We should stop calling them "Liberals!"

Just to make it clear, Joeblow and ignorant bed wetters like her might believe welfare programs are designed to "help" people, including black people but it's only because they're stupid. If welfare programs were established to lift people OUT of poverty there would be incentives for people to achieve independence. There would be cut offs for people who waste the charity of the tax payers. There wouldn't be 5 generations of "families" on the dole if it wasn'the designed to create a dependent class of voters.

But you see, here's the thing. There aren't "five generations" on the dole. This is one of those right wing myths you guys like to repeat that mostly aren't true.


In fact, most people are off welfare within 4 years.
speaking of inbred morons who repeat shit that ain't true...

Your boy got a trillion fucking dollars for "infrastructure/jobs" and didn't produce. He had to sheepishly admit there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" after he gave the money away to his donor buddies and liberal cronies. And here you are, asking for ANOTHER hand out for the SAME THING! You must think we're all a bunch of morons?

You see, once again, something that isn't true. The Stimulus was not "A trillion dollars". It was 740 Billion spread over three years. In a 17 Trillion dollar economy in free-fall, that's like fairy wings on a cement truck.

Furthermore, very little of it went to "Shovel-ready" jobs. Most went to tax breaks (thanks, Republicans, those Dressage Horses were looking peckish) and payments to states to make up budget shortfalls thanks to Bush's recession.


And hey... College costs money... it's not cheap. The reason it's so expensive now is because of your stupid liberal policies of handing out student loans like candy at the candy store. Colleges are capitalist enterprises, they know there is "free money" out there, so they jack up the tuition to soak it all up. It's a nasty little cycle you've created by having the government interfere with free market capitalism. Had you left well enough alone, colleges would have to compete for consumer dollars and the cost would be lower.

Uh, guy, you must be one of those Wingnuts who blames short skirts for rape. Do you think that the colleges STILL wouldn't be soaking students if the government didn't pay for?

Here's another helpful chart to help you out.. Fact is, most tuition is not paid for by the government, and college soak students, anyway. Much like the Health Care industry, they know when they have you by the short hairs.


But... as we repeatedly see... Liberal policies FAIL and the blame is shifted off onto the mean old Republicans who don't care about the little people. You fuck things totally up, then point to the Republicans and blame them!

Except here's the thing. Thing only get really fucked up when Republicans are in charge. I would LOVE to go back to the America we had in the 1960's for white working class folks. You know, before REpublicans fucked it all up by wrecking unions and the middle class. Shit, I'd love to go back to the 1990's, when Clinton made it better before Bush came along and fucked it up.
I like that you can read the mind of a dead man though the Veil of Time, but regardless, he desegregated the Schools of the South during the time period when according to the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy he was pandering to southern racists, somehow.

We don't have to "Read Nixon's Mind". Nixon was kind enough to record his blatant racism...


Hey, maybe that's why they called him "Dick".
I like that you can read the mind of a dead man though the Veil of Time, but regardless, he desegregated the Schools of the South during the time period when according to the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy he was pandering to southern racists, somehow.

We don't have to "Read Nixon's Mind". Nixon was kind enough to record his blatant racism...


Hey, maybe that's why they called him "Dick".
Nor LBJ's
Liberalism is defined as a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights.

For all practical purposes, what was once thought of as "liberalism" is now known as "libertarianism." So what happened to "liberalism?" Well, it was hijacked in the mid 20th century by progressives. Progressivism is a general political philosophy advocating or favoring gradual social, political, and economic reform through government action. So we see the major difference is the use of the government, liberalism and progressivism are distinctly different concepts. From here, the progressives have been usurped by the socialists and communists, who advocate for a Marxist-style system to replace capitalism. These people currently claim the "Liberal" banner, but they are not even remotely related.

The battle for American independence, was very much a "liberal" cause. We sought our independence from totalitarian rule by kings, in the name of individual liberty. We established a government system that did not interfere with personal freedom, and confined itself, through the constitution, to a limited role. However, through the Progressive movement to the modern day Socialists, we now see "liberals" adopting a 2,700 page health care bill which uses the word "shall" over 3,000 times. These people are not about personal liberty at all. They are all about control. From the type of light bulbs you can use, the kind of car you can drive, and how much of your income you will be allowed to keep.

