We the people love Trump

I'll never, ever, understand this devotion and adoration. Never.

Let alone for a person like this.

Ol Mac, do you remember the fake Greek columns and fainting girls for Obama?

Do you know if Mac1958 has ever gone on record and denounced the Obama worshippers?
See below. One example. Written on October 13, 2014. You're welcome, Trumpster!

Sadly, what I'm seeing now is much worse. Unprecedented. Ugly.

I'm not like you people. I don't have to create reality to fit my worldview and behaviors. And I'm very happy about that.

What I am saying is that it was my observation that the national and international adoration for Obama was something I had never seen before, at least for a politician. Even more than for Reagan, whose message was all about and specific to America. Obama's message was more than that, as was the outpouring of emotion for him. Not just his ideas. Him.

So yes, I'm very comfortable calling his the first Cult of Personality presidency.

Source: Post 310, Wow, the Left really turning on Obama
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Hitler was loved also...

As well Trump and Hiltler are/were not loved. They were not even admired. Prove for this? Ask how many mothers named their babies "Adolf" under Hitler or "Donald" under Trump. Nearly no one in Germany once or the USA today had/has the feeling that this names show a good future for their own children.

The pictures here show something else: entertainment politics.

PS: You can see for example very clear in the little video about Hitler how one of his guards brought a young boy to him. This was staged. And what pictures today say at all is also not clear. Nothing is more easy than to create wrong pictures. In one of the old pictures are people who were listening to something - what was as normal in this time of history as today communication with smart phones is normal. What they really listened to is not clear or also able to be a fake.
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See below. One example. Written on October 13, 2014. You're welcome, Trumpster!

Sadly, what I'm seeing now is much worse. Unprecedented. Ugly.

I'm not like you people. I don't have to create reality to fit my worldview and behaviors. And I'm very happy about that.

Source: Post 310, Wow, the Left really turning on Obama
You have trump supporters at a disadvantage

what the trump base supports are ideas that they embraced before trump ever came down the escalator

Ideas that no other politician today represents

so without Trump the ideas have no one to make them a reality

which makes them easy targets for trump haters like you who say they worship trump when its really the policies he supports
They did. Now it's you and the Democrat party who love Hitler
Never heard a democrat say:

"Well, Hitler did a lot of good things," Trump reportedly told Kelly, who was explaining to the 45th President who the allies and adversaries were in both World Wars.

Of course Kelly had to explain WWII to the orange, retard.

The latest example of Trump praising or embracing authoritarian leaders. On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump dismissed comparisons to Hitler as he faced criticism for asking voters to raise their right hand and pledge to support him, a practice some compared to the "Heil" salute from Nazi Germany.
Trumps supporters aren't the sheep and the other communist on the board claim---they think for themselves while the lib communists have Biden think for them.
Sure they are, they love their orange, communist.

March 3, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
His cult cheered for communism.
biden is a disaster what a
flucked up senile asshat that old fool has been

You remember me to a scene in the German politics. Once someone in a crowd threw a tomatoe onto our chancellor Helmut Kohl. Some seconds later it was really nice to see how three of his guards desperately tried to stop their boss not to flatten down the barrier which was made to protect him from the crowd. He tried to crush this idiot like a plum with his big hands. Not to forget: Chancellor Kohl was indeed a very friendly man - but he hated such attacks very much. Had been interesting to see how this 2.2 yards man with the figure of a Sumo-wrestler had reacted on the stupid violent anti-diplomatic games of Donald Trump.
Let's see what happens if Trump goes to Germany ...

A very bad idea. We can give not any guarantee for the life of Donald Trump. Some of our guys are damned clever and many see in Donald Trump one of the most dangerous criminal tyrants - more correct a "Volksverführer" (a demagogue) as Hitler had been. They see in him an enemy of the values of the western world.
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I'm well aware of the adoration.

He is the living, breathing expression of decades of building anger, paranoia, misinformation and frustration, stoked first by talk radio and then by the internet. He is your primal scream, your FUCK YOU to everyone who has made you feel cheated and scared, your bull in the china shop no matter what damage is caused.

He is the vulgar, primal, guttural embodiment of your rage. A gaudy, rich, uber-flamboyant New York billionaire who somehow convinced middle America (this was how desperate they had become) that he believes and values everything they do. You love him for being and doing everything you've always wanted to be and do.

Books on this period will be written, and we'll find them in the psychology and sociology sections.

And to think, Trump was nothing but a typical New York democrat all those years giving millions to democrats like Chuck Schumer UNTIL that fateful day he decided to run for President and then became a racist Russian monster overnight

It must still give you nightmares.
And to think, Trump was nothing but a typical New York democrat all those years giving millions to democrats like Chuck Schumer UNTIL that fateful day he decided to run for President and then became a racist Russian monster overnight

It must still give you nightmares.
Nightmares, no. A profound concern for a country so diseased that it would put someone like him in power, yes.
Sure, okay.
Do you think Trump would have left all those Americans behind and then go on vacation during the crisis and come back and refuse to answer questions and then go back on vacation, or do you care?

Do you think the border would be in equal chaos, or do you care?

Just curious.
Do you think Trump would have left all those Americans behind, or do you care?

Do you think the border would be in equal chaos, or do you care?

Just curious.
I don't know how Trump would have exited Afghanistan any more than you do.

Biden and the Democrats screwed up on the border. It is worse than it would have been.

Anything else?

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