We should stop calling them "Liberals!"

Ridiculous. They know which party is full of racists these days...Yes, the Dems had a southern conservative wing...a LONG time ago now...

Well no... You've implemented the "benevolent master" strategy and you have a bunch of blacks who are content to remain fat and happy on the plantation rather than embark on freedom from the plantation life. Freedom is a scary thing to some people... it's often much easier to remain "kept" by others. Racist Democrats like LBJ and FDR figured this out a long time ago.

I'm from Alabama, so I do personally know people who are 'overtly' racist. I don't associate with them but I am well aware of them. To a fault, there are NONE who are Republicans. Mostly, they are anti-government anarchists. They hate ALL political parties and believe they ALL sell out to the blacks.

Now, I will grant you that 50-60-80 years ago, the majority of segregationists were Democrat Conservatives. But it was conservative in the traditional sense, they opposed radical change. It had nothing to do with Conservative philosophical principles which are rooted in the Constitutional values that all men are created equal and endowed with rights from God. Those are values which have defined the Republican party since it's inception and that's why you find many of today's Conservatives associated with the Republican party. It's simply NOT the same people and certainly NOT the same Conservatives.
They ARE NOT CONTENT- they'd love a hand up that the GOP blocks, and there are many covert racists, and they're in the GOP.
Ridiculous. They know which party is full of racists these days...Yes, the Dems had a southern conservative wing...a LONG time ago now...

Well no... You've implemented the "benevolent master" strategy and you have a bunch of blacks who are content to remain fat and happy on the plantation rather than embark on freedom from the plantation life. Freedom is a scary thing to some people... it's often much easier to remain "kept" by others. Racist Democrats like LBJ and FDR figured this out a long time ago.

I'm from Alabama, so I do personally know people who are 'overtly' racist. I don't associate with them but I am well aware of them. To a fault, there are NONE who are Republicans. Mostly, they are anti-government anarchists. They hate ALL political parties and believe they ALL sell out to the blacks.

Now, I will grant you that 50-60-80 years ago, the majority of segregationists were Democrat Conservatives. But it was conservative in the traditional sense, they opposed radical change. It had nothing to do with Conservative philosophical principles which are rooted in the Constitutional values that all men are created equal and endowed with rights from God. Those are values which have defined the Republican party since it's inception and that's why you find many of today's Conservatives associated with the Republican party. It's simply NOT the same people and certainly NOT the same Conservatives.
They ARE NOT CONTENT- they'd love a hand up that the GOP blocks, and there are many covert racists, and they're in the GOP.

But you've been giving them this "hand up" for decades and they are still down. That should signal to them that your plan isn't working for them. What did the GOP successfully block? Civil Rights? Voting Rights? Affirmative Action? Anti-discrimination laws? Entitlements? Almost to a fault, these things could have never been passed by Congress without huge Republican support. Historically, it has been the Democrats who have tried to block these things, not Republicans. You just turn around after the fact and BLAME Republicans.

And yes... many of them ARE content... they continue voting for the "benevolent masters" of the Democrat Party. They would rather have their benevolent master throw them a few scraps now and then than to embrace freedom from the plantation. And to your credit, you do a really good job of keeping them down... continuing to promote the victimhood narrative. You repeatedly tell them they can't make it out there on their own, they need YOU to "level the field" for them. That all of their problems are the result of racist Republican white people who want to keep them down. that if they just keep voting for Democrats, all their problems will be solved.... but you never solve their problems. You're the benevolent plantation owner. The last thing you REALLY want is to solve their problems because they wouldn't need you anymore.

"We have to give them just enough to keep them content but not enough to make a difference." ~LBJ
GUy, Lincoln would be horrified by the Party of Trump.

You may be right about that. I'm not a Trump supporter and his views are more Liberal than republican. He doesn't seem to represent true Republican values. He came out the other day in favor of increasing the MW to $10/hr which we KNOW will kill millions of minority jobs in America.
Ridiculous. They know which party is full of racists these days...Yes, the Dems had a southern conservative wing...a LONG time ago now...

Well no... You've implemented the "benevolent master" strategy and you have a bunch of blacks who are content to remain fat and happy on the plantation rather than embark on freedom from the plantation life. Freedom is a scary thing to some people... it's often much easier to remain "kept" by others. Racist Democrats like LBJ and FDR figured this out a long time ago.

I'm from Alabama, so I do personally know people who are 'overtly' racist. I don't associate with them but I am well aware of them. To a fault, there are NONE who are Republicans. Mostly, they are anti-government anarchists. They hate ALL political parties and believe they ALL sell out to the blacks.

