We Should Support the Kurds With all we Have in Our Hearts and Military

We cannot abandoned these people like we did the Montengards or Nung people which is happened after Vietnam War.On this point our President is wrong!
US-Kurdish Relations | The Kurdish Project
Name people Trump cares about.

If he can't make money off them, he does't care about them.
He would have never ran for office if that was the case......He had money making opportunities that he gave up to run for office.............He lost money doing this..........All so he can have TDS morons like you whine about losing the election every day.
He kept his business, & has made lots of dollars from being in office.
He handed the keys over to his kids and signed the legal documents in front of the World before taking office.............To avoid the TDS after.......didn't matter .......the TDS never ends.............

He was making money without the head ache...............probably wished he didn't ever go into politics.........to have mud slung at you every single day...........Yeah.......that's kinda like hitting your head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop............
Kurdish fighters raise flag of PKK leader in centre of Raqqa


Oh and a big FYI for those who haven't been paying attention.....

US-backed Syrian Kurds agree to 'roadmap' with Assad government
Basically this states that Turkey is already in Northern Syria.............and that Syria is refusing any kind of autonomy to the Kurds...............Which with the SDF and Kurds controlling now 25% of the territory in their fight with ISIS puts them still in between a rock and hard case..........as has always been the case over there............so the saying No Friends but the Mountains saying............

It is no mistake that we, the United States , are in between a rock and a hard case as well............As our mission was to kill ISIS and get out under Trump...........Hopefully leave with the situation stable............but we have issues with Turkey who basically hate the Kurds......and if given any excuse will roll in and attack them............We can exert pressure on Turkey as a member of Turkey with threats of getting out of their country and kicking them out of NATO if they do it.........which would probably push an alliance of Russia and Turkey later...............Which isn't good for us.

Syria will not grant autonomy for the Kurds......for one .........they still religiously think the Kurds are inferior to them....even though they are secular...........and worried about having to fight Turkey in a War which they would lose over the Kurds...........

If we stay, we may very well have to stay a long time in a place we want out of over the Kurds.............decade or more is possible..............it's not our mission............

In a nutshell..........everyone is screwed with different goals in Syria........with no good options left after ISIS is dead which is basically now..............

I'd say Trump wants out..........put pressure on those countries to save the Kurds after we are gone.........many believe that Turkey will not honor this...............which is probably part of the reason Mattis is leaving........the Kurds, SDF, and Turkey.........when there are NO GOOD ANSWERS.......

The middle east is quicksand to all that enter it.....the more you struggle with it the farther you sink....it happens to everyone who enters there..........and nobody has really ever solved it...........

Informative but I believe there are 2 sides to every story..........

The Kurds saying ........No Friends but the mountains .......is a true saying.........as they over history have been attacked by basically EVERY COUNTRY in the region over time.........when the countries were formed via Britain and France a long time ago it originally was going to establish Kurdistan..........but didn't and just divided them into the other countries and ignored it.............so since then they have been attacked by Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.......forcing them into the mountains to defensive positions..........

One man's terrorist is another mans Freedom fighter.......They want a home of their own...........a country of there own......so they can defend themselves and be recognized without being attacked by all the neighboring countries....None in the middle east...want that or will allow that.........The only way that can happen would be that U.S. forces would have to standing in the way for a long time to prevent it. Then we are stuck there again........

And if we leave another war may start..........Mattis in his letter stated NATO ALLIES.........that would have to mean TURKEY...........and basically we are ditching them.........that is an assumption......if that is the case it means Trump and Mattis don't see eye to eye on the Kurds........and your video shows how many portray them as terrorists...........our Senators and Congressmen...........So were we using them to kill ISIS only to allow Turkey to kill them later..............aka throwing them under the bus............or has the administration threatened Turkey to leave them alone after we are gone or else.........

Who knows this......probably classified on this discussion.......but we are leaving........and I think we will know soon enough....I hope for the best but have my reservations....

Given that.........we've been there for 17 years.........we simply can't stay another decade or more over the kurds...

