Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

who is it that forces you to shop at wal mart??????
I don't shop at Walmart.
What does that have to do with imposing a wealth tax on the billionaires who own the firm?
What is wealth? Money already taxed?

A wealth tax works like this. In the US, rich people have more power than the state. That makes ambitious politicians mighty jealous. So, the plan is to co-opt that power by seizing private wealth so that the politicians have more power. Any questions?
I just want demofk dude to admit that, and that he’s jealous of rich dudes.
We will need to pay off debt somehow.
And we do that by cutting taxes for the billionaires.

You haven’t been paying attention.
I’ve noticed deficits drastically increase with each tax cut...
But billionaires get to pocket more money.

And isn't that what really matters?
billionaires run the government....even the ok a tax increase, their loopholes will be rock solid and untouchable...besides, they keep most of their money offshore where it cant be touched
Lizzy Cheekbones teamed up with Bernie "Please may I have another screwing over at the voting Booth" Sanders to propose a "wealth tax"

It's slated to be only 2% annual tax on wealth over $50MM, but why stop there?

Are CCPdemocrats aiming too low? I mean the Gate Trust alone must have $50 BILLION!!! Why aren't dems targeting that idle wealth?
they need the money cause they are democrats...duh, you peeps are dim
We will need to pay off debt somehow.
And we do that by cutting taxes for the billionaires.

You haven’t been paying attention.
I’ve noticed deficits drastically increase with each tax cut...
But billionaires get to pocket more money.

And isn't that what really matters?
billionaires run the government....even the ok a tax increase, their loopholes will be rock solid and untouchable...besides, they keep most of their money offshore where it cant be touched
We need a Zuckerberg Tax! 100% of everything over $1 Billion.
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.
New Jersey just implemented a wealth tax and raised the minimum wage

did i say New Jersey? i meant New Zealand...
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

None of the 'most luxurious and pampered lives' you talk about exist for the majority of working Americans.

I have, many years ago, lived on minimum wage, and I know that the less they pay you the more work they expect from you. There is no relationship between the value of productive work and what people get paid.

That's true for millions of people around the work who work their asses off and make wealthy people wealthier - while living in abject poverty.
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?

Nope. I got all the info I need about you and your opinions. Thanks.

Good. I'm sure you learned quite a lot.
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?

Nope. I got all the info I need about you and your opinions. Thanks.

Good. I'm sure you learned quite a lot.

I did. I learned that liberals are just as likely to be ignorant, hateful bigots as their conservative counterparts.
Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions
Why would someone who has to pay bills take a job at minimum wage? Minimum wage is for school kids
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?

Nope. I got all the info I need about you and your opinions. Thanks.

Good. I'm sure you learned quite a lot.

I did. I learned that liberals are just as likely to be ignorant, hateful bigots as their conservative counterparts.

So, instead of presenting an argument supporting FA Q2's assertions, you insulted me.

Then you declare that I'm an "ignorant, hateful bigot".

Can you truly be that stupid?

This is a discussion board. If you do not have anything intelligent to say pertaining to the subject, please don't post.
Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions
Why would someone who has to pay bills take a job at minimum wage? Minimum wage is for school kids

Tell that to employers.
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?
And you would be incorrect. Supported myself since I was 16 and spent a few of those years living on the streets. Been upper middle class to destitute. Never once was threatened with starvation as most of the planet faces on a regular basis. Never once had to worry about a war coning into our neighborhoods as much of the world also faces. Always could find shelter no matter where I was.

And even when I was homeless I was pretty well off. It is absolutely telling that you are unaware of how truly pampered we are at this moment in time and here in this nation. You are part of the 0.1%.

I have seen real poverty. I have been to the third world and seen what true destitution is. Your comments strike me as someone who is utterly clueless as to the reality of life for the vast majority of people throughout time. Funny that you state I am being 'self-centered' because I recognize the fact that we are living in a fucking amazing time in an amazing nation when the vast majority of the world's 7+ billion people really do live in poverty.

We have out problems. Many people in the nation have very severe problems. Not one of them that had any sense would trade their current position for the average joe in China, North Korea, India, virtually anywhere in the entire continent of Africa or virtually anywhere in the Middle East. You know, where most of the worlds population lives....
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?

Nope. I got all the info I need about you and your opinions. Thanks.

Good. I'm sure you learned quite a lot.

I did. I learned that liberals are just as likely to be ignorant, hateful bigots as their conservative counterparts.

So, instead of presenting an argument supporting FA Q2's assertions, you insulted me.

Then you declare that I'm an "ignorant, hateful bigot".

Can you truly be that stupid?

This is a discussion board. If you do not have anything intelligent to say pertaining to the subject, please don't post.
Do you really think your response of simply declaring me an egocentric moron because I do no buy into the victimhood mentality deserved better? You think your hyperbolic nonsense equating our current relationship to wall street with slavery deserves a better response? I mean holy fucking shit, you cannot get more 'self-centered' than to think that current plights with economic activity as akin to slavery. That kind of egocentrism would make Trump blush.
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?

Nope. I got all the info I need about you and your opinions. Thanks.

Good. I'm sure you learned quite a lot.

I did. I learned that liberals are just as likely to be ignorant, hateful bigots as their conservative counterparts.

So, instead of presenting an argument supporting FA Q2's assertions, you insulted me.

Then you declare that I'm an "ignorant, hateful bigot".

Yep. You lost my respect by making sweeping, hateful generalizations about an entire class of people:
I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.
Moreover, you resorted to making similar presumptions about a fellow poster just because they dared to disagree with you. I don't like bigots. And you seem like a jerk.
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?
And you would be incorrect. Supported myself since I was 16 and spent a few of those years living on the streets. Been upper middle class to destitute. Never once was threatened with starvation as most of the planet faces on a regular basis. Never once had to worry about a war coning into our neighborhoods as much of the world also faces. Always could find shelter no matter where I was.

