We should stop calling them "Liberals!"

I like that you can read the mind of a dead man though the Veil of Time, but regardless, he desegregated the Schools of the South during the time period when according to the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy he was pandering to southern racists, somehow.

We don't have to "Read Nixon's Mind". Nixon was kind enough to record his blatant racism...


Hey, maybe that's why they called him "Dick".

The issue was desegregation and how he forced it on the South against the wishes of the racist of the South, who you are claiming he was pandering to.

That is the point that you are desperate to avoid being honest about.

(ps, i will now address your diversionary points, and I predict that you will use those as an excuse to keep avoiding my above point)

That was were the Race Issue was during the time period in question, AND as you and your support a woman's right to abort a baby for NO REASON what so ever, your concern for unborn black babies is not very credible.

Not to mention that the tape was not released until long after the South voted for him,

NOR to mention that he is talking about the opinions of other people.

So, a swing and a miss for Joey.

Actually 5 misses withe one swing, impressive in an odd way.
Repent? Well it seems you've made that impossible unless you're a Democrat! You have a little 'double standard' thing going there. Racist as fuck Democrats apparently can just stop talking about their past and everything is forgiven. But because one Republican ran a populist campaign in 1964 on the platform of segregation... an issue staunchly held by many Democrats of the time... that is unforgivable for ever and ever!

It is when your party keeps doing that shit long after most sensible people consider it unacceptable.

Let's review the wonderful history of Republican Racism after we all supposedly agreed racism was a bad thing. .
1964- Goldwater runs against the Civil Rights Acts, only wins the Cracker vote.
1968- Tricky Dick makes a play for the Cracker Vote- the Southern Strategy.
1980- Ronnie Ray-gun talks about "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks" on welfare
1986- Jessie Helms talks about how Martin Luther King was a Communist and uses the dreaded "White Hands" commercial to complain about affirmative action
1988- George Bush the elder uses the racist Willie Horton Commericals.
2006- Bob Corker implies his black opponent wants to fuck white women.
2012 - Nominating a guy who belongs to a racist cult who kisses Donald Trump's ass.
2016- Just about everything Donald Trump says.

No double standard here. You guys provide plenty of fresh abuses.

It's exactly what you think and what all guilty white liberals think. It's the whole reasoning behind your argument. You can sit here and spew nonsense about racist white man hiring practices all you like... we've had federal anti-discrimination laws on the books for over 50 years. I don't know if you realize it but there are actually black people who work in positions of hiring others now.... yeah, I know... it's surprising to you, isn't it?

Frankly, guy, I've never been interviewed by a black person in my life. Now, while white women have benefited mightily from Affirmative Action (yes, you can usually get by saying you are diverse by hiring a woman or an Asian... or better yet an Asian woman) the fact is, they've done studies on this. If you have a black name, your resume doesn't even get callbacks.

All you have is some anecdotal personal story that's probably a fucking lie anyway. But you parade that around like some kind of justification for your racist bigoted thoughts.

No, guy, i parade it around. Now to be fair, I worked with this pompous asshole for 7 years, and in his defense, he never once used the N-word (unlike my last boss, the one who cured me of Republicanism and I have to work with every day now as a vendor). What I would say is that his racism was kind of subtle to the point he wasn't aware of it.

Another great example, same guy. In 2012, we had three people quit our department. All three went out on Going Away Lunches.

A Chinese woman, 40's, who had been with the company for 9 years.
A Black woman in her 30's who had been with the company for 2 years
A Blond intern in her 20's who had been with the company 3 months.

Hey, guess which one this guy took time out of his busy schedule to join us for lunch? Wanna guess? Come one, Guess.

Black people don't need your liberal lily-white ass taking care of them. You've done enough "helping" them through the years. Meanwhile, your lying ho-bag of a candidate will prance around in front of black audiences pandering and mocking blacks... I Don't Feel Noways Tired! You people are fucking disgusting and despicable racists and you need to be exposed for it.