Assad on the issue.......2 options......work with the SDF..........Kurds and they become part of Syria.....or they will retake the land controlled by the Kurds by force.
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Two Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) soldiers positioned in a new American base in Manbij confirmed they are working in coordination with Washington against Turkish operations in the area.

SOT, 'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): "This base is for the Coalition, it was established a year ago. It was established to counterattack the Turkish threat. The Coalition is here for the Turks."

SOT, 'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): "They [the Americans] are preparing for the aircrafts and protecting the fronts here, (the preparations) are on land and in the sky, so that they would be ready in case an assault happens."

SOT, 'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): "This is due to the threatening of Turkey and its supporters, they are threatening Manbij every couple of days (saying) "we are going to come to Manbij". The coalition came and erected a base here to confront any attacks by Turkey or otherwise."

Journalist (Arabic): "In your opinion, do you think that the US is going to help Turkey or Erdogan in attacking Afrin, or shall it stand against Turkey if it made an aggression against Manbij?"

'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): "I expect they will not change their minds, they are 100 percent determined. They established the bases, it is not a joke, not a fluctuation of the mind. They are steadfast, and they are enhancing their forces more and more. There are heavy weapons and there are weapons that can encounter all the available weapons."

Journalist (Arabic): "so, in case of a Turkish attack over Manbij, would the American forces or the International Coalition join your forces in combating the Turkey and Euphrates Shield?"

'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): "Yes of course, for sure."

SOT, Shavan Asalyyeh, SDF Commander (Arabic): "The latest developments is what we notice and see through the media, news, and social media. We see that they are withdrawing all the forces from all over Syria to mobilise them on the Sajoor front, we don't know if this is to invade Manbij. We are making our preparations and we are vigilant. There are notable changes. The forces from Eastern Ghouta and such besieged in Damascus are withdrawn and put here. We informed the friends and the Coalition of that, the Coalition established a base here and held more patrols, we inform them whenever we notice anything. Before that their patrols were limited in limited hours and days, now they have patrols everyday on the Sajoor front. The aim is to see the changes taking place here, the changes are notable; the Turks are bringing any besieged forces and made an agreement with the regime or with Russia to put (those insurgents) in these front lines to strengthen the fronts. As I said, we have our preparations for this, we made everything: our trenches and defenses. The base here for the American friends are making more patrols and they work (with us), they also send reconnaissance aircraft (to see) what are the moves there. Half an hour ago I was in a meeting with the Americans. There was a strong mobilisation of Jaish Al Islam who came from Eastern Ghouta with more than 25 to 30 military vehicles. The Americans came and saw them and filmed them, they said "there will be coordination between us" they would interfere at any movement and counter attack any attack which may happen on our frontline.

You can skip to 5 minute mark and listen.....This video is about Syrian Troops moving and firing on U.S. and Kurdish forces where U.S. forces hit them and hit them hard via airstrikes to drive them away......Syria firing on Kurdish positions..Then in this same video.........it was U.S. forces hitting rebel forces aligned to Turkey attacking Kurd positions.........

The Kurds saying ........No Friends but the mountains .......is a true saying.........

There are 3.6 million Syrian refugees in Turkey:
Situation Syria Regional Refugee Response

Other refugees have crossed into Europe, around 500.000 alone in Germany.
They all need to return back. And that will be the outcome of the political solution in Syria.

Backed by US airpower PKK/SDF/YPG has expanded in sparsely populated territories (refugees) in Eastern Syria. USA made the remaining Arabs work together with Kurds in so-called SDF alliance, probably even paying paychecks for the fighters or letting Gulf countries pay for it.

With USA gone PKK/SDF/YPG influence will be rolled back and the Arab charachter of Eastern Syria restored. USA is not willing to engage in nation-building or reconstruction of areas like Raqqa.
Plus, there are frictions with Damascus, Russia, Turkey.

Without US Airforce Kurds cannot hold territory or play regular Army.
You said it yourself, that mountains are best friend of Kurds.
Problem is there are no mountains in East-Syria.

