Wealth of Five Richest Men Doubles Since 2020

It's hard to imagine Republicans and Democrats currently serving in congress would ever support proportional representation:

Proportional representation, explained

"Proportional representation is an electoral system that elects multiple representatives in each district in proportion to the number of people who vote for them.

"If one third of voters back a political party, the party’s candidates win roughly one-third of the seats.

"Today, proportional representation is the most common electoral system among the world’s democracies.

"How is this different from what the United States uses?..."

PR's a good idea that's far more likely to be seriously considered after the current two-party, corporate duopoly disappears.

Surely the fact that they wouldn't support it, is reason enough for others to support it. But no, most people are waiting to be told what to think.

The reality is the politicians would support it if they thought it would increase their chances at the next election.
What the hell is "Global wealth" ?

Do you have an actual definition?
Global wealth:

"all the money and other assets that exist in all areas of the world considered together:
Analysts predict that government-controlled funds will own around 10% of global wealth over the next decade."

global wealth

Try connecting the dots between global wealth and global poverty:

10.2 Global Wealth and Poverty - Introduction to Sociology 3e | OpenStax

"What does it mean to be poor? Does it mean being a single mother with two kids in New York City, waiting for the next paycheck in order to buy groceries?

"Does it mean living with almost no furniture in your apartment because your income doesn’t allow for extras like beds or chairs?

"Or does it mean having to live with the distended bellies of the chronically malnourished throughout the peripheral nations of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia? Poverty."
Surely the fact that they wouldn't support it, is reason enough for others to support it. But no, most people are waiting to be told what to think.

The reality is the politicians would support it if they thought it would increase their chances at the next election.
Republicans and Democrats in congress pay far more attention to their donor base than any democratic majority:

Jayapal Introduces Medicare for All Act of 2021.

"Medicare for All is supported by 69 percent of registered voters including 87 percent of Democrats, the majority of Independents, and nearly half of Republicans.

"Additionally, over 50 cities and towns across America have passed resolutions endorsing Medicare for All."

Using the Internet to convince tens of millions of US voters to pick their House and Senate choices from third-party candidates instead of voting against the R or D they most hate.
Republicans and Democrats in congress pay far more attention to their donor base than any democratic majority:

Jayapal Introduces Medicare for All Act of 2021.

"Medicare for All is supported by 69 percent of registered voters including 87 percent of Democrats, the majority of Independents, and nearly half of Republicans.

"Additionally, over 50 cities and towns across America have passed resolutions endorsing Medicare for All."

Using the Internet to convince tens of millions of US voters to pick their House and Senate choices from third-party candidates instead of voting against the R or D they most hate.

The thing is, the UK has FPTP just like the US.

Brexit happened because of a combination of people pushing it in the media for decades, and people pushing it.

UKIP, a political party aimed at getting the UK out of the EU, only ever had 2 seats in parliament, and only one through elections, but got 12.6% of the vote even in a FPTP system.

They were a one issue party that gained support, and then the Tories ended up having the vote because they feared the third party effect.

It can happen. But it's more than convincing people to vote third party, it's about convincing them that they want this issue more than anything else, and that takes a lot of people pushing it, talking about it, etc.
Do we really "need" the products these people are selling?

I don't think so. It's time we take our power ( and money) back from these consumerist gurus and stop buying the crap they are selling.
If everybody stopped going to places like Walmart and many local, grocery stores prices would come down. for this would involve people having to grow their own fruits and vegetables and butcher meat like it was back in the day

they get away with their astronomically high prices in part because people are going to pay for it. Of course the lockdowns also are part of the problem the printing of trillions of dollars that is definitely a part of the issue. But yes it is true Many big-time companies are simply keeping prices high because they know people will pay them.

It’s the same thing when it comes to auto repair. Your chain tire shop will rob you blind. Just to get a nail out of the tire. They will charge you 50 bucks. If you know somebody locally though they will do it for free or maybe give them 10 bucks.

But your mechanic shop, your chain tire shop like Mr. Tire are robbing people blind when it comes to the price of auto repairs.

For auto repairs one can go on a website like rockauto.com and find things much lower in price compared to at your mechanical shop. I spent around $200 on a brand new set of brakes and everything needed with them like calipers ….would’ve cost me 1000 at the repair shop. Can’t remember the exact cost but it was considerably lower compared to what I would’ve paid at any sort of repair shop.
So what's the bigger threat to society, inflation or parasitic billionaires?

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"The past three years’ supercharged surge in extreme wealth has solidified while global poverty remains mired at pre-pandemic levels. Billionaires are $3.3 trillion richer than in 2020, and their wealth has grown three times faster than the rate of inflation.

