We should stop calling them "Liberals!"

Yes, Joey has definitely suffered head trauma... he often tries to claim that he was once a Republican. This is amusing since none of his views reflect any resemblance to republicanism.

Well, that's true. Republican now isn't about anything but racism and religious nutbaggery.

To paraphrase Ronnie Ray-gun, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. Ronnie Ray-gun would be a RINO today.

He's now a Democrat and that's amusing because he doesn't appear to believe in democracy either. His apologist rhetoric always seems to support Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Maoism and Totalitarianism.

Actually, I'm an independent. I vote for the least crazy candidate who comes up. I voted for Bruce Rauner in 2014 (which I already realize was a mistake) and I will probably vote for Mark Kirk in November. (I'm still on the fence on that one.)

Here's the thing. American Democracy wouldn't necessarily work for a Chinese or a Russian. I know this is a concept you seem to have a hard time getting your head around. Was Mao a bastard? Yup. Is the average Chinese better off today because of what he did with his country? Absolutely.

He is an anti-capitalist and closet racist who thinks we should hire and fire people based on their skin color.

You don't think that's being done now. It's just being done for WHITE people. which is why I work in an office with 50 white people, and two black ladies and one Asian lady.

So have you gotten tot he point where you are supporting Trump yet, you sellout?

No one gives a rat's ass about your opinion, Joey. It was proven this week that your party has been actively involved in racist practices throughout their own primary. Dozens of emails leaked from inside the DNC making fun of blacks and Hispanics, using Bernie Sanders' Jewish heritage against him in the south, mocking black people's names, etc. Wasserman-Schultz has had to resign over it and now the "spin" is that Putin concocted all these emails on his own.

Even when you're busted dead to rights on being the racist scum you are, you point your little crooked finger at someone else and try to pretend sugar won't melt in your mouth. All you ever do here is consistently prove you're a little racist fraud who is obsessed with skin color over everything else.
Yes, Joey has definitely suffered head trauma... he often tries to claim that he was once a Republican. This is amusing since none of his views reflect any resemblance to republicanism.

Well, that's true. Republican now isn't about anything but racism and religious nutbaggery.

To paraphrase Ronnie Ray-gun, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. Ronnie Ray-gun would be a RINO today.

He's now a Democrat and that's amusing because he doesn't appear to believe in democracy either. His apologist rhetoric always seems to support Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Maoism and Totalitarianism.

Actually, I'm an independent. I vote for the least crazy candidate who comes up. I voted for Bruce Rauner in 2014 (which I already realize was a mistake) and I will probably vote for Mark Kirk in November. (I'm still on the fence on that one.)

Here's the thing. American Democracy wouldn't necessarily work for a Chinese or a Russian. I know this is a concept you seem to have a hard time getting your head around. Was Mao a bastard? Yup. Is the average Chinese better off today because of what he did with his country? Absolutely.

He is an anti-capitalist and closet racist who thinks we should hire and fire people based on their skin color.

You don't think that's being done now. It's just being done for WHITE people. which is why I work in an office with 50 white people, and two black ladies and one Asian lady.

So have you gotten tot he point where you are supporting Trump yet, you sellout?

No one gives a rat's ass about your opinion, Joey. It was proven this week that your party has been actively involved in racist practices throughout their own primary. Dozens of emails leaked from inside the DNC making fun of blacks and Hispanics, using Bernie Sanders' Jewish heritage against him in the south, mocking black people's names, etc. Wasserman-Schultz has had to resign over it and now the "spin" is that Putin concocted all these emails on his own.

Even when you're busted dead to rights on being the racist scum you are, you point your little crooked finger at someone else and try to pretend sugar won't melt in your mouth. All you ever do here is consistently prove you're a little racist fraud who is obsessed with skin color over everything else.
Link to that overblown bs? None of those dumb ideas were ever used...
I don't know how "people" can be as stupid as these bed wetters appear to be.

It's hard for me to believe "people" that stupid can actually exist. Seriously, how does someone who is ignorant and stupid enough to believe Mao and Stalin were anything but blood thirsty sociopaths survive that long? People that stupid are supposed to die eating a bottle of children's Tylenol, or simply get lost in the woods and eaten by wolves.

