We the people love Trump

"Trump caused the riot. he's the only one who can stop it at this point" - Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6

Actually that is true. If Trump had not been on the ticket running for reelection, they wouldn't have needed to steal the election to rig his defeat as the only way they could beat him! And if they hadn't done that, all those people would have had no reason to go to the Capitol on 1/6 to protest the Big Steal.
An orange grifter, a guy who stiffs contractors, a grabber of pussy, a sexual pervert, a serial liar, an instigator of riots to overturn the government, a loser...what's there not to love?
Even if all that complete idiotic nonsense were true, the only thing that would make Trump different from every single other member of the established political party is that he is NOT A CAREER POLITICIAN. And I would vote for him from now until the end of time for that reason alone!!!!
What's really interesting Jim is that all Trump has to do to thrill and rally millions is to simply speak the obvious, plain, simple, non-PC truth.

Democrats are furious because they can't do that.
Then why does he lie so often?
Why would I stand in line to see any public servant give a speech? I know some people like the social aspects of supporting a candidate but am not in search of a hero leader. All I want is someone to vote the right way on issues and mind their own business. Leaders are for suckers.

So you think presidents vote on issues? :lmao:
You're a country of one? What are you doing here then? Nations HAVE leaders, because they represent the political head of the citizenry in making governance decisions. The fact that you need that explained to you makes you dumber than hammered dog poop.
So quick to anger, so slow to understand. Politicians are public servants, they work for me. I see them as functionaries in the machinery of state never as my leader. Never been a follower or a joiner. As Groucho said: I would not join a club that would have me as a member.
"They're not kidding and they're not lying. This is real to them.....We need to stop laughing and start realizing how serious and committed they are."
I think I know that.
You are surely right.
They believe. With a capital 'B'.

That's sorta why I am discomfited on this message board when the Leftfielders calls one Rightfielder or another a 'liar'. To be sure, I suspect not a few of the Rightfielders are willfully ignorant, which then gives them cover for claiming 'it's the truth'. It's 'true'....because they do so little, or such faulty, due diligence.
But still, they think it is true.
Hence they 'believe'.

But, if I take them more seriously....then what?
I ain't ever gonna persuade them that there are nuances or credible alternative views in what they think they believe.
And frankly, I ain't any longer in the persuading business. They can be who they imagine themselves to be. Or they can be who they think a Don Trump supporter should be.

So be it.

In the end, if they "believe" and they are un-persuadable, and they ain't personally important to me or my family......ah, well. That's life. Satire, snark, and snickering seems to be not inappropriate responses to those who don't/won't/refuse to do quality due diligence.

Again, so be it..... these exchanges on this venue ain't really of the gravitas of Christians vs. Atheists', Hindu vs Muslim, or Shia vs Sunni.

Naw, this is just entertainment.
So, if some of the Rightfielders wish to "believe" in some of the merde' we see posted here.......well, I will be entertained. :thup:

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