Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

You're claiming capitalism can't exist without misleading and deceptive contracts. Care to back that up? What about capitalism depends on fraud?
Corruption consists of deriving benefit from power over others in morally objectional ways such as economic gains from the inferior bargaining power of workers and from the superior political influence of those who own the means of production.

Anyone seriously doubting corruption's influence over capitalism should be able to explain why economic inequality continues to grow between owners and workers


"The top 20 percent of the world’s population controls 70 percent of total income while the bottom fifth account for 2 percent.

"Fifty percent of children and youth live below internationally recognized poverty rates.

"The middle income countries are the most unequal: the former Soviet Bloc, and countries in Asia experiencing the greatest increase in income inequality."
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????
and dont give me that bs about democrats being to stupid to know where babies come from
Not much, no. I don't want government favoring anyone's "interests". That's the entire point of "general" welfare. Government should seek what's best for everyone, not just lobbyists. Laws and policies designed to favor special interests are abuse of government.
General Welfare

"General Welfare
The concern of the government for the health, peace, morality, and safety of its citizens.

"Providing for the welfare of the general public is a basic goal of government.

"The preamble to the U.S. Constitution cites promotion of the general welfare as a primary reason for the creation of the Constitution.

"Promotion of the general welfare is also a stated purpose in state constitutions and statutes

I don't conflate corporation$ with persons; do you?
corporations give people JOBS...now you know why democrats hate them
Lizzy Cheekbones teamed up with Bernie "Please may I have another screwing over at the voting Booth" Sanders to propose a "wealth tax"

It's slated to be only 2% annual tax on wealth over $50MM, but why stop there?

Are CCPdemocrats aiming too low? I mean the Gate Trust alone must have $50 BILLION!!! Why aren't dems targeting that idle wealth?

You want to take their money??
Having trouble defending Don the Con?
Will you visit him in prison?
Why and why. Speak English
He thinks he Socrates.
Hey, if you’re wearing a mask, are you admitting being ill?
To be honest, as a member of a nationwide community, I know a ton of people who died from COVID or complications caused by COVID and people who had no symptoms at all.
Almost everyone who died was 60 or older and was not in great health.
You're claiming capitalism can't exist without misleading and deceptive contracts. Care to back that up? What about capitalism depends on fraud?
Corruption consists of deriving benefit from power over others in morally objectional ways such as economic gains from the inferior bargaining power of workers and from the superior political influence of those who own the means of production.

Anyone seriously doubting corruption's influence over capitalism should be able to explain why economic inequality continues to grow between owners and workers


"The top 20 percent of the world’s population controls 70 percent of total income while the bottom fifth account for 2 percent.

"Fifty percent of children and youth live below internationally recognized poverty rates.

"The middle income countries are the most unequal: the former Soviet Bloc, and countries in Asia experiencing the greatest increase in income inequality."
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????
and dont give me that bs about democrats being to stupid to know where babies come from
Having trouble defending Don the Con?
Will you visit him in prison?
Why and why. Speak English
He thinks he Socrates.
Hey, if you’re wearing a mask, are you admitting being ill?
To be honest, as a member of a nationwide community, I know a ton of people who died from COVID or complications caused by COVID and people who had no symptoms at all.
Almost everyone who died was 60 or older and was not in great health.
I bet they all had flu shots from the previous year
Having trouble defending Don the Con?
Will you visit him in prison?
Why and why. Speak English
He thinks he Socrates.
Hey, if you’re wearing a mask, are you admitting being ill?
To be honest, as a member of a nationwide community, I know a ton of people who died from COVID or complications caused by COVID and people who had no symptoms at all.
Almost everyone who died was 60 or older and was not in great health.
I bet they all had flu shots from the previous year
What drives me crazy is how many morons I see walking down an empty street and the schmuck is wearing a mask.
Your labor is your product. If you want more for it then you have to make it worth more to the people you sell it to.

You and you alone are in complete control over who you choose to sell your labor to.
Workers and employers are not in complete control of their economic options. Both cohorts are victims in their own way of capitalism which divides society into two very unequal groups, those who own the means of production and those who have to sell their labor to the minority.

The small minority of owners exert vastly more political control over the economy than the overwhelming majority of workers in spite of "one person one vote." The solution is to bring democracy to the workplace.

Topple the Capitalist Pyramid
Your labor is your product. If you want more for it then you have to make it worth more to the people you sell it to.

You and you alone are in complete control over who you choose to sell your labor to.
Workers and employers are not in complete control of their economic options. Both cohorts are victims in their own way of capitalism which divides society into two very unequal groups, those who own the means of production and those who have to sell their labor to the minority.

