We the people love Trump

I don't know how Trump would have exited Afghanistan any more than you do.

Biden and the Democrats screwed up on the border. It is worse than it would have been.

Anything else?
Well thanks for the admission

But yea, Trump's so damned dangerous, somebody lock him up!

That reminds me, how are the endless law suits and impeachments going?
Yup. That's it in a nutshell. The man gets things done. All good things for America and Americans. That's what I love about the man.

He's a Nationalist down to his toes and wants whats best for America and Americans.
Yup. That's it in a nutshell. The man gets things done. All good things for America and Americans. That's what I love about the man.

He's a Nationalist down to his toes and wants whats best for America and Americans.
The price of loving Trump is to hate an ever growing list of people who don't.
LOL Well you can always hope my friend.

Trump has over 75 million real supporters. They all know what great shape this country was in before the very convenient Chinese virus hit even if you don't.

Biden will never be as popular as Trump and the clusterfuck he created on our border and Afghanistan isn't endearing him to voters at all.
LOL Well you can always hope my friend.

Trump has over 75 million real supporters. They all know what great shape this country was in before the very convenient Chinese virus hit even if you don't.

Biden will never be as popular as Trump and the clusterfuck he created on our border and Afghanistan isn't endearing him to voters at all.
Quit acting like you care about anything other than satisfying your sadistic addiction to "liberal tears".
LOL Well you can always hope my friend.

Trump has over 75 million real supporters.

I never will understand how it was possible that this man got more than one vote.

They all know what great shape this country was in before the very convenient Chinese virus hit even if you don't.

Biden will never be as popular as Trump and the clusterfuck he created on our border and Afghanistan isn't endearing him to voters at all.
And to think, Trump was nothing but a typical New York democrat all those years giving millions to democrats like Chuck Schumer UNTIL that fateful day he decided to run for President and then became a racist Russian monster overnight

It must still give you nightmares.
Trump is and always was a criminal grifter, nut job, from NYC.(Queens)
Democrats wouldn't have him.
Republicans embraced the loser.
That's because you vote for losers. You vote for whom you are told to vote for. You can't care if they're a POS. So of course you don't feel the need to stand in line to see them.
Trump is and always was a criminal grifter, nut job, from NYC.(Queens)
Democrats wouldn't have him.
Republicans embraced the loser.
When Trump was a democrat, even Hillary Clinton said he would make a great president. Until he became a republican, you do as you're told.
When Trump was a democrat, even Hillary Clinton said he would make a great president. Until he became a republican, you do as you're told.

No she didn't, it was Trump that said in 2008 that Hillary would make great President.

You Trumpsters constantly have your facts backwards.
Smokin' OP
No. They voted for an incompetent clusterfuck of a Biden.

You seem to forget the great shape this country was in before the very convenient Chines virus hit. You may forget it but I sure don't and Trump was at the helm then and should be now.
Smokin' OP
No. They voted for an incompetent clusterfuck of a Biden.

You seem to forget the great shape this country was in before the very convenient Chines virus hit. You may forget it but I sure don't and Trump was at the helm then and should be now.
Sure, blame the Trump virus for Donnie's incompetency.

The retard lowered the unemployment rate 1.2% and his cult thinks he parted the red sea.
His corporate tax cuts?
Companies just bought their own stock.

April 4, 2019
Companies in the S&P 500 spent $806 billion on stock buybacks in 2018, blowing away the previous record of nearly $590 billion set in 2007. The information technology and financial service sectors were the biggest spenders, with Apple leading the pack. When share prices plunged in the fourth quarter it only encouraged companies to spend more, setting a fourth consecutive quarterly record for buybacks.

December 4, 2019
President Donald Trump told friends at his lavish Mar-a-Lago club “you all just got a lot richer” after the passage of his tax cut legislation.
Trump made the remark during dinner on Friday at the exclusive Florida resort, where initiation fees cost $200,000, just hours after he signed the bill into law.

His cult still thinks it will "trickle down" to them.
Never heard a democrat say:

"Well, Hitler did a lot of good things," Trump reportedly told Kelly, who was explaining to the 45th President who the allies and adversaries were in both World Wars.

Of course Kelly had to explain WWII to the orange, retard.

The latest example of Trump praising or embracing authoritarian leaders. On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump dismissed comparisons to Hitler as he faced criticism for asking voters to raise their right hand and pledge to support him, a practice some compared to the "Heil" salute from Nazi Germany.

Funny how when there are books about Democrats you doubt any quote and demand independent proof but with Republicans you report a claim in a book as fact. What an asshole.

So you admit that LBJ said he would have "Those ******* voting for us for 400 years?" That was based on the exact same evidence as what you just claimed.

What is that noise? Oh, your standard flipped ... again ...
45,000 people at the Trump rally on Saturday and it was raining.

Meanwhile President Potatohead is fucking up everything he is doing.

The Democrat filth will probably lose 75 or more seats in the House next year and some Senate seats.
I can hardly wait for 2022 and 2024. Biden has made such a mess we need Trump to clean it up.

What an incompetent moron Biden is.
I can hardly wait for 2022 and 2024. Biden has made such a mess we need Trump to clean it up.

What an incompetent moron Biden is.

Remember 2010? It was a bloodbath for the Democrats after two years of failure by The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration. It will be worse this time.

Of course the Democrats know how to steal elections now so no telling what thievery will take place.
Remember 2010? It was a bloodbath for the Democrats after two years of failure by The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration. It will be worse this time.

Of course the Democrats know how to steal elections now so no telling what thievery will take place.
2010? Republicans lost 41 seats in the 2018 midterms and you still hail Trump as great success.

Do you have ANY consistency to what you say?

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