Wealth of Five Richest Men Doubles Since 2020

He's tanking Twitter. He's lost tens of billions of dollars.

Being MAGA is a sure path to failure.


Hmmm, let's see ChatGPT is worth $100B....Musk started Grok -- and has all of his Twitter platform to add to it, gee I wonder what that's worth?
Brexit happened as a result of the 2016 UK-EU membership referendum:

"In the referendum 51.89% voted in favour of leaving the EU (Leave), and 48.11% voted in favour of remaining a member of the EU (Remain).[64][65] After this result, Cameron resigned on 13 July 2016, with Theresa May becoming Prime Minister after a leadership contest."

Brexit - Wikipedia.

I'm not sure such a national referendum could happen in the US.

You think nothing happened and then in 2016 there was a referendum out of the blue?

Come on.
You find wealth meaningless?
What role does it play in the "American Dream?"

Georgetown Study: Wealth, Not Ability, The Biggest Predictor Of Future Success

"A big part of the so-called American Dream promises that if people work hard enough -- no matter how poor they are -- they’ll find success. It turns out that's not completely true, according to a new report by Georgetown University, which shows that wealth is stronger indicator of success than intelligence."

No your idea that other people are keeping you poor is meaningless.

And the so called American Dream has been corrupted by our own government.

I know that just about anyone can become financially independent in this country because I did it.

You want to blame a few rich people when the only person to blame for your financial situation is the guy looking back at you from the mirror.

The world's five richest parasites have more than doubled their fortunes from $405 to $869 billion since 2020 while nearly 5 billion people have become even poorer; some parasites eagerly anticipate the globe's first $trillionaire within ten years, but seem indifferent to the claim poverty will not be eradicated for another 229 years:

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"'This inequality is no accident; the billionaire class is ensuring corporations deliver more wealth to them at the expense of everyone else,' said Oxfam International interim Executive Director Amitabh Behar.
why exactly 229 years?
why exactly 229 years?
That's a good question and one I can't begin to understand the statistics:

https://oi-files-d8-prod.s3.eu-west...ublic/2024-01/Davos 2024 Methodology Note.pdf (P. 12/28)

"The result shows it will take 229 (almost 230) years for poverty at theUS$6.85 poverty line to fall below 1%. Since more women than men live inpoverty,28 it would take women more time to reach a poverty target of 1%and below than the 229 years calculated here.𝑛𝑛 = 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿(𝑃𝑃𝑡𝑡 ∕ 𝑃𝑃𝑜𝑜) ∕ 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿(1 + 𝑟𝑟)where:• n is the number of years it will take to reach the target povertyheadcount;• Pt is the target poverty headcount, i.e. 0.99%;• Po is the current poverty headcount, i.e. 45.9%;• r is the annual reduction rate in poverty headcount between 2015 and2019, i.e. -1.7%."
You think nothing happened and then in 2016 there was a referendum out of the blue?

Come on.
There was a national referendum in the UK on Brexit in 2016.
As far as I know, the US has no legal mechanism for a similar national referendum.
Imho, convincing millions of US voters to pick their House and Senate candidates from third parties is the shortest path to breaking the R&D duopoly in DC.
Where did I say anything about war? And there isn't a food crisis in this country
You said the African food crisis was a result of corrupt government when it's capitalism that demands such fraud.

Capitalism is causing the food crisis, not war

"Worsening harvests, infertile soil and increasing food poverty are affecting the majority of small farmers across the globe, especially in the Global South.

"But the climate and food crises are not isolated phenomena.

"They are the result of a global capitalist system – and a neoliberal agenda – that has prioritised big corporate agricultural profits over people and the planet."

The world's five richest parasites have more than doubled their fortunes from $405 to $869 billion since 2020 while nearly 5 billion people have become even poorer; some parasites eagerly anticipate the globe's first $trillionaire within ten years, but seem indifferent to the claim poverty will not be eradicated for another 229 years:

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"'This inequality is no accident; the billionaire class is ensuring corporations deliver more wealth to them at the expense of everyone else,' said Oxfam International interim Executive Director Amitabh Behar.
All thanks to globalism
You said the African food crisis was a result of corrupt government when it's capitalism that demands such fraud.

