We Still Have an Iranian Mole Inside the Pentagon


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
We Still Have an Iranian Mole Inside the Pentagon
13 Nov 2023 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

You may recall a stunning report (Inside Iran's influence operation | Semafor) from September that looked into an infrequently discussed Pentagon group known as the Iran Experts Initiative. In it, we learned about one of Joe Biden’s Iranian “experts” who was probably far too much of an expert in this field. Ariane Tabatabai is an Iranian-born aide and chief of staff to a Pentagon Assistant Secretary of Defense. She initially worked alongside the now-suspended Robert Malley on Biden’s efforts to restart Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. But the September report suggests she was working far more on behalf of the Iranian regime than our government. Still, she managed to keep both her new job at the Pentagon and her security clearance. Today, a new report (Pentagon aide part of âcovert campaignâ to undermine Iran opposition: report) was delivered to Biden revealing that Tabatabai was up to other activities. She worked on a covert campaign to smear the leading opposition group in Iran in support of the Iranian regime. And yet she is somehow still embedded inside of the Pentagon. (NY Post)
An Iranian-born Pentagon aide, who was revealed earlier this year to be part of a years-
long, Tehran-backed influence operation, also sought to undermine the leading group
resisting the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to a new report delivered to President
Ariane Tabatabai has retained her security clearance (Top Iranian Pentagon aide keeps security clearance despite ‘spying for Tehran’ accusation) and position as chief of staff to the
Pentagon’s assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict
— despite a bombshell Semafor (Inside Iran's influence operation | Semafor) report in September detailing her ties to senior Iranian
Foreign Ministry officials.
We have serious problems with Iran right now and the situation in Israel and Gaza has amplified them many times over. We are dangerously close to the point where we may have to take direct military action against Iranian assets, assuming Biden has the stomach for it. Will Ariane Tabatabai have access to information about such missions in advance? After all, she is supposedly an Iran Experts Initiative member. If she’s leaking information back to Tehran it could literally put Americans’ lives at risk.

In actuality we exposed Robert Malley several days ago and now Ariane Tabatabai.
But Tabatabai and founding members of the influence operation, Valarie Jarrett, Susan Rice and Samantha Powers known as the Iran Experts Initiative, were also engaged in a “covert campaign” to smear the nation’s leading opposition group, known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), according to a recent report endorsed by former vice presidential national security adviser Lincoln Bloomfield and written by a University of Baltimore professor.
Oops, I almost forgot John Francois Kerry our ultimate turncoat and friend of Iran thru marriage.
See also previous Postings:
Hamas Goes Tet #10 and #11
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There is an Iranian mole? Can't imagine who that could be.

Actually, what we need to do is to apologize to Iran for 80 years of shitty policy, starting with when the Allies in WWII put Reza Shah in charge of the country, and then in 1953, when his people voted him out, staging a coup to put him back in power.

Punishing countries for choosing forms of government we don't like is not a sensible policy.

The thing was, the Iran Nuke deal was a pretty good deal. Iran got some sanctions lifted, we got inspectors on site to make sure they weren't doing anything nasty with that nuclear material they have a right to have.

Thanks to Trump's stupidity, the deal fell apart. Russia and China are continuing to trade with Iran and they are free to make nukes if they want to.
Actually, what we need to do is to apologize to Iran for 80 years of shitty policy, starting with when the Allies in WWII put Reza Shah in charge of the country, and then in 1953, when his people voted him out, staging a coup to put him back in power.

Punishing countries for choosing forms of government we don't like is not a sensible policy.

The thing was, the Iran Nuke deal was a pretty good deal. Iran got some sanctions lifted, we got inspectors on site to make sure they weren't doing anything nasty with that nuclear material they have a right to have.

Thanks to Trump's stupidity, the deal fell apart. Russia and China are continuing to trade with Iran and they are free to make nukes if they want to.
We already had Obama get down on his knees and kiss the feet of the Islamofascist regime while crying uncontrollably begging for forgiveness as he gave them billions of dollars to promote terrorism through the entire Middel East while they funded Hamas.