We continue to see and hear the very same arguments presented by the Socialist movement in Europe, through most of the 20th century, repackaged and presented as if it's some new revolutionary idea. The 1% vs. 99% meme, is almost verbatim, the argument made by Mao Zedong, which sparked the People's Revolution in China. What had happened in China, was a result of a dynasty which controlled all power, unfairly and unequally favoring the elite members close to the ruler. These people were exploiting the resources and labor of the masses, and profiting from the capitalism at the expense of the people.

Mao proposed, just as the Occupy Wall Streeters have, that something must be done to mitigate the out of control capitalism, which was not benefiting the masses. Of course, after Mao was brought to power through revolution, the "grand plan" called for systemic elimination of all capitalism, to the extent of literally executing those who practiced it. Once all of the capitalists were dead, and the government had confiscated their wealth, the idea was, the wealth would be equally distributed to the people and everyone would be better off. But that didn't happen. The socialist "dream" never does happen, because those who are to do the redistributing become very corrupt, and take the money for themselves.

The disaster in China began to unfold after the capitalists were gone, and the elite controlled the wealth, but didn't know what to do with it, other than spend it. As the masses continued to suffer and starve to death, they became rebellious, and eventually, the Mao regime began to execute political dissidents. It is estimated that over 70 million people died as a result of Mao's reign of power. In the end, the masses were not better off, they were considerably worse off. It wasn't until after Mao's death, the government was able to 'moderate' back to a somewhat capitalist style system, and in a matter of the past 40 years, have emerged as a global economic superpower. The point, and lesson, was that destroying capitalism didn't solve the problems, it made matters worse.

It is through our unique combination of limited government intervention, personal freedom, and free market, free enterprise capitalism, that we have been able to enjoy unprecedented success as a nation. This was very much a "liberal" idea, but what we see today from the left in America is completely foreign to that concept. Indeed, we should stop calling these people "liberals" and start calling them what they are, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists.

That's all well and good but who is going to pay for my abortions?

Hillary 2016! :afro:

Look, just because Dims fix elections and build wire fences to keep out Bernie supporters in no way means they are Marxists. They are Hillaryists.
Repent? Well it seems you've made that impossible unless you're a Democrat! You have a little 'double standard' thing going there. Racist as fuck Democrats apparently can just stop talking about their past and everything is forgiven. But because one Republican ran a populist campaign in 1964 on the platform of segregation... an issue staunchly held by many Democrats of the time... that is unforgivable for ever and ever!

It is when your party keeps doing that shit long after most sensible people consider it unacceptable.

Let's review the wonderful history of Republican Racism after we all supposedly agreed racism was a bad thing. .
1964- Goldwater runs against the Civil Rights Acts, only wins the Cracker vote.
1968- Tricky Dick makes a play for the Cracker Vote- the Southern Strategy.
1980- Ronnie Ray-gun talks about "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks" on welfare
1986- Jessie Helms talks about how Martin Luther King was a Communist and uses the dreaded "White Hands" commercial to complain about affirmative action
1988- George Bush the elder uses the racist Willie Horton Commericals.
2006- Bob Corker implies his black opponent wants to fuck white women.
2012 - Nominating a guy who belongs to a racist cult who kisses Donald Trump's ass.
2016- Just about everything Donald Trump says.

No double standard here. You guys provide plenty of fresh abuses.

It's exactly what you think and what all guilty white liberals think. It's the whole reasoning behind your argument. You can sit here and spew nonsense about racist white man hiring practices all you like... we've had federal anti-discrimination laws on the books for over 50 years. I don't know if you realize it but there are actually black people who work in positions of hiring others now.... yeah, I know... it's surprising to you, isn't it?

Frankly, guy, I've never been interviewed by a black person in my life. Now, while white women have benefited mightily from Affirmative Action (yes, you can usually get by saying you are diverse by hiring a woman or an Asian... or better yet an Asian woman) the fact is, they've done studies on this. If you have a black name, your resume doesn't even get callbacks.

All you have is some anecdotal personal story that's probably a fucking lie anyway. But you parade that around like some kind of justification for your racist bigoted thoughts.