These parasites represent the the bottom rung of humanity's intelligence. They can prattle on about their "education" all they like. I'm sure there were a whole lot of "educated" bed wetters in Jonestown who eagerly gulped down their moonbat messiah's kool-aid. They're really not "educated" they're brainwashed and completely incapable of a coherent thought.

I'm still working on a theory that there are really just a handful of moonbats here, and that most libturd posts are generated by a computer program. Many of their posts are redundant jibberish, so it seems plausible. There can't possibly be that many real people walking around who are that fucking stupid.

I don't know how "people" can be as stupid as these bed wetters appear to be.

It's hard for me to believe "people" that stupid can actually exist. Seriously, how does someone who is ignorant and stupid enough to believe Mao and Stalin were anything but blood thirsty sociopaths survive that long? People that stupid are supposed to die eating a bottle of children's Tylenol, or simply get lost in the woods and eaten by wolves.

These parasites represent the the bottom rung of humanity's intelligence. They can prattle on about their "education" all they like. I'm sure there were a whole lot of "educated" bed wetters in Jonestown who eagerly gulped down their moonbat messiah's kool-aid. They're really not "educated" they're brainwashed and completely incapable of a coherent thought.

I'm still working on a theory that there are really just a handful of moonbats here, and that most libturd posts are generated by a computer program. Many of their posts are redundant jibberish, so it seems plausible. There can't possibly be that many real people walking around who are that fucking stupid.

Sorry, Dems don't support Mao or Stalin. You are misinformed. As always.
Liberalism is defined as a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights.

For all practical purposes, what was once thought of as "liberalism" is now known as "libertarianism." So what happened to "liberalism?" Well, it was hijacked in the mid 20th century by progressives. Progressivism is a general political philosophy advocating or favoring gradual social, political, and economic reform through government action. So we see the major difference is the use of the government, liberalism and progressivism are distinctly different concepts. From here, the progressives have been usurped by the socialists and communists, who advocate for a Marxist-style system to replace capitalism. These people currently claim the "Liberal" banner, but they are not even remotely related.

The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty. We established a government system that did not interfere with personal freedom, and confined itself, through the constitution, to a limited role. However, through the Progressive movement to the modern day Socialists, we now see "liberals" adopting a 2,700 page health care bill which uses the word "shall" over 3,000 times. These people are not about personal liberty at all. They are all about control. From the type of light bulbs you can use, the kind of car you can drive, and how much of your income you will be allowed to keep.

We continue to see and hear the very same arguments presented by the Socialist movement in Europe, through most of the 20th century, repackaged and presented as if it's some new revolutionary idea. The 1% vs. 99% meme, is almost verbatim, the argument made by Mao Zedong, which sparked the People's Revolution in China. What had happened in China, was a result of a dynasty which controlled all power, unfairly and unequally favoring the elite members close to the ruler. These people were exploiting the resources and labor of the masses, and profiting from the capitalism at the expense of the people.

Mao proposed, just as the Occupy Wall Streeters have, that something must be done to mitigate the out of control capitalism, which was not benefiting the masses. Of course, after Mao was brought to power through revolution, the "grand plan" called for systemic elimination of all capitalism, to the extent of literally executing those who practiced it. Once all of the capitalists were dead, and the government had confiscated their wealth, the idea was, the wealth would be equally distributed to the people and everyone would be better off. But that didn't happen. The socialist "dream" never does happen, because those who are to do the redistributing become very corrupt, and take the money for themselves.

The disaster in China began to unfold after the capitalists were gone, and the elite controlled the wealth, but didn't know what to do with it, other than spend it. As the masses continued to suffer and starve to death, they became rebellious, and eventually, the Mao regime began to execute political dissidents. It is estimated that over 70 million people died as a result of Mao's reign of power. In the end, the masses were not better off, they were considerably worse off. It wasn't until after Mao's death, the government was able to 'moderate' back to a somewhat capitalist style system, and in a matter of the past 40 years, have emerged as a global economic superpower. The point, and lesson, was that destroying capitalism didn't solve the problems, it made matters worse.

