“We the People Asks the Federal Government to Investigate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

This is for the useful fools here who are defending Bill Gates:

I worked for him for 20 years. All this attack shit is crap. Accusations, left n right yet no links to back it up. Those you do have, well those are subjective.

People need someone to hate. You wanna all me stupid cause I think this attack mantra is fucked ip, fine.

But it's still fucked up.

You worked directly for him, as in spending time with him in person, or you worked for Microsoft?
I worked for Microsoft. His rep was well known and respected in the company. Wich bullshit article made you decide yo hate him?
Gates supports vaccinations. So what? The post seems more like some creepy recruitment for a political fringe group that calls itself "we the people" than a meaningful political argument.

You left out the word "mandatory" which is the keyword here. His vaccine programs have injured thousands of people in India, Africa, and other places. You're free to take his vaccine if you want... but he - and you- have no right to force others to do something that they object to, for numerous reasons. The guy is a shady, self-serving, authoritarian creep. Look at the anti-Gates comments on his recent Instagram posts, to see that most of the world realizes that.
How is it possible for a dot-com billionaire to force people to be vaccinated?
Gates supports vaccinations. So what? The post seems more like some creepy recruitment for a political fringe group that calls itself "we the people" than a meaningful political argument.

You left out the word "mandatory" which is the keyword here. His vaccine programs have injured thousands of people in India, Africa, and other places. You're free to take his vaccine if you want... but he - and you- have no right to force others to do something that they object to, for numerous reasons. The guy is a shady, self-serving, authoritarian creep. Look at the anti-Gates comments on his recent Instagram posts, to see that most of the world realizes that.
How is it possible for a dot-com billionaire to force people to be vaccinated?
Not sure this anti gates fad came from but it's bullshit. See a meme telling you to hate someone, so you do.

People have a lot of growing up to do.
This is for the useful fools here who are defending Bill Gates:

I worked for him for 20 years. All this attack shit is crap. Accusations, left n right yet no links to back it up. Those you do have, well those are subjective.
People need someone to hate. You wanna all me stupid cause I think this attack mantra is fucked ip, fine.
But it's still fucked up.

The use of the "F" word almost is proof of your claim. But...

- How CLOSE did you work with him?

- What were your responsibilities?

- What is your attitude to this maniaс's сlaim to cut the emission of carbon dioxide at the expense of the lives of billions of people?

- Are you a member of his "Good Club?" Have you spoken to some other members of this club such as “good people” like Bill Gates, George Soros, Waren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey (don't be surprised!), Michael Bloomberg, David Rockefeller and some other rich representatives of 1% of the population of the USA and other countries

- If you ARE, What was the agenda for the first meeting of this club, held in complete secrecy?

- How do you feel about the statement of the member of this Club, Ted Turner, owner of CNN, back in 1996 in his interview said that it would be ideal for the Earth to reduce the population by ... 95% !!! This is up to 300 million people and that “We have too many people. That's why we have global warming. WE (!!!) need fewer people using less property"???

- How do you feel about the Bill Gates saying that "If we succeed, we can reduce the number of child deaths per year from about 9 million to half this figure, and the benefit will be to reduce the incidence and population growth (!!!)?

In your opinion, this says a mentally healthy person ???




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This is for the useful fools here who are defending Bill Gates:

I worked for him for 20 years. All this attack shit is crap. Accusations, left n right yet no links to back it up. Those you do have, well those are subjective.

People need someone to hate. You wanna all me stupid cause I think this attack mantra is fucked ip, fine.

But it's still fucked up.

You worked directly for him, as in spending time with him in person, or you worked for Microsoft?
I worked for Microsoft. His rep was well known and respected in the company. Wich bullshit article made you decide yo hate him?

I don't hate him, I just don't trust him and want nothing to do with him. It's not one "article," it's his own words and the numerous agendas he is pushing, like ID2020, mandatory vaccinations, a cashless society where everything is tracked by the government, massive surveillance, etc, etc. He also hung out with Epstein on a number of occasions, and he supports a number of things that I oppose.

If you want to read some of the allegations against him, here you go. Please refute it, if you think these allegations are false:
This is for the useful fools here who are defending Bill Gates:

I worked for him for 20 years. All this attack shit is crap. Accusations, left n right yet no links to back it up. Those you do have, well those are subjective.
People need someone to hate. You wanna all me stupid cause I think this attack mantra is fucked ip, fine.
But it's still fucked up.

The use of the "F" word almost is proof of your claim. But...

- How CLOSE did you work with him?

- What were your responsibilities?

- What is your attitude to this maniaс's сlaim to cut the emission of carbon dioxide at the expense of the lives of billions of people?

- Are you a member of his "Good Club?" Have you spoken to some other members of this club such as “good people” like Bill Gates, George Soros, Waren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey (don't be surprised!), Michael Bloomberg, David Rockefeller and some other rich representatives of 1% of the population of the USA and other countries

- If you ARE, What was the agenda for the first meeting of this club, held in complete secrecy?