Capitalism is causing the food crisis, not war

"Worsening harvests, infertile soil and increasing food poverty are affecting the majority of small farmers across the globe, especially in the Global South.

"But the climate and food crises are not isolated phenomena.

"They are the result of a global capitalist system – and a neoliberal agenda – that has prioritised big corporate agricultural profits over people and the planet."
Corrupt governments have nothing to do with capitalism.

Sub-Saharan Africa receives 10 and a half billion dollars a year in foreign aid annually and that doesn;t count the tons of food they get via various agencies and charities as well.

And the failure of small farmers is due far more to the fact that people don't want to pay premium prices for high quality food. They want cheap milk, cheap meat and cheap eggs all of which are got by the most destructive farming practices ever invented.
No your idea that other people are keeping you poor is meaningless.

And the so called American Dream has been corrupted by our own government.

I know that just about anyone can become financially independent in this country because I did it.

You want to blame a few rich people when the only person to blame for your financial situation is the guy looking back at you from the mirror.
A relatively few rich people manipulate government to ensure I have one choice for my Internet service thereby guaranteeing I pay more for that service than I would in a "free market."; did that make me poorer?

A relatively few rich people bribe government to provide tax and trade incentives for US capitalists to ship millions of living wage middle class jobs out of the country; did a few rich people make those millions of productive workers poorer?

A few rich people use government patent and copywrite protections to make Americans poorer.

Any financial success you may have experienced amounts to a few rich people tossing crumbs from the big folks table your way.

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"Runaway corporate and monopoly power is an inequality-generating machine: through squeezing workers, dodging tax, privatizing the state, and spurring climate breakdown, corporations are funneling endless wealth to their ultra-rich owners.

"But they’re also funneling power, undermining our democracies and our rights.

"No corporation or individual should have this much power over our economies and our lives–to be clear, nobody should have a billion dollars."
A relatively few rich people manipulate government to ensure I have one choice for my Internet service thereby guaranteeing I pay more for that service than I would in a "free market."; did that make me poorer?

A relatively few rich people bribe government to provide tax and trade incentives for US capitalists to ship millions of living wage middle class jobs out of the country; did a few rich people make those millions of productive workers poorer?

A few rich people use government patent and copywrite protections to make Americans poorer.

Any financial success you may have experienced amounts to a few rich people tossing crumbs from the big folks table your way.

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"Runaway corporate and monopoly power is an inequality-generating machine: through squeezing workers, dodging tax, privatizing the state, and spurring climate breakdown, corporations are funneling endless wealth to their ultra-rich owners.

"But they’re also funneling power, undermining our democracies and our rights.

"No corporation or individual should have this much power over our economies and our lives–to be clear, nobody should have a billion dollars."

How is your internet provider making you poor?

The government has no authority to tell business they can't do business in other countries

Anyone can apply for patents and copyrights

And my financial success is a result of me actually saving and investing from the age of 18 and running a successful business for 32 years
Sub-Saharan Africa receives 10 and a half billion dollars a year in foreign aid annually and that doesn;t count the tons of food they get via various agencies and charities as well.
Capitalism, corruption, and war profits explain most of why sub-Saharan Africa continues to suffer:

Fragility and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: two sides of the same coin

"Fragility, conflict, and violence, or, more generally, the lack of peace and security, is one of the key barriers to poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa.

"The World Bank’s list of fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) countries in 1998, the year with the earliest available data, indicates that 13 of the 24 FCV countries worldwide were in Sub-Saharan Africa (54%, or slightly over a half)."
Capitalism, corruption, and war profits explain most of why sub-Saharan Africa continues to suffer:

Fragility and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: two sides of the same coin

"Fragility, conflict, and violence, or, more generally, the lack of peace and security, is one of the key barriers to poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa.

"The World Bank’s list of fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) countries in 1998, the year with the earliest available data, indicates that 13 of the 24 FCV countries worldwide were in Sub-Saharan Africa (54%, or slightly over a half)."
That ain't capitalism that's corrupt governments .

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