Now, I will grant you that 50-60-80 years ago, the majority of segregationists were Democrat Conservatives. But it was conservative in the traditional sense, they opposed radical change. It had nothing to do with Conservative philosophical principles which are rooted in the Constitutional values that all men are created equal and endowed with rights from God. Those are values which have defined the Republican party since it's inception and that's why you find many of today's Conservatives associated with the Republican party. It's simply NOT the same people and certainly NOT the same Conservatives.
They ARE NOT CONTENT- they'd love a hand up that the GOP blocks, and there are many covert racists, and they're in the GOP.

But you've been giving them this "hand up" for decades and they are still down. That should signal to them that your plan isn't working for them. What did the GOP successfully block? Civil Rights? Voting Rights? Affirmative Action? Anti-discrimination laws? Entitlements? Almost to a fault, these things could have never been passed by Congress without huge Republican support. Historically, it has been the Democrats who have tried to block these things, not Republicans. You just turn around after the fact and BLAME Republicans.

And yes... many of them ARE content... they continue voting for the "benevolent masters" of the Democrat Party. They would rather have their benevolent master throw them a few scraps now and then than to embrace freedom from the plantation. And to your credit, you do a really good job of keeping them down... continuing to promote the victimhood narrative. You repeatedly tell them they can't make it out there on their own, they need YOU to "level the field" for them. That all of their problems are the result of racist Republican white people who want to keep them down. that if they just keep voting for Democrats, all their problems will be solved.... but you never solve their problems. You're the benevolent plantation owner. The last thing you REALLY want is to solve their problems because they wouldn't need you anymore.

"We have to give them just enough to keep them content but not enough to make a difference." ~LBJ
The GOP has blocked an infrastructure bank/jobs bill, training for tech jobs ideas, a living wage, cheaper college loans, free community college and everything else for 7 years. Change the channel. STHU, dupe. Memorize my sig and learn something true, not bs/hate propaganda...
The GOP has blocked an infrastructure bank/jobs bill, training for tech jobs ideas, a living wage, cheaper college loans, free community college and everything else for 7 years. Change the channel. STHU, dupe. Memorize my sig and learn something true, not bs/hate propaganda...

NONE of which is racist in any way, shape or form. The notion that the party of slavery, segregation and racism is somehow the EXCLUSIVE source of ideas for helping minorities is asinine. Your programs demonstrably hold minorities back and keep them down. Republicans want to lift them up by getting government out of the way and empowering them to reach their true potential.

It's YOUR channel that needs to change because you seem to be stuck in 1948.
We can call liberals crabby bossy pants. They will take away all their toys and hold their breath until they pass out. And then we sigh and let them get their way. And, as adults, is that how we want the world to operate? Mommy and daddy won't always cover your asses, and we don't like pandering to entitled kids with their golden halo. Geez, grow up.
Q: Why is it that we never hear the story from the Progressives of Madame C. J. Walker?
A: It's because she doesn't fit the Progressive narrative.

Madam C. J. Walker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sarah Breedlove (December 23, 1867 – May 25, 1919), known as Madam C. J. Walker, was an African American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a political and social activist. Eulogized as the first female self-made millionaire in America,[3] she became one of the wealthiest African American women in the country. Walker made her fortune by developing and marketing a line of beauty and hair products for black women through Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company, the successful business she founded. Walker was also known for her philanthropy and activism. She made financial donations to numerous organizations and became a patron of the arts. Villa Lewaro, Walker’s lavish estate inIrvington-on-Hudson, New York, served as a social gathering place for the African American community.

In 1888 Sarah and her daughter moved to Saint Louis, Missouri, where three of her brothers lived. Sarah found work as a laundress, barely earning more than a dollar a day, but she was determined to make enough money to provide her daughter with a formal education.[11][12] During the 1880s, Breedlove lived in a community where ragtime music was developed—she sang at the St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church and started to yearn for an educated life as she watched the community of women at her church.[3] As was common among black women of her era, Sarah experienced severe dandruff and other scalp ailments, including baldness, due to skin disorders and the application of harsh products such as lye that were included in soaps to cleanse hair and wash clothes. Other contributing factors to her hair loss included poor diet, illnesses, and infrequent bathing and hair washing during a time when most Americans lacked indoor plumbing, central heating and electricity.

