We should stop calling them "Liberals!"

Moose muffins. Deregulated seems to always be just before another GOP bubble bust...1929, 1989, 2008. Overall we have the rich not paying enough taxes for 35 years..

Well, that's your opinion and you're wrong. I don't care what "seems to be" in your simple little mind, you're a moron. We have "bubble bursts" largely due to government interference in free market capitalism. Free markets don't have bubbles arise because the laws of price, competition and supply and demand mitigate such bubbles. So, no bublles, no bubble burst.

What you do is find little simple-minded anecdotes to point a finger at a single political party for all our problems... they're mostly problems your party created.

The rich don't pay taxes, they don't earn incomes. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Top marginal wage earners aren't rich people. They just make a lot of money each year and most of them are small businesses reporting on a individual's tax return, as required by the tax code.

Once you get rich, you generally stop making earned income... you sometimes invest some of your wealth, which you've already paid income taxes on... and that wealth might produce a dividend, and you pay a tax on that dividend. But that's a completely different tax table.

The people who aren't "paying their fair share" are the millions who get up to $1,500 a year in EIC back when they didn't pay anything in. Not to mention all the people who pay no income taxes or the Democrats who just forget to pay their taxes until they're caught.
We should stop calling them "Liberals!"


socialist, communists, fascists, etc
they are all creatures of the left and can be found

Dependent on large gov'ts which put the rights of the state over the the rights of the individual
making the individual, subservient to the state

they are all statists

Liberalism is defined as a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights.

That's what I believe and always will..Free will from govt.control and the swinging rake theory...
The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty.

Uh, no, guy. A bunch of rich slave owners didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes fought against a parliamentary democracy. the revolution saved us from the horror of being- Canadians.

Your rantings about Mao are equally silly. Mao took a war-wracked country which had been in a state of anarchy for 50 years and turned it into a major power.

One that is eating our lunch right now.
Small government failed.

Oh... You didn't complete that sentence... here, let me help you...

Small government failed because we turned it into big government.

There... you're welcome! :)

Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.
The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty.

Uh, no, guy. A bunch of rich slave owners didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes fought against a parliamentary democracy. the revolution saved us from the horror of being- Canadians.

Your rantings about Mao are equally silly. Mao took a war-wracked country which had been in a state of anarchy for 50 years and turned it into a major power.

One that is eating our lunch right now.
Uh...guy...are you lamenting that we are not subjects to the English Crown?
Your idol Mao butchered millions of his own people.
It seems like you were banging your head into a wall too many times and suffered brain damage...
Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.

Government is what instituted slavery and upheld that institution for 85 years before the Civil War. States had nothing to do with that, in fact, many states outlawed slavery. It was federal government who overrode state laws and said you were a criminal if you didn't turn over your fugitive slaves. And even after the people ratified three constitutional amendments, it was the federal government who instituted segregation and Jim Crow laws for another century.

Here's how free markets and individual liberty works... I sell cotton and own slaves... you don't like that I own slaves so you don't buy my cotton. I am forced to abandon my slaves in order to sell my cotton. No government needed.
The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty.

Uh, no, guy. A bunch of rich slave owners didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes fought against a parliamentary democracy. the revolution saved us from the horror of being- Canadians.

Your rantings about Mao are equally silly. Mao took a war-wracked country which had been in a state of anarchy for 50 years and turned it into a major power.

One that is eating our lunch right now.
Uh...guy...are you lamenting that we are not subjects to the English Crown?
Your idol Mao butchered millions of his own people.
It seems like you were banging your head into a wall too many times and suffered brain damage...

Yes, Joey has definitely suffered head trauma... he often tries to claim that he was once a Republican. This is amusing since none of his views reflect any resemblance to republicanism. He's now a Democrat and that's amusing because he doesn't appear to believe in democracy either. His apologist rhetoric always seems to support Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Maoism and Totalitarianism. He is an anti-capitalist and closet racist who thinks we should hire and fire people based on their skin color.
Uh...guy...are you lamenting that we are not subjects to the English Crown?

Uh, no. Go back and read what I said.

I'm saying that the Founding Slave Rapists didn't save us from anything all that horrible. Heck, an alternate time line where the US never was would be one where slavery ends 30 years earlier without a civil war. Imagine all the trouble we wouldn't be in now if that were the case.

Your idol Mao butchered millions of his own people.

Didn't say Mao was my idol. I said that he took a country that had been wracked by Civil War and invasion for 50 years and turned it into a major power. Do you need someone to help you with the big words?

Now, besides the fact that the "millions" figure is probably bullshit, yes, I'll admit, China is a horrible place to live. But it was a horrible place to live before Mao and it's not a nice place to live now.
Small government failed.

Oh... You didn't complete that sentence... here, let me help you...

Small government failed because we turned it into big government.

There... you're welcome! :)

Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.
Republicans already ended your democrat slavery.....you mad bro?
Yes, Joey has definitely suffered head trauma... he often tries to claim that he was once a Republican. This is amusing since none of his views reflect any resemblance to republicanism.

Well, that's true. Republican now isn't about anything but racism and religious nutbaggery.

To paraphrase Ronnie Ray-gun, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. Ronnie Ray-gun would be a RINO today.

He's now a Democrat and that's amusing because he doesn't appear to believe in democracy either. His apologist rhetoric always seems to support Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Maoism and Totalitarianism.

Actually, I'm an independent. I vote for the least crazy candidate who comes up. I voted for Bruce Rauner in 2014 (which I already realize was a mistake) and I will probably vote for Mark Kirk in November. (I'm still on the fence on that one.)

Here's the thing. American Democracy wouldn't necessarily work for a Chinese or a Russian. I know this is a concept you seem to have a hard time getting your head around. Was Mao a bastard? Yup. Is the average Chinese better off today because of what he did with his country? Absolutely.