It is through our unique combination of limited government intervention, personal freedom, and free market, free enterprise capitalism, that we have been able to enjoy unprecedented success as a nation. This was very much a "liberal" idea, but what we see today from the left in America is completely foreign to that concept. Indeed, we should stop calling these people "liberals" and start calling them what they are, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists.
The left side of the spectrum has divided into two parts, just as the right side has -- although, in fairness, the right side is in probably more than two pieces.

The far Left is its own animal, one that hates this country's history and traditions, one that goes out of its way to divide us into little identity groups, one that will do everything in its power to shut down opposing speech.

Normal, traditional liberals are similar to normal, traditional conservatives: They lean in their direction, but see and appreciate both sides of an issue and are willing to bend in a more honest and humble pursuit of cooperative progress.
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Uh..guy.. you were lamenting that we did not remain subjects under the English Crown....Apparently you do not like the Constitution

You really need someone to help you with the big words...

Uh...guy... Mao wasn't corrupt at all, huh? He wasn't on the Russian payroll, I guess

The thing is, our own intelligence during WWII would rather work with Mao than Chiang because Mao would go out and fight the Japanese while Chiang would steal the money we sent him.

Uh..no guy, it is not Cold War propaganda. Research it, educate yourself.

I have. It's mostly unsubstantiated bullshit.
No one gives a rat's ass about your opinion, Joey. It was proven this week that your party has been actively involved in racist practices throughout their own primary. Dozens of emails leaked from inside the DNC making fun of blacks and Hispanics, using Bernie Sanders' Jewish heritage against him in the south, mocking black people's names, etc. Wasserman-Schultz has had to resign over it and now the "spin" is that Putin concocted all these emails on his own.

Well, guy, your boy Trump is in bed with Putin. Watch Out, Baltic States!

The E-mails aren't the big deal you are making them out to be... but you keep pretending this is a winner for you.

Even when you're busted dead to rights on being the racist scum you are, you point your little crooked finger at someone else and try to pretend sugar won't melt in your mouth. All you ever do here is consistently prove you're a little racist fraud who is obsessed with skin color over everything else.

Guy, you are the one who gets up here and supports a Nazi after you said you wouldn't.

So. Trump is not a Conservative, a Christian or a Libertarian... buy you support him anyway because he hates him some Mexicans, just like you do
I'm still working on a theory that there are really just a handful of moonbats here, and that most libturd posts are generated by a computer program. Many of their posts are redundant jibberish, so it seems plausible. There can't possibly be that many real people walking around who are that fucking stupid.

But yet your side keeps losing elections... how is that.
No one gives a rat's ass about your opinion, Joey. It was proven this week that your party has been actively involved in racist practices throughout their own primary. Dozens of emails leaked from inside the DNC making fun of blacks and Hispanics, using Bernie Sanders' Jewish heritage against him in the south, mocking black people's names, etc. Wasserman-Schultz has had to resign over it and now the "spin" is that Putin concocted all these emails on his own.

Well, guy, your boy Trump is in bed with Putin. Watch Out, Baltic States!

The E-mails aren't the big deal you are making them out to be... but you keep pretending this is a winner for you.

Even when you're busted dead to rights on being the racist scum you are, you point your little crooked finger at someone else and try to pretend sugar won't melt in your mouth. All you ever do here is consistently prove you're a little racist fraud who is obsessed with skin color over everything else.

Guy, you are the one who gets up here and supports a Nazi after you said you wouldn't.

So. Trump is not a Conservative, a Christian or a Libertarian... buy you support him anyway because he hates him some Mexicans, just like you do

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I don't support Trump.

The emails are not a big deal because it's not illegal to be racist as fuck. But they totally expose the hypocrisy of the progressive left.
Does the liberal label apply to every person who votes democrat? Most of my friends are white heterosexual married business or former business owners. They are voting democrat. In fact some of them love bernie. They worked hard never collected welfare. Does that make them liberal? Is trump a full blown conservative?
Liberalism is defined as a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights.

For all practical purposes, what was once thought of as "liberalism" is now known as "libertarianism." So what happened to "liberalism?" Well, it was hijacked in the mid 20th century by progressives. Progressivism is a general political philosophy advocating or favoring gradual social, political, and economic reform through government action. So we see the major difference is the use of the government, liberalism and progressivism are distinctly different concepts. From here, the progressives have been usurped by the socialists and communists, who advocate for a Marxist-style system to replace capitalism. These people currently claim the "Liberal" banner, but they are not even remotely related.