Yeah, guy, I know you are going to scratch your head about how dumb the Darkies are when Trump loses them 90%+ margins. "Don't they realize Hillary said something once that sounds bad out of context".

You have STILL not mentioned a single Republican politician on the national or state level who has openly advocated segregation or racist policy in the past 50 years. You've STILL failed to name a single Democrat to flip parties other than Strom, who renounced segregation. All you have is revisionist claptrap. It's the same lie you've been pushing for years.

The history is there in black and white for the whole world to read. FDR's first Supreme Court pick was the former Klan lawyer, Hugo Black... a known segregationist. As a senator, Black filibustered an anti-lynching bill. As a justice, he upheld the Korematsu decision to intern Japanese-Americans. In 1968 he said, of the Civil Rights protests by Dr. King, “Unfortunately there are some who think that Negroes should have special privileges under the law.”

In 1924, the Democratic National Convention was practically hosted by the Klan! They called it the "Klanbake!" Robert Byrd, a former Klan leader became the #2 Democrat and then the #1 Democrat in Congress. The Klan was founded by Democrats. Segregation was founded by the Democrats. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were passed with 0% Democrat support. The Democrats were responsible for Jim Crow and Dred Scott. It's your fucking party's history and all you want to do is focus on Barry Goldwater in 1964 and Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy" like that means something. You have absolutely NO evidence of any politicians "switching over" as you claim... that clearly didn't happen.

Republicans have ALWAYS stood for the Constitution and the constitutional value of all men being Created equal. We've always stood for civil rights, personal liberty and individual property rights. Never in our history have we been opposed as a party to those values.

Great post Boss, I just want to add a reminder that this was what the Willie Horton ad was about.

Willie Horton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On October 26, 1974, in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Horton and two accomplices robbed Joseph Fournier, a 17-year-old gas station attendant, and then fatally stabbed him 19 times after he had cooperated by handing over all of the money in the cash register. His body was stuffed in a trash can so his feet were jammed up against his chin. Fournier died from blood loss.[2] Horton was convicted of murder, sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, and incarcerated at the Northeastern Correctional Centerin Massachusetts

On June 6, 1986, he was released as part of a weekend furlough program but did not return. On April 3, 1987 in Oxon Hill, Maryland, Horton twice raped a local woman after pistol-whipping, knifing, binding, and gagging her fiancé. He then stole the car belonging to the man he had assaulted. He was later shot and captured by Corporal Yusuf Muhammad (formerly named Joseph Bell) of the Prince George's County Police Department after a pursuit. On October 20, Horton was sentenced in Maryland to two consecutive life terms plus 85 years. The sentencing judge, Vincent J. Femia, refused to return Horton to Massachusetts, saying, "I'm not prepared to take the chance that Mr. Horton might again be furloughed or otherwise released. This man should never draw a breath of free air again."

That was because of Dukakis's policies, and it was a valid issue.

THat lefties continue to push the Lie that it was racism shows that they are liars and race baiters and have no credibility.

Oh, and that they don't give a damn about the victims of violent crime, even women who have been repeatedly raped in front of their husbands.
I understand how it works from YOUR perspective... If you're a Democrat it's impossible for you to be racist and nothing you ever support is racist. But if you're a Republican, you're automatically a racist because Goldwater and Nixon.

Again, guy, I've been to Republican events, I hear the shit you say when other people aren't listening.

It's not just Goldwater and Nixon. It's Goldwater and Nixon and Helms and Reagan and Bush and Palin and Romney and McCain.
The issue was desegregation and how he forced it on the South against the wishes of the racist of the South, who you are claiming he was pandering to.

That is the point that you are desperate to avoid being honest about.

He only did that when the courts told him he had NO OTHER CHOICE. Nixon, while not as awful as NaziTrump, was hardly a bleeding heart on race.
That was because of Dukakis's policies, and it was a valid issue.

THat lefties continue to push the Lie that it was racism shows that they are liars and race baiters and have no credibility.

