“We won’t make a difference if we don’t kill a cop or 2"

I worry more about some right winger driven to insanity by these paranoid nazi-commie characterizations wading into a crowd of protesters guns-a-blazing for freedom.
I don't worry so much about what I imagine could happen, rather I worry about what those who've established their violence will do.
I worry more about some right winger driven to insanity by these paranoid nazi-commie characterizations wading into a crowd of protesters guns-a-blazing for freedom.

Im not worried about that at all. After all, it's those "protesters" that are the ones claiming to want violence.
It's the same rhetoric that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn used back in the good old days. If Barry loses the election watch out. The radicals are geared up and organized.
I worry more about some right winger driven to insanity by these paranoid nazi-commie characterizations wading into a crowd of protesters guns-a-blazing for freedom.

Im not worried about that at all. After all, it's those "protesters" that are the ones claiming to want violence.

To the left, opposing the left's nutters is more dangerous than the nutters themselves. The left has the right to kill cops, burn down homes and intimidate children on their way to school. Stopping them from exercising their rights is what the left claims is insanity.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_pDIvA0E3c&feature=related]The Terminator - Police Station Massacre (HD) - YouTube[/ame]
The NYPD is investigating an apparent Occupy Wall Street protester who made threats on Twitter Saturday about killing cops.

“We won’t make a difference if we don’t kill a cop or 2,” someone with the Twitter handle Smackema1 posted at about 11:40 p.m. to Ustream, which showed footage of the Zuccotti Park protests in Manhattan.

“There is no name or any other identifying information linked to the Twitter account, but the NYPD is seeking a subpoena to run it down,” said spokesman Paul Browne. Police are separately checking telephone threats made to two cops and their families on Saturday, Browne added.

In all, 73 demonstrators were arrested Saturday and yesterday, including two for assaulting cops, police said.

Christopher Geist, 38, allegedly squeezed a cop’s crotch and tried to steal his gun. Cecily McMillan, 23, allegedly elbowed an officer in the eye after she was treated at New York Downtown Hospital for a seizure. She was then taken to Bellevue Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.

Read more: NYPD checking OWSer’s Twitter threat against cops - NYPOST.com

May Day is going to get even uglier.

Twitter nutters are front page news now? Should we be monitoring eveybody's feeds? I'm sure there'd be some interesting ones, if you cross-searched 'Obama' and 'Messiah'! :cool:
Arresting someone on the street causing a disturbance is somewhat different than a tweet. Not to the left of course. Someone attacking a cop is far less dangerous.

The left has no choice, they must start engaging in violence or they become just a nuisance. They have taken the threats as far as they can.
The NYPD is investigating an apparent Occupy Wall Street protester who made threats on Twitter Saturday about killing cops.

“We won’t make a difference if we don’t kill a cop or 2,” someone with the Twitter handle Smackema1 posted at about 11:40 p.m. to Ustream, which showed footage of the Zuccotti Park protests in Manhattan.

“There is no name or any other identifying information linked to the Twitter account, but the NYPD is seeking a subpoena to run it down,” said spokesman Paul Browne. Police are separately checking telephone threats made to two cops and their families on Saturday, Browne added.

In all, 73 demonstrators were arrested Saturday and yesterday, including two for assaulting cops, police said.

Christopher Geist, 38, allegedly squeezed a cop’s crotch and tried to steal his gun. Cecily McMillan, 23, allegedly elbowed an officer in the eye after she was treated at New York Downtown Hospital for a seizure. She was then taken to Bellevue Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.

Read more: NYPD checking OWSer’s Twitter threat against cops - NYPOST.com

May Day is going to get even uglier.

Twitter nutters are front page news now? Should we be monitoring eveybody's feeds? I'm sure there'd be some interesting ones, if you cross-searched 'Obama' and 'Messiah'! :cool:
They better not say some issue is in their "cross-hairs" though, right? Then that's significant.

It's the same rhetoric that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn used back in the good old days. If Barry loses the election watch out. The radicals are geared up and organized.


How many student protesters were killed in the anti-Vietnam protests. How many innocent students were killed by the Gaurd?
It's the same rhetoric that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn used back in the good old days. If Barry loses the election watch out. The radicals are geared up and organized.


How many student protesters were killed in the anti-Vietnam protests. How many innocent students were killed by the Gaurd?

Four killed, nine wounded. They weren't innocent though and it ended the violent protests so it was worth it.

The left is on its way to being a noisy inconvenience. If it doesn't start getting violent soon, they will remain a noisy inconvenience. They have taken the screaming and foot stomping as far as they can. Ideally, the protesters won't come up against the Guard, but look to the Guard to save their sorry asses from a public that has had enough of their garbage.

The left, so far, has had more deaths at the occupy sites than in all of the anti war protests of the 60s.
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May Day is going to get even uglier.

Twitter nutters are front page news now? Should we be monitoring eveybody's feeds? I'm sure there'd be some interesting ones, if you cross-searched 'Obama' and 'Messiah'! :cool:
They better not say some issue is in their "cross-hairs" though, right? Then that's significant.

