Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

Sadly, not a joke. Socialism views labor as property of the state. Do you deny that workers are "physical and non-financial inputs used in the production of goods and services with economic value."
Workers control the state in a socialist order, not the other way around.

That's irrelevant. Even if your "socialist order" was a perfectly functioning democracy (a ridiculously naive presumption), it's still a fact that labor is owned by the state. In other words, best case scenario, the minority is owned by the majority.

We fought a civil war over that shit.

It's far more likely of course, that the government will be controlled by "the party".
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Yes, the Chinese profit from war as well.....they make a lot of weapons and sell them....some of their biggest clients have been some of the most oppressive regimes as well....Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Pakistan, and Myanmar (Thailand is also a major client)

Arms sales are a global problem without any realistic solution.

Infographic: The World's Biggest Postwar Arms Exporters
as you can see the Chinese profit as well....they have also made some advance since 2017....their main clients are rogue state sponsors of terror.

You reporting taxes on the money retained in your pocket?

Or, when you use it to purchase product?
I was referring to corporate balance sheets which currently optimize shareholder income over employee income, treating workers as an expense and not an asset:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)

"In other words, the company could just as easily be optimized to maximize employee income.

"All it takes is a perspective shift. Kelly then talks about the fact that employees don’t even show up on the corporate balance sheet.

"That’s because employees are seen as an expense, not an asset, despite the common phrase 'our employees are our greatest assets.'"

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary
You still don’t understand what revenue is, that makes you stupid
And the rate would not have to be very high to be revenue neutral.
A flat tax wouldn't do anything to reduce economic inequality in the US. In fact, it might make it worse.

Should The U.S. Switch To A Flat Tax?.

"In addition, a flat tax may not be as fair as one would think.

"A gradual tax system does allow for things like wealth redistribution, which many have argued is a major benefit to society.

"And a flat tax could also give middle-class families an extra burden.

"If someone making one million per year has to pay 18% of his income in taxes, he still has netted $820,000 for the year, a figure which still has great purchasing power.

"But a person making $50,000 per year is left with $41,000 per year; that difference can influence fiscal decisions, like purchasing a new car versus a used car, whether to place a down payment on a house or affording either a state school or private college, extremely tough for people who make closer to the national median income level.

"In addition, when a group of countries near each other enact a flat tax, it creates a race towards the bottom; in order to compete, nations must keep on lowering their tax rates, a problem which could lead to fiscal instability."
economic inequality is a myth.

Anyone and I mean anyone has the ability to improve their own economic position.
" Collectivism Versus Individualism "

* Religion Of Secular Humanism And Other Piss Poor Excuses For Ideological Incompetence *

A for-profit business has little alternative to maximizing profit in spite of any negative externalities to society as a whole.
And yet , why have " socialism advocates " not gotten off their self aggrandized , arrogant , rears to practice what they preach by founding their own private businesses and philanthropic foundations , rather than aspiring to be bureaucratic , authoritarian , dictatorial , despotism of government ?

i am suspicious of Wall Street. TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM! Wall Street is the kind of place where they either buy you or sell you, but they don't give a hoot about you as long as they can make money off you
Your post in no way backs up your claim. It's just more of your tedious socialist propaganda.
You posed the question, "what about capitalism depends on fraud"?

"Capitalism and Fraud

Fraud’s on the rise in American capitalism, politics and culture. It occurs when a 'sucker' is tricked, duped or hustled into acting against their best interest.

"Deception always plays a part.

"Here’s four alleged frauds, drawn from the news on a single day, the last day of Summer, 2020:

"National Institutes of Health Official Departs After Anonymous Posts Attacking Public Health Leaders

"Head of Nikola, a G.M. Electric Truck Partner, Quits Amid Fraud Claims

"Trump Could Be Investigated for Tax Fraud, D.A. Says for First Time

"Trump Jump-starts Misinformation on Ginsburg’s ‘Dying Wish’

Capitalism and Fraud | Capitalism in Crisis with Jim Sawyer

Why don't you convince me capitalism does NOT depend on fraud?
Like here, for example - you claim capitalism is a zero-sum game. I call you on it and you simply use it as an opportunity to post unrelated propaganda.
Capitalism is a game in which each side is motivated by self-interest alone which means what one wins is at the expense of another or a zero-sum game.
Your post in no way backs up your claim. It's just more of your tedious socialist propaganda.
You posed the question, "what about capitalism depends on fraud"?

"Capitalism and Fraud

Fraud’s on the rise in American capitalism, politics and culture. It occurs when a 'sucker' is tricked, duped or hustled into acting against their best interest.

"Deception always plays a part.

"Here’s four alleged frauds, drawn from the news on a single day, the last day of Summer, 2020:

"National Institutes of Health Official Departs After Anonymous Posts Attacking Public Health Leaders

"Head of Nikola, a G.M. Electric Truck Partner, Quits Amid Fraud Claims

"Trump Could Be Investigated for Tax Fraud, D.A. Says for First Time

"Trump Jump-starts Misinformation on Ginsburg’s ‘Dying Wish’

Capitalism and Fraud | Capitalism in Crisis with Jim Sawyer

Why don't you convince me capitalism does NOT depend on fraud?

Because I didn't make the ridiculous claim. You did. And your standard, stupid "list of links" in no way supports your claim. It just highlights the obvious fact that there is fraud. Duh.
Like here, for example - you claim capitalism is a zero-sum game. I call you on it and you simply use it as an opportunity to post unrelated propaganda.
Capitalism is a game in which each side is motivated by self-interest alone which means what one wins is at the expense of another or a zero-sum game.

No, "Capitalism is a game in which each side is motivated by self-interest alone" - does not mean - "what one wins is at the expense of another or a zero-sum game."
Once again, your response is a non-sequitur. I asked if you think we should try to minimize government being used to advance the interests of one element of society over those of another. Do you think that's a good thing? What about equal protection?
I'll try to simplify.
Do you believe corporations are citizens?

General Welfare

"General Welfare

"The concern of the government for the health, peace, morality, and safety of its citizens".

For the last 150 years (excluding the New Deal) government has prioritized the health of its corporate citizens over natural citizens

Until I see evidence government has changed its support for corporate personhood, I won't indulge your red herring of equal protection.
Once again, your response is a non-sequitur. I asked if you think we should try to minimize government being used to advance the interests of one element of society over those of another. Do you think that's a good thing? What about equal protection?
I'll try to simplify.
Do you believe corporations are citizens?

Sorry, So-crates. I asked first.
the era of presidents who say "the era of big government is over" is over
When does the era of Big Business end?
That was what we moved into when industrialization started. Over 8 billion people with many of them earning a living or pension of some type involved one way or the other. The super super rich do not pay but direct their agendas in which we pay.
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????
Too many rich people, Buffyo_O


"At the global level, about 200 financial and industrial corporations control about a third of the value of all that is produced in the world.

"The one hundred largest economic actors in the world include 52 corporations and 48 nation-states. WalMart has risen to the 19th largest economic actor in the world."
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????
Too many rich people, Buffyo_O


"At the global level, about 200 financial and industrial corporations control about a third of the value of all that is produced in the world.

"The one hundred largest economic actors in the world include 52 corporations and 48 nation-states. WalMart has risen to the 19th largest economic actor in the world."
Break them up. But there are many who are in government who say one thin g and do another.
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????
Too many rich people, Buffyo_O


"At the global level, about 200 financial and industrial corporations control about a third of the value of all that is produced in the world.

"The one hundred largest economic actors in the world include 52 corporations and 48 nation-states. WalMart has risen to the 19th largest economic actor in the world."
who is it that forces you to shop at wal mart??????

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