We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

You claim about what it showed is bullshit, moron.

This is the last reply you will get from me in this thread. I've learned it's a waste of time to wrestle with a pig like you.


I cited what it showed, ya fucking moron. Not knowing my source was the same as your source, you idiotically called my source, "bullshit."


Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Nope. Fact is we were a net exporter of petroleum products in 2021. Isn't that what they were calling energy independence? Net Exports.

Will it change the fact that the Rabid Right has been frothing at the mouth proclaiming that President Biden's pause on leases and canceling the permit for the latest Canadian pipeline caused the US to loose that fabled status convincing themselves that it was true? Hahahahaha oh no, Saul Biden donchaknow.

You lying piece-of-shitconservative -- that image is from at least 2016, not 2020...

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Copied the wrong link. Amazing how you Leftards have no short term memory either.



Copied the wrong link. Amazing how you Leftards have no short term memory either.
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I already proved that 99.9¢ per gallon image is from at least 2016, not 2020, and you idiotically post it again.

You are the epitome of a brain-dead conservative.

I cited what it showed, ya fucking moron. Not knowing my source was the same as your source, you idiotically called my source, "bullshit."
Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Typical foul mouthed Marxist.

Look folks, Markets react to American policies, and when US energy policy is anti-oil and anti-gas, as Biden's is, the prices go up. Period. In case you didn't notice, that was the reason prices immediately went up when Biden took office, because he imediately rolled back Trump's policies and the market reacted.

Additionally, markets still operate off of supply and demand, and when Biden shut down our production, prices went up.

To answer the OP question What Happened, the answer is simple: Biden happened, thanks to foul mouthed Marxists like Mr Faux.
Typical foul mouthed Marxist.

Look folks, Markets react to American policies, and when US energy policy is anti-oil and anti-gas, as Biden's is, the prices go up. Period. In case you didn't notice, that was the reason prices immediately went up when Biden took office, because he imediately rolled back Trump's policies and the market reacted.

Additionally, markets still operate off of supply and demand, and when Biden shut down our production, prices went up.

To answer the OP question What Happened, the answer is simple: Biden happened, thanks to foul mouthed Marxists like Mr Faux.


How did it escape your miniscule attention span that gas prices began rising before Biden even passed his first policy??
So we should drill more and export a ton less. Easy fix. Since there is no labor shortage(complete fake news which has been contrived), we can get it done.
Remember, recovery cannot begin until rock bbottom has been achieved.

We saw that when we had to have Carterflation to bring us Reagan.

But recovery can be aborted - as it was last time around.

Now God has given us Xiden - faster and more thorough than the piddlingly weak Obama and past-master Carter.

If we squander this opportunity in November and again in two sort years there may never be another opportunity.

While I am not a "God" believer I do understand that if there is such a thing he/she/it would be not possessed of infinite patience.

The dinosaurs had to go - but the reason why was lost along with the last of them.
Remember, recovery cannot begin until rock bbottom has been achieved.

We saw that when we had to have Carterflation to bring us Reagan.

But recovery can be aborted - as it was last time around.

Now God has given us Xiden - faster and more thorough than the piddlingly weak Obama and past-master Carter.

If we squander this opportunity in November and again in two sort years there may never be another opportunity.

While I am not a "God" believer I do understand that if there is such a thing he/she/it would be not possessed of infinite patience.

The dinosaurs had to go - but the reason why was lost along with the last of them.

Carter fixed Nixon's inflation and pushed for energy independence from OPEC when these oil issues first started raising their ugly head. RayGun, granddaddy of the Pseudo-Conservative Tax-n-Spend (then Blame the Democrats), set the standard for what you see being carried out here. "Mr. President. Tear Down those Solar Panels"

Saul Biden man.
Oil companies knew what was coming, so they took action proactively.

^^^ another brain-dead sputter by the forum's fucking moron. :icon_rolleyes:

Fucking moron, who knew Biden was going to win 6 months before the election? :cuckoo:
Carter fixed Nixon's inflation and pushed for energy independence from OPEC when these oil issues first started raising their ugly head. RayGun, granddaddy of the Pseudo-Conservative Tax-n-Spend (then Blame the Democrats), set the standard for what you see being carried out here. "Mr. President. Tear Down those Solar Panels"

Saul Biden man.
Carter fixed Nixon's inflation? Inflation was 12% at the end of Carter's term.

Now even you are calling yourself a fucking moron.


So, fucking moron, how did the energy sector know Trump was going to lose the election 6 months before it happened?
You just can't stop lying, can you FAUX?

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