It would be, if the right insists on publishing private tweets. Publish them all, then. Terms like "cross hairs" are really significant when published publically while hiding behind a "campaign" or "journalism". Those are the people you need to watch. They can actually attract a following and you know how THEY are! At least most of the lefties ain't packin', unlike the wingnutters! :eek:
Twitter nutters are front page news now? Should we be monitoring eveybody's feeds? I'm sure there'd be some interesting ones, if you cross-searched 'Obama' and 'Messiah'! :cool:
They better not say some issue is in their "cross-hairs" though, right? Then that's significant.

It would be, if the right insists on publishing private tweets. Publish them all, then. Terms like "cross hairs" are really significant when published publically while hiding behind a "campaign" or "journalism". Those are the people you need to watch. They can actually attract a following and you know how THEY are! At least most of the lefties ain't packin', unlike the wingnutters! :eek:
Exactly! Internet posts about killing cops is insignificant when compared to internet posts about putting states in crosshairs for political gain, when it comes to inciting violence.

So obvious! The hypocrisy, that is. ;)

I think you just pulled a muscle - heat should help.
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Four killed, nine wounded. They weren't innocent though and it ended the violent protests so it was worth it.
Bullshit. Two of the four shot at Kent State were not involved in the protests and were walking to class. In fact, William Schroeder was an Eagle Scout and involved with Army ROTC.
Four killed, nine wounded. They weren't innocent though and it ended the violent protests so it was worth it.
Bullshit. Two of the four shot at Kent State were not involved in the protests and were walking to class. In fact, William Schroeder was an Eagle Scout and involved with Army ROTC.

Just walking to class, through the middle of a violent protest? Okay the guy deserves a Darwin Award for that one. It ended the protests. That's what the effect of the Kent State Shootings had.

The left has gone as far as it can with the noisemaking and shit flinging. It will have to step it up to move forward. It will have to out perform the 60s. They know it. They see themselves as modern day Jacobins. Now they have to start acting like it. They need to start invading businesses, burning down luxury homes, dragging all those evil rich people out of pricey and gas guzzling cars to teach them a lesson. The protest movement knows it, they are just trying to dig up the courage and become less of a bunch of weenies.
They are calling for a general strike on May 1 - no work; no school. For many college students, that's final exam week. I wonder how sympathetic those liberal professors will be when Johnny Radical pulls a no show.

OWS protesters have jobs?:confused:
Four killed, nine wounded. They weren't innocent though and it ended the violent protests so it was worth it.
Bullshit. Two of the four shot at Kent State were not involved in the protests and were walking to class. In fact, William Schroeder was an Eagle Scout and involved with Army ROTC.

Just walking to class, through the middle of a violent protest? Okay the guy deserves a Darwin Award for that one. It ended the protests. That's what the effect of the Kent State Shootings had.
Schroeder and Scheuer were both almost 400' away.

Just admit you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
The occuturds are coming unhinged.....being constantly filthy, eating out of a garbage pail, and sleeping in a cardboard box, will do that to a person. The poor things.... :lol: Are they planning on BBQ'ing the cop after they kill him?

OK. So you make the nutters in the OWS movement you symbol for that movement. You don't mind then that we make Timothy McViegh the symbol for you wingnuts, I take it.

Hey dumbass.

Maybe you could point out a member of congress supporting McVeigh as democrats did with the OWS.

The OWS movement condemns the shit heads who destroy property and are violent and perverse.

You and others on the right misrepresent the OWS movements based on comments and behaviors of the few and not the many.

How many men, women and children did McVeigh murder? No one ever called McVeigh an example of a modern day conservative, nor did anyone call Eric Rudolph or Scott Roeder typical conservatives. All political groups attract mentally ill or extreme elements who are condemned by the many in such movements. Unfortunately the rights seems to attract actual murderers.
It's the same rhetoric that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn used back in the good old days. If Barry loses the election watch out. The radicals are geared up and organized.


How many student protesters were killed in the anti-Vietnam protests. How many innocent students were killed by the Gaurd?

Four killed, nine wounded. They weren't innocent though and it ended the violent protests so it was worth it.

The left is on its way to being a noisy inconvenience. If it doesn't start getting violent soon, they will remain a noisy inconvenience. They have taken the screaming and foot stomping as far as they can. Ideally, the protesters won't come up against the Guard, but look to the Guard to save their sorry asses from a public that has had enough of their garbage.

The left, so far, has had more deaths at the occupy sites than in all of the anti war protests of the 60s.

Six. You forgot the killings of unarmed protesters at Jackson State 10 days after Kent state.

None of the protesters had weapons. Two of the students killed at Kent State were not involved in the protest and were just moving between classes. That was the problem. Classes let out and the Gaurd saw a huge mass of students, their commander freaked out and gave the order to shoot.

The Kent State Masecre did not end the anti-war protest.

Opposition to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But it did galvanize the country against the war for good.

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