We will be in WWIII soon, just because you Marxists couldnt stand mean tweets from President Trump.

Fox has nothing to do with this. I just gave you the facts and all you can do is squawk like the propaganda parrot you are....squawk..Fox news....squawk..Fox News....
Just because Putin invaded after Trump left office does not mean he wouldn't have if Trump was in office. Trump was supposed to still be president. He lost. And I don't think Putin would have not invaded if Trump was president.

And I can prove it. It just dawned on me. What are you Trumpies here on USMB saying we should do in Urkaine? You're saying we should mind our own business and stop spending money on this issue. So you tell me with that position why would Trump being president stop Putin?

I will suggest that Biden being president might have caused Putin to pause for a second and re think what might happen if he won. Well we know Biden would not be a puppet. You're saying Trump would have not done a god damn thing. Right?

Think about how insane it is to suggest if Trump was president Putin wouldn't have invaded. All the Trump supporters here say we should not be involved in Ukraine. We should just let Putin have Ukraine.

So then if Trump was president why wouldn't Putin have invaded? If Trump were president right now the USA would be doing NOTHING about Russia in Ukraine. So Republicans have to re think their talking points because they conflict with each other.
Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine if Trump was President.
You can prove this?

You Republicans say we should stop backing the Ukraine. Stop spending the money. Right? So how can you prove Russia wouldn't have invaded if Trump were president? Sounds ridiculous to say but let's see your proof. You say you have proof let's see it.
Just because Putin invaded after Trump left office does not mean he wouldn't have if Trump was in office. Trump was supposed to still be president. He lost. And I don't think Putin would have not invaded if Trump was president.

And I can prove it. It just dawned on me. What are you Trumpies here on USMB saying we should do in Urkaine? You're saying we should mind our own business and stop spending money on this issue. So you tell me with that position why would Trump being president stop Putin?

I will suggest that Biden being president might have caused Putin to pause for a second and re think what might happen if he won. Well we know Biden would not be a puppet. You're saying Trump would have not done a god damn thing. Right?
You can't prove Putin would have invaded if Trump was President because the fact is Putin waited until Trump was out of office. Time for your nap.
You can prove this?

You Republicans say we should stop backing the Ukraine. Stop spending the money. Right? So how can you prove Russia wouldn't have invaded if Trump were president? Sounds ridiculous to say but let's see your proof. You say you have proof let's see it.
History is my proof. Putin didn't invade until Trump was out of office. Duh!!
History is my proof. Putin didn't invade until Trump was out of office. Duh!!
Putin was hoping Trump won a second term. It would have made invading Ukraine a lot easier. Perhaps invading on Trump's first watch was discussed and they decided to wait until his second term. Can't punish a lame duck president.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton said Putin was waiting for former President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization if he had won a second term.

Bolton mostly offered critiques of Biden's foreign policy in the region. At the end of the event, he was asked about how close Trump came to withdrawing from NATO

"I thought he put his foot over it, but at least he didn't withdraw then," said Bolton, who wrote in his memoir about Trump's consideration of withdrawing from NATO in 2018. "In a second Trump term, I think he may well have withdrawn from NATO. And I think Putin was waiting for that."

So Trump didn't scare putin in fact Trump told him he was not going to get involved in foreign affairs half way around the world. It would have been easier for Putin if Trump was president.

What would Trump have done? Come on. You're being stupid.
Putin was hoping Trump won a second term. It would have made invading Ukraine a lot easier. Perhaps invading on Trump's first watch was discussed and they decided to wait until his second term. Can't punish a lame duck president.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton said Putin was waiting for former President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization if he had won a second term.

Bolton mostly offered critiques of Biden's foreign policy in the region. At the end of the event, he was asked about how close Trump came to withdrawing from NATO

"I thought he put his foot over it, but at least he didn't withdraw then," said Bolton, who wrote in his memoir about Trump's consideration of withdrawing from NATO in 2018. "In a second Trump term, I think he may well have withdrawn from NATO. And I think Putin was waiting for that."

So Trump didn't scare putin in fact Trump told him he was not going to get involved in foreign affairs half way around the world. It would have been easier for Putin if Trump was president.

What would Trump have done? Come on. You're being stupid.
Pure speculation. Nap time for you.
Pure speculation. Nap time for you.

Then this proves you Republicans here who are saying we shouldn't be involved in the Ukraine war are just playing politics. Thank you for then admitting that. It's one or the other.

Because if you are saying we should not be helping Ukraine, then you're saying that's what Trump would have done. NOTHING. Can't have it both ways. Are you conflicted?
How do you know that? I think this was all planned when Trump met Putin in complete private. No translators, nothing. Totally inappropriate. Trump may have given Putin the green light. We'll never know what they talked about.
Because Trump was a real leader. Biden is a Joke.
If Trump was a real leader, he would have foreseen that the war in Ukraine needed resolving before Russia invaded. He didn’t.

He like dumb Joe was surrounded by neocons. So it’s likely he would have done exactly as dumb Joe is doing. Yet another example of how similar the two fools are.
If Trump was a real leader, he would have foreseen that the war in Ukraine needed resolving before Russia invaded. He didn’t.

He like dumb Joe was surrounded by neocons. So it’s likely he would have done exactly as dumb Joe is doing. Yet another example of how similar the two fools are.
As you know, President Trump did foresee the problem and he kept Russia from invading. Trump also warned against Russia aligning with China which President Biden has done.

“Donald Trump understood this very clearly: ‘Russia will never be our closest ally,’ he said. ‘But if Russia ever becomes China’s ally, we’re in deep trouble.’ The combination of natural resources, military and economic power — and sheer population — would make the Russian-Chinese alliance the most powerful force in the world. The United States would soon be dethroned, we’d be taking orders. As Trump put it, there is no reason to make Russia our enemy and there are many reasons not to.”

“It was a sound case, but official Washington ignored him,” he continued. “Their response, shouted in unison: ‘Shut up Putin stooge.’ And then they set about trying to provoke a war with Russia. Now they have succeeded.”

“But the war we are fighting in Ukraine is not against Russia alone, but also against Russia’s newest ally, the People’s Republic of China,” he said. “What Donald Trump predicted has happened, and in the worst way. If the war in Ukraine continues, we will lose no matter how it ends. The world order is being reshuffled as we watch, and by the time it’s over, the U.S. will no longer be at the top of the deck. That is very obvious to the rest of the world.”

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As you know, President Trump did foresee the problem and he kept Russia from invading. Trump also warned against Russia aligning with China which President Biden has done.

True. Don and Joe are very much alike, but duopoly dupes can’t see it.
If Trump was a real leader, he would have foreseen that the war in Ukraine needed resolving before Russia invaded. He didn’t.

He like dumb Joe was surrounded by neocons. So it’s likely he would have done exactly as dumb Joe is doing. Yet another example of how similar the two fools are.
US Gov't invasions, coups, occupations, assassinations, sanctions and interfering in elections around the world isn't evil at all, it's spreading democracy.

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