No, guy, i parade it around. Now to be fair, I worked with this pompous asshole for 7 years, and in his defense, he never once used the N-word (unlike my last boss, the one who cured me of Republicanism and I have to work with every day now as a vendor). What I would say is that his racism was kind of subtle to the point he wasn't aware of it.

Another great example, same guy. In 2012, we had three people quit our department. All three went out on Going Away Lunches.

A Chinese woman, 40's, who had been with the company for 9 years.
A Black woman in her 30's who had been with the company for 2 years
A Blond intern in her 20's who had been with the company 3 months.

Hey, guess which one this guy took time out of his busy schedule to join us for lunch? Wanna guess? Come one, Guess.

Black people don't need your liberal lily-white ass taking care of them. You've done enough "helping" them through the years. Meanwhile, your lying ho-bag of a candidate will prance around in front of black audiences pandering and mocking blacks... I Don't Feel Noways Tired! You people are fucking disgusting and despicable racists and you need to be exposed for it.

Yeah, guy, I know you are going to scratch your head about how dumb the Darkies are when Trump loses them 90%+ margins. "Don't they realize Hillary said something once that sounds bad out of context".
Repent? Well it seems you've made that impossible unless you're a Democrat! You have a little 'double standard' thing going there. Racist as fuck Democrats apparently can just stop talking about their past and everything is forgiven. But because one Republican ran a populist campaign in 1964 on the platform of segregation... an issue staunchly held by many Democrats of the time... that is unforgivable for ever and ever!

It is when your party keeps doing that shit long after most sensible people consider it unacceptable.

Let's review the wonderful history of Republican Racism after we all supposedly agreed racism was a bad thing. .
1964- Goldwater runs against the Civil Rights Acts, only wins the Cracker vote.
1968- Tricky Dick makes a play for the Cracker Vote- the Southern Strategy.
1980- Ronnie Ray-gun talks about "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks" on welfare
1986- Jessie Helms talks about how Martin Luther King was a Communist and uses the dreaded "White Hands" commercial to complain about affirmative action
1988- George Bush the elder uses the racist Willie Horton Commericals.
2006- Bob Corker implies his black opponent wants to fuck white women.
2012 - Nominating a guy who belongs to a racist cult who kisses Donald Trump's ass.
2016- Just about everything Donald Trump says.

No double standard here. You guys provide plenty of fresh abuses.

It's exactly what you think and what all guilty white liberals think. It's the whole reasoning behind your argument. You can sit here and spew nonsense about racist white man hiring practices all you like... we've had federal anti-discrimination laws on the books for over 50 years. I don't know if you realize it but there are actually black people who work in positions of hiring others now.... yeah, I know... it's surprising to you, isn't it?

Frankly, guy, I've never been interviewed by a black person in my life. Now, while white women have benefited mightily from Affirmative Action (yes, you can usually get by saying you are diverse by hiring a woman or an Asian... or better yet an Asian woman) the fact is, they've done studies on this. If you have a black name, your resume doesn't even get callbacks.

All you have is some anecdotal personal story that's probably a fucking lie anyway. But you parade that around like some kind of justification for your racist bigoted thoughts.

No, guy, i parade it around. Now to be fair, I worked with this pompous asshole for 7 years, and in his defense, he never once used the N-word (unlike my last boss, the one who cured me of Republicanism and I have to work with every day now as a vendor). What I would say is that his racism was kind of subtle to the point he wasn't aware of it.

Another great example, same guy. In 2012, we had three people quit our department. All three went out on Going Away Lunches.

A Chinese woman, 40's, who had been with the company for 9 years.
A Black woman in her 30's who had been with the company for 2 years
A Blond intern in her 20's who had been with the company 3 months.

Hey, guess which one this guy took time out of his busy schedule to join us for lunch? Wanna guess? Come one, Guess.

Black people don't need your liberal lily-white ass taking care of them. You've done enough "helping" them through the years. Meanwhile, your lying ho-bag of a candidate will prance around in front of black audiences pandering and mocking blacks... I Don't Feel Noways Tired! You people are fucking disgusting and despicable racists and you need to be exposed for it.

