We the people love Trump

We love trump because trump loves America

Look at the contrast:
  • TRUMP'S message is all one of success, pride, greatness, optimism and winning.

  • JOE BIDDUM'S message is all one of concessions, blame, reconciliation, gloom and failure.

Trump said: wear the mask if that makes you feel better.
Biden says: you'll wear the mask if we have to come to your house and sit on your chest!

They said Trump was killing thousands by not being a dictator, then they called him a dictator anyway.
They forced Biden on us as the obvious solution, and as soon as in office, Joe started dictating everything. :smoke:
But the Left DON'T call him a dictator.

And people kept dying of Covid anyway.

Joe Biden -- three vaccines -- 2,000 dead a day anyway.

When progressive policies fail, the left never admit they are wrong, just that they didn't do ENOUGH of it. That's why now with 3 out of 4 vaccinated, they now say we need 100% vaccination for it to work.

But you'll still have to wear a mask. :smoke:
I think I know that.
You are surely right.
They believe. With a capital 'B'.

That's sorta why I am discomfited on this message board when the Leftfielders calls one Rightfielder or another a 'liar'. To be sure, I suspect not a few of the Rightfielders are willfully ignorant, which then gives them cover for claiming 'it's the truth'. It's 'true'....because they do so little, or such faulty, due diligence.
But still, they think it is true.
Hence they 'believe'.

But, if I take them more seriously....then what?
I ain't ever gonna persuade them that there are nuances or credible alternative views in what they think they believe.
And frankly, I ain't any longer in the persuading business. They can be who they imagine themselves to be. Or they can be who they think a Don Trump supporter should be.

So be it.

In the end, if they "believe" and they are un-persuadable, and they ain't personally important to me or my family......ah, well. That's life. Satire, snark, and snickering seems to be not inappropriate responses to those who don't/won't/refuse to do quality due diligence.

Again, so be it..... these exchanges on this venue ain't really of the gravitas of Christians vs. Atheists', Hindu vs Muslim, or Shia vs Sunni.

Naw, this is just entertainment.
So, if some of the Rightfielders wish to "believe" in some of the merde' we see posted here.......well, I will be entertained. :thup:
I allowed myself to imagine that this would be relatively temporary and ugly moment in our history, but it's clear now that it very well may not be.

There's a guy (and former Moonie) named Steven Hassan who wrote a book called "The Cult of Trump". His guidance on trying to coax these people out of the rabbit hole is to be very careful not to insult or upset them, and to slowly dribble verifiable facts on them until, ultimately, the light goes on.

I'm afraid I have little faith in that tactic. Right now, all I can imagine is trying not to piss them off too much (in real life, anyway) and be patient. My hope is that, over time, enough of them will peel away so this whole thing enough that it can be rolled up and placed back where it came from: The lunatic fringe.
Oh look, Trump haters throwing out the "Hitler-Cult Leader" line for the 10,000th time! Jeez Looeez you guys are pathetic.

Well, you see Mike, if it is something they can't do, something they can't match, something they can't beat, there is nothing left but to put it down.

DONALD TRUMP: When you can't BEAT HIM, just join him, er, ah, steal the election from him then cut off his microphone so he can't even plead his case to the nation.

That's what DICTATORS do.
You're not in a cult.

So, the only people in a cult here are people who go to political rallies?

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TRUMP'S message is all one of success, pride, greatness, optimism and winning.
Trump has filed for business bankruptcy four times: the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, Trump Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 and Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009. Each time, the bankruptcy was a Chapter 11 filing. While Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy deal with personal bankruptcies, Chapter 11 is most often used by businesses filing for bankruptcy. Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a financially struggling business to reorganize in order to keep going. A Chapter 11 filing can potentially enable a business owner to avoid liquidating the company. In fact, it can often be said that a Chapter 11 bankruptcy is in the best interests of the business and in no way a reflection of a poorly run company.
Examining Donald Trump’s Chapter 11 Bankruptcies | ABI

How Trump’s Casino Bankruptcies Screwed His Workers out of Millions in Retirement Savings Mother Jones October 17, 2016

When pressed about the multiple bankruptcies at his Atlantic City casinos, Donald Trump routinely says the episodes highlight his business acumen. He made out well, he claims, at the expense only of his greedy Wall Street financiers. “These lenders aren’t babies,” he said during a Republican primary debate last fall. “These are total killers. These are not the nice, sweet little people that you think, okay?”

