We the people love Trump

For the past 40 years Trump has been ripping off, using & screwing over every working class person he could dig his grubby claws into. He's fucked over more workers & small businessmen & women in his life that he could shake a golf club at. Trump is one of the biggest frauds born in the past 100 years & these idiots still support him. It's a joke.
What he did for this country was not a joke. I support his policies. They strengthened this country. The illegitimate administration is destroying it.
Yes 2010, barely 2 years after the Obama coronation Dems suffered their biggest defeat in nearly 100 years. That's reality vs the lying spun liberal new media. And that's with the liberal news media kissing the guys ass 24/7.

So when Trump looses tons of seats in the midterms, thats not a reflection on him, but when it happens with a Democrat president it's because dey bad.

Did I get your nuanced game of heads-I-win-tails-you-lose correctly?

It's no wonder that after 4 years of nothing but losing with Trump Republicans haven't learned a thing.
Because you belive whatever the hell your little politico heart desires.

You want to belive BS and you do. You want to reject established facts in favor of huge conspiracy theories and so you do.

Your process is completely fucked and detached from reality.
The reality is that Hillary broke the law and the DoJ refused to prosecute her for it under Federal code 18 USC §1924. Her only defense was that she had no classified information on her server....which proved to be false. But because they intentionally decided not to put her under oath....she couldn't be charged for perjury. She could have been charged with mishandling TS information which they found on her server....and destruction of classified information....along with obstruction of justice when she destroyed evidence. When classified information was discovered she claimed that none of the emails were marked classified.....but they didn't need to be marked. The contents of the emails would make them classified automatically. They later marked all of the classified information.

"Clinton originally denied that any of her emails contained classified information, but soon abandoned that claim. So far, 150 emails containing classified information have been identified on her server, including two that included information determined to be Top Secret.

She then fell back on the claim that none of the emails in question was “marked classified” at the time she was dealing with them. The marking is not what makes the material classified; it’s the nature of the information itself. As secretary of state, Clinton knew this, and in fact she would have been re-briefed annually on this point as a condition of maintaining her clearance to access classified information.

Then there’s location. Clinton knowingly set up her email system to route 100 percent of her emails to and through her unsecured server (including keeping copies stored on the server). She knowingly removed such documents and materials from authorized locations (her authorized devices and secure government networks) to an unauthorized location (her server).

Two examples demonstrate this point.

When Clinton would draft an email based on classified information, she was drafting that email on an authorized Blackberry, iPad or computer. But when she hit “send,” that email was knowingly routed to her unsecured server — an unauthorized location — for both storage and transfer.

Additionally, when Clinton moved the server to Platte River Networks (a private company) in June 2013, and then again when she transferred the contents of the server to her private lawyers in 2014, the classified materials were in each instance again removed to another unsecured location.

Next we have the lack of proper authority to move or hold classified information somewhere, i.e., the “unauthorized location.”

While it’s possible for a private residence to be an “authorized” location, and it’s also possible for non-government servers and networks to be “authorized” to house and transfer classified materials, there are specific and stringent requirements to achieve such status. Simply being secretary of state didn’t allow Clinton to authorize herself to deviate from the requirements of retaining and transmitting classified documents, materials and information."

The reality is that Hillary broke the law and the DoJ refused to prosecute her for it under Federal code 18 USC §1924. Her only defense was that she had no classified information on her server....which proved to be false. But because they intentionally decided not to put her under oath....she couldn't be charged for perjury. She could have been charged with mishandling TS information which they found on her server....and destruction of classified information....along with obstruction of justice when she destroyed evidence. When classified information was discovered she claimed that none of the emails were marked classified.....but they didn't need to be marked. The contents of the emails would make them classified automatically. They later marked all of the classified information.

"Clinton originally denied that any of her emails contained classified information, but soon abandoned that claim. So far, 150 emails containing classified information have been identified on her server, including two that included information determined to be Top Secret.

She then fell back on the claim that none of the emails in question was “marked classified” at the time she was dealing with them. The marking is not what makes the material classified; it’s the nature of the information itself. As secretary of state, Clinton knew this, and in fact she would have been re-briefed annually on this point as a condition of maintaining her clearance to access classified information.

Then there’s location. Clinton knowingly set up her email system to route 100 percent of her emails to and through her unsecured server (including keeping copies stored on the server). She knowingly removed such documents and materials from authorized locations (her authorized devices and secure government networks) to an unauthorized location (her server).

Two examples demonstrate this point.

When Clinton would draft an email based on classified information, she was drafting that email on an authorized Blackberry, iPad or computer. But when she hit “send,” that email was knowingly routed to her unsecured server — an unauthorized location — for both storage and transfer.