Initially, Sarah learned about hair care from her brothers, who were barbers in Saint Louis.[13] Around the time of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (World's Fair at St. Louis in 1904), she became a commission agent selling products for Annie Turnbo Malone, an African American hair-care entrepreneur and owner of the Poro Company.[4] While working for Malone, who would later become Walker’s largest rival in the hair-care industry,[3] Sarah began to adapt her knowledge of hair and hair products to develop her own product line.[9]

In July 1905, when she was thirty-seven years old, Sarah and her daughter moved to Denver, Colorado, where she continued to sell products for Malone and develop her own hair-care business. Following her marriage to Charles Walker in 1906, she became known as Madam C. J. Walker and marketed herself as an independent hairdresser and retailer of cosmetic creams. (“Madam” was adopted from women pioneers of the French beauty industry.[16]) Her husband, who was also her business partner, provided advice on advertising and promotion; Sarah sold her products door to door, teaching other black women how to groom and style their hair.[6][9]

In 1906 Walker put her daughter in charge of the mail order operation in Denver while she and her husband traveled throughout the southern and eastern United States to expand the business.[11][13][14][17] In 1908 Walker and her husband relocated to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they opened a beauty parlor and established Lelia College to train "hair culturists." After closing the business in Denver in 1907, A'lelia ran the day-to-day operations from Pittsburgh, while Walker established a new base in Indianapolis in 1910.[18] A'lelia also persuaded her mother to establish an office and beauty salon in New York City's Harlem neighborhood in 1913.[16]

In 1910 Walker relocated her business to Indianapolis, where she established the headquarters for the Madame C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company. She initially purchased a house and factory at 640 North West Street.[19] Walker later built a factory, hair salon, and beauty school to train her sales agents, and added a laboratory to help with research.[14] She also assembled a competent staff that included Freeman Ransom, Robert Lee Brokenburr, Alice Kelly, and Marjorie Stewart Joyner, among others, to assist in managing the growing company.[9] Many of her company's employees, including those in key management and staff positions, were women.[16]

To increase her company's sales force, Walker trained other women to become "beauty culturists" using "The Walker System", her method of grooming that was designed to promote hair growth and to condition the scalp through the use of her products.[9] Walker's system included ashampoo, a pomade stated to help hair grow, strenuous brushing, and applying iron combs to hair. This method claimed to make lackluster and brittle hair become soft and luxurious.[11][13] Walker's product line had several competitors. Similar products were produced in Europe and manufactured by other companies in the United States, which included her major rivals, Annie Turnbo Malone's Poro System and later, Sarah Spencer Washington's Apex System.[20]

Between 1911 and 1919, during the height of her career, Walker and her company employed several thousand women as sales agents for its products.[6] By 1917 the company claimed to have trained nearly 20,000 women.[19] Dressed in a characteristic uniform of white shirts and black skirts and carrying black satchels, they visited houses around the United States and in the Caribbean offering Walker's hair pomade and other products packaged in tin containers carrying her image. Walker understood the power of advertising and brand awareness. Heavy advertising, primarily in African American newspapers and magazines, in addition to Walker's frequent travels to promote her products, helped make Walker and her products well known in the United States. Walker became even more widely by the 1920s as her business market expanded beyond the United States to Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Panama, and Costa Rica.[11][13][16][20]

In addition to training in sales and grooming, Walker showed other black women how to budget, build their own businesses, and encouraged them to become financially independent. In 1917, inspired by the model of the National Association of Colored Women, Walker began organizing her sales agents into state and local clubs. The result was the establishment of the National Beauty Culturists and Benevolent Association of Madam C. J. Walker Agents (predecessor to the Madam C. J. Walker Beauty Culturists Union of America).[6] Its first annual conference convened in Philadelphiaduring the summer of 1917 with 200 attendees. The conference is believed to have been among the first national gatherings of women entrepreneurs to discuss business and commerce.[10][11] During the convention Walker gave prizes to women who had sold the most products and brought in the most new sales agents. She also rewarded those who made the largest contributions to charities in their communities.