The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty. We established a government system that did not interfere with personal freedom, and confined itself, through the constitution, to a limited role. However, through the Progressive movement to the modern day Socialists, we now see "liberals" adopting a 2,700 page health care bill which uses the word "shall" over 3,000 times. These people are not about personal liberty at all. They are all about control. From the type of light bulbs you can use, the kind of car you can drive, and how much of your income you will be allowed to keep.

We continue to see and hear the very same arguments presented by the Socialist movement in Europe, through most of the 20th century, repackaged and presented as if it's some new revolutionary idea. The 1% vs. 99% meme, is almost verbatim, the argument made by Mao Zedong, which sparked the People's Revolution in China. What had happened in China, was a result of a dynasty which controlled all power, unfairly and unequally favoring the elite members close to the ruler. These people were exploiting the resources and labor of the masses, and profiting from the capitalism at the expense of the people.

Mao proposed, just as the Occupy Wall Streeters have, that something must be done to mitigate the out of control capitalism, which was not benefiting the masses. Of course, after Mao was brought to power through revolution, the "grand plan" called for systemic elimination of all capitalism, to the extent of literally executing those who practiced it. Once all of the capitalists were dead, and the government had confiscated their wealth, the idea was, the wealth would be equally distributed to the people and everyone would be better off. But that didn't happen. The socialist "dream" never does happen, because those who are to do the redistributing become very corrupt, and take the money for themselves.

The disaster in China began to unfold after the capitalists were gone, and the elite controlled the wealth, but didn't know what to do with it, other than spend it. As the masses continued to suffer and starve to death, they became rebellious, and eventually, the Mao regime began to execute political dissidents. It is estimated that over 70 million people died as a result of Mao's reign of power. In the end, the masses were not better off, they were considerably worse off. It wasn't until after Mao's death, the government was able to 'moderate' back to a somewhat capitalist style system, and in a matter of the past 40 years, have emerged as a global economic superpower. The point, and lesson, was that destroying capitalism didn't solve the problems, it made matters worse.

It is through our unique combination of limited government intervention, personal freedom, and free market, free enterprise capitalism, that we have been able to enjoy unprecedented success as a nation. This was very much a "liberal" idea, but what we see today from the left in America is completely foreign to that concept. Indeed, we should stop calling these people "liberals" and start calling them what they are, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists.
The left side of the spectrum has divided into two parts, just as the right side has -- although, in fairness, the right side is in probably more than two pieces.

The far Left is its own animal, one that hates this country's history and traditions, one that goes out of its way to divide us into little identity groups, one that will do everything in its power to shut down opposing speech.

Normal, traditional liberals are similar to normal, traditional conservatives: They lean in their direction, but see and appreciate both sides of an issue and are willing to bend in a more honest and humble pursuit of cooperative progress.
About 90% of Dems are "normal", while about 60% of GOP at LEAST are now brainwashed flat earth bigots. Thanks GOP/FOX/RUSH/Kochs-Heritage/ Murdoch-Moon-Adelson etc etc.
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No one gives a rat's ass about your opinion, Joey. It was proven this week that your party has been actively involved in racist practices throughout their own primary. Dozens of emails leaked from inside the DNC making fun of blacks and Hispanics, using Bernie Sanders' Jewish heritage against him in the south, mocking black people's names, etc. Wasserman-Schultz has had to resign over it and now the "spin" is that Putin concocted all these emails on his own.

Well, guy, your boy Trump is in bed with Putin. Watch Out, Baltic States!

The E-mails aren't the big deal you are making them out to be... but you keep pretending this is a winner for you.

Even when you're busted dead to rights on being the racist scum you are, you point your little crooked finger at someone else and try to pretend sugar won't melt in your mouth. All you ever do here is consistently prove you're a little racist fraud who is obsessed with skin color over everything else.

Guy, you are the one who gets up here and supports a Nazi after you said you wouldn't.