Additionally, when Clinton moved the server to Platte River Networks (a private company) in June 2013, and then again when she transferred the contents of the server to her private lawyers in 2014, the classified materials were in each instance again removed to another unsecured location.

Next we have the lack of proper authority to move or hold classified information somewhere, i.e., the “unauthorized location.”

While it’s possible for a private residence to be an “authorized” location, and it’s also possible for non-government servers and networks to be “authorized” to house and transfer classified materials, there are specific and stringent requirements to achieve such status. Simply being secretary of state didn’t allow Clinton to authorize herself to deviate from the requirements of retaining and transmitting classified documents, materials and information."

The fact is Hillary had Obama's authorization....but they couldn't admit to this because he would have been impeached for trying to avoid going thru proper channels with communications.

The truth is.....Obama was trying to prevent an arms sale to terrorists from going public. This led to the Iran deal....the transfer of 5 GITMO Taliban generals to Oman....and the attack on the embassy compound in Benghazi.
The reality is that Hillary broke the law and the DoJ refused to prosecute her for it under Federal code 18 USC §1924. H
Oh great, you've cited a law.

Here it is:

(a)Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

(b) For purposes of this section, the provision of documents and materials to the Congress shall not constitute an offense under subsection (a).

(c) In this section, the term “classified information of the United States” means information originated, owned, or possessed by the United States Government concerning the national defense or foreign relations of the United States that has been determined pursuant to law or Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of national security.

Now where the fuck do you see anything about using private email to conduct official bussiness being against the law?
The fact is Hillary had Obama's authorization....
No it is not a fact moron, it's just something you keep baselessly repeating.

Thre is zero reason to think that the President of the United States of America would be involved in setting up emails for various department heads.
THERE WAS NO SUCH LAW and in fact many people in government used private emails to conduct bussiness, including both Powel and Rice before Clinton.

I don't know how to make that simple fact any easier for an idiot like you to understand.
There is no law against private emails on government computors as long as it doesn't cost anything and the things you can discuss can't be advertisements. But this isn't about the use of government servers. This was a private server....and Hillary was handling TS information on it.


Employees may use Government computers and the internet for personal use on their personal time (before and after work; during lunch and other breaks) provided there is no additional cost to the Government. Employees may make personal purchases over the internet, provided they have the purchased item sent to a non-Government address. The following activities are absolutely prohibited on any Government owned or leased computer:

  • Gambling
  • Visiting and downloading material from pornographic websites
  • Lobbying Congress or any Government agency
  • Campaigning - political activity
  • Online stock trading activities
  • Online real estate activities
  • Online activities that are connected with any type of outside work or commercial activity, including any trading
  • Endorsements of any products, services, or organizations
  • Fundraising for external organizations or purposes (except as required as part of your official duties under applicable statutory authority and bureau policy)
  • Any type of continuous audio or video streaming from commercial, private, news, financial organizations


DOI does not place any restrictions on incoming e-mail. Under current policy, employees may send out personal e-mail provided that:

  • Personal use of e-mail does not cause congestion, delay, or disruption or service to any Government system or equipment
  • Messages are not sent to more than five addresses (no mass mailings)
  • The employee does not represent himself or herself as acting in an official capacity
  • Messages do not contain partisan political messages
Oh great, you've cited a law.

Here it is:

(a)Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

(b) For purposes of this section, the provision of documents and materials to the Congress shall not constitute an offense under subsection (a).

(c) In this section, the term “classified information of the United States” means information originated, owned, or possessed by the United States Government concerning the national defense or foreign relations of the United States that has been determined pursuant to law or Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of national security.

Now where the fuck do you see anything about using private email to conduct official bussiness being against the law?
Clearly using an unsecure server is mishandling classified material:

"Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both."

Either remove or transmit classified information.....to an unauthorized location..
Clearly using an unsecure server is mishandling classified material:
Do you understand the difference between [classified materials] and [official bussiness]?

Let me clearify it for you in case you do not:

SOME official bussiness is classified, but most is NOT CLASSIFIED and it was PERFECTLY LEGAL to use personal servers/accounts unless the emails were specifically marked as classifed.

So when you said that personal email server itself was illegal you were full of shit - there was no law prohibiting that.

Do you think you get that simple concept now?
So when Trump looses tons of seats in the midterms, thats not a reflection on him, but when it happens with a Democrat president it's because dey bad.

Did I get your nuanced game of heads-I-win-tails-you-lose correctly?

It's no wonder that after 4 years of nothing but losing with Trump Republicans haven't learned a thing.
The GOP lost seats mostly because they refused to support Trump. Many of them are no different than Democrats. Some are part of the same cabal as the communists in the Democrap Party. They're selling America out to the highest bidder.
Do you understand the difference between [classified materials] and [official bussiness]?