Now, this success story took place LONG before Civil Rights. There were no government welfare programs or entitlements, they hadn't been implemented. Women hadn't even gained the right to vote, much less BLACK women. Yet you have a clear example of a minority woman who achieved enormous financial success through her talents and ideas in the free market capitalist system. It's such a damning indictment of the Progressive liberal victimhood narrative which seems to dominate liberal Democrat thought these days. So we never hear about her story... and there are countless others... Booker T. Washington... George Washington Carver... Star Parker... even Oprah Winfrey. NONE of these people would attribute their success to government social programs delivered by Progressives.
We can call liberals crabby bossy pants. They will take away all their toys and hold their breath until they pass out. And then we sigh and let them get their way. And, as adults, is that how we want the world to operate? Mommy and daddy won't always cover your asses, and we don't like pandering to entitled kids with their golden halo. Geez, grow up.
And that's called progress. Beyond that, I don't know wtf you're talking about, dupe of the greedy idiot Rich GOP...
The GOP has blocked an infrastructure bank/jobs bill, training for tech jobs ideas, a living wage, cheaper college loans, free community college and everything else for 7 years. Change the channel. STHU, dupe. Memorize my sig and learn something true, not bs/hate propaganda...

NONE of which is racist in any way, shape or form. The notion that the party of slavery, segregation and racism is somehow the EXCLUSIVE source of ideas for helping minorities is asinine. Your programs demonstrably hold minorities back and keep them down. Republicans want to lift them up by getting government out of the way and empowering them to reach their true potential.

It's YOUR channel that needs to change because you seem to be stuck in 1948.
You could say they're just anti-poor policies. I never said they were racist. But they are obviously stupid and pandering to the greedy idiot rich. Same with environmental policy...
The GOP has blocked an infrastructure bank/jobs bill, training for tech jobs ideas, a living wage, cheaper college loans, free community college and everything else for 7 years. Change the channel. STHU, dupe. Memorize my sig and learn something true, not bs/hate propaganda...

NONE of which is racist in any way, shape or form. The notion that the party of slavery, segregation and racism is somehow the EXCLUSIVE source of ideas for helping minorities is asinine. Your programs demonstrably hold minorities back and keep them down. Republicans want to lift them up by getting government out of the way and empowering them to reach their true potential.

It's YOUR channel that needs to change because you seem to be stuck in 1948.
You could say they're just anti-poor policies. I never said they were racist. But they are obviously stupid and pandering to the greedy idiot rich. Same with environmental policy...
Obviously YOU are the one trapped in 1948, when the GOP could still be called the party of Lincoln without him spinning in his grave. Are you really this stupid?
You could say they're just anti-poor policies. I never said they were racist. But they are obviously stupid and pandering to the greedy idiot rich. Same with environmental policy...

But the policies you are talking about ARE anti-poor... they HARM the poor instead of helping. Raising taxes and jacking up the minimum wage KILL JOBS, and it's mostly jobs of poor Americans and minorities... they get fired and laid off due to your stupid policies. More dumb emotive environmental mandates burden businesses and they have to close up shop or downsize... KILLING jobs and putting more minorities in the unemployment lines.

But you don't really give a shit because you're not about helping them at all. You're FINE with them ending up in the unemployment lines because then they will depend on you to throw them an extra $20 here and there and keep them content and voting for Democrats. This is how you've been running your Plantation for years.
We can call liberals crabby bossy pants. They will take away all their toys and hold their breath until they pass out. And then we sigh and let them get their way. And, as adults, is that how we want the world to operate? Mommy and daddy won't always cover your asses, and we don't like pandering to entitled kids with their golden halo. Geez, grow up.
And that's called progress. Beyond that, I don't know wtf you're talking about, dupe of the greedy idiot Rich GOP...
Hillary controls the platform and uncle bernie was shoved aside. She had that golden halo. Makes me cynical, what a surprise, I could have predicted this months ago. Trump has the golden halo, he sure as hell didn't earn his situation to political experience. Trump's political "halo" is shining brighter than Hillary's
Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.

Government is what instituted slavery and upheld that institution for 85 years before the Civil War. States had nothing to do with that, in fact, many states outlawed slavery. It was federal government who overrode state laws and said you were a criminal if you didn't turn over your fugitive slaves. And even after the people ratified three constitutional amendments, it was the federal government who instituted segregation and Jim Crow laws for another century.

Here's how free markets and individual liberty works... I sell cotton and own slaves... you don't like that I own slaves so you don't buy my cotton. I am forced to abandon my slaves in order to sell my cotton. No government needed.

Another advocate for slavery comes out of the closet.
I never said they were racist.


and there are many covert racists, and they're in the GOP.

I challenged you to list some examples of Republicans implementing racist policies and you came up empty... all you could show was what YOU perceive as "anti-poor" positions on YOUR policies... which have been PROVEN to harm minorities not help them.
Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.

