We Should Support the Kurds With all we Have in Our Hearts and Military

Why would Mattis et al, be soooo against this? Sounds to me that a certain General seems to sleep in the SWAMP, and it has taken awhile to remove a fairly big obstacle!
“Checkmate?” LOL :lmao:
We cannot abandoned these people like we did the Montengards or Nung people which is happened after Vietnam War.On this point our President is wrong!
US-Kurdish Relations | The Kurdish Project

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trite and shallow ^^^^^^^^^^

Yes, the OP was.

I am sick and tired of all these warmongers calling for more people to go and die but lacking the courage to do it themselves.

I will call them out every time over it.

Uhm you fuck the military has an age limit ..

Perhaps this is why President Trump has remained allies with Saudi Arabia but of course the far left loons will never understand that Trump is smarter than all of their sorry asses
Yes, he might have had a OBL lover murdeted in Turkey, but it certainly seems he is NO FRIEND of Turkeys, and will use HIS TROOPS to replace WITHDRAWING American troops to help protect the Kurds, from Erdogan!....How much more of a WIN canTrump ask for!

Total bullshit.
Noone will put troops against Turkish Army.
Once Turkish Army crosses borders they'll all pack and leave, there's nothing to win
The Kurds have helped us fight ISIS. They lost 10,000 men doing that. Erdogan wants the Kurds dead and demands we leave

So we leave....based on a phone call.

Still waiting for a post with more information about why we would want Russia & Iran to control more shipping & air resources in Syria?
Still waiting for a post with more information about why we would want Russia & Iran to control more shipping & air resources in Syria?

there is an extensive literature on why the world would have
been better off if the Axis powers had won world war II. Just
read that stuff and sorta "ADAPT" it
Once again, Mr. Trump is two or three steps ahead of the muldoons inside the beltway and the leaders of the rest of the world. He has used our so called allies to do their duty that aligns with our foreign policy goals at the same time letting them claim a victory for themselves. They don’t teach this stuff in the Ivy League. We need to send everyone in the State Department to attend to critical Indian Affairs issues in the various Indian Reservations across the nation. Before they go, we can teach them how to deal black jack and Texas Hold ‘em poker.

There have been some intriguing developments related to Syria that are now being reported in the wake of President Trump’s announcement of the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

To begin with, it appears that the Kurds will be getting support from America’s regional allies.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have sent military forces to areas controlled by the Kurdish YPG group in north-east Syria, Turkey’s Yenisafak newspaper reported.

Furthermore, a Jordanian official reports that Russian forces currently in Syria will take action to restrain Hezbollah and Iranian activity there, according to understandings reached by the U.S., Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The understandings are the product of behind-the-scenes diplomatic talks that were underway prior to U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision this week to withdraw American forces from Syria.

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A political reality may finally unfold for the Kurds. Not only in Syria but in Iraq as well. Praying oh so hard that Erdogan will back off as Trump has told him to.
Our allies are the ones who believe in Sharia Law. Good to know. I think it may come to the US, Trump is taking it from the leaders on how to control the masses.
Once again, Mr. Trump is two or three steps ahead of the muldoons inside the beltway and the leaders of the rest of the world. He has used our so called allies to do their duty that aligns with our foreign policy goals at the same time letting them claim a victory for themselves. They don’t teach this stuff in the Ivy League. We need to send everyone in the State Department to attend to critical Indian Affairs issues in the various Indian Reservations across the nation. Before they go, we can teach them how to deal black jack and Texas Hold ‘em poker.

There have been some intriguing developments related to Syria that are now being reported in the wake of President Trump’s announcement of the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

To begin with, it appears that the Kurds will be getting support from America’s regional allies.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have sent military forces to areas controlled by the Kurdish YPG group in north-east Syria, Turkey’s Yenisafak newspaper reported.

Furthermore, a Jordanian official reports that Russian forces currently in Syria will take action to restrain Hezbollah and Iranian activity there, according to understandings reached by the U.S., Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The understandings are the product of behind-the-scenes diplomatic talks that were underway prior to U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision this week to withdraw American forces from Syria.

Read more at legalinsurrection.com ...
I have heard about possible involvement of Saudi Arabia in protecting Kurds. But I havnt seen any reliable source which confirmed about actual deployment.

Saudis protection seems as a joke. First of all, I have great doubts that Saudis military is capable to conduct such an operation.

Second, from whom they will be protecting the Kurds? From Islamist groups which they support and finance? Or from Turkey? But the Turks will crush them.

And what is more important, the Kurds wont be happy to see them as 'protectors'.

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