You can skip to 5 minute mark and listen.....This video is about Syrian Troops moving and firing on U.S. and Kurdish forces where U.S. forces hit them and hit them hard via airstrikes to drive them away......Syria firing on Kurdish positions..Then in this same video.........it was U.S. forces hitting rebel forces aligned to Turkey attacking Kurd positions.........

Yes, everyone has to calculate 100 times when US firepower is flying above their heads.
But that episode is now ending.

PKK/YPG/SDF Airforce
The Kurds saying ........No Friends but the mountains .......is a true saying.........

There are 3.6 million Syrian refugees in Turkey:
Situation Syria Regional Refugee Response

Other refugees have crossed into Europe, around 500.000 alone in Germany.
They all need to return back. And that will be the outcome of the political solution in Syria.

Backed by US airpower PKK/SDF/YPG has expanded in sparsely populated territories (refugees) in Eastern Syria. USA made the remaining Arabs work together with Kurds in so-called SDF alliance, probably even paying paychecks for the fighters or letting Gulf countries pay for it.

With USA gone PKK/SDF/YPG influence will be rolled back and the Arab charachter of Eastern Syria restored. USA is not willing to engage in nation-building or reconstruction of areas like Raqqa.
Plus, there are frictions with Damascus, Russia, Turkey.

Without US Airforce Kurds cannot hold territory or play regular Army.
You said it yourself, that mountains are best friend of Kurds.
Problem is there are no mountains in East-Syria.

Which is everyone is in between a rock and a hard case in Syria............especially the Kurds.........both Turkey and Syria have said they want them gone...............and as I've shown both sides have attacked them already..............

PKK is considered a terrorist group by Turkey and even our own State Dept...........The YPG is an offshoot of PKK.......they changed their names to SDF to try and throw off the issue of the name of PKK.....Yet we allied with them and they have helped defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq..............

It appears Syria doesn't want them........and are prepared to fight them if we aren't there........

It is clear that Turkey wants to kill them as well.........we have stopped them from doing so...........

If they both go at after the SDF.........The Turks and the Syrian Army may very well go at it........Syria can't win that one........unless Russia assists them.........and even then the Turks have one damn good military.........

Rock and a Hard Case...........Turkey allied via NATO............Kurds allied in the fight against ISIS........with a policy that we aren't going to overthrow Syria.........

It's a stinking mess...........always has been.
You can skip to 5 minute mark and listen.....This video is about Syrian Troops moving and firing on U.S. and Kurdish forces where U.S. forces hit them and hit them hard via airstrikes to drive them away......Syria firing on Kurdish positions..Then in this same video.........it was U.S. forces hitting rebel forces aligned to Turkey attacking Kurd positions.........

Yes, everyone has to calculate 100 times when US firepower is flying above their heads.
But that episode is now ending.

PKK/YPG/SDF Airforce

Well..........seems you want the Kurds dead...........your posts are clear...........I don't ..........forever countries like Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran have killed them.............but I don't want America stuck there another decade are more to protect them............We've been there long enough.....whether now or 10 years from now........those countries will hit the kurds as soon as we leave...........

Only hope is that Syria will give them a home without them being enemies.........which would require them to PLEDGE to not use 'Syria as a launching point of an attack against Turkey...........That and the United States putting pressure on Turkey to go home.........and let it go.............

It sucks..........always has there. It's the middle east and has always sucked.
Well..........seems you want the Kurds dead...........your posts are clear...........I don't ..........forever countries like Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran have killed them.............but I don't want America stuck there another decade are more to protect them............We've been there long enough.....whether now or 10 years from now........those countries will hit the kurds as soon as we leave...........

Only hope is that Syria will give them a home without them being enemies.........which would require them to PLEDGE to not use 'Syria as a launching point of an attack against Turkey...........That and the United States putting pressure on Turkey to go home.........and let it go.............

It sucks..........always has there. It's the middle east and has always sucked.

Iraqi Kurdistan has good relations with Turkey.
Trade, open borders, security cooperation.

A PKK statelet on the other hand is never going to happen.

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