Yeah, guy, I know you are going to scratch your head about how dumb the Darkies are when Trump loses them 90%+ margins. "Don't they realize Hillary said something once that sounds bad out of context".
Like all the cheap college and training programs you twits have been blocking the last 7 years, dupe? The infrastructure/jobs bills? Idiot.

Your boy got a trillion fucking dollars for "infrastructure/jobs" and didn't produce. He had to sheepishly admit there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" after he gave the money away to his donor buddies and liberal cronies. And here you are, asking for ANOTHER hand out for the SAME THING! You must think we're all a bunch of morons?

And hey... College costs money... it's not cheap. The reason it's so expensive now is because of your stupid liberal policies of handing out student loans like candy at the candy store. Colleges are capitalist enterprises, they know there is "free money" out there, so they jack up the tuition to soak it all up. It's a nasty little cycle you've created by having the government interfere with free market capitalism. Had you left well enough alone, colleges would have to compete for consumer dollars and the cost would be lower.

But... as we repeatedly see... Liberal policies FAIL and the blame is shifted off onto the mean old Republicans who don't care about the little people. You fuck things totally up, then point to the Republicans and blame them!
200 billion, actually, dupe. And you're clueless as always....The jobs did all appear and it was very good, dupe. Just needed it again for full recovery mode. TY, New BS GOP...

So what would competition from free public colleges do? Unlike when they doubled in cost just under W...

Pay attention, goofball. I know you don't understand how free market capitalism works but if you listen to me you may get educated... for free!

There were actually TWO stimulus packages adopted by Congress, the total of both was over a trillion dollars... $1.2 trillion to be exact. We had virtually NO substantial job growth or economic growth from that, we didn't "fix roads and bridges" because you're STILL WHINING about them. Your little smoke and mirrors pundits want to prance around with their job reports showing 100k jobs or less per quarter and claim a victory... it's ridiculous. That's not job growth. Meanwhile, Obama's minions and donors got rich.

The cost of college tuition didn't double under George W. Bush... is that what the Trotskyites are feeding you these days or what? I didn't say anything about "competition from free public colleges" ...I don't even comprehend what the hell that is. Some pie-in-the-sky nonsense, I suppose?

Free market capitalism doesn't mean everything is free in the market and the capitalists just steal your money to get the free stuff. Things cost money... people sell things for profit to consumers who buy them voluntarily. Competition is other people selling the same thing, perhaps for less profit to encourage the consumer to buy from them instead.

Colleges are full of professors and educators who earn a paycheck. There is cost in running a college... buildings have to be paid for and maintained. Electric bills have to get paid, etc. Administrators get paid for administering. Got the picture? So WHO should pay them? The Good Fairy of Liberal Thoughts? In a free market capitalist system, it should be the consumer who voluntarily chooses to purchase their product and there should be other colleges competing for those consumer dollars. This system ensures the best quality products at the most affordable price to the consumer and it has been working well for over 250 years in this country.

The problem is, liberals moved us away from this system when it comes to college tuition because they wanted to "help people" as usual. So now, the government lets graduating high school seniors obtain "student loans" to pay for college, and the colleges are aware of this. Knowing the prospective consumer has that money already in pocket, they jack up their prices to get as much of that money as possible. Thus, higher prices for college tuition. If the student loan money wasn't there, they wouldn't have any customers because no one could afford the tuition. They would have to cut their tuition rates in order to attract consumers and other colleges would cut their rates a little more to compete. Pretty soon, through free market principles, you'd have college tuition that was reasonable again.

There's not a way for the government to pay for everyone's college education. There are not enough rich people on the entire planet to pay for the millions of people wanting free education. And before you start spouting the Eurotrash countries who pay for college... they don't have freedom to choose what they are educated in. Their "free education" is dictated by the government. You don't get to just go do what you want to do, it's not America.
Pay attention, goofball. I know you don't understand how free market capitalism works but if you listen to me you may get educated... for free!

The problem guy, is we understand EXACTLY how Free market capitialism works.

It's why the Democrats almost nominated a socialist and the Republicans have nominated a Nazi.

Most Americans have realized Free Market Capitalism is a Shit Sandwich with Semen Sauce on it.

