We Told You So.

Throughout the 2016 campaign and since, the president and his party have vowed to kick-start tepid Obama-era economic growth. Specifically, they insisted tax cuts and deregulation would return growth to its post-World War II average of 3 percent — a level, candidate Trump said derisively, that President Barack Obama became “the first president in modern history” never to reach in a single year.
And then he said he didn't realize how much more the military needed. So he changed his view. Again, do you or do you not want to discuss if that was prudent. But that was why he overspent. Let me explain further since you're dumb. If my wife and I agree that our budget is $35k for a new car but once we get in there and see that the car we want will cost $42k...does that mean we broke our agreement or made an adjustment based on new knowledge and data. Trump claimed it was due to the military needing more TLC than he initially thought. Not sure how many more times you need this explained to you.
I can’t pretend any of that makes sense.

For an independent you spend a lot of time defending failed Trump. Haha
What doesn't make sense? Be specific. He wanted to spend more on the military. That is it.

If you want to increase GDP you lower taxes and increase wages but we are also in a global economy and the rest of the world was fairly stagnant sans India and China and its tough to trust China's numbers so not sure what he could have done differently. We can debate military spend for sure. The alternative to DJT was Mrs. Clinton. No thank you.
Government spending can boost gdp also. And even running a trillion deficit Trump failed.
It can if its infrastructure spend, sure. Again, we are in a global economy and while we were doing well the rest of the world wasn't.
Why not military spending? It’s not good for the companies getting the orders?

Why did Trump make fun of less than 3%?
What did he mean when he said tax cuts would pay for themselves?
He was running for office. Same reason he made fun of Ted Cruz and then allied with him. They did pay for themselves. Income didn't go down. Our expenses are just too high.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Context matters dumbass. Pandemic anyone? Have you taken our OCD meds? Yes or no? Stop avoiding the fucking question, moron.

Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Only President to have a Negative 30 GDP
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
They were? Link please.
Ask Trump.
I am asking you as you made the assertion. So 3% is good but 2.5% is bad. Why and how does that impact you personally? Thank you.

View attachment 457983
ShortBus, that chart doesn't include all of Trump's first term. His first term gave us a whopping 1.2% annualized GDP growth. Worst since Hoover.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Context matters dumbass. Pandemic anyone? Have you taken our OCD meds? Yes or no? Stop avoiding the fucking question, moron.

View attachment 458005

Poor, deranged ShortBus. Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.

Posting old data going only up to 2019 only serves to further demonstrate what a flaming imbecile you are.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Only President to have a Negative 30 GDP
A legitimate president.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians

Well, I'm sure that destroying all those high paying Union jobs while making us less energy independent and more dependent on our OPEC adversaries while gasoline has already risen almost 40 cents per gallon will really help his ratings rise. Oh, and obligating so much of our tax money to go to other nations by rejoining the Paris Accords will REALLY be a winner for him, I'm sure. Luckily, I'm sure the employment rate is SURE to rise, so there's that.
Yes, Biden will be honored for supporting healthcare, higher wages, protecting the environment.

But his biggest accomplishment will be bringing back stable leadership after four years of Trump insanity

You keep saying the same things as if they're not your fantasies and expect us to accept it. It's not really working
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Only President to have a Negative 30 GDP
Context matters. You fucking loser. So dishonest.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Azog has no understanding of economics. Pure trumper.
Throughout the 2016 campaign and since, the president and his party have vowed to kick-start tepid Obama-era economic growth. Specifically, they insisted tax cuts and deregulation would return growth to its post-World War II average of 3 percent — a level, candidate Trump said derisively, that President Barack Obama became “the first president in modern history” never to reach in a single year.
And then he said he didn't realize how much more the military needed. So he changed his view. Again, do you or do you not want to discuss if that was prudent. But that was why he overspent. Let me explain further since you're dumb. If my wife and I agree that our budget is $35k for a new car but once we get in there and see that the car we want will cost $42k...does that mean we broke our agreement or made an adjustment based on new knowledge and data. Trump claimed it was due to the military needing more TLC than he initially thought. Not sure how many more times you need this explained to you.
I can’t pretend any of that makes sense.