The small minority of owners exert vastly more political control over the economy than the overwhelming majority of workers in spite of "one person one vote." The solution is to bring democracy to the workplace.

Topple the Capitalist Pyramid
Such bullshit.

The vast majority of employers are small business people who aren't part of some cabal.
Student loans are a choice.

you don't have to take loans out to go to college.
Loans are not a choice for 90% of those going to college, especially since Reagan convinced Americans higher education was a private good.

If you want to go to college, your education will cost tens of thousands of dollars, and most students have no other option but borrow from private for-profit lenders.

Student loans are a big part of the debt burden that is strangling the productive US economy:

Debt – Center for National Vesting

"Debt is Crushing Our Nation

"Personal and government debt is massive in our country.

"The 2015 figures for student debt, for example, indicate that 44.2 million people owed debt totaling approximately $1.52T.

"That is a massive amount of debt and only represents student debt.

"Medical, government, and many other forms of debt are equally devastating and represent a serious problem in our country."
Student loans are a choice.

you don't have to take loans out to go to college.
Loans are not a choice for 90% of those going to college, especially since Reagan convinced Americans higher education was a private good.

If you want to go to college, your education will cost tens of thousands of dollars, and most students have no other option but borrow from private for-profit lenders.

Student loans are a big part of the debt burden that is strangling the productive US economy:

Debt – Center for National Vesting

"Debt is Crushing Our Nation

"Personal and government debt is massive in our country.

"The 2015 figures for student debt, for example, indicate that 44.2 million people owed debt totaling approximately $1.52T.

"That is a massive amount of debt and only represents student debt.

"Medical, government, and many other forms of debt are equally devastating and represent a serious problem in our country."
They are a choice.

No one has to go to college full time. A person can get a degree as a part time student.
Loans are not a choice for 90% of those going to college, especially since Reagan convinced Americans higher education was a private good.
It is all the student's choice. No one is making them go to a university that costs 50 grand a year in tuition. There are local colleges that are as a cheap as hell. So, you're completely off base son. If a piece of paper from a top school is your desire, it costs money.
What drives me crazy is how many morons I see walking down an empty street and the schmuck is wearing a mask.

Why does that drive you crazy? I think I'm going to continue to wear my mask after the pandemic - just to piss off busybodies like you who get all worked over other people's personal choices.
What drives me crazy is how many morons I see walking down an empty street and the schmuck is wearing a mask.

Why does that drive you crazy? I think I'm going to continue to wear my mask after the pandemic - just to piss off busybodies like you who get all worked over other people's personal choices.
they can wear the masks to bed, we give a shit. The fact they expect us to follow them is the reason why. I owe no man or woman shit other than my wife and kids. Funny you used personal choice and yet belittle ours. there's a word for that, ironic.
Completely incorrect. Certainly under Capitalism, we have owners, and employees, but under Capitalism, there are no barriers to become an owner. An employee can become an owner, they can own their own property, and the fruits of their labor.
That's true since there is no legal prohibition preventing a worker from becoming an owner or shareholder. Ethical inhibitions from becoming rich by exploiting the labor of others present other problems.
No one's labor is exploited.

Every employee enters an employment contract by choice for an agreed upon wage.

If an employee is dissatisfied with the arrangement between him and his employer he can terminate that agreement at any time.
This is true, but the question also is this, do employers understand the geographical structure of the community in which it finds to operate in, and in this understanding can there be found the urges or tendencies (by some companies), to exploit the strained and hungry labor forces, otherwise knowing that they are just desperate enough to capitulate, and then obey to the point of becoming almost slaves to the system if the much needed competition in the area is few and far between ????

What about when the illegals were being worked in direct competition with Americans, and then they were winning out because they were illegal and cheap ??

Alot of bad things have went on in the past, and it's not so easily forgotten about.

I don't live in the past. And FWIW I think any business that hires illegals should be made to pay exorbitant fines.

And I'd like to know what percentage of businesses you think are guilty of the scenario you described.

Surely assuming all or most businesses do is incorrect
And a permanent loss of any business licenses should be added to the penalties.
What drives me crazy is how many morons I see walking down an empty street and the schmuck is wearing a mask.

Why does that drive you crazy? I think I'm going to continue to wear my mask after the pandemic - just to piss off busybodies like you who get all worked over other people's personal choices.
they can wear the masks to bed, we give a shit. The fact they expect us to follow them is the reason why. I owe no man or woman shit other than my wife and kids. Funny you used personal choice and yet belittle ours. there's a word for that, ironic.
A better word would be hypocritical. Maybe the moron will choke on his own CO2.

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