Oh, and that they don't give a damn about the victims of violent crime, even women who have been repeatedly raped in front of their husbands.

Quite the contrary, Cleetus, the thing was, it wasn't about a discussion of crime. It was about telling White America that Dukakis was going to unleash scary black people to get you.

They left out that part where the furlough program was created by a REPUBLICAN governor who preceeded Dukakis and Dukakis signed the law that fixed the problem. It wasn't about a sensible discussion of crime. It was about scaring the shit out of White People.

Bush knew what he was doing when he did that. He didn't even have the balls to do it directly, hiding behind front groups. Lee Atwater even apologized for it later. He couldn't meet his maker with that on his conscience.

Business | Atwater Makes Apology To Dukakis | Seattle Times Newspaper

Atwater says he is sorry for insulting former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis during the 1988 presidential campaign.

In the heat of that contest, Atwater said he ``would strip the bark off the little bastard'' and ``make Willie Horton his running mate.''

``I am sorry for both statements . . . the first for its naked cruelty, the second because it makes me sound racist, which I am not,'' Atwater wrote. He orchestrated President Bush's 1988 campaign against Dukakis.
I understand how it works from YOUR perspective... If you're a Democrat it's impossible for you to be racist and nothing you ever support is racist. But if you're a Republican, you're automatically a racist because Goldwater and Nixon.

Again, guy, I've been to Republican events, I hear the shit you say when other people aren't listening.

It's not just Goldwater and Nixon. It's Goldwater and Nixon and Helms and Reagan and Bush and Palin and Romney and McCain.
and pelosi and reid and clinton and what ever Johnson, FDR byrd, :banana::2up:
That was because of Dukakis's policies, and it was a valid issue.

THat lefties continue to push the Lie that it was racism shows that they are liars and race baiters and have no credibility.

Oh, and that they don't give a damn about the victims of violent crime, even women who have been repeatedly raped in front of their husbands.

Quite the contrary, Cleetus, the thing was, it wasn't about a discussion of crime. It was about telling White America that Dukakis was going to unleash scary black people to get you.

They left out that part where the furlough program was created by a REPUBLICAN governor who preceeded Dukakis and Dukakis signed the law that fixed the problem. It wasn't about a sensible discussion of crime. It was about scaring the shit out of White People.

Bush knew what he was doing when he did that. He didn't even have the balls to do it directly, hiding behind front groups. Lee Atwater even apologized for it later. He couldn't meet his maker with that on his conscience.

Business | Atwater Makes Apology To Dukakis | Seattle Times Newspaper

Atwater says he is sorry for insulting former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis during the 1988 presidential campaign.

In the heat of that contest, Atwater said he ``would strip the bark off the little bastard'' and ``make Willie Horton his running mate.''

``I am sorry for both statements . . . the first for its naked cruelty, the second because it makes me sound racist, which I am not,'' Atwater wrote. He orchestrated President Bush's 1988 campaign against Dukakis.
suuuuuure go with that! :lmao:
The issue was desegregation and how he forced it on the South against the wishes of the racist of the South, who you are claiming he was pandering to.

That is the point that you are desperate to avoid being honest about.

He only did that when the courts told him he had NO OTHER CHOICE. Nixon, while not as awful as NaziTrump, was hardly a bleeding heart on race.

Sure he had choices. He could have dragged his feet at the very least.

Instead he rushed the job to get it done asap.

That was how he "pandered" to the Racist vote of the South. He moved aggressively to desegregate their schools in order for the issue to be moot by the time of his re-election.

That is not pandering to racist.

The Southern Strategy is a lie.
That was because of Dukakis's policies, and it was a valid issue.

THat lefties continue to push the Lie that it was racism shows that they are liars and race baiters and have no credibility.

Oh, and that they don't give a damn about the victims of violent crime, even women who have been repeatedly raped in front of their husbands.

Quite the contrary, Cleetus, the thing was, it wasn't about a discussion of crime. It was about telling White America that Dukakis was going to unleash scary black people to get you.

