Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

"Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?"

The more pertinent question is: "Why do we give Warren Buffett and Bill Gates so much money?"
College is not a necessity.
It's not life or death, but a college education increases the chances for a successful, independent, and happy life:

Top 10 Reasons Why College is Important

"5. College degree holders are more likely to be homeowners.
A 2016 report from real estate company Zillow found that 75% of all home buyers were college-educated in that year, compared to just 11% who had a high school diploma only and 14% who attended some college but did not earn a degree."
Unfortunately, that is true. It is sad that in order for society to judge you as competent, you must spend a king's ransom to be indoctrinated, and be unable to twist a light bulb into a socket after graduating, but a person can learn a trade and actually produce something useful, and they are looked at as if they are somehow less.
"Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?"

The more pertinent question is: "Why do we give Warren Buffett and Bill Gates so much money?"
they produce products that most people use?
Or is it smarter to bring their money into the country, use it to create jobs and the people who make that money pay taxes? I'll never figure ignorant fks like you out.
That's because you're not smart enough to notice how rich people don't bring "their" money into this country to create jobs. They use "their" money to fund stock buybacks and enrich parasitic shareholders.

The Divine Right of Capital

"In the worldview of corporate financial statements, the aim is to pay stockholders as much as possible, and employees as little as possible."
"Parasitic shareholders" = every worker with a 401K and every retired granny with an IRA. IOW, quit trying to hurt people who have to live off investments.
To be honest, as a member of a nationwide community, I know a ton of people who died from COVID or complications caused by COVID and people who had no symptoms at all.
Almost everyone who died was 60 or older and was not in great health
My thing is this, how do we know it was Covid or just the flu? Individuals with poor immune systems are always at risk for any virus
Infrastructure should be a public sector obligation. Building infrastructure underground can save green space and create more convenient storage space available for market supply purposes. Mass energy storage (for example) could help stabilize short-term market fluctuations in our economy.
An employer knows that to keep the best employees he has to treat them the best he possibly can
Every employer who's a capitalist knows her bottom line come first, last and always:

The Divine Right of Capital

"Profit = Revenue − Costs

"We might begin by making a few things visible that are invisible here. In simple terms, there are two kinds of costs: labor costs and materials. People and objects."

Capitalism conflates people and objects, and that will never change as long as a small minority of society "own" the means of production.
So you agree we need to massively tax Buffett, Gates, Bezos, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Soros and Bloomberg?
Along with all the rest of the richest 0.01%.

No, the Rich Aren't Paying Their Fare Share - CounterPunch.org

"To find the percentage of the total national taxes paid by the top .01 percent in a given year, we first multiplied the overall tax rate of the top .01 percent by the overall income share of the top .01 percent.

"This gave us the percentage of total national income paid by the top .01 percent in tax.

"We then divided that by the percentage of total national income paid by the entire population (top .01 percent included) in tax to get our final “tax share” of the top .01 percent."
So you agree we need to massively tax Buffett, Gates, Bezos, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Soros and Bloomberg?
Along with all the rest of the richest 0.01%.

No, the Rich Aren't Paying Their Fare Share - CounterPunch.org

"To find the percentage of the total national taxes paid by the top .01 percent in a given year, we first multiplied the overall tax rate of the top .01 percent by the overall income share of the top .01 percent.

"This gave us the percentage of total national income paid by the top .01 percent in tax.

"We then divided that by the percentage of total national income paid by the entire population (top .01 percent included) in tax to get our final “tax share” of the top .01 percent."
I’m curious how you know?

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