We the People


Dec 18, 2011
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them. They fought and gave their lives so that there existed a country with liberty and justice for all. Now gaze upon what it has become.

The people that the founding fathers fought for are no longer the people they once were. When the people of a country find it easier and Better to live off a government instead of working themselves, what is the state of an economy. People no longer dream of great things, of self sufficiency, or expect to do anything meaningful as they will be in a cubicle or dead end job. These people see the government as a personal ATM that every month spits out money.

The media has risen far beyond that simply job of being a watchdog, now it has become a political tool. Political parties use it as a means to influence the populations, either dumbing them down through extensive programming or biased reporting. People are no longer skeptical and therefore do not seek truth from what they are given. If the media was truly fair and balenced, then, people would be making decisions on proper information.

The government has now risen above that of a servant of the people. It has become an aristocracy driven system as the average American can rarely attain office. The government is no longer of the people as only a small fraction of the incumbents are truly of the people. The government is no longer by the people as it is disapproved by many yet still runs on due to the ignorance of a majority. Finally, the government is no longer for the people for it has only the self interests of those in it and the personal projects of those in it as its agenda. The government is no longer of the people, by the people, or for the people.

America has fallen, yet not all hope is lost. We can still recover from this ignorance and ever increasing debt so long as we are not divided. As it can be seen, great divides are on the rise in this country, democrat or Republican, Black, Hispanic, White, Woman, Man. All of these have been orchestrated to divide us and make us weak. If we do not overcome our differences and rise above political correctness pushed upon us by the media which is seeming to be out to divide us, America is doomed. Unless we the people come together, we the people will fall.
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them.

No, they created a country where The People have the unrestricted freedom to decide for themselves what kind of government they would live under.

That We The People have decided THIS is the government we want is the rightful culmination of the dream of our founders.

If there is a danger to our future, it comes not from the "government," but from those who will not accept the Will of The People.
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them. They fought and gave their lives so that there existed a country with liberty and justice for all. Now gaze upon what it has become.

The people that the founding fathers fought for are no longer the people they once were. When the people of a country find it easier and Better to live off a government instead of working themselves, what is the state of an economy. People no longer dream of great things, of self sufficiency, or expect to do anything meaningful as they will be in a cubicle or dead end job. These people see the government as a personal ATM that every month spits out money.

The media has risen far beyond that simply job of being a watchdog, now it has become a political tool. Political parties use it as a means to influence the populations, either dumbing them down through extensive programming or biased reporting. People are no longer skeptical and therefore do not seek truth from what they are given. If the media was truly fair and balenced, then, people would be making decisions on proper information.

The government has now risen above that of a servant of the people. It has become an aristocracy driven system as the average American can rarely attain office. The government is no longer of the people as only a small fraction of the incumbents are truly of the people. The government is no longer by the people as it is disapproved by many yet still runs on due to the ignorance of a majority. Finally, the government is no longer for the people for it has only the self interests of those in it and the personal projects of those in it as its agenda. The government is no longer of the people, by the people, or for the people.

America has fallen, yet not all hope is lost. We can still recover from this ignorance and ever increasing debt so long as we are not divided. As it can be seen, great divides are on the rise in this country, democrat or Republican, Black, Hispanic, White, Woman, Man. All of these have been orchestrated to divide us and make us weak. If we do not overcome our differences and rise above political correctness pushed upon us by the media which is seeming to be out to divide us, America is doomed. Unless we the people come together, we the people will fall.

Your understanding of history needs some work. You could not vote under our founding fathers unless you were male, white and propertied... but we are becoming aristocratic? Slavery was legal at the time our founding fathers were in power, but they believed in liberty and justice for all?

The reality is that right now freedom is greater and the will of the people more heard than at any other time of our history. The problem, of course, is that many people equate freedom to getting their way. In a society of 300 million, no one gets their way all the time. Not if it is actually free. Adults recognize the variety of interests and engage in dialogue and compromise. Children stomp their feet and insist everyone else play by their rules or they will take their ball and go home.
Well that was original.

Whenever folks (who are generally in tricorner hats) start rampaging about "Freedom, Liberty and Doom.

You can bet your bottom dollar its a petulant rant about not getting the government they wanted.

And how the election was "stolen".
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them.

No, they created a country where The People have the unrestricted freedom to decide for themselves what kind of government they would live under.

That We The People have decided THIS is the government we want is the rightful culmination of the dream of our founders.

If there is a danger to our future, it comes not from the "government," but from those who will not accept the Will of The People.

Not if it is unlawful and against the people.
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them.

No, they created a country where The People have the unrestricted freedom to decide for themselves what kind of government they would live under.

That We The People have decided THIS is the government we want is the rightful culmination of the dream of our founders.

If there is a danger to our future, it comes not from the "government," but from those who will not accept the Will of The People.

Not if it is unlawful and against the people.

Show where it has been found unlawful
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them.

No, they created a country where The People have the unrestricted freedom to decide for themselves what kind of government they would live under.

That We The People have decided THIS is the government we want is the rightful culmination of the dream of our founders.

If there is a danger to our future, it comes not from the "government," but from those who will not accept the Will of The People.

Not if it is unlawful and against the people.

Show where it has been found unlawful..

Oh yea, you can't other than in internet rantings
No, they created a country where The People have the unrestricted freedom to decide for themselves what kind of government they would live under.

That We The People have decided THIS is the government we want is the rightful culmination of the dream of our founders.

