

The same thing is happening today with the "benevolent masters" running the Democrat Plantation. It's like LBJ said... we've gotta give them a little something... not enough to make a difference but enough to make them think we care. It is a brilliant strategy that has served the Democrat Party well.

And there it is, The racist telling you minorities don't know what's good for them.

Unlike White Trailer Trash who don't need them no government or unions.... and still wonders why he's dirt poor living next to a toxic waste dump.
Except the GOP is based on extremist crap/lies and hate and runs with it. What extremists are in charge of the Dems? LOL. No one like the Kochs/Murdoch/Moon/Adelson brainwashers with billions spent on brainwashing channel and orgs, institutes, papers, covert ops that make up the bs circle jerk propaganda machine that the dupes can't exit without getting the bends..

Translation: Moon circle jerk machine extremist charge Kochs crap lies hate brainwash dupes billions covert propaganda of papers getting spent hate hate hate spew and spit hate can't exist without extremist dupe Murdock Adelson brainwashers and circle jerk machine extremist charge Kochs crap lies hate brainwash dupes billions covert propaganda of papers getting spent hate hate hate spew and spit hate can't exist without extremist dupe Murdock Adelson brainwashers and circle jerk machine. What it's except dupe extremist runs with it, and charge is in with Dems? LOL... No one like. brainwashing channel crap lies.

Translation: The New BS GOP is fos and so are their dupes like you.
So why aren't the minorities buying it?

Well it's for the very same exact reason many slaves were contented on their plantations across the South. The plantation owners knew that a benevolent master was popular. They treated their slaves well... some of them even got to sleep in the big house with the white folk. They were fed well and received medical care when they got sick. They were allowed to marry and have families... weren't beaten or abused... and many of them responded with an undying loyalty to their masters.

The same thing is happening today with the "benevolent masters" running the Democrat Plantation. It's like LBJ said... we've gotta give them a little something... not enough to make a difference but enough to make them think we care. It is a brilliant strategy that has served the Democrat Party well.
What absolute crap start to finish...
During the Great Depression both whites and blacks welcomed welfare, the beauty was it was offered to both under the New Deal and that was new. For jobs, the sad thing is that blacks were the last to be hired, and that was old.
LMAO... Yeah, I forget about that amazing immaculate transformation that happened where we flipped parties! That was when George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Robert Byrd switched over and became Republicans... right???

NO, it's when the Christian Right did when Democrats stopped letting them segregate their churches... The start of the "Moral Majority" wasn't abortions or gays, it was segregation.

Sorry, it was DEMOCRATS who led the segregation movement, not Republicans. You've really got a warped perspective of history, dude.

This it typical white guilty liberal doublespeak though... they've been doing it for years and years. You either excuse your racist past or try to blame it off on someone else. You're still doing that today with great success.
Well it's for the very same exact reason many slaves were contented on their plantations across the South.

Calling a whole race stupid and lazy is textbook racism.

Thanks for sending so many more votes to the Democrats.

Let's be clear, Conservatives don't call anyone stupid or lazy. We assume that everyone is smart and wants to be productive... to use their skills, talents and ideas to better their lot in life through free market capitalism and free enterprise. Without the government playing favorites to one group over another based on their race.

It is PROGRESSIVES who think some people are too stupid and lazy to be productive or useful to society and that we must take care of them for the sake of humanity. We have to give the poor little stupid blacks their welfare because they could never be expected to compete with whites. We have to encourage abortion in order to get rid of the undesirables in society who are a burden. THAT is the mindset of Progressives.
Sorry, it was DEMOCRATS who led the segregation movement, not Republicans. You've really got a warped perspective of history, dude.

No, it was CONSERVATIVES who led the Segregation Movement. it was LIBERALS who ended it. And when it was clear Segregation would no longer be tolerated, those Conservatives fled the Democrats and joined the REpublicans.

This is what is pretty obvious to folks of color.

