We will be in WWIII soon, just because you Marxists couldnt stand mean tweets from President Trump.

Maybe you don't get it. I am against ALL Foreign War. We should be at war with Mexico. THAY are invading our Border. Not Ukraine. Frankly ,I don't give a shit what Russia does. Economically they are Pipsqueaks.
Ah, one of those. Okay fine but isolation is only going to make us weaker. Do you want to be Canada or Australia? Instead of the USA? Leaders of the free world?

And we stole that land from Mexico. The hispanics invading down south are only invading their own homes. They've lived there forever. Now you want to shoo all the dark people away? good luck with that.
Obviously, since they waited until Biden was in the White House to start the invasion.
You should know this

President Trump entered the White House with the goal of reducing legal immigration by 63 percent. Trump was wildly successful in reducing legal immigration. By November 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of green cards issued to people abroad by at least 418,453 and the number of non‐immigrant visas by at least 11,178,668 during his first term through November 2020. President Trump also entered the White House with the goal of eliminating illegal immigration but Trump oversaw a virtual collapse in interior immigration enforcement and the stabilization of the illegal immigrant population. Thus, Trump succeeded in reduce legal immigration and failed to eliminate illegal immigration.

So Trump stopped LEGAL immigrants from coming to America. We need them. Only racist white ignorant whites don't want immigrants. Or if you were like me and you truly believed we are overpopulated, then I would completely agree with Trumpsters we need less humans running around America. One reason I like abortion. Too many people.

But I don't think Republicans want to go on record as being anti immigrant, do they? Poor whites were told if we let immigrants in it keeps wages down. But wages have gone up as much as they are going to go. And I think Republicans know that and want that. They don't want wages going up because that just raises costs and causes inflation.

And we don't have enough workers. Let's face it, we need legal immigrants coming here and Trump made foreigners not want to come to the USA. Even after he's gone, immigration is down. And our corporations can't find workers.

So I could see more refugees coming to the USA when they don't think the current president is going to put them in cages. But you can thank Trump for less immigrants, legal or not, from wanting to come to America.

Way to go you arsewipes, lets vote in War Mongering Joe, because President Trump used mean tweets against you idiots, You think, Russia and China, who are now working together are scared of the NATO and US who are spineless fagots who sniff each others hair and touch little girls? The Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight thanks to Joe Biden and you morons who stole the election and put him there. When the Shrooms start to happen, maybe you will be there to get a taste of it.

The fact you have fake raiders fan Langley agent candyass candycorn laughing about this post proves you are spot on. :yes_text12: :abgg2q.jpg:NATO is trembling about whst Russia can do to them.
Every major military conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodrow Wilson promised Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he had a stroke and his wife sent Doughboys to fight for the quiche eating surrender monkeys in France. FDR apparently didn't have a freaking clue about world events until "The Day of Infamy" and we ended up saving the surrender monkeys in France again. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea under an illegal E.O. and mismanaged the conflict so badly that we lost anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in a three year quagmire that the media called "the Forgotten War". LBJ thought he had a better idea. He faked a crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the freaking war. Just when it looked like we would win the thing he tearfully threw in the towel. Now we have a doddering old fool with his thumb on the nuclear button. Are they planning to blame Trump when the shit hits the fan?
Whitehall in his obvious bias forgets to mention dick Nixon was as much of a mass murderer of 58;000 Americans as his pal LBJ was,the sheep in America say he ended the war,bullshit,had he had his way it would never have ended,he only acted AFTER the American people started protesting,the American people ended the war yiu sheep that say nixon did.

Way to go you arsewipes, lets vote in War Mongering Joe, because President Trump used mean tweets against you idiots, You think, Russia and China, who are now working together are scared of the NATO and US who are spineless fagots who sniff each others hair and touch little girls? The Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight thanks to Joe Biden and you morons who stole the election and put him there. When the Shrooms start to happen, maybe you will be there to get a taste of it.

Sad but true. Been nice knowin' y'all. :(
Omg trump would be amazing. God is punishing us because of the steal. God gave us trump
You just owned the asses of our resident trolls America haters smellybozo sealybobo and Mac1958 they are trying to laugh off facts knowing they got checkmated and got their asses taken to the cleaners by you as they always do everyday here at the site. :rofl: :laughing0301: :iyfyus.jpg:
Fiery but mostly peaceful . . . and a tad radioactive.
Well at least Global Warming will end we cause of the nuclear winter. Plus when the nuclear winter ends there will be few humans around to cause pollution again.


Well at least Global Warming will end we cause of the nuclear winter. Plus when the nuclear winter ends there will be few humans around to cause pollution again.

Just heard last night that the Ukraine Actor/Comedian said that their children are fighting the war against Russia right now, but if they lose Ukraine then Russia will go into the Baltic countries/NATO and then US children will be forced to fight against Russia. Forced? Sure sounds like a draft is coming when this happens.
The people on this site and the idiots like them will have their faces melt off from the mushroom cloud and STILL go down screeching about Trump
Where I live i will probably just glow in the dark.
So you Republicans want to abandon our ally? You think we should just let Hitler, I mean Putin take Ukraine?
President Trump warned against an alliance forming between Russia and China. As much as you hate him for treating us as adults he was able to keep them apart and prevent them from forming an alliance.

You would rather take a sharp stick in the eye rather than admit President Biden has started a proxy war between the US and Russia. In the process, Biden has pushed Russia and China together in an alliance we cannot beat.

During his long career, when has President Biden made a good foreign policy decision?

So you Republicans want to abandon our ally? You think we should just let Hitler, I mean Putin take Ukraine?
Specifically please, what strategic purpose is Ukraine to the United States?

The only difference between Zelinsky and Putin is that Putin was a member of the KGB.

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