- How do you feel about the statement of the member of this Club, Ted Turner, owner of CNN, back in 1996 in his interview said that it would be ideal for the Earth to reduce the population by ... 95% !!! This is up to 300 million people and that “We have too many people. That's why we have global warming. WE (!!!) need fewer people using less property"???

- How do you feel about the Bill Gates saying that "If we succeed, we can reduce the number of child deaths per year from about 9 million to half this figure, and the benefit will be to reduce the incidence and population growth (!!!)?

In your opinion, this says a mentally healthy person ???

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And where did you learn of him and his "evil ways"?
This is for the useful fools here who are defending Bill Gates:

I worked for him for 20 years. All this attack shit is crap. Accusations, left n right yet no links to back it up. Those you do have, well those are subjective.

People need someone to hate. You wanna all me stupid cause I think this attack mantra is fucked ip, fine.

But it's still fucked up.

You worked directly for him, as in spending time with him in person, or you worked for Microsoft?
I worked for Microsoft. His rep was well known and respected in the company. Wich bullshit article made you decide yo hate him?

I don't hate him, I just don't trust him and want nothing to do with him. It's not one "article," it's his own words and the numerous agendas he is pushing, like ID2020, mandatory vaccinations, a cashless society where everything is tracked by the government, massive surveillance, etc, etc. He also hung out with Epstein on a number of occasions, and he supports a number of things that I oppose.

If you want to read some of the allegations against him, here you go. Please refute it, if you think these allegations are false:

Is gates the only one saying this?

I never said I agreed with his views. But from what I do know the hate is fed by loose speculation and clever memes. People see what they want to see and when given someone to hate far too often just follow along.
You worked directly for him, as in spending time with him in person, or you worked for Microsoft?
I worked for Microsoft. His rep was well known and respected in the company. Wich bullshit article made you decide yo hate him?

I don't hate him, I just don't trust him and want nothing to do with him. It's not one "article," it's his own words and the numerous agendas he is pushing, like ID2020, mandatory vaccinations, a cashless society where everything is tracked by the government, massive surveillance, etc, etc. He also hung out with Epstein on a number of occasions, and he supports a number of things that I oppose.

If you want to read some of the allegations against him, here you go. Please refute it, if you think these allegations are false:

I think that this mentally ill person or an absolute bastard heard about the discussions that mention his name and the demands to interrogate him at the FBI, and the first pathetic bot appeared - a “defender” of this moral monster or a deeply mentally ill person.

In both cases - an extremely dangerous person for humanity.
Accusations of "hate" are, of course, simply feeble attempts to misdirect from any critical examination of the easily accessible facts.

There's always been a virus afflicting those with far more than enough. It's effects have been scientifically documented and remain predictable. Those allowed to have way too much lose compassion and empathy for the plight of others. They lose emotional intelligence and develop a sense of moral entitlement.
A UC Berkeley study found that in San Francisco—where the law requires that cars stop at crosswalks for pedestrians to pass—drivers of luxury cars were four times less likely than those in less expensive vehicles to stop and allow pedestrians the right of way. They were also more likely to cut off other drivers.
They are more prone to develop substance abuse issues, both as children and adults. Process additions such as compulsive eating, sex, gambling, and otherwise chasing after ever more money.
In conversation, wealth managers kept coming back to the flamboyant vices of their clients. It was quite unexpected, in the course of discussing tax avoidance, to hear professional service providers say things like:

“I’ve told my colleagues: ‘If I ever become like some of our clients, shoot me.’ Because they are really immoral people – too much time on their hands, and all the money means they have no limits. I was actually told by one client not to bring my wife on a trip to Monaco unless I wanted to see her get hit on by 10 guys. The local sport, he said, was picking up other men’s wives.”

The clients of this Geneva-based wealth manager also “believe that they are descended from the pharaohs, and that they were destined to inherit the earth”.
One can't reasonably "hate" the mentally ill. But they require our help. Our intervention. They're constantly crying out "Won't someone please stop me?!" while our culture, this culture they continue to cultivate, just provides them ever higher pedastools from which to dictate all the more destruction.

This petition appears rooted in false pretense, missing the mark so widely it's ridiculous. What we really need to do is stop these people altogether. Stop them all from doing these things ("charities") supposedly in our names. No one elects people like Bill and Melinda to decide where the billions they've effectively stolen from the masses and hidden from taxation get spent. Like it or not, ideal or not, that is the primary purpose of democratically elected and controlled government.

But Bill and Melinda are far from being first or unique in this regard. Every "foundation," huge "nonprofit," and, of course, huge, profit driven corporation suffers the same illnesses at all of our expense. Every Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, WalMart, etc. puts thousands of existing or potential mom and pops out of business, turning them into temporary workers and wage slaves. This is what has to stop.
="Grumblenuts, post: 24494471, member: 67072"

But Bill and Melinda are far from being first or unique in this regard. Every "foundation," huge "nonprofit," and, of course, huge, profit driven corporation suffers the same illnesses at all of our expense. Every Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, WalMart, etc. puts thousands of existing or potential mom and pops out of business, turning them into temporary workers and wage slaves. This is what has to stop.