Now, it used to be, the GOP could get 30% of the black vote. Then Goldwater decided to oppose the Civil Rights Bill and Tricky Dick started the Southern Strategy.
It is PROGRESSIVES who think some people are too stupid and lazy to be productive or useful to society and that we must take care of them for the sake of humanity. We have to give the poor little stupid blacks their welfare because they could never be expected to compete with whites. We have to encourage abortion in order to get rid of the undesirables in society who are a burden. THAT is the mindset of Progressives.

The sad thing is, you don't get how racist this sounds.

Okay- here's the thing. There are 198 Million White people in this country. of that 125 Million are in the labor force and 119 Million are employed.

There are 32 million black folks in this country, 19.7 million of them are in the labor force and 18 Million have jobs.

Table A-2. Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age

so, uh, no, blacks aren't all collecting welfare. Now, we could have an argument about who ends up with the crappy jobs that pay so little that people have to apply for benefits to make ends meet, buy you like taking it up the ass from the One Percenters, so I'm not sure why you are complaining. But let's look at who actually GETS Food stamps.


Wow! 40% of people who get food Stamps are WHITE!!!

Okay, let's look at TANF recipients... Oh, wait, a third of them are White!


But wait, there's More. Remember when that Weird Mormon Robot you ran in 2012 talked about the 47% who didn't understand how wonderful tax cuts for the rich were because they didn't pay taxes. Let's look at who THEY are.


What? Most of them are Children and the Elderly? how can that be?
Sorry, it was DEMOCRATS who led the segregation movement, not Republicans. You've really got a warped perspective of history, dude.

No, it was CONSERVATIVES who led the Segregation Movement. it was LIBERALS who ended it. And when it was clear Segregation would no longer be tolerated, those Conservatives fled the Democrats and joined the REpublicans.

This is what is pretty obvious to folks of color.

Now, it used to be, the GOP could get 30% of the black vote. Then Goldwater decided to oppose the Civil Rights Bill and Tricky Dick started the Southern Strategy.

No... sorry, it was Democrats. Republicans were more liberal back then but they had to be, the Democrats were so racist. I will invite anyone to go back and look at the votes on civil rights... it was the Republican support that passed it. Democrats were split.

There is no record of this "mass exodus" from the Democrat party to the Republican party. Aside from Strom Thurman, you don't have any examples. You people KEPT your racists, gave them some sort of fucked up "amnesty" or something by claiming the had "repented" and then started blaming racism on Republicans. George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Robert Byrd were all racists who died life-long Democrats. Byrd, most recently, was celebrated as a Democrat party ICON!

We won't even get into the Kennedy's and what a bunch of racist fucks they were. RFK had his FBI crawling all over MLK and probably was behind his assassination.

And Nixon's "Southern Strategy" yielded 32% of the black vote from working-class Southerners. The racists all voted for George Wallace... the Democrat-turned-Dixiecrat. Nixon's 1972 Administration featured many prominent black faces like Senator Edward Brooke, Earl Kennedy, Nathan Wright, Clarence Townes and Arthur Fletcher.... hardly sounds like he was a flaming racist to me. :dunno:
It is PROGRESSIVES who think some people are too stupid and lazy to be productive or useful to society and that we must take care of them for the sake of humanity. We have to give the poor little stupid blacks their welfare because they could never be expected to compete with whites. We have to encourage abortion in order to get rid of the undesirables in society who are a burden. THAT is the mindset of Progressives.

The sad thing is, you don't get how racist this sounds.

I know exactly how racist is sounds, dickhead.. I was paraphrasing the Progressives who are RACIST!
I usually call them bed wetters and moonbats, among other things.

You're point is exactly right though, they co-opted the term "liberal" and bastardized it. They do this with a lot of words I've noticed. They have to change the meaning of things to manipulate people though.

Look at the idiots who will foam at the mouth when you point out that the National Socialist Workers Party was Leftwing, and reflects far more of the modern moonbat agenda than anything modern conservatives endorse.
But the thing is, they called themselves liberals, and then their political opponents called them "liberals" in a sarcastic way because they were practically the polar opposite of liberals.

And the sarcastic term stuck. I refuse to call them liberals.

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