Trump is/was a con artist of the worst kind

Politicians are ~ not people to worship. Only the desperate and delusional worship a politician


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Ever occur to you, Danny, that no one worships Trump? That the only reason why they like and support him SO MUCH is because ALL THE CHOICES YOU OFFER ARE ALL SO MUCH WORSE????!!!

And that is really why you hate Trump so-- -- -- -- because you don't want America TO HAVE THAT CHOICE.

Because with a choice like that, no one would ever pick a democrat, except the itinerant stupid . . . . unless you simply STOLE the election. :smoke:
As the creator of this thread looks in the mirror he says--

We the people love Trump​

Well, the freak loves him too, especially hos huge hands
Let him hold a rally in Vermont, or Philly, or San Francisco, or Boston, or Denver.....

Might as well try to plant a flower in the crack of a rock.

Meantime, Hillary skipped the whole country and just campaigned in LA, SanFran, Chicago and NYC.

Joe got the message and just campaigned from his empty basement.


Really helps when you can just rig the election.
Meantime, Hillary only held rallies in big blue cities and Joe Biden didn't hold any rallies at all, blue or red because NO ONE showed up.
1). Fuck Hilary, never ever tell me that she is one of mine. Fuck that.
2). Like it or not, Biden didn't hold rallies because, of COVID, you cuck.
True, no one showed up because they were ASKED not to show up.
This you equate with a guy who has openly bragged about grabbing pussy, has settled multiple legal cases of sexual assault, paid off porn stars, etc? No wonder the Republican party is so fucked up.
And you equate this to a man who rubs his hands on 12-year-olds, dumb fuck.
I'm afraid I have little faith in that tactic. Right now, all I can imagine is trying not to piss them off too much (in real life, anyway) and be patient. My hope is that, over time, enough of them will peel away so this whole thing enough that it can be rolled up and placed back where it came from: The lunatic fringe.
Did you ever think that the Trump base has legitimate complaints ?

Nah, I’m sure you never have
"Did you ever think that the Trump base has legitimate complaints ?

Well, the Trumpers may.
But, if we gauge Trump fans on this venue by the nature and language of posts, well, Trump proponents consistently let the air outta their tires with f-bombs, epithets, and name calling.
I won't name names here.....but one only need scan through some threads to determne quickly those who sabotage their grievances by calling another poster a 'f*ckwad", a 'sh*t, a 'dumbass', an so on.

So, forgive me if I'm too direct, but.......but the Trumpers on this venue have met the enemy.
And it is them.
Even if all that complete idiotic nonsense were true, the only thing that would make Trump different from every single other member of the established political party is that he is NOT A CAREER POLITICIAN. And I would vote for him from now until the end of time for that reason alone!!!!
What does that mean, not a career politician? He ran for the office of president, twice. How is that NOT a politician?

Besides, why would you have someone who is inexperienced in understanding how politics works to be the US president? Would you want a NOT A CAREER SURGEON operating on you? How about a policeman or an electrician? Do you want them to be trained in what they do?

Moronic statements like these are what gave us 4 years of an inept administration that allowed a pandemic to run riot.
And you equate this to a man who rubs his hands on 12-year-olds, dumb fuck.
Did he grab their pussy? Your orange fuhrer did a lot worse to his own 12-year old daughter, you fucking moron.
Trump has never walked away from a tough fight, and the 2022 and 2024 elections will be no different, not to mention the 2028 election for his 3rd term


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