We Were Right to Drop the Bomb

Should We Have Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan in 1945

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 83.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
Not very hard at all. All you need to do is open your eyes.

I meant personally.

Did you have to overcome a patriotic bias and fight though to that conclusion, or did it just flow naturally and easily for you?

As I said, it comes from having my eyes open.

Patriotic bias?????

It was a simple question. DId you feel any resistance inside, to your conclusion, or was it easy for you to reach it?

"Having your eyes open" is just you saying that you are sure you are more objective than me.

It is nice that you have a good self image.

That is all that means.

It's a simple question that I've answered twice. I'm sorry you don't like my answer. I couldn't give a damn whether you like it or not. Get over it.

See, it sounds like you are saying "no".

BUt then if I build on that, then you libs flip out and accuse me of putting words in your mouth.

Are you an American and do you have any sense of Patriotism?

It sounds more like you ain't listening.

Am I an American and do I have any sense of Patriotism?

To be honest, I don't do personal questions, get over it. When it comes to the time when you're wondering if I'm male or female, you can scratch your head to that one too.

All the personal info you're getting from me. I'm me, I don't have any choice to be any one else, so I'm me. Get over it.

Thanks for enjoying.
I meant personally.

Did you have to overcome a patriotic bias and fight though to that conclusion, or did it just flow naturally and easily for you?

As I said, it comes from having my eyes open.

Patriotic bias?????

It was a simple question. DId you feel any resistance inside, to your conclusion, or was it easy for you to reach it?

"Having your eyes open" is just you saying that you are sure you are more objective than me.

It is nice that you have a good self image.

That is all that means.

It's a simple question that I've answered twice. I'm sorry you don't like my answer. I couldn't give a damn whether you like it or not. Get over it.

See, it sounds like you are saying "no".

BUt then if I build on that, then you libs flip out and accuse me of putting words in your mouth.

Are you an American and do you have any sense of Patriotism?

It sounds more like you ain't listening.

Am I an American and do I have any sense of Patriotism?

To be honest, I don't do personal questions, get over it. When it comes to the time when you're wondering if I'm male or female, you can scratch your head to that one too.

All the personal info you're getting from me. I'm me, I don't have any choice to be any one else, so I'm me. Get over it.

Thanks for enjoying.

I'm listening. I just wanted you to be clear before I responded.

The point I was trying to make was that your conclusion is self serving to your anti-american bias.

Much like the Gipper's serves his anti-government bias.

Your belief that you, as opposed to the rest of US, have "yours eyes open" is just your telling yourself that you are smarter and better than the rest of US.

Like I said, it is nice you have a good self image.

But it really doesn't do a thing to support your position.

Imo. my eyes are open and yours are blinded by your anti-american bias.

Thanks for enjoying.

Now, you might want to accuse me of having a pro-american bias.

The difference between us is that I am aware of my biases.

Unlike you, my eyes are ACTUALLY open.

At least compared to you.
The victors write the history books and life was cheap during the 2nd war to end all wars. The insanity that surfaced and prevailed among the Allies half way into the "world war" was that it was a legitimate concept that the mass killing of "enemy" civilians was a factor in winning the war. Was Paul Fussell aware that the Bushido Japanese holdouts were desperate to negotiate terms of surrender with the U.S. and desperate egghead scientists were pressuring the administration to test their monstrosity on real (sub human) people? Meanwhile president Harry Truman was under some sort of mystical pressure from his former dead boss to refuse to talk about terms of surrender with the Japanese other than unconditional surrender. Meanwhile the Japanese were trying desperately to negotiate terms of surrender with freaking Stalin. Ironically the most important term in Japanese surrender was the preservation of the Japanese emperor and the guarantee of not executing him and that happened anyway after the former clothing store owner who found himself president without a clue authorized the incineration of two Japanese cities.

And because of all that spin, you get to talk about WWII, without having to say something nice about the United States!
Oh, do the rules say that I was supposed to say something nice about the U.S.? Let's see, about 6,000 Marine heroes died taking a stinking little island that could have been bypassed about four months before they dropped the Bomb. The often stated reason that Iwo Jima was taken to provide a haven for crippled bombers is a myth. The stated purpose for taking Iwo Jima was to suppress Japanese fighters. My guess is that Marines were sacrificed to justify the argument by the blood thirsty eggheads that the Japanese would never surrender unless Japanese civilians were systematically anihiliated.
I'm listening. I just wanted you to be clear before I responded.

The point I was trying to make was that your conclusion is self serving to your anti-american bias.

Much like the Gipper's serves his anti-government bias.

Your belief that you, as opposed to the rest of US, have "yours eyes open" is just your telling yourself that you are smarter and better than the rest of US.

Like I said, it is nice you have a good self image.

But it really doesn't do a thing to support your position.

Imo. my eyes are open and yours are blinded by your anti-american bias.

Thanks for enjoying.

Now, you might want to accuse me of having a pro-american bias.

The difference between us is that I am aware of my biases.

Unlike you, my eyes are ACTUALLY open.

