We the people love Trump

I'm well aware of the adoration.

He is the living, breathing expression of decades of building anger, paranoia, misinformation and frustration, stoked first by talk radio and then by the internet. He is your primal scream, your FUCK YOU to everyone who has made you feel cheated and scared, your bull in the china shop no matter what damage is caused.

He is the vulgar, primal, guttural embodiment of your rage. A gaudy, rich, uber-flamboyant New York billionaire who somehow convinced middle America (this was how desperate they had become) that he believes and values everything they do. You love him for being and doing everything you've always wanted to be and do.

Books on this period will be written, and we'll find them in the psychology and sociology sections.

That‘s a lot of well assembled neat wording...I’m sure you put a lot of time into coming up with that post...the problem is; it‘s all fictional fairytale as NONE of the policies or politics Trump pushed align at all with what you infer.
You see, Trump operated with utter simplicity and did exactly what he was elected to do, he simply wouldn’t push anything that wasn’t aimed to be clearly beneficial for good, real core Americans...you know, like ALL presidents and politicians are supposed to do. Why that pisses you off is a total mystery, unless ofcourse, you can’t classify as a good, real core American?
No she didn't, it was Trump that said in 2008 that Hillary would make great President.

You Trumpsters constantly have your facts backwards.
Then Hillary got back into government and showed Trump just how corrupt and incompetent she could be. See the Benghazi massacre and her illegal server. Clearly Trump had to change his opinions. Course only Democrats are allowed to change their opinion.
2010? Republicans lost 41 seats in the 2018 midterms and you still hail Trump as great success.

Do you have ANY consistency to what you say?
Your leftist media has been able to convince enough idiots that Repugs are worse than Democrats.

Course I remember that California had several GOP candidates leading after the election only to have their seats taken from them a week afterwards somehow. Most people in those red districts didn't understand how the Democrat could win because they didn't vote for the POS. Well....probably because Democrats cheated.

Many Democrats ran as Republicans and then went back on their word. The mayor of Nashville is a prime example....claiming to be a conservative only to raise their property taxes 37% as soon as he got into office.

Biden is only proving that you can't trust anything a Democrat says. He lies about everything.....and then his spokespeople have to set the record straight and make excuses for his blatant fabrications. Democrats only care about getting that beachfront property in Martha's Vineyard. They don't give a damn about what's going to happen to us. Biden shows the lack of concern he has for Americans in harms way by pulling out the military first rather than after he has secured all of our weapons and equipment....and gotten everyone out that supported our troops overseas.
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Then Hillary got back into government and showed Trump just how corrupt and incompetent she could be. See the Benghazi massacre and her illegal server. Clearly Trump had to change his opinions. Course only Democrats are allowed to change their opinion.
Yep, different day same old bullshit from mudwishtle.

Server was legal and if mishandling a couple of emails is what you consider DEEP CORRUPTION, then you should've been first in line to call for Trump's hanging after all the trully corrupt crap he pulled while in office from obstructing investigations, to trying to shake down foreign country so they would open sham investigations into his political opponent, to trying to abuse his office to overturn election, to pardoning all his pals.

There is zero consistency to Trumpster thought patterns
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Yep, different day same old bullshit from mudwishtle.

Server was legal and if mishandling a couple of emails is what you consider deep CORRUPTION, then you should've been first in line to call Trump's hanging after all the corrupt crap he pulled while in office from Obstruction of Justice to trying to illegally shake down foreign country with American millitary aid so they would open sham investigations inot his political opponent.
The server was illegal...all communications must be conducted on NSA approved servers at secure locations. (I used to fix HVAC at these types of facilities.....and Hillary's house isn't approved by the NSA)

Hillary's server was an attempt to go around the system and conduct a coverup of Obama's illegal activities. Hillary was allowed to delete emails that she claimed were talking about Yoga. That must explain why they used Bleachbit to destroy the incriminating evidence as well as the fact that Hillary and her staff were allowed to take a hammer to her cellphones. She wasn't trying to cover anything up cuz according to your gullible ass....this was all LEGAL!!!!

"Even though Bleachbit is a free and open-source, it still offers a decent amount of features that include these ones:

  • You get a file shredder that deletes files permanently in such a way that they can never get recovered."

The server was illegal...all communications must be conducted on NSA approved servers at

As usual you don't know wtf you are talking about. If proving Clinton's guilt was as as simple as finding a private server she would be long in jail, along with both of her DoS predecessors.

Personal email (and whatever servers hosted it) were allowed at the time and in fact both Rice and Powel used their personal email to conduct bussiness. The only caviat to that was that they couldn't handle classified emails that way and copies of bussiness related emails were to be archived with the gov.
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I'm well aware of the adoration.

He is the living, breathing expression of decades of building anger, paranoia, misinformation and frustration, stoked first by talk radio and then by the internet. He is your primal scream, your FUCK YOU to everyone who has made you feel cheated and scared, your bull in the china shop no matter what damage is caused.

