Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

Sadly, not a joke. Socialism views labor as property of the state. Do you deny that workers are "physical and non-financial inputs used in the production of goods and services with economic value."
Workers control the state in a socialist order, not the other way around.

That's irrelevant. Even if your "socialist order" was a perfectly functioning democracy (a ridiculously naive presumption), it's still a fact that labor is owned by the state. In other words, best case scenario, the minority is owned by the majority.

We fought a civil war over that shit.

It's far more likely of course, that the government will be controlled by "the party".
there will always be rich people an broke ass people...its called something libs never heard of REALITY
the era of presidents who say "the era of big government is over" is over
When does the era of Big Business end?
That was what we moved into when industrialization started. Over 8 billion people with many of them earning a living or pension of some type involved one way or the other. The super super rich do not pay but direct their agendas in which we pay.
SO tell oprah, Lebron, byonce, and the rock to give their money to BLM...fund a riot somewhere people
Why and why. Speak English

the democrats have perfected sedition...they goal is to destroy all democracy
An employer knows that to keep the best employees he has to treat them the best he possibly can
Every employer who's a capitalist knows her bottom line come first, last and always:

The Divine Right of Capital

"Profit = Revenue − Costs

"We might begin by making a few things visible that are invisible here. In simple terms, there are two kinds of costs: labor costs and materials. People and objects."

Capitalism conflates people and objects, and that will never change as long as a small minority of society "own" the means of production.
in socialism the majority own a lot of nothing
Capitalism is a game in which each side is motivated by self-interest alone which means what one wins is at the expense of another or a zero-sum game.
Capitalism is a game in which both sides (motivated by self interest) benefit from a/the transaction.

You have a choice of when and where to participate.
Capitalism is a game in which both sides (motivated by self interest) benefit from a/the transaction.

You have a choice of when and where to participate.

Not if george has his way!
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Bottom line is, you DO apologize for authoritarians. You want the fucking state running everything. No thanks.
I get it.
You prefer rich corporate authoritarians running your life.
I prefer Democracy.
No. You prefer Democracy running your life.

In your stilted, binary world view, life is a choice between government running your life or corporations running your life. Ever consider running your own life? It's not as scary as you seem to think.
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????
Too many rich people, Buffyo_O


"At the global level, about 200 financial and industrial corporations control about a third of the value of all that is produced in the world.

"The one hundred largest economic actors in the world include 52 corporations and 48 nation-states. WalMart has risen to the 19th largest economic actor in the world."
who is it that forces you to shop at wal mart??????
A pretty good read on why companies like Walmart get all the business, although there's lots of books like this out there. The system works for the very wealthy and corporations. Look at this trump character paying $700 in income taxes last year for example
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????
Too many rich people, Buffyo_O


"At the global level, about 200 financial and industrial corporations control about a third of the value of all that is produced in the world.

"The one hundred largest economic actors in the world include 52 corporations and 48 nation-states. WalMart has risen to the 19th largest economic actor in the world."
who is it that forces you to shop at wal mart??????
A pretty good read on why companies like Walmart get all the business, although there's lots of books like this out there. The system works for the very wealthy and corporations. Look at this trump character paying $700 in income taxes last year for example
how much income tax did the bidens pay after all that cash they got from china and Ukraine

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