We the people love Trump

Rump was such a phukking weasel... a consummate blame-shifter...

xiden has been fucking this country up for 50 years you idiot.

You really are a special kind of stupid aren't you
"Then go lie down and take a nap."
Poster 'Flash' your searing, rapid-response wit leaves most on this venue breathless with admiration.

Waytogoattaboy? ;)

"Speaking of Super-spreaders....here's some Democrats who held recent super-spreader events."
Ah, poster "Mudwhistle"...... I've never been real good at estimating crowd sizes; however, I'm willing to trust the posters on this forum that claim there were 40,000 to 45,000 mostly maskless people jammed into that Trump rally in vaccine-lagging Alabama.
I so stipulate that those number are pretty darn close to what was actually there.

On the other hand, tho I'm poor at estimating big crowds....I can, with reasonable accuracy, count the people at a lunch table or on a plane. To wit, respectively: 13 & 17.

Therefore, I would suggest that not all Super-Spreader events are equal.

You mileage may vary, poster "Mudwhistle." :thup:

"Good Real Core American's" live, practice, love and respect ALL THINGS that make up the American Way....they love and respect America's founding.....rich history...... principle, moral and value systems.....traditions, .....culture..... religion.......

"ALL THINGS that make up the American Way".......would be what exactly?
Be our Sherpa here, poster "Loser".

"America's principle, moral and value systems,"....??? .... In a country as large, populous, and diverse....well, it would be helpful poster Loser if you could articulate just what you think those systems are?
Help the forum understand the messaging you are attempting to convey.

"American culture"......???? .......see the query above.
What is the culture that you think you see?

"American religion"........ America has a "religion"?
And that would be what?
Is it the same one for America's 7.6 million Jews? or its' 3.5 million Muslims?
And is the "religion" of Angus Dei Catholics the same as Joel Osteen or Jerry Falwell's Evangelicals? How 'bout America's 14 million Southern Baptist?

Poster "Loser", I want to give you credit and credibility on your expressed opinions, but....so far...... you seemingly offer the forum members here only platitudes, shibboleths, and bromides.

Some here are mildly sure you can do better.

Batter up, 'Loser'.
Poster 'Flash' your searing, rapid-response wit leaves most on this venue breathless with admiration.

Waytogoattaboy? ;)

Ah, poster "Mudwhistle"...... I've never been real good at estimating crowd sizes; however, I'm willing to trust the posters on this forum that claim there were 40,000 to 45,000 mostly maskless people jammed into that Trump rally in vaccine-lagging Alabama.
I so stipulate that those number are pretty darn close to what was actually there.

On the other hand, tho I'm poor at estimating big crowds....I can, with reasonable accuracy, count the people at a lunch table or on a plane. To wit, respectively: 13 & 17.

Therefore, I would suggest that not all Super-Spreader events are equal.

You mileage may vary, poster "Mudwhistle." :thup:


"ALL THINGS that make up the American Way".......would be what exactly?
Be our Sherpa here, poster "Loser".

"America's principle, moral and value systems,"....??? .... In a country as large, populous, and diverse....well, it would be helpful poster Loser if you could articulate just what you think those systems are?
Help the forum understand the messaging you are attempting to convey.

"American culture"......???? .......see the query above.
What is the culture that you think you see?

"American religion"........ America has a "religion"?

And that would be what?
Is it the same one for America's 7.6 million Jews? or its' 3.5 million Muslims?
And is the "religion" of Angus Dei Catholics the same as Joel Osteen or Jerry Falwell's Evangelicals? How 'bout America's 14 million Southern Baptist?

Poster "Loser", I want to give you credit and credibility on your expressed opinions, but....so far...... you seemingly offer the forum members here only platitudes, shibboleths, and bromides.

Some here are mildly sure you can do better.

Batter up, 'Loser'.
So while you claim that Democrats are correct to require masks outdoors while maintaining proper social-distancing....you don't mind that they never follow their own rules....as I pointed out on numerous occasions.

BTW, the Democrats couldn't get a crowd of 20,000 people to show up to one of their events if they paid them...nobody wants to see "Walk-Away Joe" in person.

Democrats are really good at Super-spreader events....like throwing the gates open at the Southern border..... and abandoning the airports in Afghanistan....then they could get a crowd of 100,000 trying to get out of the mess they created in their country.
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Rump was such a phukking weasel... a consummate blame-shifter...
Says the dummy that keeps supporting one blame-shifter after another.....Hillary....Obama....Obiden.....they never can be blamed for anything they do.
They just happen to be in office when the shit hits the fan. They didn't cause everything to go to shit because they're absolutely powerless when they cause one massive catastrophe after another.