At least compared to you.

Anti-American bias? Really? So I disagree with you, therefore I have "anti-American bias", oh give me a break.

Am I smarter than the rest of the US? Not necessarily, however many people have the heads stuck up the proverbial ass of the US govt's media machine. However you're claiming I'm biased for no reason other than you are trying to chip away at me. I'm sorry, but many people are biased because they simply accept that the US is right. Cowboys 'n' Injuns syndrome. Cowboys are the good guys, committing genocide, and the Injuns are the bad guys who are receiving genocide and the destruction of their way of life and the taking of their land.

The same. Whatever the US does it must be good because we're the US and we only do good things. The Iranians and Iraqis and Libyans and Syrians and ISIS and everyone must be bad because they're our enemies and we fight for good. It's black and white, nothing else.

However I'm not looking at good v. evil. I see evil v. evil.

But then if you think i'm blinded by some "anti-American bias" when you have no freaking clue about me, then maybe this says more about you.

I'm here to discuss what I THINK. You're here to tell me that I'm this and that and the other. That's the difference.
It won't be long until the some start believing that the Japanese army treated enemy civilians with courtesy and care. Did the Japanese military ever bomb defenseless Chinese civilians, or at times use Chinese for bayonet practice or simple beheadings?
After the surrender it seemed essential to get American troops to Japan as quick as possible to prevent possible beheadings and mutilation of our prisoners.
With the surrender, however, it seems the Japanese become a different people, humble and apologetic, and maybe they always were? Maybe it was the military that was not the care- givers some posters believe. In fact, I wonder if Japanese civilians knew much about the war except what they were told and the bombings they experienced?
It was not a nice war, sort of uncivilized at times.
A little know fact...well to most Americans that is...

Largest Bombing Raid in History was Perpetrated against Japan AFTER the Atomic Bombings
Posted on August 6, 2015 by Robert Barsocchini
The largest bombing campaign in history, at that point, was perpetrated by the US against Japan after the atomic bombings of civilians on August 6th and 9th, 1945.

Several days later,

In the largest bombing raid of the Pacific War, more than 400 B-29s attacked Japan during daylight on August 14, and more than 300 that night.[103] A total of 1,014 aircraft were used with no losses.

At 2:49 AM on August 14, the US had intercepted a message from Japanese leadership to Japanese foreign embassies, instructing them “to accept the Allied terms of surrender.”

Writer Laurence M. Vance points out that “many timelines of World War II do not even list this event [the post-nuke bombing raids against Japan] as having occurred.”

How does anyone approve of or defend this?

War is hell.
No. Murdering innocent civilians is hell.

It wasn't murder, it was war, and both sides did Strategic bombing if they had the aircraft to do it.
No doubt about this, if the Germans or Japanese did to us what we did to them, you would think differently. Try to overcome your statist brainwashing.

The massive aerial bombing of civilians by the American military in WWII, was a war crime. Histories greatest war crime was the A bombings.

And the Germans were just as guilty. The Japanese were guilty of the rape of Nanking and then there is that whole sneak attack on Pearl Harbor issue. The Japanese were also pretty vicious in how they conquered and ruled the Philippine Islands. So, basically, the Axis powers violated the rules of war, and you people, who have no clue of history other than what your buddy Zinn tells you, call every one else brainwashed.

The level of your ignorance is profound.
But then if you think i'm blinded by some "anti-American bias" when you have no freaking clue about me, then maybe this says more about you.....

But you seem to feel free to assume what others think and feel when you "have no freaking clue" about what goes on in their heads. Kind of hypocritical.
you people, who have no clue of history other than what your buddy Zinn tells you, call every one else brainwashed.

The level of your ignorance is profound.

In all fairness, you know that's an illogical statement.
So if the Japanese did not treat civilians with courtesy and care do posters have a case that the Americans did not treat Japanese civilians with courtesy and care?
So if the Japanese did not treat civilians with courtesy and care do posters have a case that the Americans did not treat civilians with courtesy and care?

Trying to use up all your straw men before they expire?
So if the Japanese did not treat civilians with courtesy and care do posters have a case that the Americans did not treat Japanese civilians with courtesy and care?

What does the conduct of an enemy military have to do with what Americans should do?
So if the Japanese did not treat civilians with courtesy and care do posters have a case that the Americans did not treat civilians with courtesy and care?

Trying to use up all your straw men before they expire?
Surely you can think of some type of response that fits? OK let's try this, do you think the Japanese mistreated civilians, prisoners of war and used bombs dropped from airplanes to destroy civilians?
So if the Japanese did not treat civilians with courtesy and care do posters have a case that the Americans did not treat civilians with courtesy and care?

Trying to use up all your straw men before they expire?
Surely you can think of some type of response that fits? ...

That was the response that fits. If all you have are straw men then stop wasting your time talking to yourself.
So if the Japanese did not treat civilians with courtesy and care do posters have a case that the Americans did not treat Japanese civilians with courtesy and care?