Thank you for your detailed comment.

Yes, you are right - wee are deceived every day. Nowhere in the world is there such an obtrusive and so primitive advertising as in America. We are shown old women in Belarus who seemingly survived the Holocaust and die of starvation over there. Only very illiterate directors of such commercials can mention Belarus as a country where someone is starving. Moreover, if we call them and ask them WHERE the Jews are starving, no one will ever answer us.

We are shown children in Africa dying from malnutrition. We are shown animals in shelters. A mesmerizing voice behind the camera encourages us again to donate money.
We are constantly harassed by AARP ads.
no one tells us that these old Jews, unfortunate children or dogs will get, at best, 3% of our donations. The rest goes to high salaries for bosses, cars, and more.

It is much more dangerous just for human existence when a group of exceptionally wealthy moral freaks imagines themselves to be the arbiters of human destinies. Bill Gates, his spouse, members of the Kind Club, should be interrogated by the FBI.

Since the Club includes moral monsters like Prince Phillip of Great Britain, an International Commission for the Investigation of Genetic Crimes against Humanity should be established.

As well as an international criminal tribunal of the Nürnberg type.
A petition to investigate Bill Gates for “crimes against humanity” and “medical malpractice” was signed by 289,000 concerned citizens, almost tripling the number required to get a response from the White House.

The “We the People” petition asks the federal government to call on Congress to investigate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, stating that “Congress and all other governing bodies are derelict in duty until a thorough and public inquiry is complete.“

As the White House’s “We the People” website explains, the petition platform empowers every American citizen “to become an agent of change” – and, if a petition gains 100,000 signatures in 30 days, the White House will “make sure it gets in front of the appropriate policy experts”.

“We the People is a platform that empowers the American public to take this action like never before – it’s a way for anybody, anywhere, to speak directly to the government and become an agent for change.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, has also sharply criticized Gates for what he describes as a “messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology.”

“Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism,” Kennedy Jr. wrote.

“Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.”

Full petition:

We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity Created by C.S. on April 10, 2020

As we look at events surrounding the "COVID-19 pandemic," various questions remain unanswered. On Oct. 18th of 2019, only weeks prior to ground zero being declared in Wuhan, China, two major events took place. One is "Event 201," the other is the "Military World Games," held in none other than Wuhan. Since then a worldwide push for vaccines & biometric tracking has been initiated.

At the forefront of this is Bill Gates, who has publicly stated his interest in "reducing population growth" by 10-15%, by means of vaccination.
Gates, UNICEF & WHO have already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.

Congress & all other governing bodies are derelict in duty until a thorough and public inquiry is complete.

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The President of the Wildlife Fund, spouse of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh made an interesting statement:

"If I were reincarnated, I would like to return to Earth with a killer virus in order to reduce the human population."

View attachment 325416

Is Prince Philip also a member of Bill Gates' Good Club, known for his misanthropic ideas of drastically reducing carbon dioxide emissions through radical extermination of people ???

On April 12, a document appeared on the government website of Hubei Province that called on all men who had had COVID-19 to get tested for infertility.

The question was raised by Chinese experts from the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Tongzi College of Medicine. They stated that the new virus could cause testicular damage, affecting sperm production and androgen synthesis.

Isn’t this what the non-human Bill Gates from the "Good Club" were eager to achieve and have achieved?

Maybe this is what explains the PLANETARY ALARM for
COVID-19 ???
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Health & Sanitation Precautions - Coco's
Bill works for the NSA now, he has since Microsoft agreed to turn over the windows core code so that the government has access to every windows computer in the world
Please file all complaints via Outlook in Office 365 format. Make sure it is a registered copy or you'll be exter....err.....vaccinated
="Likkmee, post: 24497150, member: 55545"
="esalla, post: 24491466, member: 73318"

Bill works for the NSA now, he has since Microsoft agreed to turn over the windows core code so that the government has access to every windows computer in the world

Please file all complaints via Outlook in Office 365 format. Make sure it is a registered copy or you'll be exter....err.....vaccinated

I got the confirmation from the White House.

By today the 348,760 US citizens signed the Petition.

Bill Gates has saved millions of lives.

THe man pays women to be sterilized

He's not a good person.....
Linky Linky

Google gates india mohdi...

They kicked the gates foundation out for doing it

He does it all over africa

He has a famous quote that's something like "the formula to solving climate change is base don just a few variables, and one of them needs to hit 0. Emissions per capita, something i can't recall, or HUMANS.

Google gates india mohdi...

They kicked the gates foundation out for doing it

He does it all over africa

He has a famous quote that's something like "the formula to solving climate change is base don just a few variables, and one of them needs to hit 0. Emissions per capita, something i can't recall, or HUMANS.

Yes, in one of his lectures this moral frick openly stated that the best way to reach "0" carbon dioxide emissions is to eliminate the CAUSE - breathing, living and consuming people...

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