Colleges are full of professors and educators who earn a paycheck. There is cost in running a college... buildings have to be paid for and maintained. Electric bills have to get paid, etc. Administrators get paid for administering. Got the picture? So WHO should pay them? The Good Fairy of Liberal Thoughts? In a free market capitalist system, it should be the consumer who voluntarily chooses to purchase their product and there should be other colleges competing for those consumer dollars. This system ensures the best quality products at the most affordable price to the consumer and it has been working well for over 250 years in this country.

But that's not true, either. Besides the fact most college is paid for by student debt and hard work, the thing is, the colleges are ripping off students because they can. The thing is, the people who don't have the grades to get into a state-subsidized university end up going to "Free Market" scams like the University of Phoenix.
Repent? Well it seems you've made that impossible unless you're a Democrat! You have a little 'double standard' thing going there. Racist as fuck Democrats apparently can just stop talking about their past and everything is forgiven. But because one Republican ran a populist campaign in 1964 on the platform of segregation... an issue staunchly held by many Democrats of the time... that is unforgivable for ever and ever!

It is when your party keeps doing that shit long after most sensible people consider it unacceptable.

Let's review the wonderful history of Republican Racism after we all supposedly agreed racism was a bad thing. .
1964- Goldwater runs against the Civil Rights Acts, only wins the Cracker vote.
1968- Tricky Dick makes a play for the Cracker Vote- the Southern Strategy.
1980- Ronnie Ray-gun talks about "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks" on welfare
1986- Jessie Helms talks about how Martin Luther King was a Communist and uses the dreaded "White Hands" commercial to complain about affirmative action
1988- George Bush the elder uses the racist Willie Horton Commericals.
2006- Bob Corker implies his black opponent wants to fuck white women.
2012 - Nominating a guy who belongs to a racist cult who kisses Donald Trump's ass.
2016- Just about everything Donald Trump says.

No double standard here. You guys provide plenty of fresh abuses.

It's exactly what you think and what all guilty white liberals think. It's the whole reasoning behind your argument. You can sit here and spew nonsense about racist white man hiring practices all you like... we've had federal anti-discrimination laws on the books for over 50 years. I don't know if you realize it but there are actually black people who work in positions of hiring others now.... yeah, I know... it's surprising to you, isn't it?

Frankly, guy, I've never been interviewed by a black person in my life. Now, while white women have benefited mightily from Affirmative Action (yes, you can usually get by saying you are diverse by hiring a woman or an Asian... or better yet an Asian woman) the fact is, they've done studies on this. If you have a black name, your resume doesn't even get callbacks.

All you have is some anecdotal personal story that's probably a fucking lie anyway. But you parade that around like some kind of justification for your racist bigoted thoughts.

No, guy, i parade it around. Now to be fair, I worked with this pompous asshole for 7 years, and in his defense, he never once used the N-word (unlike my last boss, the one who cured me of Republicanism and I have to work with every day now as a vendor). What I would say is that his racism was kind of subtle to the point he wasn't aware of it.

Another great example, same guy. In 2012, we had three people quit our department. All three went out on Going Away Lunches.

A Chinese woman, 40's, who had been with the company for 9 years.
A Black woman in her 30's who had been with the company for 2 years
A Blond intern in her 20's who had been with the company 3 months.

Hey, guess which one this guy took time out of his busy schedule to join us for lunch? Wanna guess? Come one, Guess.

Black people don't need your liberal lily-white ass taking care of them. You've done enough "helping" them through the years. Meanwhile, your lying ho-bag of a candidate will prance around in front of black audiences pandering and mocking blacks... I Don't Feel Noways Tired! You people are fucking disgusting and despicable racists and you need to be exposed for it.

Yeah, guy, I know you are going to scratch your head about how dumb the Darkies are when Trump loses them 90%+ margins. "Don't they realize Hillary said something once that sounds bad out of context".

You have STILL not mentioned a single Republican politician on the national or state level who has openly advocated segregation or racist policy in the past 50 years. You've STILL failed to name a single Democrat to flip parties other than Strom, who renounced segregation. All you have is revisionist claptrap. It's the same lie you've been pushing for years.