"So while you claim that Democrats are correct to require masks outdoors while maintaining proper social-distancing."

Time to show or go, poster 'Mudwhistle'.

Show the forum the claim you allege in the above quote.

Saddle up, Skippy.

Can your little pony trot?
Why Trump humpers love their God so much they.....

Business Insider

Donald Trump booed at Alabama rally after encouraging his supporters to get vaccinated against COVID-19, video shows​

Former President Donald Trump was booed by some of his supporters at a "Save America" rally in Cullman, Alabama, on Saturday night after he suggested that they get vaccinated against COVID-19.

"I believe totally in your freedoms, I do, you've got to do what you've got to do," Trump said to the crowd. "But I recommend that you take the vaccines."

The former president then told his supporters that the vaccines are "good" and once again encouraged them to get a shot.

This suggestion was met with boos, as can be heard in a video shared by Vox journalist Aaron Rupar.

Sounds like a sea of wavering discontent...Not so much love.

You compare his charisma to Hitler then make fun when he gets booed.

Hitler never got booed and cults don’t boo their cult leader.

You’re terrible at deceiving and should take a pay cut
Time to show or go, poster 'Mudwhistle'.

Show the forum the claim you allege in the above quote.

Saddle up, Skippy.

Can your little pony trot?
Oregon's governor just mandated wearing masks outdoors.
The WH just ordered the Pentagon to mandate vaccines for all troops.
The fact that Democrats on this forum support Democrat policies without question.....the forum is USMB.

"So while you claim......"

Ummm, poor poster 'Mudwhistle', let's do a little remedial work here, OK?

You ....... claimed my avatar asserted something.

But it didn't.

And, importantly, you then bail out on any attempt to show otherwise.

Hence, mon ami, it's a "show or go" dynamic.

Not my rules, poor poster Mudwhistle. It's the way it works in adult life. In poker. In big boy stuff.

My avatar hates to be harsh....but.......but poster Mudwhistle: Show or go.

Just sayin' ;)
Says the dummy that keeps supporting one blame-shifter after another.....Hillary....Obama....Obiden.....they never can be blamed for anything they do.
They just happen to be in office when the shit hits the fan. They didn't cause everything to go to shit because they're absolutely powerless when they cause one massive catastrophe after another.

Who I support has nothing to do with whether or not Rump was a weasel-blame-shifter...

Others who came before him have nothing to do with whether or not Rump was a weasel-blame-shifter...

Rump was a weasel and blame-shifter...
Ummm, poor poster 'Mudwhistle', let's do a little remedial work here, OK?

You ....... claimed my avatar asserted something.

But it didn't.

And, importantly, you then bail out on any attempt to show otherwise.

Hence, mon ami, it's a "show or go" dynamic.

Not my rules, poor poster Mudwhistle. It's the way it works in adult life. In poker. In big boy stuff.

My avatar hates to be harsh....but.......but poster Mudwhistle: Show or go.

Just sayin' ;)
You method of posting is retarded.
And if you are offended by someone who claims that Democrats believe in Democrat policies then you must be a Democrat. It pretty much goes without saying. No need to go on a search for something that should be obvious.....obvious to everyone but you of course.
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Who I support has nothing to do with whether or not Rump was a weasel-blame-shifter...

Others who came before him have nothing to do with whether or not Rump was a weasel-blame-shifter...

Rump was a weasel and blame-shifter...
And you're a lying cocksucker.
Trump never made shifting blame a habit like your Democrat Party does.
As a matter of fact....they take it to extremes.
They figure that because they have the full support of the MSM they can simply ignore their screw ups and then later blame the GOP for it. Both impeachments were a perfect example of blame-shifting.....they even attempted to blame Republicans for THEIR defund the Police movement. But the latest blame-shift was Biden whining about Trump putting him in a difficult position with Afghanistan. If he didn't want the job he never should have stole the election.
"No need to go on a search for something that should be obvious."

I feel like Sisyphus and that damn rock.......not to mention the damn hill is getting steeper.

Do the darn search, poster Mudwhistle. Prove your claim. If you want to earn any credibility, any gravitas.

Poster Mudwhistle, here's the gig" YOU....claimed my avatar asserted this: "So while you claim that Democrats are correct to require masks...."