He is an anti-capitalist and closet racist who thinks we should hire and fire people based on their skin color.

You don't think that's being done now. It's just being done for WHITE people. which is why I work in an office with 50 white people, and two black ladies and one Asian lady.

So have you gotten tot he point where you are supporting Trump yet, you sellout?
I'm saying that the Founding Slave Rapists didn't save us from anything all that horrible. Heck, an alternate time line where the US never was would be one where slavery ends 30 years earlier without a civil war. Imagine all the trouble we wouldn't be in now if that were the case.
Uh...guy, you don't like the Constitution? That's what I gather from you post. (apply critical thinking if your head banging left some functional brain cells)
Didn't say Mao was my idol. I said that he took a country that had been wracked by Civil War and invasion for 50 years and turned it into a major power. Do you need someone to help you with the big words?

Now, besides the fact that the "millions" figure is probably bullshit, yes, I'll admit, China is a horrible place to live. But it was a horrible place to live before Mao and it's not a nice place to live now.
What are your premises to prove that Chiang Kai Shek wouldn't bring prosperity to China?
Mao's butchering millions of his own countrymen is not a mythos but fact. Research it, it may be beneficial in expanding your horizon.
Uh...Guy, quit banging your head into a wall...see what happens when you over do it?
Uh...guy, you don't like the Constitution? That's what I gather from you post. (apply critical thinking if your head banging left some functional brain cells)

Again, you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. Nothing wrong with constitutionthat can't be fixed with a Sharpie.

What are your premises to prove that Chiang Kai Shek wouldn't bring prosperity to China?

You mean other than he was so corrupt that American officials referred to him as "Cash My Check"?

Mao's butchering millions of his own countrymen is not a mythos but fact. Research it, it may be beneficial in expanding your horizon.

Uh, yeah, the problem is, most of those sources are cold war propaganda. Cold War is over baby. Everyone lost.
Again, you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. Nothing wrong with constitutionthat can't be fixed with a Sharpie.
Uh..guy.. you were lamenting that we did not remain subjects under the English Crown....Apparently you do not like the Constitution
You mean other than he was so corrupt that American officials referred to him as "Cash My Check"?
Uh...guy... Mao wasn't corrupt at all, huh? He wasn't on the Russian payroll, I guess
Uh, yeah, the problem is, most of those sources are cold war propaganda. Cold War is over baby. Everyone lost.
Uh..no guy, it is not Cold War propaganda. Research it, educate yourself.
We should stop calling them "Liberals!"


socialist, communists, fascists, etc
they are all creatures of the left and can be found

Dependent on large gov'ts which put the rights of the state over the the rights of the individual
making the individual, subservient to the state

they are all statists

Sorry, fascists are RW. Statists who think corporations are benevolent and need to be set free. See Hitler. "Liberal Fascism is absolute drivel- The Economist" (and everyone else with a brain), dupe.
Moose muffins. Deregulated seems to always be just before another GOP bubble bust...1929, 1989, 2008. Overall we have the rich not paying enough taxes for 35 years..

Well, that's your opinion and you're wrong. I don't care what "seems to be" in your simple little mind, you're a moron. We have "bubble bursts" largely due to government interference in free market capitalism. Free markets don't have bubbles arise because the laws of price, competition and supply and demand mitigate such bubbles. So, no bublles, no bubble burst.

What you do is find little simple-minded anecdotes to point a finger at a single political party for all our problems... they're mostly problems your party created.

The rich don't pay taxes, they don't earn incomes. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Top marginal wage earners aren't rich people. They just make a lot of money each year and most of them are small businesses reporting on a individual's tax return, as required by the tax code.

Once you get rich, you generally stop making earned income... you sometimes invest some of your wealth, which you've already paid income taxes on... and that wealth might produce a dividend, and you pay a tax on that dividend. But that's a completely different tax table.

The people who aren't "paying their fair share" are the millions who get up to $1,500 a year in EIC back when they didn't pay anything in. Not to mention all the people who pay no income taxes or the Democrats who just forget to pay their taxes until they're caught.
When everyone is paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees and the richest end up with almost all the new wealth and the middle class and the country are falling apart, they are not being taxed enough. DUH, dupe. And your giant orange savior wants to cut taxes on the rich...so dumb.
Moose muffins. Deregulated seems to always be just before another GOP bubble bust...1929, 1989, 2008. Overall we have the rich not paying enough taxes for 35 years..

Well, that's your opinion and you're wrong. I don't care what "seems to be" in your simple little mind, you're a moron. We have "bubble bursts" largely due to government interference in free market capitalism. Free markets don't have bubbles arise because the laws of price, competition and supply and demand mitigate such bubbles. So, no bublles, no bubble burst.

What you do is find little simple-minded anecdotes to point a finger at a single political party for all our problems... they're mostly problems your party created.

The rich don't pay taxes, they don't earn incomes. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Top marginal wage earners aren't rich people. They just make a lot of money each year and most of them are small businesses reporting on a individual's tax return, as required by the tax code.

Once you get rich, you generally stop making earned income... you sometimes invest some of your wealth, which you've already paid income taxes on... and that wealth might produce a dividend, and you pay a tax on that dividend. But that's a completely different tax table.

The people who aren't "paying their fair share" are the millions who get up to $1,500 a year in EIC back when they didn't pay anything in. Not to mention all the people who pay no income taxes or the Democrats who just forget to pay their taxes until they're caught.
Yup, it's just a coincidence that when your megarich heroes get in, financial institutions run wild and regular folks pay the tab. Now they want to do it AGAIN. It's never been more obvious that that the rich are bloated and the nonrich and the country need the help for a change...

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