The history is there in black and white for the whole world to read. FDR's first Supreme Court pick was the former Klan lawyer, Hugo Black... a known segregationist. As a senator, Black filibustered an anti-lynching bill. As a justice, he upheld the Korematsu decision to intern Japanese-Americans. In 1968 he said, of the Civil Rights protests by Dr. King, “Unfortunately there are some who think that Negroes should have special privileges under the law.”

In 1924, the Democratic National Convention was practically hosted by the Klan! They called it the "Klanbake!" Robert Byrd, a former Klan leader became the #2 Democrat and then the #1 Democrat in Congress. The Klan was founded by Democrats. Segregation was founded by the Democrats. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were passed with 0% Democrat support. The Democrats were responsible for Jim Crow and Dred Scott. It's your fucking party's history and all you want to do is focus on Barry Goldwater in 1964 and Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy" like that means something. You have absolutely NO evidence of any politicians "switching over" as you claim... that clearly didn't happen.

Republicans have ALWAYS stood for the Constitution and the constitutional value of all men being Created equal. We've always stood for civil rights, personal liberty and individual property rights. Never in our history have we been opposed as a party to those values.
Once again far left drones are not liberals!

While they have hijacked the party and certain terms, they are not liberals in any sense of the word!

And as you can tell by this thread not one true liberal has posted!
The problem guy, is we understand EXACTLY how Free market capitialism works.

No you don't. YOU don't seem to understand much of anything... you just keep yammering nonsense over and over. You're about the biggest fucking moron on this board, and that's saying something. If I were as stupid as you, I don't think I could post here... I would too embarrassed to display my idiocy like that. Why don't you go get yourself an education on some things and then come back and we'll debate? Because, really... as fun as it is to kick your ass all around these threads, it's getting quite monotonous and boring to me. All you ever want to do is drone on and on with one liberal lie after another.... never addressing the counterpoints... just move on to yet another lie and distortion and keep plugging.

You're just a silly waste of my time and a total joke.
You have STILL not mentioned a single Republican politician on the national or state level who has openly advocated segregation or racist policy in the past 50 years. You've STILL failed to name a single Democrat to flip parties other than Strom, who renounced segregation. All you have is revisionist claptrap. It's the same lie you've been pushing for years.

It isn't about individual politicians. Politicians don't change parties. They don't have credibility when they do. VOTERS change.

Man, I am amazed you don't understand how this works.

The history is there in black and white for the whole world to read. FDR's first Supreme Court pick was the former Klan lawyer, Hugo Black... a known segregationist. As a senator, Black filibustered an anti-lynching bill. As a justice, he upheld the Korematsu decision to intern Japanese-Americans.

That was the best example you could come up with? That he supported a bad policy when people were issuing hilarious things like this...


In 1924, the Democratic National Convention was practically hosted by the Klan!

1924? Seriously? Thta was the best you can come up with, eh?

Hey Black folks aren't going to care that in 1924, the Klan supported BOTH parties.

they are going to care that today, you guys do shit like THIS...

No you don't. YOU don't seem to understand much of anything... you just keep yammering nonsense over and over. You're about the biggest fucking moron on this board, and that's saying something. If I were as stupid as you, I don't think I could post here... I would too embarrassed to display my idiocy like that. Why don't you go get yourself an education on some things and then come back and we'll debate? Because, really... as fun as it is to kick your ass all around these threads, it's getting quite monotonous and boring to me. All you ever want to do is drone on and on with one liberal lie after another.... never addressing the counterpoints... just move on to yet another lie and distortion and keep plugging.

You're just a silly waste of my time and a total joke.

Guy, if you were winning the argument, you wouldn't loose your shit when I point out the Free Market has turned your state into the Country's biggest toxic waste dump.
Man, I am amazed you don't understand how this works.

I understand how it works from YOUR perspective... If you're a Democrat it's impossible for you to be racist and nothing you ever support is racist. But if you're a Republican, you're automatically a racist because Goldwater and Nixon.
Guy, if you were winning the argument, you wouldn't loose your shit when I point out the Free Market has turned your state into the Country's biggest toxic waste dump.

YOU'RE the biggest toxic waste dump... you just keep on churning it out... we can't stop it!

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