We the people love Trump

I went through this thread and put every stoooopid poster on ignore.

Just so happens they are all democrats...me oh my o what a co-incidence eh? hehheh
Now, to be sure.....I cannot speak for libs. But I'd bet that it ain't "libs" that publicly fly big "F*ck Biden" flags next to elementary schools, and then attempt to get God to do the f*cking.
I have a saying that goes: Any game libs can think of conservatives can learn to play

I say that about political dirty tricks

But unfortunately it applies to subjects such as profanity too
Based on your inability to post anything other than ad hominems I will presume you are the CEO of a huge corporation.
And based on your inability to post anything other than rubbish, I will presume you are a moron. Thanks for playing.
And based on your inability to post anything other than rubbish, I will presume you are a moron. Thanks for playing.
A moron such as yourself cannot presume anything, especially when you don't even know the platform of onw of your heroes.
A moron such as yourself cannot presume anything, especially when you don't even know the platform of onw of your heroes.
Talking about morons...tell us again how Bernie Sanders and Rump are alike. Never gets old. :auiqs.jpg:
Talking about morons...tell us again how Bernie Sanders and Rump are alike. Never gets old. :auiqs.jpg:
Eliminate Business Visas
Heavy taxes for US companies that offshore.
Limit trespassers.

Get it, moron who knows nothing?
Eliminate Business Visas
Heavy taxes for US companies that offshore.
Limit trespassers.

Get it, moron who knows nothing?
LOL. You certainly know how to copy/paste, will give you that. As for understanding what you posted? Not so much.

Take the second one on your list. Yes, Bernie is all for taxes on US companies that are offshore but Rump? Really? The guy included a zero percent tax rate on any profits generated offshore thereby ensuring incentives for American-based corporations to move operations and jobs abroad (2017). How are Bernie and Rump similar?

And going down the list...Limit trespassers? What the fuck does that mean? Who is for allowing trespassers? Limit trespassers, where? Did you know what it means or did you just blindly copy/paste?

Next time, take some time to study the issues before posting. It will help to look less of a fool. Good luck. :itsok:
LOL. You certainly know how to copy/paste, will give you that. As for understanding what you posted? Not so much.

Take the second one on your list. Yes, Bernie is all for taxes on US companies that are offshore but Rump? Really? The guy included a zero percent tax rate on any profits generated offshore thereby ensuring incentives for American-based corporations to move operations and jobs abroad (2017). How are Bernie and Rump similar?

And going down the list...Limit trespassers? What the fuck does that mean? Who is for allowing trespassers? Limit trespassers, where? Did you know what it means or did you just blindly copy/paste?

Next time, take some time to study the issues before posting. It will help to look less of a fool. Good luck. :itsok:
Thanks for confirming that Sanders is a liar.
Nice ad hominems.
Ever hear of Thom Hartmann?
I bet you haven’t.
Thanks for confirming that Sanders is a liar.
Nice ad hominems.
Ever hear of Thom Hartmann?
I bet you haven’t.
LOL. That's what you got from my post? Not only you have proven to be a moron but a moron who has trouble with reading/comprehension!

As for the non-sequitur Thom Harmann reference? Nope, never heard of him. Is that someone you copy/paste from? Next time try understanding what he writes about instead of just blindly copying. Again, good luck.
LOL. That's what you got from my post? Not only you have proven to be a moron but a moron who has trouble with reading/comprehension!

As for the non-sequitur Thom Harmann reference? Nope, never heard of him. Is that someone you copy/paste from? Next time try understanding what he writes about instead of just blindly copying. Again, good luck.
Your emotional disturbance acting up again?
Limiting trespassers means that those who are in the US will have a path to citizenship and no one else is allowed in…
You know…like a wall.

Your username should be IgnorMagnus.
LOL. That's what you got from my post? Not only you have proven to be a moron but a moron who has trouble with reading/comprehension!

As for the non-sequitur Thom Harmann reference? Nope, never heard of him. Is that someone you copy/paste from? Next time try understanding what he writes about instead of just blindly copying. Again, good luck.
Lunch with Bernie every Thursday at 11:00AM for 1 hour for 2 years.

His platform was 90% Trumps.
I know you don’t have an attention span.
Lunch with Bernie every Thursday at 11:00AM for 1 hour for 2 years.

His platform was 90% Trumps.
I know you don’t have an attention span.
When you have the memory of a goldfish like the poster you are speaking to you have no attention span. So, you are correct, like usual.
Your emotional disturbance acting up again?
Limiting trespassers means that those who are in the US will have a path to citizenship and no one else is allowed in…
You know…like a wall.

Your username should be IgnorMagnus.
Then say that, you moron. Nowhere do they use "limiting trespassers", it's always a path to citizenship. You would have known that if you had studied that issue instead of cutting/pasting.

Now, let's talk about that specific. Did Rump actually sign an executive order stipulating a path to citizenship? Of course not. Your orange douche bag promised a lot of things but in the end? Nada. Zip. Bupkiss.

No wonder Rump is your hero. Idiots like you helped elect that grifter. Thanks for proving that over and over again.
Lunch with Bernie every Thursday at 11:00AM for 1 hour for 2 years.

His platform was 90% Trumps.
I know you don’t have an attention span.
LOL. Back to that, are we? The orange grifter who did a con job promising anything and everything? You are equating him with Bernie Sanders? You really are an idiot. Stop wasting my time.
Then say that, you moron. Nowhere do they use "limiting trespassers", it's always a path to citizenship. You would have known that if you had studied that issue instead of cutting/pasting.

Now, let's talk about that specific. Did Rump actually sign an executive order stipulating a path to citizenship? Of course not. Your orange douche bag promised a lot of things but in the end? Nada. Zip. Bupkiss.

No wonder Rump is your hero. Idiots like you helped elect that grifter. Thanks for proving that over and over again.
I was taking about the very slight difference between Sanders and Trump.
Sanders ran on a closed border; close but no cigar.

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