We will all be kept in suspense waiting to see what happens after ten days if their demands aren't m


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
We will all be kept in suspense waiting to see what happens after ten days if their demands aren't meant..

Al Houthi rebels give Yemen president ultimatum
President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi given 10 days to form government, with rebels warning of a takeover if demands are not met

  • AP
  • Published: 21:15 November 1, 2014

  • Image Credit: EPA
  • EPA Rallying cry Yemeni activists hold banners during a rally yesterday in Sana’a against control of the country’s main cities by Al Houthi rebels, a day after rebels gave a 10-day deadline to President Hadi.
Aden: Yemen’s Al Houthi rebels, who are in control of the capital, gave the president 10 days starting Friday to form a government, hinting at a takeover attempt if their demands are not met.

The group, also known as Ansar Allah, rallied some 3,000 tribal leaders in Sana’a, where they delivered a communique warning President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi that ‘all revolutionary options are open’ if he failed to form a government.

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