We Were Right to Drop the Bomb

Should We Have Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan in 1945

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 83.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
the war was not over when they were dropped, the war was over the day after they were dropped

you can call that a coincidence, ha, ha, ha!
The war was over long before the bombs dropped.
The war was over long before the bombs dropped.
Yet our prisoners were not released, how come? According to you the war was over for weeks?

And then of course, the USS Indianapolis was sunk killing 900 men just a week before Hiroshima.

Nope, sorry, your comment is opinion, nothing more.
Yet our prisoners were not released, how come? According to you the war was over for weeks?

And then of course, the USS Indianapolis was sunk killing 900 men just a week before Hiroshima.

Nope, sorry, your comment is opinion, nothing more.
Lol. You’re not getting this. Japan had been trying to surrender, but old Dirty Harry said no way…we need to keep killing your defenseless women and children.
The war was over long before the bombs dropped.
No it wasn’t. Japanese troops were still fighting and murdering troops, POWs and civilians in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, China and a lot of other places. The Home Islands weren’t the war, they were just the place the US was trying to force the Japanese to surrender. People like you are trying to turn the Japanese into helpless, blameless victims. They weren’t. They behaved like monsters raping, looting killing and enslaving both civilians and POWs everywhere they went from 1936 on. Ever see the movie Bridge on the River Kwai? That was about the Burmese-Siam railway. The Japanese worked hundreds of thousands people to death building that railway while starving and torturing them. The people that they murdered were mostly local civilians.
No it wasn’t. Japanese troops were still fighting and murdering troops, POWs and civilians in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, China and a lot of other places. The Home Islands weren’t the war, they were just the place the US was trying to force the Japanese to surrender. People like you are trying to turn the Japanese into helpless, blameless victims. They weren’t. They behaved like monsters raping, looting killing and enslaving both civilians and POWs everywhere they went from 1936 on. Ever see the movie Bridge on the River Kwai? That was about the Burmese-Siam railway. The Japanese worked hundreds of thousands people to death building that railway while starving and torturing them. The people that they murdered were mostly local civilians.
Lol. You recognize the heinous actions of the Japanese military, but not Truman’s mass murdering of defenseless civilians. You have no credibility.
Lol. You’re not getting this. Japan had been trying to surrender, but old Dirty Harry said no way…we need to keep killing your defenseless women and children.
Japan wasn’t trying to surrender, they wanted an armistice that allowed them to keep their ill gotten gains and avoid punishment for all the horrible things they did for over a decade on the Asian mainland and for four years in the Pacific. You name a war crime and the Japanese committed it.
Lol. You recognize the heinous actions of the Japanese military, but not Truman’s mass murdering of defenseless civilians. You have no credibility.
The Japanese started bombing helpless civilians long before the US entered the war. They bombed defenseless cities that had been declared “open” meaning that the Chinese wouldn’t even try to defend them, the Japanese used poison gas against Chinese civilians, they released anthrax ridden fleas on Chinese civilians to cause plagues. All the US did was to balance the scales. The Japanese weren’t signatories of the Geneva Conventions, so the war in the Pacific was fought under the old rules of war. They were enforced by reciprocity, if the enemy violated the rules you returned the favor. The Japanese killed troops by faking surrenders, the allies stopped taking prisoners. The Japanese bombed civilians, the US bombed Japanese civilians right back. War isn’t a sterile video game, at its best it’s savagery and horror, at its worst it’s organized slaughter. The British general who defeated Napoleon said “ the only thing worse than a battle won, is a battle lost”. You and your friends always want to blame the Americans, but think about this one fact, there would have been no Pacific War if the Japanese hadn’t invaded, enslaved and subjugated, Korea, Manchuria, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and finally China. The US tried every peaceful means to stop Japanese aggression, boycotts, economic sanctions and finally cutting off the oil exports to Japan. All the Japanese had to do to remove all those sanctions was to cease their invasion of China. We weren’t even trying to get them to give up the other countries they had already conquered. Instead, they chose to go to war with the UK, the Dutch, the Australians and most stupidly, the Americans.
The lesson here is simple, War is ugly, it has a broad and all encompassing effect on not only the lords of war but civilians as well. I am willing to bet the lords of war didn’t much care about their own citizen’s, otherwise they wouldn’t have started the dam thing in the first place.
Lol. You’re not getting this. Japan had been trying to surrender, but old Dirty Harry said no way…we need to keep killing your defenseless women and children.
I get it, I have read all the cherry picked sources you folks link to. I have gone further as well and bought every book that was cherry picked for your Google search source.

So, if you care to rehash Sweden, Russia, or the OSI surrender bullshit, give it your best shot.


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The lesson here is simple, War is ugly, it has a broad and all encompassing effect on not only the lords of war but civilians as well. I am willing to bet the lords of war didn’t much care about their own citizen’s, otherwise they wouldn’t have started the dam thing in the first place.
You mean like a leader who threw his own citizens into concentration camps?
No, the lords of war that enslaved their citizens, sacrificed the youth of their nation, out to slaughter civilians and conquer sovereign nations for the glory of Shinto puppet emperor. FDR reacted poorly yet under the circumstances had no other choice. Must be comforting to sit back and play your game of revisionist hypothetical what if spin games.
"Right back"? Since when is the US part of China?
The Japanese also bombed Manila AFTER it was declared an open city. Now you are reduced to trying to nitpick over which country's civilians the Japanese committed war crimes against.
I get it, I have read all the cherry picked sources you folks link to. I have gone further as well and bought every book that was cherry picked for your Google search source.

So, if you care to rehash Sweden, Russia, or the OSI surrender bullshit, give it your best shot.
Cherry picked info…lmfao. That’s you my friend. You merely accept what the corrupt establishment has told you. I don’t.
The Japanese also bombed Manila AFTER it was declared an open city. Now you are reduced to trying to nitpick over which country's civilians the Japanese committed war crimes against.
So you conclude from that Truman was justified in mass murdering thousands of defenseless innocent women and children with the a-bombs. CRAZY!

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