And even when I was homeless I was pretty well off. It is absolutely telling that you are unaware of how truly pampered we are at this moment in time and here in this nation. You are part of the 0.1%.

I have seen real poverty. I have been to the third world and seen what true destitution is. Your comments strike me as someone who is utterly clueless as to the reality of life for the vast majority of people throughout time. Funny that you state I am being 'self-centered' because I recognize the fact that we are living in a fucking amazing time in an amazing nation when the vast majority of the world's 7+ billion people really do live in poverty.

We have out problems. Many people in the nation have very severe problems. Not one of them that had any sense would trade their current position for the average joe in China, North Korea, India, virtually anywhere in the entire continent of Africa or virtually anywhere in the Middle East. You know, where most of the worlds population lives....

Our sob story reeks of BULLSHIT!

Apparently, you didn't try supporting yourself on minimum wage. I guess you preferred homelessness to being a wage slave, correct? Preferred the government handouts?

Besides, this discussion was about fraud in the capitalist system, not about worldwide poverty.

You got way off topic.
In ideal capitalism, fraud would be rare. However, we're not an ideal capitalistic system by a long shot.

And yet, even in non-ideal capitalism, fraud is relatively rare. It could definitely be better though.

Most people think that 'Capitalism' means 'Opportunism'. Anything goes if you can get away with it.

Yeah. That's just one of the problems with "most people".

The 'free-market' is a 'free-for-all-market'. May the best thief win!!!!

That's the reality.

That's the opposite of a free market. A free market depends on the mutual respect of property rights. Sounds like you're one of those folks who confuses freedom with anarchy.

Sounds like your one of those people that confuses fantasy with reality.

In our real economic system defacto fraud occurs all the time. Laws are created by the wealthy and by the thieves to protect themselves.

Do you really believe that the people who work in the New York City financial industry care about ideal capitalism or economic fairness or a fair free-market?

I grew up in Wall Street's bedroom - those people couldn't care less about anything except sucking up all the money that they can get their greedy little hands on any way they can get it- and screw everybody else. They're all mobsters.

Thank God for the regulation that we do have - otherwise we'd all be their slaves!

Oh, wait! We are all their slaves.

How does some guy on Wall Street commit defraud you?

I have been buying stocks and shares in mutual funds since I was 18 and have never been the victim of fraud on any of those transactions.

Every week billions of dollars are poured into stock & other financial mechanisms thru 401k plans.

According to the law of supply and demand, stocks should all steadily increase in value.

Instead, short term traders keep the market volatile which allows them to transfer all the 401k money into their pockets.

Secondly, banks have been extending far, far too much credit to everyone for many years. This has caused gross inflation - especially in housing and automobiles. We end up paying 2-3 times the original price due to interest. Everyone winds up being in incredible debt their whole lives. The banks own our homes and cars - effectively they own us.

Didn't the 2008 economic crash teach you anything? How about 1929?
What a mountain of equivocation.

Yes, we all are wage slaves and that is why we live the most luxurious and pampered lives that we have since the dawn of time. The fact I can go outside and be anywhere in the world inside of 2 days shows how little freedom of movement exists. The fact that companies advertise and compete to get my labor shows that they actually own me. And, just like slaves, we have the burden of actually electing the government for which we live under.

The problem with declaring that everyone is steeling from you and that you are so suppressed by short term trades in wall street, which do not actually effect you unless you are willfully and freely participating, is that it takes utterly ignoring the reality around you. It never ceases to amaze me how one of the most free societies to ever exist is filled with a massive number of people demanding they are victims.

You sound exactly like Trump: WHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!! everyone is steeling from us so we need tariffs in place to stop them taking advantage of us all while we are the wealthiest nation by a massive margin. Ignoring reality.

You've obviously never had to support yourself on a minimum wage job.

You only see your own self-centered existence - oblivious to the world around you.

You always make these kinds of presumptions about someone you don't know at all?

Because anyone that says the things he said obviously has never supported themselves on minimum wage, and is unaware of the standard of living of those that do support themselves on minimum wage.

Any more idiotic questions?
And you would be incorrect. Supported myself since I was 16 and spent a few of those years living on the streets. Been upper middle class to destitute. Never once was threatened with starvation as most of the planet faces on a regular basis. Never once had to worry about a war coning into our neighborhoods as much of the world also faces. Always could find shelter no matter where I was.

And even when I was homeless I was pretty well off. It is absolutely telling that you are unaware of how truly pampered we are at this moment in time and here in this nation. You are part of the 0.1%.

I have seen real poverty. I have been to the third world and seen what true destitution is. Your comments strike me as someone who is utterly clueless as to the reality of life for the vast majority of people throughout time. Funny that you state I am being 'self-centered' because I recognize the fact that we are living in a fucking amazing time in an amazing nation when the vast majority of the world's 7+ billion people really do live in poverty.

We have out problems. Many people in the nation have very severe problems. Not one of them that had any sense would trade their current position for the average joe in China, North Korea, India, virtually anywhere in the entire continent of Africa or virtually anywhere in the Middle East. You know, where most of the worlds population lives....

Our sob story reeks of BULLSHIT!

Apparently, you didn't try supporting yourself on minimum wage. I guess you preferred homelessness to being a wage slave, correct? Preferred the government handouts?

Besides, this discussion was about fraud in the capitalist system, not about worldwide poverty.

You got way off topic.
Nothing just as expected. Not really surprised.

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