  • "Despite representing just 21 percent of the global population, rich countries in the Global North own 69 percent of global wealth and are home to 74 percent of the world’s billionaire wealth.
  • Share ownership overwhelmingly benefits the richest. The top 1 percent own 43 percent of all global financial assets. They hold 48 percent of financial wealth in the Middle East, 50 percent in Asia and 47 percent in Europe."

Global poverty is not the fault of Billionaires...it is the fault of the government of these 3rd world crap holes, who get billions in foriegn aide which they then steal.....

Again, they are creating goods and services that make life better for everyone....if you want to help the poor, spread capitalism, the rule of law, and democracy........3 things that have lifted billions out of poverty, hunger and chaos.
So what's the bigger threat to society, inflation or parasitic billionaires?

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"The past three years’ supercharged surge in extreme wealth has solidified while global poverty remains mired at pre-pandemic levels. Billionaires are $3.3 trillion richer than in 2020, and their wealth has grown three times faster than the rate of inflation.

  • "Despite representing just 21 percent of the global population, rich countries in the Global North own 69 percent of global wealth and are home to 74 percent of the world’s billionaire wealth.
  • Share ownership overwhelmingly benefits the richest. The top 1 percent own 43 percent of all global financial assets. They hold 48 percent of financial wealth in the Middle East, 50 percent in Asia and 47 percent in Europe."
Obviously it is inflation. How much money people have is irrelevant. It's just called jealousy.
Global wealth:

"all the money and other assets that exist in all areas of the world considered together:
Analysts predict that government-controlled funds will own around 10% of global wealth over the next decade."

global wealth

Try connecting the dots between global wealth and global poverty:

10.2 Global Wealth and Poverty - Introduction to Sociology 3e | OpenStax

"What does it mean to be poor? Does it mean being a single mother with two kids in New York City, waiting for the next paycheck in order to buy groceries?

"Does it mean living with almost no furniture in your apartment because your income doesn’t allow for extras like beds or chairs?

"Or does it mean having to live with the distended bellies of the chronically malnourished throughout the peripheral nations of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia? Poverty."


Wealth is net worth that's all it ever was and ever will be

No one is stopping you from increasing your personal wealth.

And FYI the reason people are starving in Africa isn't because a few people are uber wealthy it's because of the corrupt governments are hoarding the millions of tons of food and monetary aid sent to them on an annual basis.
If everybody stopped going to places like Walmart and many local, grocery stores prices would come down. for this would involve people having to grow their own fruits and vegetables and butcher meat like it was back in the day

they get away with their astronomically high prices in part because people are going to pay for it. Of course the lockdowns also are part of the problem the printing of trillions of dollars that is definitely a part of the issue. But yes it is true Many big-time companies are simply keeping prices high because they know people will pay them.

It’s the same thing when it comes to auto repair. Your chain tire shop will rob you blind. Just to get a nail out of the tire. They will charge you 50 bucks. If you know somebody locally though they will do it for free or maybe give them 10 bucks.

But your mechanic shop, your chain tire shop like Mr. Tire are robbing people blind when it comes to the price of auto repairs.

For auto repairs one can go on a website like rockauto.com and find things much lower in price compared to at your mechanical shop. I spent around $200 on a brand new set of brakes and everything needed with them like calipers ….would’ve cost me 1000 at the repair shop. Can’t remember the exact cost but it was considerably lower compared to what I would’ve paid at any sort of repair shop.

Or if people just stopped wasting money on shit they really don't need they would have more money to buy better quality food but people would rather buy a new cell phone every year or have 50 pairs of shoes they never wear or a closet full of clothes they never wear
So what's the bigger threat to society, inflation or parasitic billionaires?

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"The past three years’ supercharged surge in extreme wealth has solidified while global poverty remains mired at pre-pandemic levels. Billionaires are $3.3 trillion richer than in 2020, and their wealth has grown three times faster than the rate of inflation.

  • "Despite representing just 21 percent of the global population, rich countries in the Global North own 69 percent of global wealth and are home to 74 percent of the world’s billionaire wealth.
  • Share ownership overwhelmingly benefits the richest. The top 1 percent own 43 percent of all global financial assets. They hold 48 percent of financial wealth in the Middle East, 50 percent in Asia and 47 percent in Europe."
How about parasitic welfare pukes who dont do shit for anyone, but suck up resources that cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars thus driving up costs through inflation...
Or if people just stopped wasting money on shit they really don't need they would have more money to buy better quality food but people would rather buy a new cell phone every year or have 50 pairs of shoes they never wear or a closet full of clothes they never wear
A rich man doesnt spend his way to riches...