For an independent you spend a lot of time defending failed Trump. Haha
What doesn't make sense? Be specific. He wanted to spend more on the military. That is it.

If you want to increase GDP you lower taxes and increase wages but we are also in a global economy and the rest of the world was fairly stagnant sans India and China and its tough to trust China's numbers so not sure what he could have done differently. We can debate military spend for sure. The alternative to DJT was Mrs. Clinton. No thank you.
Government spending can boost gdp also. And even running a trillion deficit Trump failed.
It can if its infrastructure spend, sure. Again, we are in a global economy and while we were doing well the rest of the world wasn't.
Why not military spending? It’s not good for the companies getting the orders?

Why did Trump make fun of less than 3%?
What did he mean when he said tax cuts would pay for themselves?
He was running for office. Same reason he made fun of Ted Cruz and then allied with him. They did pay for themselves. Income didn't go down. Our expenses are just too high.
Throughout the 2016 campaign and since, the president and his party have vowed to kick-start tepid Obama-era economic growth. Specifically, they insisted tax cuts and deregulation would return growth to its post-World War II average of 3 percent — a level, candidate Trump said derisively, that President Barack Obama became “the first president in modern history” never to reach in a single year.
And then he said he didn't realize how much more the military needed. So he changed his view. Again, do you or do you not want to discuss if that was prudent. But that was why he overspent. Let me explain further since you're dumb. If my wife and I agree that our budget is $35k for a new car but once we get in there and see that the car we want will cost $42k...does that mean we broke our agreement or made an adjustment based on new knowledge and data. Trump claimed it was due to the military needing more TLC than he initially thought. Not sure how many more times you need this explained to you.
I can’t pretend any of that makes sense.

For an independent you spend a lot of time defending failed Trump. Haha
What doesn't make sense? Be specific. He wanted to spend more on the military. That is it.

If you want to increase GDP you lower taxes and increase wages but we are also in a global economy and the rest of the world was fairly stagnant sans India and China and its tough to trust China's numbers so not sure what he could have done differently. We can debate military spend for sure. The alternative to DJT was Mrs. Clinton. No thank you.
Government spending can boost gdp also. And even running a trillion deficit Trump failed.
It can if its infrastructure spend, sure. Again, we are in a global economy and while we were doing well the rest of the world wasn't.
Why not military spending? It’s not good for the companies getting the orders?

Why did Trump make fun of less than 3%?
What did he mean when he said tax cuts would pay for themselves?
He was running for office. Same reason he made fun of Ted Cruz and then allied with him. They did pay for themselves. Income didn't go down. Our expenses are just too high.
Your name is an oxymoron. Fucking douchebag
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Context matters dumbass. Pandemic anyone? Have you taken our OCD meds? Yes or no? Stop avoiding the fucking question, moron.

View attachment 458005

Poor, deranged ShortBus. Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.

Posting old data going only up to 2019 only serves to further demonstrate what a flaming imbecile you are.
He spends all day defending trump failures, then calls himself an independent. Funny stuff.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Context matters dumbass. Pandemic anyone? Have you taken our OCD meds? Yes or no? Stop avoiding the fucking question, moron.

View attachment 458005

Poor, deranged ShortBus. Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.

Posting old data going only up to 2019 only serves to further demonstrate what a flaming imbecile you are.
He spends all day defending trump failures, then calls himself an independent. Funny stuff.
I explained it to you. Dishonest POS. Fuck you
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians

Well, I'm sure that destroying all those high paying Union jobs while making us less energy independent and more dependent on our OPEC adversaries while gasoline has already risen almost 40 cents per gallon will really help his ratings rise. Oh, and obligating so much of our tax money to go to other nations by rejoining the Paris Accords will REALLY be a winner for him, I'm sure. Luckily, I'm sure the employment rate is SURE to rise, so there's that.
Yes, Biden will be honored for supporting healthcare, higher wages, protecting the environment.