So. Trump is not a Conservative, a Christian or a Libertarian... buy you support him anyway because he hates him some Mexicans, just like you do

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I don't support Trump.

The emails are not a big deal because it's not illegal to be racist as fuck. But they totally expose the hypocrisy of the progressive left.
As if someone named LaQueenia isn't good for a joke in the RNC, dupe. Another ridiculously overblown GOP/corporate scandal. These e-mails are a joke- talk is cheap.
Yes, Joey has definitely suffered head trauma... he often tries to claim that he was once a Republican. This is amusing since none of his views reflect any resemblance to republicanism.

Well, that's true. Republican now isn't about anything but racism and religious nutbaggery.

To paraphrase Ronnie Ray-gun, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. Ronnie Ray-gun would be a RINO today.

He's now a Democrat and that's amusing because he doesn't appear to believe in democracy either. His apologist rhetoric always seems to support Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Maoism and Totalitarianism.

Actually, I'm an independent. I vote for the least crazy candidate who comes up. I voted for Bruce Rauner in 2014 (which I already realize was a mistake) and I will probably vote for Mark Kirk in November. (I'm still on the fence on that one.)

Here's the thing. American Democracy wouldn't necessarily work for a Chinese or a Russian. I know this is a concept you seem to have a hard time getting your head around. Was Mao a bastard? Yup. Is the average Chinese better off today because of what he did with his country? Absolutely.

He is an anti-capitalist and closet racist who thinks we should hire and fire people based on their skin color.

You don't think that's being done now. It's just being done for WHITE people. which is why I work in an office with 50 white people, and two black ladies and one Asian lady.

So have you gotten tot he point where you are supporting Trump yet, you sellout?

No one gives a rat's ass about your opinion, Joey. It was proven this week that your party has been actively involved in racist practices throughout their own primary. Dozens of emails leaked from inside the DNC making fun of blacks and Hispanics, using Bernie Sanders' Jewish heritage against him in the south, mocking black people's names, etc. Wasserman-Schultz has had to resign over it and now the "spin" is that Putin concocted all these emails on his own.

Even when you're busted dead to rights on being the racist scum you are, you point your little crooked finger at someone else and try to pretend sugar won't melt in your mouth. All you ever do here is consistently prove you're a little racist fraud who is obsessed with skin color over everything else.
Jeebus you're FOS, ignorant, and misinformed, hater dupe.
No one gives a rat's ass about your opinion, Joey. It was proven this week that your party has been actively involved in racist practices throughout their own primary. Dozens of emails leaked from inside the DNC making fun of blacks and Hispanics, using Bernie Sanders' Jewish heritage against him in the south, mocking black people's names, etc. Wasserman-Schultz has had to resign over it and now the "spin" is that Putin concocted all these emails on his own.

Well, guy, your boy Trump is in bed with Putin. Watch Out, Baltic States!

The E-mails aren't the big deal you are making them out to be... but you keep pretending this is a winner for you.

Even when you're busted dead to rights on being the racist scum you are, you point your little crooked finger at someone else and try to pretend sugar won't melt in your mouth. All you ever do here is consistently prove you're a little racist fraud who is obsessed with skin color over everything else.

Guy, you are the one who gets up here and supports a Nazi after you said you wouldn't.

So. Trump is not a Conservative, a Christian or a Libertarian... buy you support him anyway because he hates him some Mexicans, just like you do

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I don't support Trump.

The emails are not a big deal because it's not illegal to be racist as fuck. But they totally expose the hypocrisy of the progressive left.
The DNC is the establishment, too damn close to GOP, centrist Dem party, dingbat. And what they gossip to each other means nothing, like your gd idiot, disastrous, brainwashed New BS GOP.
Does the liberal label apply to every person who votes democrat? Most of my friends are white heterosexual married business or former business owners. They are voting democrat. In fact some of them love bernie. They worked hard never collected welfare. Does that make them liberal? Is trump a full blown conservative?

We are all on a spectrum as individuals. Our political parties are controlled by extremists, almost exclusively now. You used to see conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans. Now, Democrats are promoting hard line Marxist Socialism and I don't know what Republicans are promoting... Nationalist-Populist Agrarianism? Fascism? I'm not really sure how to define it. But both parties shut down opposition voices within the party. You can't disagree anymore. You have to walk the party line. If you step out of line, you're destroyed politically.