So keep giving the poor people free money so they can sit on their sorry asses and bitch and moan about billionaires. Stop paying them free money (inflation) and make them earn it, and then the Gross Domestic Product goes up and the national debt goes down....
You're missing my point; billionaires are creations of the state just like money, markets, and corporations. There were 13 billionaires in 1982 compared to 735 billionaires today. Government should stop giving rich parasites tax breaks and monopoly mandates, tax the greedy parasites at the same levels as 1950 (50%) and use that tax money to provide jobs to free poor people from poverty since capitalists are obviously incapable of providing enough living wage jobs.
Not surprised by this, meanwhile the majority of Americans are worse off since xiden took office

This is what demafasict policies do for the country.
Biden has long been part of increasing economic inequality in this country:

Manufacturing vs Finance Insurance Real Estate - The Big Picture

Capitalism in the US has morphed from manufacturing to finance over the past 77 years, and Republicans and Democrats have almost universally supported the destruction of the US middle class those policies produced.
If they make products or services people want or need and creqte millions of jobs in the process, how are they parasites?

I would say people who dont work at all and get government welfare when they are able to work would fit that word better
Billionaires in general skew the politics in the US by donating 881 million dollars in 2022 federal midterm elections thereby making democracy a sham for the vast majority of Americans.

Billionaires in finance contribute more to rising debt levels among Americans instead of providing goods or services like Amazon or Facebook, but even Bezos and Zuck don't do enough of the daily work to make those platforms successful to warrant their obscene compensation.

Finally, exactly zero billionaires earn their wealth, they bribe government for favorable tax and trade policies to exploit the greater society.
The thing is, the UK has FPTP just like the US.

Brexit happened because of a combination of people pushing it in the media for decades, and people pushing it.

UKIP, a political party aimed at getting the UK out of the EU, only ever had 2 seats in parliament, and only one through elections, but got 12.6% of the vote even in a FPTP system.

They were a one issue party that gained support, and then the Tories ended up having the vote because they feared the third party effect.

It can happen. But it's more than convincing people to vote third party, it's about convincing them that they want this issue more than anything else, and that takes a lot of people pushing it, talking about it, etc.
Brexit happened as a result of the 2016 UK-EU membership referendum:

"In the referendum 51.89% voted in favour of leaving the EU (Leave), and 48.11% voted in favour of remaining a member of the EU (Remain).[64][65] After this result, Cameron resigned on 13 July 2016, with Theresa May becoming Prime Minister after a leadership contest."

Brexit - Wikipedia.

I'm not sure such a national referendum could happen in the US.
Biden has long been part of increasing economic inequality in this country:

Manufacturing vs Finance Insurance Real Estate - The Big Picture

Capitalism in the US has morphed from manufacturing to finance over the past 77 years, and Republicans and Democrats have almost universally supported the destruction of the US middle class those policies produced.
The problem is that under republicans most people were getting better off…it wasn’t until xiden and the demafasict that a record number of Americans are worse off
Global poverty is not the fault of Billionaires...it is the fault of the government of these 3rd world crap holes, who get billions in foriegn aide which they then steal.....

Again, they are creating goods and services that make life better for everyone....if you want to help the poor, spread capitalism, the rule of law, and democracy........3 things that have lifted billions out of poverty, hunger and chaos.
Third world governments and others are owned by billionaire parasites, five of whom have doubled their fortunes since 2020, by exploiting workers, dodging taxes, privatizing the state and driving the economic inequality that further enhances their obscene private fortunes. Government is the tool that makes that all possible; billionaires own the tool box, and capitalism with its never-ending wars and eternal debt makes it all possible.
Obviously it is inflation. How much money people have is irrelevant. It's just called jealousy.
Money, like markets and corporations, are creations of the state, and billionaires own the state's cast of political shills. It's not jealousy when one to three percent of society control what to produce, when the produce it, where to produce it, and, most importantly, decide on the distribution of any and all surplus. Billionaires don't earn their fortunes; they bribe government for favorable tax and trade policies, patent and monopoly protections, and spin in the major corporate media.

Wealth is net worth that's all it ever was and ever will be

No one is stopping you from increasing your personal wealth.

And FYI the reason people are starving in Africa isn't because a few people are uber wealthy it's because of the corrupt governments are hoarding the millions of tons of food and monetary aid sent to them on an annual basis.
You find wealth meaningless?
What role does it play in the "American Dream?"

Georgetown Study: Wealth, Not Ability, The Biggest Predictor Of Future Success

"A big part of the so-called American Dream promises that if people work hard enough -- no matter how poor they are -- they’ll find success. It turns out that's not completely true, according to a new report by Georgetown University, which shows that wealth is stronger indicator of success than intelligence."

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