We the people love Trump

But, if we gauge Trump fans on this venue by the nature and language of posts, well, Trump proponents consistently let the air outta their tires with f-bombs, epithets, and name calling.
I agree

But that applies to both sides

Some of that may be tit-for-tat

However we have become as very profane culture on general thanks to the anything-goes libs


In late February 2020, the president and first lady were scheduled to travel to India. The president had tentatively agreed to the trip during a bilateral meeting, and it had been added to his calendar as a placeholder. But that was before a new, contagious disease called Covid-19 began spreading across the world. As the date grew near, most of the senior staff, and the first lady, started to have misgivings about the travel because of the virus. For whatever reason, Jared Kushner was insistent that we go, and as he was the “real” chief of staff, that carried weight. A final meeting was set in the Oval to determine whether the trip should move forward.

As other members of the senior staff and I were waiting to enter, Jared and Ivanka Trump blew past us and into the president’s private dining room to speak with him privately first — shocker. The start of the meeting actually coincided with the impeachment vote, so we all ended up watching that together before discussing the India trip. Although the Senate acquitted him, the president was in a sour mood, and made his thoughts clear to the room, saying, “I don’t really want to go. It is a long trip for not even two days, and we’re dealing with Covid. I’ll explain to [Indian Prime Minister Narendra] Modi that it isn’t a good time, and I will come later, in my second term.” Jared chimed in to remind the president that with all the visits he had already promised to undertake “in his second term” he would never be in the United States to do his job

No one in the Trump inner circle seemed to be taking the new virus too seriously at first. During a meeting with Modi in India, Trump mentioned the 34 people who were suffering from Covid-19 in quarantine on military ships. He complained that the news was affecting the stock market. “I wonder if this is overrated versus the flu,” he said. Of course, those 34 people would not be the only ones to contract the disease. As the number grew, Trump still seemed resistant to doing anything too drastic. Contrary to what he would say later, he didn’t immediately want to ban travel to China. And he asked officials in the White House if we were making “too big a deal out of this.”

In fact, I was impressed with Mnuchin for that very reason. He did not hesitate to make his views clear. He kept pushing back, over and over, against a roomful of people who supported closing the borders completely. After about an hour of going around in circles, the president told us all to go to the Cabinet Room and “figure out what to do.” I remember thinking to myself how ridiculous it was that the president of the United States had to tell his own staff to go figure this out and then come back to him.
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What does that mean, not a career politician? He ran for the office of president, twice. How is that NOT a politician?

Besides, why would you have someone who is inexperienced in understanding how politics works to be the US president? Would you want a NOT A CAREER SURGEON operating on you? How about a policeman or an electrician? Do you want them to be trained in what they do?

Moronic statements like these are what gave us 4 years of an inept administration that allowed a pandemic to run riot.
if I thought you would comprehend it I would take the time to explain. You won't so I won't.
"...become as very profane culture on general thanks to the anything-goes libs
"God must love the fuck out of you..."

Yupper, a more profane culture. Embraced and encouraged more readily by some than others.

Now, to be sure.....I cannot speak for libs. But I'd bet that it ain't "libs" that publicly fly big "F*ck Biden" flags next to elementary schools, and then attempt to get God to do the f*cking.

What does that mean, not a career politician? He ran for the office of president, twice. How is that NOT a politician?

Besides, why would you have someone who is inexperienced in understanding how politics works to be the US president? Would you want a NOT A CAREER SURGEON operating on you? How about a policeman or an electrician? Do you want them to be trained in what they do?

Moronic statements like these are what gave us 4 years of an inept administration that allowed a pandemic to run riot.
What a stupid fuckin statement, fucking imbecile
What does that mean, not a career politician? He ran for the office of president, twice. How is that NOT a politician?

Besides, why would you have someone who is inexperienced in understanding how politics works to be the US president? Would you want a NOT A CAREER SURGEON operating on you? How about a policeman or an electrician? Do you want them to be trained in what they do?

Moronic statements like these are what gave us 4 years of an inept administration that allowed a pandemic to run riot.
Do you know how politics works?
Bernie Sanders does and he says it sucks how the Rs and Ds bow to Wall Street.
But then again, you're an idiot who can't listen to or watch anything for more than 1 second.
you dumb fuck, Biden molest kids shit for brains, you're dumber than brain dead Biden.
Yeah, and your orange douche bag molests his own daughter when he is not grabbing pussy of every woman he meets. Now, go fuck a sheep or whatever other animals you dumb racist mouth-breathing right-wing trumptards usually rape.
What a stupid fuckin statement, fucking imbecile
Aww...did it go over your head, trumptard? Well, naturally. You are a moron. Read it a few times and when you are done, read it a few more times. Hopefully, you will get it. :itsok:
Do you know how politics works?
Bernie Sanders does and he says it sucks how the Rs and Ds bow to Wall Street.
But then again, you're an idiot who can't listen to or watch anything for more than 1 second.
LOL. You suddenly discovered Bernie Sanders, eh? Poor trumptard. Now go sulk in a corner like your orange douche bag.
LOL. You suddenly discovered Bernie Sanders, eh? Poor trumptard. Now go sulk in a corner like your orange douche bag.
I discovered Bernie Sanders during GW's 2nd term.
A ProgBot such as yourself doesn't know that Sanders' & Trump's platforms were 90% the same...MAGA.
Unlike ProgBots such as yourself, I listen to everyone.
I discovered Bernie Sanders during GW's 2nd term.
A ProgBot such as yourself doesn't know that Sanders' & Trump's platforms were 90% the same...MAGA.
Unlike ProgBots such as yourself, I listen to everyone.
Sure, a serial rapist, tax-dodging predator, and a grifter/con-man who is basically a cuck-holster for Putin is the same as an honest man who wants to protect the disadvantaged in our society...yeah, exactly the same.

Mouth-breathing retards like you are the ones who gave us a douche bag that destroyed our country. That you can find equivalency between Rump & Sanders tells me all that I need to know. Fuck off.
Sure, a serial rapist, tax-dodging predator, and a grifter/con-man who is basically a cuck-holster for Putin is the same as an honest man who wants to protect the disadvantaged in our society...yeah, exactly the same.

Mouth-breathing retards like you are the ones who gave us a douche bag that destroyed our country. That you can find equivalency between Rump & Sanders tells me all that I need to know. Fuck off.
Based on your inability to post anything other than ad hominems I will presume you are the CEO of a huge corporation.

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