Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

corporations give people JOBS...now you know why democrats hate them
Why do Republican$ love corporation$?

Legal Heavyweights Say It's Time to Amend the Constitution | Law & Crime
What drives me crazy is how many morons I see walking down an empty street and the schmuck is wearing a mask.

Why does that drive you crazy? I think I'm going to continue to wear my mask after the pandemic - just to piss off busybodies like you who get all worked over other people's personal choices.
they can wear the masks to bed, we give a shit. The fact they expect us to follow them is the reason why. I owe no man or woman shit other than my wife and kids. Funny you used personal choice and yet belittle ours. there's a word for that, ironic.
A better word would be hypocritical. Maybe the moron will choke on his own CO2.
actually it's a lack of oxygen that will kill him. they still don't get that.
t is all the student's choice. No one is making them go to a university that costs 50 grand a year in tuition. There are local colleges that are as a cheap as hell.
Can you prove that with examples of "local colleges that are as cheap as hell"?
sure what do you need? give me a town and I can give you a local college. Here we have many, Depaul off campus in Naperville, IL, College of Dupage, University of Illinois Circle in Chicago. Cheap, live at home go to school, no dorm fees, and classes that fit a working schedule. amazingly stupid people complaining because they choose to go to an expensive school for the paper.

BTW, I'd ask for your money back, because you learned shit. You didn't learn how to use the internet.

in fact, I believe one can get a degree on line. you're a lost human being in search of more stupid is what I've decided for you.
Unfortunately, that is true. It is sad that in order for society to judge you as competent, you must spend a king's ransom to be indoctrinated, and be unable to twist a light bulb into a socket after graduating, but a person can learn a trade and actually produce something useful, and they are looked at as if they are somehow less.
It seems like the richest country in history would be able to provide higher education for all qualified students regardless of choice of subject. One of my friends received her MD in Armenia before the collapse of the USSR, and her education was entirely paid for by the state with an additional stipend for living expenses.
Unfortunately, that is true. It is sad that in order for society to judge you as competent, you must spend a king's ransom to be indoctrinated, and be unable to twist a light bulb into a socket after graduating, but a person can learn a trade and actually produce something useful, and they are looked at as if they are somehow less.
It seems like the richest country in history would be able to provide higher education for all qualified students regardless of choice of subject. One of my friends received her MD in Armenia before the collapse of the USSR, and her education was entirely paid for by the state with an additional stipend for living expenses.
So is there a reason why you are not going there? Who's holding you back.
"Parasitic shareholders" = every worker with a 401K and every retired granny with an IRA. IOW, quit trying to hurt people who have to live off investments.
80% of shares are owned by 10% of shareholders.
Corporations prioritize shareholder income over the income of those who produce the wealth; it doesn't have to be that way:

The Divine Right of Capital

"Employee income + Retained earnings =

"Revenue − (Capital income + Cost of materials)

"Using this income statement, a corporation would define its purpose — its bottom line — as maximizing returns to employees.

"It would do so in part by driving capital income down as low as possible.

"That’s the nature of the equation, to reduce costs, and to increase profit.

"Note that in this equation, capital income is relatively secure: it’s a cost of doing business that must be paid.

"But it’s also fixed, so if the corporation does well, capital doesn’t share the gain.

"Employee income has been put at risk: if there aren’t profits, employees don’t get paid. But if the company does well, employees do well."
corporations give people JOBS...now you know why democrats hate them
Why do Republican$ love corporation$?

Legal Heavyweights Say It's Time to Amend the Constitution | Law & Crime
Everybody loves corporations. Are you posting content on the internet without a corporation? What about the clothes you're wearing? The car you're driving? Everybody loves a corporation. They're kind of like doctors and lawyers, people like to hate on them until they need one.
i am suspicious of Wall Street. TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM! Wall Street is the kind of place where they either buy you or sell you, but they don't give a hoot about you as long as they can make money off you
A typical I don't understand X so destroy X for some simple and irrelevant reason.

You have no idea what 'Wall Street' does to allow a strong modern economy to exist so just kill it...
Based on what? And what if employees are shareholders?

you’re truly clueless
Most stockholders claim wealth they do little to create much like medieval nobles claimed privileges they didn't earn. Stockholders then bribe government for favorable tax policies to further enhance their fortunes.

Why do you side with parasites?

MARCH 19, 2021
No, the Rich Aren’t Paying Their Fare Share
Based on what? And what if employees are shareholders?

you’re truly clueless
Most stockholders claim wealth they do little to create much like medieval nobles claimed privileges they didn't earn. Stockholders then bribe government for favorable tax policies to further enhance their fortunes.

Why do you side with parasites?

MARCH 19, 2021
No, the Rich Aren’t Paying Their Fare Share
define wealth. you still haven't explained what money you are referring to. Define it.
every business owner knows that better employees means more revenue.
They also know higher wages means lower profits.
Which side wins out?

The Divine Right of Capital

"There are also two kinds of people: employee people and capital people.

"The stripped-down structure of the income statement is this:

"Profit = Revenue − Costs"

Do you side with employee people or capital people?
the government has no business propping up colleges.
Government policies affect the cost of education. Decades ago those policies helped build the American middle class.

Over the past fifty years, Government has chosen to side with private lenders who profit from making higher education more expensive.

The cost of college increased by more than 25% in the last 10 years—here's why

"During the 1978 - 1979 school year, it cost the modern equivalent of $17,680 per year to attend a private college and $8,250 per year to attend a public college.

"By the 2008 - 2009 school year those costs had grown to $38,720 at private colleges and $16,460 at public colleges.

"Today, those costs are closer to $48,510 and $21,370, respectively.

"That means costs increased by roughly 25.3% at private colleges and about 29.8% at public colleges."

Do you believe government should prop up private lenders or students?

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