Government is what instituted slavery and upheld that institution for 85 years before the Civil War. States had nothing to do with that, in fact, many states outlawed slavery. It was federal government who overrode state laws and said you were a criminal if you didn't turn over your fugitive slaves. And even after the people ratified three constitutional amendments, it was the federal government who instituted segregation and Jim Crow laws for another century.

Here's how free markets and individual liberty works... I sell cotton and own slaves... you don't like that I own slaves so you don't buy my cotton. I am forced to abandon my slaves in order to sell my cotton. No government needed.

Another advocate for slavery comes out of the closet.

No... You are the one promoting government over free market capitalism, not me.
Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.

Government is what instituted slavery and upheld that institution for 85 years before the Civil War. States had nothing to do with that, in fact, many states outlawed slavery. It was federal government who overrode state laws and said you were a criminal if you didn't turn over your fugitive slaves. And even after the people ratified three constitutional amendments, it was the federal government who instituted segregation and Jim Crow laws for another century.

Here's how free markets and individual liberty works... I sell cotton and own slaves... you don't like that I own slaves so you don't buy my cotton. I am forced to abandon my slaves in order to sell my cotton. No government needed.

Another advocate for slavery comes out of the closet.

No... You are the one promoting government over free market capitalism, not me.

The government outlawed slavery. The market would keep it going.
Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.

Government is what instituted slavery and upheld that institution for 85 years before the Civil War. States had nothing to do with that, in fact, many states outlawed slavery. It was federal government who overrode state laws and said you were a criminal if you didn't turn over your fugitive slaves. And even after the people ratified three constitutional amendments, it was the federal government who instituted segregation and Jim Crow laws for another century.

Here's how free markets and individual liberty works... I sell cotton and own slaves... you don't like that I own slaves so you don't buy my cotton. I am forced to abandon my slaves in order to sell my cotton. No government needed.

Another advocate for slavery comes out of the closet.

No... You are the one promoting government over free market capitalism, not me.

Money is the root of all evil and you want money to run the country.

Good one.
We can call liberals crabby bossy pants. They will take away all their toys and hold their breath until they pass out. And then we sigh and let them get their way. And, as adults, is that how we want the world to operate? Mommy and daddy won't always cover your asses, and we don't like pandering to entitled kids with their golden halo. Geez, grow up.
And that's called progress. Beyond that, I don't know wtf you're talking about, dupe of the greedy idiot Rich GOP...
Hillary controls the platform and uncle bernie was shoved aside. She had that golden halo. Makes me cynical, what a surprise, I could have predicted this months ago. Trump has the golden halo, he sure as hell didn't earn his situation to political experience. Trump's political "halo" is shining brighter than Hillary's
Bernie's stuff is in there, and what isn't the Dem party wants in the end...What is the golden halo. Taking money for speeches means nothing but financing a great progressive Dem.
Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.

Government is what instituted slavery and upheld that institution for 85 years before the Civil War. States had nothing to do with that, in fact, many states outlawed slavery. It was federal government who overrode state laws and said you were a criminal if you didn't turn over your fugitive slaves. And even after the people ratified three constitutional amendments, it was the federal government who instituted segregation and Jim Crow laws for another century.

Here's how free markets and individual liberty works... I sell cotton and own slaves... you don't like that I own slaves so you don't buy my cotton. I am forced to abandon my slaves in order to sell my cotton. No government needed.

Another advocate for slavery comes out of the closet.

No... You are the one promoting government over free market capitalism, not me.

Money is the root of all evil and you want money to run the country.

Good one.

Uh if you're going to quote the Bible (funny, you are using biblical quotes without knowing it)....Money is OK.,.....the LOVE of money is bad....and causes greed....
Would you like me to list some of things that small government failed to fix?

Let's start with slavery. Apparently you'd like to bring back slavery. Leave it up to the states. Get big government out of the issue.

Your turn.

Government is what instituted slavery and upheld that institution for 85 years before the Civil War. States had nothing to do with that, in fact, many states outlawed slavery. It was federal government who overrode state laws and said you were a criminal if you didn't turn over your fugitive slaves. And even after the people ratified three constitutional amendments, it was the federal government who instituted segregation and Jim Crow laws for another century.

Here's how free markets and individual liberty works... I sell cotton and own slaves... you don't like that I own slaves so you don't buy my cotton. I am forced to abandon my slaves in order to sell my cotton. No government needed.

Another advocate for slavery comes out of the closet.

No... You are the one promoting government over free market capitalism, not me.
Free market capitalism has been and always will be a disaster in the end. How much regulation is needed IS debatable. More than we had 2003-8 for sure...

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