The best thing we could do, the thing we've always been able to do in the past, is the voice of the people pulls the party back to the center, back to a less extreme point which umbrellas many more individuals along the spectrum. The problem is, the extremists who control both parties, don't view themselves as extreme. They maintain they ARE moderate-centrist and any change is abandoning principles. And the extremists control the dialogue... If you don't believe A, B and C... you're not a REAL Democrat... If you don't believe X, Y and Z... you're not a REAL Republican. You're hooted down and run out of the party in some cases.
The DNC is the establishment, too damn close to GOP, centrist Dem party, dingbat. And what they gossip to each other means nothing, like your gd idiot, disastrous, brainwashed New BS GOP.

Gossip? You mean the actual discussions on campaign strategy and how to rig the primaries against Bernie and make sure Hillary wins the nomination? That's now "gossip" in your mind?
The DNC is the establishment, too damn close to GOP, centrist Dem party, dingbat. And what they gossip to each other means nothing, like your gd idiot, disastrous, brainwashed New BS GOP.

Gossip? You mean the actual discussions on campaign strategy and how to rig the primaries against Bernie and make sure Hillary wins the nomination? That's now "gossip" in your mind?
Nothing came of any of that stupid, private idiocy, dupe.
As if someone named LaQueenia isn't good for a joke in the RNC, dupe. Another ridiculously overblown GOP/corporate scandal. These e-mails are a joke- talk is cheap.

I know that if the stuff I heard had been said by ANY Republican, we'd never hear the end of it.

But for some reason, "Taco Bowl outreach" is not supposed to be offensive to Latinos when Dems say it. The emails are full of cringe-worthy nuggets, making fun of black names, discussions on whether they should go after Bernie as an Atheist or a Jew in the south. But like I said, there's nothing illegal about them. It just looks REALLY bad. It exposes the innermost thoughts of Democrat Party leadership and their closeted racism. This doesn't surprise a lot of us, the Democrats have been the racist party since their inception.

It was a Democrat president who stripped the pride from Native Americans.
It was a Democrat president who refused to do something about slavery and avert a Civil War.
It was a Democrat president who stripped the dignity of Japanese-Americans during WWII.
It was a Democrat president who destroyed the black family with institutionalized poverty known as welfare.

All through your deplorable history you've been racists and you continue to try and throw that off onto someone else. Like smart little plantation masters you've convinced minorities, through your liberal white guilt, that you are there to fight for them and make their lives better. There is a reason the "benevolent master" idea worked so well across the large plantations in the south. It kept them loyal.
Does the liberal label apply to every person who votes democrat? Most of my friends are white heterosexual married business or former business owners. They are voting democrat. In fact some of them love bernie. They worked hard never collected welfare. Does that make them liberal? Is trump a full blown conservative?

We are all on a spectrum as individuals. Our political parties are controlled by extremists, almost exclusively now. You used to see conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans. Now, Democrats are promoting hard line Marxist Socialism and I don't know what Republicans are promoting... Nationalist-Populist Agrarianism? Fascism? I'm not really sure how to define it. But both parties shut down opposition voices within the party. You can't disagree anymore. You have to walk the party line. If you step out of line, you're destroyed politically.

The best thing we could do, the thing we've always been able to do in the past, is the voice of the people pulls the party back to the center, back to a less extreme point which umbrellas many more individuals along the spectrum. The problem is, the extremists who control both parties, don't view themselves as extreme. They maintain they ARE moderate-centrist and any change is abandoning principles. And the extremists control the dialogue... If you don't believe A, B and C... you're not a REAL Democrat... If you don't believe X, Y and Z... you're not a REAL Republican. You're hooted down and run out of the party in some cases.
Except the GOP is based on extremist crap/lies and hate and runs with it. What extremists are in charge of the Dems? LOL. No one like the Kochs/Murdoch/Moon/Adelson brainwashers with billions spent on brainwashing channel and orgs, institutes, papers, covert ops that make up the bs circle jerk propaganda machine that the dupes can't exit without getting the bends..

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