They left out that part where the furlough program was created by a REPUBLICAN governor who preceeded Dukakis and Dukakis signed the law that fixed the problem. It wasn't about a sensible discussion of crime. It was about scaring the shit out of White People.

Bush knew what he was doing when he did that. He didn't even have the balls to do it directly, hiding behind front groups. Lee Atwater even apologized for it later. He couldn't meet his maker with that on his conscience.

YOu are such a liar.

The GOP program excluded murderers like Horton from the program and a lefty judge and Dukakis vetoed that.

Horton was a murderer who assaulted and raped a couple because of Dukakis.

It was a valid issue.

For you to use it as evidence of racism shows that you lefties are liars.
It was about telling White America that Dukakis was going to unleash scary black people to get you.

Unleash scary black people?

The ONLY party who ever had blacks on leashes was the Democrat party.

If not for Republicans they'd still be on leashes.

Oh, you Democrats still have some on leashes... you bring them out at your conventions to show them off.
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It was about telling White America that Dukakis was going to unleash scary black people to get you.

Unleash scary black people?

The ONLY party who ever had blacks on leashes was the Democrat party.

If not for Republicans they'd still be on leashes.

Oh, you Democrats still have some on leashes... you bring them out at your conventions to show them off.
Ridiculous. They know which party is full of racists these days...Yes, the Dems had a southern conservative wing...a LONG time ago now...
Ridiculous. They know which party is full of racists these days...Yes, the Dems had a southern conservative wing...a LONG time ago now...

Well no... You've implemented the "benevolent master" strategy and you have a bunch of blacks who are content to remain fat and happy on the plantation rather than embark on freedom from the plantation life. Freedom is a scary thing to some people... it's often much easier to remain "kept" by others. Racist Democrats like LBJ and FDR figured this out a long time ago.

I'm from Alabama, so I do personally know people who are 'overtly' racist. I don't associate with them but I am well aware of them. To a fault, there are NONE who are Republicans. Mostly, they are anti-government anarchists. They hate ALL political parties and believe they ALL sell out to the blacks.

Now, I will grant you that 50-60-80 years ago, the majority of segregationists were Democrat Conservatives. But it was conservative in the traditional sense, they opposed radical change. It had nothing to do with Conservative philosophical principles which are rooted in the Constitutional values that all men are created equal and endowed with rights from God. Those are values which have defined the Republican party since it's inception and that's why you find many of today's Conservatives associated with the Republican party. It's simply NOT the same people and certainly NOT the same Conservatives.
Sure he had choices. He could have dragged his feet at the very least.

Instead he rushed the job to get it done asap.

That was how he "pandered" to the Racist vote of the South. He moved aggressively to desegregate their schools in order for the issue to be moot by the time of his re-election.

Uh, no, guy. It had been two decades since Brown Struck down Seperate But Equal. Nixon wasn't rushing to get it done, he was forced to stop out the last embers of Jim Crow because he had promised to end race riots and he didn't want to create any new excuses for them.

And becuase the Courts told him he had no choice.

The GOP program excluded murderers like Horton from the program and a lefty judge and Dukakis vetoed that.

I think you are a little confused. What happened was that they created a furlough program, and guys like Horton who were doing life said, "Why can't we get some of that?" and the way it was worded, there was no legal reason to exclude them.

Dukakis signed a reform of the law that explicitly excluded people not eligible for release.

Bush wasn't having a 'rational discussion". If he was, he wouldn't have hidden behind front groups to put out htis commercial that his campaign supposedly had no link to (although it was eventually revealed he did.

This was pure scaremongering on race.
Well no... You've implemented the "benevolent master" strategy and you have a bunch of blacks who are content to remain fat and happy on the plantation rather than embark on freedom from the plantation life. Freedom is a scary thing to some people... it's often much easier to remain "kept" by others. Racist Democrats like LBJ and FDR figured this out a long time ago.

Yawn... so LBJ and FDR expanded black rights, and they're the racists, but republicans who roll them back aren't.... got it.

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