We the people love Trump

No dipshit. Hillary was transmitting classified information over a private server.
Regardless of what you may want to quote....that is what she did. You claim she did so legally.....and you're totally wrong.

You can to deflect all you want. Nobody is buying your pathetic bs.
You can to deflect all you want. Nobody is buying your pathetic bs.
Sorry....but you lost....and now you want to parse words to escape with some dignity.

The truth is....they discouraged us from using private email accounts to conduct official business because that would open us up to an investigation and privacy concerns.

Right now the Biden Adm is spying on hundreds of thousands of federal employee's Twitter accounts...looking for white supremacists. Not a very good situation.

It's not a good idea to be sending emails on private accounts if you work for the State Department because sending a schedule of an ambassador on Gmail is mishandling classified information. Hillary was using a private server to avoid oversight. They turned everything over to the FBI and they helped her destroy evidence. This is a fact. Under normal circumstances she would have been fined and served time....but the DoJ covered everything up so she wouldn't rat everyone else out.
So when Trump looses tons of seats in the midterms, thats not a reflection on him, but when it happens with a Democrat president it's because dey bad.

Did I get your nuanced game of heads-I-win-tails-you-lose correctly?

It's no wonder that after 4 years of nothing but losing with Trump Republicans haven't learned a thing.
Pull your head out of your ass. Dems and the liberal news media attacked Trump 24/7 like a pack of plague rats and you damn well know it. Hell they vowed to impeach Trump before he was even sworn into office. And Trump's achievements? Shocker news blackout. Try getting one of your Dem assholes elected with that kind of coverage.
...so I'm the dumbass, but you are the one telling mudwhistle that I'm 100% correct - the server itself was legal and that the caviat to it's use were classified emails and record keeping.

Hmm something about that story doesn't add up. :slap:

Yep...must be your twisted logic.
Wow, it really bugs liberals that Trump is still popular.
i thought it would be something like why Trump lives rent free in their heads

45,000 people at the Trump rally on Saturday and it was raining.
45,000 tightly-packed folks with virtually no masking in the state with the lowest vaccination rate in the country, and 666,000 cases, and 12,000 deaths. Can the good poster, Flash, spell 'S-u-p-e-r S-p-r-e-a-d-e-r.'

good, real core American
Here's a curveball sitting on the corner, hit it.....poster Loser: Just what exactly is a "real, core American"?

Repugs are worse than Democrats.
Your words, poster Mudwhistle. A colorful description.

Comey said she (Hilary) committed crimes.
Give us a cite, a link, a vetting on that poster Mudwhistle.

I wouldn't believe a God Damned thing anyone says in the government today.
Which, I would suspect, could ----potentially --- NOT work to your benefit, or your family's, when the County EMS squad rushes to your house on a 9-1-1 call.

Or, how 'bout the fireman who shows up at your door informing of a gas-leak next door?

They wouldn't know the truth if it went balls deep in their corn hole.
Well, there it is. A bit of homophobia insecurity. A bit of projection. Be careful there, amigo. You should try to stay seated whenever you can.

Just sayin'.
45,000 tightly-packed folks with virtually no masking in the state with the lowest vaccination rate in the country, and 666,000 cases, and 12,000 deaths. Can the good poster, Flash, spell 'S-u-p-e-r S-p-r-e-a-d-e-r.'

Here's a curveball sitting on the corner, hit it.....poster Loser: Just what exactly is a "real, core American"?

Your words, poster Mudwhistle. A colorful description.

Give us a cite, a link, a vetting on that poster Mudwhistle.

Which, I would suspect, could ----potentially --- NOT work to your benefit, or your family's, when the County EMS squad rushes to your house on a 9-1-1 call.

Or, how 'bout the fireman who shows up at your door informing of a gas-leak next door?

Well, there it is. A bit of homophobia insecurity. A bit of projection. Be careful there, amigo. You should try to stay seated whenever you can.

Just sayin'.

Just go take your TDS meds like the mental heath specialist prescribed. Then go lie down and take a nap. When you wake up you should feel better.
45,000 tightly-packed folks with virtually no masking in the state with the lowest vaccination rate in the country, and 666,000 cases, and 12,000 deaths. Can the good poster, Flash, spell 'S-u-p-e-r S-p-r-e-a-d-e-r.'

Here's a curveball sitting on the corner, hit it.....poster Loser: Just what exactly is a "real, core American"?

Your words, poster Mudwhistle. A colorful description.

Give us a cite, a link, a vetting on that poster Mudwhistle.

Which, I would suspect, could ----potentially --- NOT work to your benefit, or your family's, when the County EMS squad rushes to your house on a 9-1-1 call.

Or, how 'bout the fireman who shows up at your door informing of a gas-leak next door?

Well, there it is. A bit of homophobia insecurity. A bit of projection. Be careful there, amigo. You should try to stay seated whenever you can.

Just sayin'.
Speaking of Super-spreaders....here's some Democrats who held recent super-spreader events.


Nancy Pelosi hosted super-spreader event this weekend in the Napa Valley


Texas Democrats fly to Washington D.C....6 of them tested positive for COVID
45,000 tightly-packed folks with virtually no masking in the state with the lowest vaccination rate in the country, and 666,000 cases, and 12,000 deaths. Can the good poster, Flash, spell 'S-u-p-e-r S-p-r-e-a-d-e-r.'

Here's a curveball sitting on the corner, hit it.....poster Loser: Just what exactly is a "real, core American"?

Your words, poster Mudwhistle. A colorful description.

Give us a cite, a link, a vetting on that poster Mudwhistle.

Which, I would suspect, could ----potentially --- NOT work to your benefit, or your family's, when the County EMS squad rushes to your house on a 9-1-1 call.

Or, how 'bout the fireman who shows up at your door informing of a gas-leak next door?

Well, there it is. A bit of homophobia insecurity. A bit of projection. Be careful there, amigo. You should try to stay seated whenever you can.

Just sayin'.
BrokeLoser said:
good, real core American
“Here's a curveball sitting on the corner, hit it.....poster Loser: Just what exactly is a "real, core American"?”

haha...that’s not a “curveball” at all...this shit is simple for all sane folks...but I'll play along with retards.
"Good Real Core American's" live, practice, love and respect ALL THINGS that make up the American Way....they love and respect America's founding, America's rich history, America's principle, moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion and even America's language....you know, all those things you globalist America haters hate.
Speaking of Super-spreaders....here's some Democrats who held recent super-spreader events.

View attachment 530118
Nancy Pelosi hosted super-spreader event this weekend in the Napa Valley

View attachment 530119
Texas Democrats fly to Washington D.C....6 of them tested positive for COVID

On top of that we had the two big concerts in Democrat controlled Chicago and New York where there were hundreds of thousands of people not wearing masks.

The Moon Bats are hypocrites.
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It wasn't that long ago when Texans and other cowboys in salsa commercials exclaimed "made in New York City?!?" as a rejection of fake, glossy NY values. And that was the attitude toward fake, glossy Trump. Everyone in Real America saw him as a joke. Until he started appearing on FoxNews, speaking their language of racism, xenophobia, and hemophilia.

Amazing, huh?

Having read this entire thread and determining it's nothing but a pissing match on idol worship... more specifically the worship of a narcissistic bullshit artist, I am drawn back to on thing...


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