But his biggest accomplishment will be bringing back stable leadership after four years of Trump insanity

You keep saying the same things as if they're not your fantasies and expect us to accept it. It's not really working
The US and the world let out a sigh of relief when Demagogue Trump was soundly defeated.
Biden to the rescue
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Only President to have a Negative 30 GDP
Context matters. You fucking loser. So dishonest.
Economic disaster
His Presidency
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Only President to have a Negative 30 GDP
Context matters. You fucking loser. So dishonest.
Economic disaster
His Presidency
Azog has lots of excuses for that. Cause independents make excuses for failures...
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Context matters dumbass. Pandemic anyone? Have you taken our OCD meds? Yes or no? Stop avoiding the fucking question, moron.

View attachment 458005

Poor, deranged ShortBus. Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.

Posting old data going only up to 2019 only serves to further demonstrate what a flaming imbecile you are.
He spends all day defending trump failures, then calls himself an independent. Funny stuff.
I explained it to you. Dishonest POS. Fuck you
Dishonesty does not bother these people. It is sad, but true.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Trump was a huge success before Covid. The regulations he shit canned made it possible for some businesses survive Covid and reopen. Covid was very convenient and many on the Left, being the ghouls they are, said it was a Godsend. All those dead people a Godsend. The Left has a sickness no vaccine will ever cure,
Less than 3% gdp growth and a trillion dollar deficit is a success?
Why do you care about 3% specifically. Why that % and how does that impact you personally?
Trump said less than 3% was pathetic. He made fun of Obama.
I asked you why 3% is what you care to achieve? So 2.9% is bad but 3% is good? Pre pandemic no one cared. Why do you, personally?

View attachment 457978
Trumps tax cuts were supposed to deliver 4-6%. Because they didn’t deliver growth the deficit soared. Anyone who understands economics cares about GDP. Trump cared enough to make fun of Obama for less than 3%.
Trump is the only president on record since Herbert Hoover to not have a year above 3% real GDP growth.
Only President to have a Negative 30 GDP
Context matters. You fucking loser. So dishonest.
Economic disaster
His Presidency
Azog has lots of excuses for that. Cause independents make excuses for failures...
You have yet to answer me. Why is the magic number 3?
Democrat voters have proven as dumb as a stump.


Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

These voters are infantilized, and programmed to simply vote for the Wehrmacht....er, Democrats no matter what they say or do.


"Every Economic Data Point Released This Week Shows Biden Slide Into The Abyss From Trump Roaring Economy
Data released this week shows the American economy slowing into the Biden abyss of stagnation and malaise. Think Jimmy Carter on steroids. After four years of a roaring Trump economic miracle (Obama, he waved the magic wand), just the threat of re-regulation, lockdowns, obscene spending, attacks on the energy sector, and overall Marxist economy policy has stopped businesses in their tracks from hiring and deploying capital.

The only bright spot was inflation, which was in-line; however, with Yellen stepping on the banana republic printing gas, Katy bar the door.

With financial markets at all time highs…investors need to be wary with their capital deployment.

Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (Feb) PREL printed at 76.2 vs 80.8 consensus estimate.

NFIB Business Optimism Index (Jan) printed at 95 vs 98.7 estimate.

JOLTS Job Openings (Dec) printed at 6.646M vs 6.5M estimate.

Wholesale Inventories (Dec) printed at 0.3 vs 0.1 estimate.

Consumer Price Index (YoY) (Jan) printed at 1.4% vs 1.5% estimate.

Consumer Price Index (MoM) (Jan) printed at the estimate of 0.3%.

Continuing Jobless Claims (Jan 29) printed at 4.545M vs 4.49M estimate.

Initial Jobless Claims (Feb 5) printed at 793k vs 757k estimate."
Donald destroyed the economy. So wtf are you talking about.

Nice pretend analysis though
Oh I see, Donald destroyed the economy. The economy was never as great for all people ae it was under Donald, but he destroyed it, Why? If you are going to give credit, give credit where it is due, starting with China then Dr Fauci and then the paranoid hypochondriac democrats. Just be honest about it.

They lie about everything.

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