And when asked to show that "claim"...... you go hide in the boy's bathroom.
What's up with that?

Don't be one of those "All hat, no cows" cowboys.

Your hand has been called, poster Mudwhistle.
And you're a lying cocksucker.
I neither lie nor engage in your favorite pasttime, my little internet Princess.
Trump never made shifting blame a habit like your Democrat Party does.
Oh, bull$hit... anytime anything went wrong, he would always find somebody else to blame it on...

Your inability to see that is that is because your nose was (and is) so far up the Orange Baboon's caboose that you had no chance to see it objectively.

As a matter of fact....they take it to extremes.
Extremes... this from the party that supported the breaking of a 200+ year old American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, and insurrection.
They figure that because they have the full support of the MSM they can simply ignore their screw ups and then later blame the GOP for it.
Is there some of that? Yep. Both parties tend to do that in their early days of power. Rump's problem is that he was still doing it on his LAST day. :cool:
Both impeachments were a perfect example of blame-shifting.....
Incorrect. They were merely trying to ensure that your traitorous con-man Orange Baboon God could never again legally attain power. They failed to convict.
they even attempted to blame Republicans for THEIR defund the Police movement...
Yep. No contest. The Democrats CAN be weasels. But your Orange Baboon is the Grand Master at weasel-like blame-shifting. Joe's a piker by comparison.
But the latest blame-shift was Biden whining about Trump putting him in a difficult position with Afghanistan.
Rump DID put him in a difficult position but there is zero doubt that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe screwed-the-pooch on that one.

By the way.,.. the "Hey, the other guy does it too!" defense stopped being effective by fifth grade... or had you not noticed?

If he didn't want the job he never should have stole the election.
He won the election fair-and-square... loser.
I neither lie nor engage in your favorite pasttime, my little internet Princess.

Oh, bull$hit... anytime anything went wrong, he would always find somebody else to blame it on...

Your inability to see that is that is because your nose was (and is) so far up the Orange Baboon's caboose that you had no chance to see it objectively.

Extremes... this from the party that supported the breaking of a 200+ year old American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, and insurrection.

Is there some of that? Yep. Both parties tend to do that in their early days of power. Rump's problem is that he was still doing it on his LAST day. :cool:

Incorrect. They were merely trying to ensure that your traitorous con-man Orange Baboon God could never again legally attain power. They failed to convict.

Yep. No contest. The Democrats CAN be weasels. But your Orange Baboon is the Grand Master at weasel-like blame-shifting. Joe's a piker by comparison.

Rump DID put him in a difficult position but there is zero doubt that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe screwed-the-pooch on that one.

By the way.,.. the "Hey, the other guy does it too!" defense stopped being effective by fifth grade... or had you not noticed?

He won the election fair-and-square... loser.
  • Anyone who blames the outgoing office-holder for your own screw ups is simply casting blame on someone else....thus blame-throwing
  • There's no way that dumb-ass (Biden) won fair and square....the AZ audit is proving that....which is why you folks are claiming the audit isn't legit...AND HAVE BEEN CLAIMING IT SINCE BEFORE IT BEGAN...the latest attack is a sudden outbreak of COVID among election officials in a obvious attempt to prevent release of the results to the public.
  • The only time anything went wrong was because some Democrat, some Never Trumper, or a Hawaiian judge prevented him from doing his job. After 4 years of constant false accusations about Russian Collusion....and two impeachments that cost millions.....Democrats totally ignored COVID till they felt they could use it to steal the election with millions of fake mail-in ballots. Now that Biden is in office they call him Walk-Away Joe because after each and every one of his fuckups he refuses to answer questions.
  • Trump had a working border policy and Biden scrapped it.....and now the SCOTUS had to step in an reverse his reckless policies
  • Only a woke-ass retard bought that insurrection crap. Nobody attempts an insurrection totally unarmed.
  • Clearly the peaceful transfer of power was broken when Nancy Pelosi ripped Trump's SOTU speech to shreds on national television. She was behind that false-flag operation on Jan 6th....not Trump. She set the stage....and then instigated a riot among the 'Mostly peaceful' protesters. She telegraphed her intentions when she openly stated she would pull Trump out of the White House "By The Hair". FUCK YOU AND YOUR PEACEFUL TRANSFER CLAIMS.
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Incorrect. They were merely trying to ensure that your traitorous con-man Orange Baboon God could never again legally attain power. They failed to convict.
You Dems wasted everyone's time trying this stunt twice.

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