Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

It's far more likely of course, that the government will be controlled by "the party".
Single party states are far more likely to be ruled by authoritarian elites like Hitler or Stalin. Even our two party duopoly functions like a one party monopoly in their concern for the welfare of the richest ten percent of voters. Perhaps four parties with socialists on the left and paleoconservatives on the opposite end of the spectrum would provide better government?

Paleoconservatism - Wikipedia
as you can see the Chinese profit as well....they have also made some advance since 2017....their main clients are rogue state sponsors of terror.
I suppose rogue states have a greater demand for weapons than others?

The US has its own problem in that regard, selling to human rights abusers like Israel, Saudi Arabia, and assorted authoritarian countries in South and Central America.

Perhaps what's needed is a global death tax assessed on every innocent human being killed or maimed by the merchants of death?

How Dominant is China in the Global Arms Trade? | ChinaPower Project

"Decades of economic growth coupled with its ongoing military modernization have enabled China to emerge as a major player in the global arms trade. For years,

"Beijing imported several times more conventional weapons than it sold overseas, but for most of the last decade, China has been a net arms exporter.

"Between 2008 and 2018, China exported some $15.7 billion worth of conventional weapons across the globe, making it the 5th largest arms supplier in the world – behind the United States, Russia, Germany, and France."
as you can see the Chinese profit as well....they have also made some advance since 2017....their main clients are rogue state sponsors of terror.
I suppose rogue states have a greater demand for weapons than others?

The US has its own problem in that regard, selling to human rights abusers like Israel, Saudi Arabia, and assorted authoritarian countries in South and Central America.

Perhaps what's needed is a global death tax assessed on every innocent human being killed or maimed by the merchants of death?

How Dominant is China in the Global Arms Trade? | ChinaPower Project

"Decades of economic growth coupled with its ongoing military modernization have enabled China to emerge as a major player in the global arms trade. For years,

"Beijing imported several times more conventional weapons than it sold overseas, but for most of the last decade, China has been a net arms exporter.

"Between 2008 and 2018, China exported some $15.7 billion worth of conventional weapons across the globe, making it the 5th largest arms supplier in the world – behind the United States, Russia, Germany, and France."
Not sure if it's greater or less greater...doesn't really matter to me. They certainly have a demand, and the Chinese sell them arms.

Yes the US sells arms too...not really the point

Not sure how a tax would work...who would collect it? and on what authority? What would happen to some nation taht didn't? You can't get China to stop polluting or killing whales...I certainly don't think they'll pay.

Glad you are finally seeing that the Chinese Govt does in fact make lots of money off weapons
When everyone is poor, no one is. And I notice there are no income numbers.
When a few get rich from crony-capitalism, everyone else gets sick or dies

Lancet Study Confirms Millions Died From "Shock Therapy"

"A new Lancet study, 'Mass privatisation and the post-communist mortality crisis,' confirms what has been known but little discussed in the past eight to ten years: millions of people, mostly men of employment age, died as a result of the effects of the 'shock therapy' transition from a collectivized to a privatized economy in Russia and other formerly 'communist' states in East Europe.

"According to the Times article, by 2007 'the life expectancy of Russian men was less than 60 years, compared with 67 years in 1985.'"
economic inequality is a myth.

Anyone and I mean anyone has the ability to improve their own economic position.
Not in the US.

"From 1980 to 2016, the poorest half of the US population has seen its share of income steadily decline, and the top 1 percent have grabbed more. In Europe, the same trend can’t be observed."

"The income-inequality trajectory observed in the United States is largely due to massive educational inequalities, combined with a tax system that grew less progressive despite a surge in top labor compensation since the 1980s, and in top capital incomes in the 2000s."

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe
That's irrelevant. Even if your "socialist order" was a perfectly functioning democracy (a ridiculously naive presumption), it's still a fact that labor is owned by the state. In other words, best case scenario, the minority is owned by the majority.
Whether workers control the state or the state owns workers is relevant to anyone concerned with reality.

Obviously not a concern for you.

It's not either/or, dimwit. Under socialism, the state owns workers - they are resources to be commanded. Whether the state is controlled by "the workers", or not, is irrelevant. I think that's the main thing you don't get. You think majority rule makes every decision sacrosanct and perfect. And that's just dumb.

Socialism extends democracy to the workplace
Yep. That's what's so dumb about it. Do you really think the average "worker" has the knowledge or judgment to decide what to produce and how to market it? Can you imagine the ridiculous results if they were empowered to do that?
It's far more likely of course, that the government will be controlled by "the party".
Single party states are far more likely to be ruled by authoritarian elites like Hitler or Stalin. Even our two party duopoly functions like a one party monopoly in their concern for the welfare of the richest ten percent of voters. Perhaps four parties with socialists on the left and paleoconservatives on the opposite end of the spectrum would provide better government?