Is that not enough?
Actually, what we need to do is to apologize to Iran for 80 years of shitty policy, starting with when the Allies in WWII put Reza Shah in charge of the country, and then in 1953, when his people voted him out, staging a coup to put him back in power.

Punishing countries for choosing forms of government we don't like is not a sensible policy.

The thing was, the Iran Nuke deal was a pretty good deal. Iran got some sanctions lifted, we got inspectors on site to make sure they weren't doing anything nasty with that nuclear material they have a right to have.

Thanks to Trump's stupidity, the deal fell apart. Russia and China are continuing to trade with Iran and they are free to make nukes if they want to.
Actually, we owe no one an apology. If anything, America has spent way too many resources apologizing; often to nation states and organizations (the UN) that are far more corrupt than the US could ever dream of being.
Actually, what we need to do is to apologize to Iran for 80 years of shitty policy, starting with when the Allies in WWII put Reza Shah in charge of the country, and then in 1953, when his people voted him out, staging a coup to put him back in power.

Punishing countries for choosing forms of government we don't like is not a sensible policy.

The thing was, the Iran Nuke deal was a pretty good deal. Iran got some sanctions lifted, we got inspectors on site to make sure they weren't doing anything nasty with that nuclear material they have a right to have.

Thanks to Trump's stupidity, the deal fell apart. Russia and China are continuing to trade with Iran and they are free to make nukes if they want to.
^^ Good grief! LOL!!
We already had Obama get down on his knees and kiss the feet of the Islamofascist regime while crying uncontrollably begging for forgiveness as he gave them billions of dollars to promote terrorism through the entire Middel East while they funded Hamas.

When did this happen? Obama returned monies that belonged to Iran, we got assets returned to us as well.

Meanwhile, Trump effectively turned Syria and Iraq over to Iran....

Actually, we owe no one an apology. If anything, America has spent way too many resources apologizing; often to nation states and organizations (the UN) that are far more corrupt than the US could ever dream of being.

It isn't a matter of corruption, it's did we do a country wrong.

We imposed a brutal dictator on Iran, and then when they overthrew him, we spent the last 45 years punishing them.

^^ Good grief! LOL!!
Stick to bigfoot porn... you sound more sensible.
When did this happen? Obama returned monies that belonged to Iran, we got assets returned to us as well.

Meanwhile, Trump effectively turned Syria and Iraq over to Iran....

It isn't a matter of corruption, it's did we do a country wrong.

We imposed a brutal dictator on Iran, and then when they overthrew him, we spent the last 45 years punishing them.

Stick to bigfoot porn... you sound more sensible.
Bigfoot porn certainly sounds more sensible that what you said.
Actually, what we need to do is to apologize to Iran for 80 years of shitty policy, starting with when the Allies in WWII put Reza Shah in charge of the country, and then in 1953, when his people voted him out, staging a coup to put him back in power.

Punishing countries for choosing forms of government we don't like is not a sensible policy.

People forget about this key bit of history. The USA and the UK are directly responsible for the state of Iran today.
Bigfoot porn certainly sounds more sensible that what you said.
Did the big words confuse you?

We created our own problem in Iran. We backed the Shah, who for 35 years eliminated any sensible, democratic opposition, only leaving the Clergy as an alternative.

Why? Because British Petroleum didn't want to pay a fair price for oil.
Did the big words confuse you?

We created our own problem in Iran. We backed the Shah, who for 35 years eliminated any sensible, democratic opposition, only leaving the Clergy as an alternative.

Why? Because British Petroleum didn't want to pay a fair price for oil.
That is one incident where modern Deep State could be clearly seen pushing the geo -political buttons to their advantage and only to their advantage .
Dear UK
Avoid war wherever possible and let your Diplomatic Warriors buy off the wogs -- as it was then .
Did the big words confuse you?

We created our own problem in Iran. We backed the Shah, who for 35 years eliminated any sensible, democratic opposition, only leaving the Clergy as an alternative.

Why? Because British Petroleum didn't want to pay a fair price for oil.
Bullshit. Iran has been a problem for years; Muslims for centuries.

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