If there is a danger to our future, it comes not from the "government," but from those who will not accept the Will of The People.

Not if it is unlawful and against the people.

Show where it has been found unlawful

I'm referring to some type of government that turns fascist after being voted in and turns away from the constitution.
Not if it is unlawful and against the people.

Show where it has been found unlawful

I'm referring to some type of government that turns fascist after being voted in and turns away from the constitution.

We have a court system in place which determines what is or is not within the Constitution. It is not determined by individual citizens. If there is something going on which you think is unconstitutional, all you need do is take it to the courts. It happens all the time.
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them. They fought and gave their lives so that there existed a country with liberty and justice for all. Now gaze upon what it has become.

Tell that to the slaves that were allowed to exists during the FF's time.Tell that to the non voting women at the same time period. Tell that to those that died from the Whiskey Rebellion.
No, they created a country where The People have the unrestricted freedom to decide for themselves what kind of government they would live under.

That We The People have decided THIS is the government we want is the rightful culmination of the dream of our founders.

If there is a danger to our future, it comes not from the "government," but from those who will not accept the Will of The People.

Not if it is unlawful and against the people.

Show where it has been found unlawful..

Oh yea, you can't other than in internet rantings

1. "Show where it has been found unlawful."
The pivot here is the word 'found.'

When King FDR I took control of the government, he was able to cow the Supreme Court, so that the Constitution was subjugated, and has been merely a suggestion.

2. If you had studied history you would have found the unlawful provenance as follows:

a. The people have consented to be governed by only one document: the US Constitution.

b. The Constitution is specific as to the authorized spending areas: Article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them. They fought and gave their lives so that there existed a country with liberty and justice for all. Now gaze upon what it has become.

Tell that to the slaves that were allowed to exists during the FF's time.Tell that to the non voting women at the same time period. Tell that to those that died from the Whiskey Rebellion.

Those issues were rectified through other peoples deaths. The US constitution is the greatest governing document ever written. Its the people who change.
The founding fathers set out to create a country where people could be free and live as they will with no government hovering over them. They fought and gave their lives so that there existed a country with liberty and justice for all. Now gaze upon what it has become.

The people that the founding fathers fought for are no longer the people they once were. When the people of a country find it easier and Better to live off a government instead of working themselves, what is the state of an economy. People no longer dream of great things, of self sufficiency, or expect to do anything meaningful as they will be in a cubicle or dead end job. These people see the government as a personal ATM that every month spits out money.

The media has risen far beyond that simply job of being a watchdog, now it has become a political tool. Political parties use it as a means to influence the populations, either dumbing them down through extensive programming or biased reporting. People are no longer skeptical and therefore do not seek truth from what they are given. If the media was truly fair and balenced, then, people would be making decisions on proper information.

The government has now risen above that of a servant of the people. It has become an aristocracy driven system as the average American can rarely attain office. The government is no longer of the people as only a small fraction of the incumbents are truly of the people. The government is no longer by the people as it is disapproved by many yet still runs on due to the ignorance of a majority. Finally, the government is no longer for the people for it has only the self interests of those in it and the personal projects of those in it as its agenda. The government is no longer of the people, by the people, or for the people.

America has fallen, yet not all hope is lost. We can still recover from this ignorance and ever increasing debt so long as we are not divided. As it can be seen, great divides are on the rise in this country, democrat or Republican, Black, Hispanic, White, Woman, Man. All of these have been orchestrated to divide us and make us weak. If we do not overcome our differences and rise above political correctness pushed upon us by the media which is seeming to be out to divide us, America is doomed. Unless we the people come together, we the people will fall.

Well, I suggest you get out the Atlas and find a country more to your liking. Evolution is a fact, times change, circumstances change and one of the many signs of the genius of our Constitution is its ability to adapt.

Posting as if you have some great insight or idea and offer nothing of substance but "ain't it awful" does nothing to solve any of the problems facing our nation today. Does nothing to bring together the myriad demographic of our nation and is IMO the product of a not so bright parrot.

I suggest you read some history, not the history produced by the Ministry of Truth but the history of mankind and the plight of humanity from the caves to modern America. Governance has evolved from one man with a club leading others to community. Sadly goofy people like you want to return to the days of the caveman, now armed with your assault weapon you feel no need for community, detest laws and hate those who differ in color, creed or political beliefs from yourself.

I agree with one point you made, though the word you used is inaccurate. We have become a Plutocracy, one where an oligarchy of rich and powerful white men seek to control everything. They are far from Aristocrats, at least historically the Aristocrat understood noblesse oblige; the power elite in America today - and particulary those who represent the Republican Party - have no sense of duty to anyone but themselves. Such was made clear in Romney's 47% speech!
Not if it is unlawful and against the people.

Show where it has been found unlawful..

Oh yea, you can't other than in internet rantings

1. "Show where it has been found unlawful."
The pivot here is the word 'found.'

When King FDR I took control of the government, he was able to cow the Supreme Court, so that the Constitution was subjugated, and has been merely a suggestion.

2. If you had studied history you would have found the unlawful provenance as follows:

a. The people have consented to be governed by only one document: the US Constitution.

b. The Constitution is specific as to the authorized spending areas: Article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

The Constitution today is stronger than at any time in our history. Rather than just words, the intent of the Constitution is more closely followed in allowing freedom for all citizens

While initially that freedom was only provided to white, landowning males, the Constitution now applies to all Americans

The powers of the Constitution are not only contained in the document itself but in all laws and interpretations executed since

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