Let me clearify it for you in case you do not:

SOME official bussiness is classified, but most is NOT CLASSIFIED and it was PERFECTLY LEGAL to use personal servers/accounts unless the emails were specifically marked as classifed.

So when you said that personal email server itself was illegal you were full of shit - there was no law prohibiting that.

Do you think you get that simple concept now?
Well...we aren't talking about only official business. We're talking about the classified information Hillary was passing thru her server.

The problem here is I know the difference.....because every year I had to be retrained on OPSEC in my government position working for the Dept of The Army.

I also held a TS-SCI clearance while in the Army and many of the offenses Hillary was guilty of would have put me in Ft Leavenworth breaking rocks.
There is no law against private emails on government computors as long as it doesn't cost anything and the things you can discuss can't be advertisements. But this isn't about the use of government servers.

Wtf are you talking about? At issue is the use of private email accounts (obviously on non-government hosting servers), which both Rice and Powel used before Hillary to conduct official bussiness.

Not only did they both use private emails (which was perfectly legal just as Clinton's servers), they also were found by IG review to have sent at least some classified emails.

This is exactly why singling out Clinton for criminal prosecution for mishandling a handfull of classified emails would have been so egregious. DOJ department has never used these laws except to go after consious leaking of documents. Since no such intent was present, the case against Clinton was dropped, consistent with prior department practice.
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Well...we aren't talking about only official business. We're talking about the classified information Hillary was passing thru her server.

The problem here is I know the difference.....because every year I had to be retrained on OPSEC in my government position working for the Dept of The Army.

I also held a TS-SCI clearance while in the Army and many of the offenses Hillary was guilty of would have put me in Ft Leavenworth breaking rocks.

You were talking about personal servers being illegal. They were not, PERIOD.
Wtf are you talking about? At issue is the use of private email accounts, on non-government servers, which both Rice and Powel used before Hillary to conduct official bussiness.

Not only did they both use private emails (which was perfectly legal just as Clinton's servers), they also were found by IG review to have sent at least some classified emails.

This is exactly why singling out Clinton for criminal prosecution for mishandling a handfull of classified emails would have been so egregious. DOJ department has never used these laws except to go after consious leaking of documents. Since no such intent was present, the case against Clinton was dropped.
There is no law that says you cannot use a private email account on a private server....dipshit. That's called Gmail or Yahoo.com.
The issue here is the fact she was transmitting State Department business which was classified on a private account....with the intent to avoid detection.
You seem to think that's the same as Condi Rice using her government PC to email her friends. That's not even remotely the same thing.

Essentially this is the same as taking a TS document....putting it in your briefcase and taking it home.
The GOP lost seats mostly because they refused to support Trump. Many of them are no different than Democrats. Some are part of the same cabal as the communists in the Democrap Party. They're selling America out to the highest bidder.

Really? How many seats were lost that "refused to support Trump"? Where did you get that idea from?
There is no law that says you cannot use a private email account on a private server....dipshit.
Moron we are discussing conduct of official bussines on private emails, not pure personal use. DUH.

You said that clinton conducting official bussiness through her personal email was illegal. You were wrong, full stop.

The only thing questionable was her handing a few classified emails on that server, but again, both of her predecessors did that as well and it's not something DOJ has ever enforced.
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Moron we are discussing conduct of official bussines on private emails, not pure personal use. DUH.
No moron.....we are discussing the mishandling of classified information. As I pointed out....shitforbrains.....Hillary claimed she never transmitted any classified information over her server.....which proved to be a lie.
Then they discovered that she attempted to destroy the evidence....like wiping it with a cloth......but they were able to recover what she tried to destroy....which proved she was guilty of obstruction as well as mishandling classified information.
So she was guilty of:
  • Lying to FBI agents
  • Mishandling classified materials
  • Destruction of evidence
  • Obstruction of Justice

In many cases the coverup is worse than the actual crime they're trying to cover up.
No moron.....we are discussing the mishandling of classified information.


You seriously think no one can read?

You CLEARLY said that it's illegal to use private server for official bussiness. You were CLEARLY wrong. And now you are CLEARLY too dishonest to be able to accept being wrong on something.

Pathetic. but maybe if you hate admitting being wrong so much you should just take some time to CHECK YOUR FACTS before opening your mouth.
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You seriously think no one can read?

You CLEARLY said that it's illegal to use private server for official bussiness. You were CLEARLY wrong. And now you are CLEARLY too dishonest to be able to accept being wrong on something.

Pathetic. but maybe if you hate admitting being wrong so much you should just take some time to CHECK YOUR FACTS before opening your mouth.
No dipshit. Hillary was transmitting classified information over a private server.
Regardless of what you may want to quote....that is what she did. You claim she did so legally.....and you're totally wrong.

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