He is the vulgar, primal, guttural embodiment of your rage. A gaudy, rich, uber-flamboyant New York billionaire who somehow convinced middle America (this was how desperate they had become) that he believes and values everything they do. You love him for being and doing everything you've always wanted to be and do.

Books on this period will be written, and we'll find them in the psychology and sociology sections.

For the past 40 years Trump has been ripping off, using & screwing over every working class person he could dig his grubby claws into. He's fucked over more workers & small businessmen & women in his life that he could shake a golf club at. Trump is one of the biggest frauds born in the past 100 years & these idiots still support him. It's a joke.
As usual you don't know wtf you are talking about. If proving Clinton's guilt was as as simple as finding a private server she would be long in jail, along with both of her DoS predecessors.

Personal email (and whatever servers hosted it) were allowed at the time and in fact both Rice and Powel used their personal email to conduct bussiness. The only caviat to that was that they couldn't handle classified emails that way and copies of bussiness related emails were to be archived with the gov.
As usual you don't know shit about what you're talking about.
Clearly the DoJ is corrupt.....and Comey said she committed crimes but used prosecutoral-discretion not to press charges. Prosecutors don't have to charge anyone if they choose not to.....or in this case were ordered by Obama not to.

The reason being that Obama illegally authorized Hillary to keep a server in her home. He had no authority to do that....as a matter of fact he committed a felony when he ordered it......but right now....we have a criminals running our government. They committed espionage against a sitting president....and impeached him twice for crimes that the current president himself (Biden) was actually guilty of.
Comey said she committed crimes but used prosecutoral-discretion not to press charges.
He didn't say that, but I guess if not for one falsehood after another you'd have nothing to say.

Comey's descision was reviewed and re-reviewed by Trump's Inspector General in 2018 - he found conclusion of the investigation reasonable and consistent with department practice.
Obama illegally authorized Hillary to keep a server in her home. He had no authority to do that...
Ok I'm dealing with a total moron who can't even understand simple fact that server itsef was perfectly legal and that department guidelines are not actual laws.

....and then you top it with some made up bullshit about Obama supposedly "allowing" it. There is zero evidence Obama had anything to do with Clinton's email configurations. Belive it or not POTUS has something else to do than manage email accounts at DoS.

I don't know why I even bother wasting my time responding to your crazy bullshit. My mistake.
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Ok I'm dealing with a total moron who can't even understand simple fact that server itsef was perfectly legal.

Having a private server wasn't the problem, sending or receiving classified information is....dumbass.
Just WOW, Always looking for a savior to fix it, When its really our responsibility to make good choices on who we put in places of power. Based on Our country not political party affiliation.
Having a private server wasn't the problem, sending or receiving classified information is....dumbass.
...so I'm the dumbass, but you are the one telling mudwhistle that I'm 100% correct - the server itself was legal and that the caviat to it's use were classified emails and record keeping.

Hmm something about that story doesn't add up. :slap:
He didn't say that, but I guess if not for one falsehood after another you'd have nothing to say.

Comey's descision was reviewed and re-reviewed by Trump's Inspector General in 2018 - he found conclusion of the investigation reasonable and consistent with department practice.
I wouldn't believe a God Damned thing anyone says in the government today.
The fact is Hillary committed several crimes......and the only reason she got away with it is because she could rat Obama and everyone else out for so much shit they would end up in prison for the rest of their lives.
Ok I'm dealing with a total moron who can't even understand simple fact that server itsef was perfectly legal and that department guidelines are not actual laws.

....and then you top it with some made up bullshit about Obama supposedly "allowing" it. There is zero evidence Obama had anything to do with Clinton's email configurations. Belive it or not POTUS has something else to do than manage email accounts at DoS.

I don't know why I even bother wasting my time responding to your crazy bullshit. My mistake.
Take your "probably" and put it back where your got it from - your ass.
That must be where you're pulling all of the rubbish you've been spewing.....because you seem to think that Hillary and Obama are above the law. Anything they do is legal because they are who they are.....not because it's actually legal.
On the other hand you think if Trump makes a phone call to a world leader he must be committing an impeachable offense.......and if he tells his followers to make their voices known in a peaceful way he must be committing an act of insurrection.
You must be a Homosexual.....because they don't live on the same planet the rest of us live on. They wouldn't know the truth if it went balls deep in their corn hole.
I wouldn't believe a God Damned thing anyone says in the government today.
Because you belive whatever the hell your little politico heart desires.

You want to belive BS and you do. You want to reject established facts in favor of huge conspiracy theories and so you do.

Your process is completely fucked and detached from reality.

THERE WAS NO SUCH LAW and in fact many people in government used private emails to conduct bussiness, including both Powel and Rice before Clinton.

I don't know how to make that simple fact any easier for an idiot like you to understand.
2010? Republicans lost 41 seats in the 2018 midterms and you still hail Trump as great success.

Do you have ANY consistency to what you say?
Yes 2010, barely 2 years after the Obama coronation Dems suffered their biggest defeat in nearly 100 years. That's reality vs the lying spun liberal new media. And that's with the liberal news media kissing the guys ass 24/7.

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