What does the conduct of an enemy military have to do with what Americans should do?
Of course, there are rule books that have to be followed in a war.
'Believe it or not, wars escalate, and few nations will not escalate if the escalation gives them a better chance to save lives, win a battle or win a war. Where did tanks, poison gas, H bombs, drones come from?
A little know fact...well to most Americans that is...

Largest Bombing Raid in History was Perpetrated against Japan AFTER the Atomic Bombings
Posted on August 6, 2015 by Robert Barsocchini
The largest bombing campaign in history, at that point, was perpetrated by the US against Japan after the atomic bombings of civilians on August 6th and 9th, 1945.

Several days later,

In the largest bombing raid of the Pacific War, more than 400 B-29s attacked Japan during daylight on August 14, and more than 300 that night.[103] A total of 1,014 aircraft were used with no losses.

At 2:49 AM on August 14, the US had intercepted a message from Japanese leadership to Japanese foreign embassies, instructing them “to accept the Allied terms of surrender.”

Writer Laurence M. Vance points out that “many timelines of World War II do not even list this event [the post-nuke bombing raids against Japan] as having occurred.”

How does anyone approve of or defend this?

War is hell.
No. Murdering innocent civilians is hell.

It wasn't murder, it was war, and both sides did Strategic bombing if they had the aircraft to do it.
No doubt about this, if the Germans or Japanese did to us what we did to them, you would think differently. Try to overcome your statist brainwashing.

The massive aerial bombing of civilians by the American military in WWII, was a war crime. Histories greatest war crime was the A bombings.

And the Germans were just as guilty. The Japanese were guilty of the rape of Nanking and then there is that whole sneak attack on Pearl Harbor issue. The Japanese were also pretty vicious in how they conquered and ruled the Philippine Islands. So, basically, the Axis powers violated the rules of war, and you people, who have no clue of history other than what your buddy Zinn tells you, call every one else brainwashed.

The level of your ignorance is profound.
So because the Japanese and Germans were ruthless and prosecuted total war, the USA can too. Is that your point? Foolish!

The USA should not make total war. We are better than that, or at least we like to think we are...sadly our political leadership is fully prepared to murder civilians on a vast scale, no matter what the American people want.
War is hell.
No. Murdering innocent civilians is hell.

It wasn't murder, it was war, and both sides did Strategic bombing if they had the aircraft to do it.
No doubt about this, if the Germans or Japanese did to us what we did to them, you would think differently. Try to overcome your statist brainwashing.

The massive aerial bombing of civilians by the American military in WWII, was a war crime. Histories greatest war crime was the A bombings.

And the Germans were just as guilty. The Japanese were guilty of the rape of Nanking and then there is that whole sneak attack on Pearl Harbor issue. The Japanese were also pretty vicious in how they conquered and ruled the Philippine Islands. So, basically, the Axis powers violated the rules of war, and you people, who have no clue of history other than what your buddy Zinn tells you, call every one else brainwashed.

The level of your ignorance is profound.
So because the Japanese and Germans were ruthless and prosecuted total war, the USA can too. Is that your point? Foolish!

The USA should not make total war. We are better than that, or at least we like to think we are...sadly our political leadership is fully prepared to murder civilians on a vast scale, no matter what the American people want.

Yes. Total war can ONLY be fought with total war. That was the problem with Korea and Vietnam. The goal wasn't to win. I firmly believe that violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. I truly do. However, if you MAKE me fight you. I am going to end you.
No. Murdering innocent civilians is hell.

It wasn't murder, it was war, and both sides did Strategic bombing if they had the aircraft to do it.
No doubt about this, if the Germans or Japanese did to us what we did to them, you would think differently. Try to overcome your statist brainwashing.

The massive aerial bombing of civilians by the American military in WWII, was a war crime. Histories greatest war crime was the A bombings.

And the Germans were just as guilty. The Japanese were guilty of the rape of Nanking and then there is that whole sneak attack on Pearl Harbor issue. The Japanese were also pretty vicious in how they conquered and ruled the Philippine Islands. So, basically, the Axis powers violated the rules of war, and you people, who have no clue of history other than what your buddy Zinn tells you, call every one else brainwashed.

The level of your ignorance is profound.
So because the Japanese and Germans were ruthless and prosecuted total war, the USA can too. Is that your point? Foolish!

The USA should not make total war. We are better than that, or at least we like to think we are...sadly our political leadership is fully prepared to murder civilians on a vast scale, no matter what the American people want.

Yes. Total war can ONLY be fought with total war. That was the problem with Korea and Vietnam. The goal wasn't to win. I firmly believe that violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. I truly do. However, if you MAKE me fight you. I am going to end you.
The problem with your thinking is no nation made the US fight them. Did Korea or Vietnam MAKES us fight them? We had no business getting involved in WWI or II either. Iraq?

When we allow corrupt lying scumbag politicians to take the nation to war, we are doing their bidding not protecting the nation.

Secondly ending the lives of thousands of innocent people who have no control over their tyrannical government in an effort to win a war, is entirely evil and immoral.

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