Paleoconservatism - Wikipedia
It is more about equality and equal protection of the laws, and their uniform, general operation. We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday, but for right wing obstruction due to their "hate on the Poor".
And yet , why have " socialism advocates " not gotten off their self aggrandized , arrogant , rears to practice what they preach by founding their own private businesses and philanthropic foundations , rather than aspiring to be bureaucratic , authoritarian , dictatorial , despotism of government ?
Where have you been?

Worker-self-directed enterprises are currently in the process of replacing top-down capitalism. No shareholders required.

self-directed worker enterprises
i am suspicious of Wall Street. TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM! Wall Street is the kind of place where they either buy you or sell you, but they don't give a hoot about you as long as they can make money off you
Bernie said it best.
Wall Street's business model is fraud.

"There’s a full-blown assault occurring right now to lure young, unsophisticated investors to trade their own accounts instead of investing in low-cost passive index funds or using an investment advisor."

Trade Stocks as You Sit On the Toilet – Yes, This Ad Actually Promotes That
When everyone is poor, no one is. And I notice there are no income numbers.
When a few get rich from crony-capitalism, everyone else gets sick or dies

Lancet Study Confirms Millions Died From "Shock Therapy"

"A new Lancet study, 'Mass privatisation and the post-communist mortality crisis,' confirms what has been known but little discussed in the past eight to ten years: millions of people, mostly men of employment age, died as a result of the effects of the 'shock therapy' transition from a collectivized to a privatized economy in Russia and other formerly 'communist' states in East Europe.

"According to the Times article, by 2007 'the life expectancy of Russian men was less than 60 years, compared with 67 years in 1985.'"

Drastic change has drastic consequences.

That the corrupt Russian government didn't control the pace of change was the problem
economic inequality is a myth.

Anyone and I mean anyone has the ability to improve their own economic position.
Not in the US.

"From 1980 to 2016, the poorest half of the US population has seen its share of income steadily decline, and the top 1 percent have grabbed more. In Europe, the same trend can’t be observed."

"The income-inequality trajectory observed in the United States is largely due to massive educational inequalities, combined with a tax system that grew less progressive despite a surge in top labor compensation since the 1980s, and in top capital incomes in the 2000s."

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe

Instead of whining that you don't earn enough get off your ass and improve your own economic position
Because I didn't make the ridiculous claim. You did. And your standard, stupid "list of links" in no way supports your claim. It just highlights the obvious fact that there is fraud. Duh.
Here's another.

The lawyer who took on Chevron – and now marks his 600th day under house arrest

"Steven Donziger has been detained at home since August 2019, the result of a Kafkaesque legal battle stemming from his crusade on behalf of Indigenous Amazonians"

How many additional examples of corruption do you require before noticing a pattern?
Capitalism is a game in which each side is motivated by self-interest alone" - does not mean - "what one wins is at the expense of another or a zero-sum game."
Can you provide any examples?
If I trade item X for Item Y which has more value to me and you trade Item Y for item X which has more value to you then obviously there.... wait....

I almost forgot explaining the blatantly obvious to you was utterly pointless. My mistake.
Capitalism is a game in which each side is motivated by self-interest alone" - does not mean - "what one wins is at the expense of another or a zero-sum game."
Can you provide any examples?
If I trade item X for Item Y which has more value to me and you trade Item Y for item X which has more value to you then obviously there.... wait....

I almost forgot explaining the blatantly obvious to you was utterly pointless. My mistake.
Profit is bad, mkay?
Because I didn't make the ridiculous claim. You did. And your standard, stupid "list of links" in no way supports your claim. It just highlights the obvious fact that there is fraud. Duh.
Here's another.

The lawyer who took on Chevron – and now marks his 600th day under house arrest

"Steven Donziger has been detained at home since August 2019, the result of a Kafkaesque legal battle stemming from his crusade on behalf of Indigenous Amazonians"

How many additional examples of corruption do you require before noticing a pattern?

How about something statistically significant? Fraud is relatively rare in capitalism - that's why it makes headlines when it happens. You claim that capitalism depends on fraud - which idiotic. Fraud undermines capitalism.
Because I didn't make the ridiculous claim. You did. And your standard, stupid "list of links" in no way supports your claim. It just highlights the obvious fact that there is fraud. Duh.
Here's another.

The lawyer who took on Chevron – and now marks his 600th day under house arrest

"Steven Donziger has been detained at home since August 2019, the result of a Kafkaesque legal battle stemming from his crusade on behalf of Indigenous Amazonians"

How many additional examples of corruption do you require before noticing a pattern?

How about something statistically significant? Fraud is relatively rare in capitalism - that's why it makes headlines when it happens. You claim that capitalism depends on fraud - which idiotic. Fraud undermines capitalism.

In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

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