Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

For a lot of people, there are no higher paying jobs available. Do you really think that people would be working for minimum wage if they had any alternative?
you mean there are higher paying jobs they don't want to do. dude, there are millions of open positions at really good salaries. Why do you feel obligated to create excuses for lazy people? shit, many will train you on the job.

The only on the job training I've ever heard of was for people with masters degrees.

Employers have even stopped sending IT workers for training.

What employers have jobs training & higher wages for unskilled labor?

Links please!
I'll make whatever generalizations about the people I grew up with and lived with as I like. I know them, you don't.

My dad grew up in the poorest areas of St. Louis. He saw lots of ugly shit he blamed on black people. That's why he was a racist. He knew them. The rest of us didn't. Sound familiar?

I know damn well that I could have been an executive in the financial industry in NYC (like so many of my classmates) except for the fact that I had a moral conscience - and they knew it.

I'm sure that was only thing holding you back.

I couldn't care less what you think of me.

You still haven't posted anything relating to the topic - just attacking me for my opinions.

So, once again, either post something related to the topic or STFU!!!

You're the one who steered things off the topic with bigoted horseshit and personal attacks on other posters. Look in a mirror, douchebag.

1. My Dad was a low level Wall St. executive, as were most of the men living in my town (or some equivalent). We had 7 railroad stations in or near my little 'village' to make sure that all the exec's got into Manhattan quickly and conveniently.
Seems you missed the point of my comment altogether. Or, maybe, just steered around it because it was uncomfortable to acknowledge?

2. The primary reason why I wasn't successful in my hometown was that I refused to join the mafia. If I had opportunities would have opened up like magic - and NO, I didn't want to marry a beautiful blonde prostitute, regardless of all the benefits that would have come with it. (She was a total shithead anyway).

3. Yes, after I post something relative to the topic, I like to end by saying something insulting. It tends to get people riled. After all, I post on this message board because I like heated debates. That doesn't negate my previous statements.

So, you're a troll as well as a bigot. Why am I not surprised?

Are you sure you're not a Trumpster? You sure sound like one.
If you had followed the topic, you'd know that I made statements about people that worked in the financial sector AND insulted the people that I was debating.

Learn to read (and spell), loser!
yeah, ok, but your post was on a response from him about posters in here. And you jumped to friends. odd, that's all. You can't just apologize and move on? you are looking for excuses. Compression was due to posting on a phone and I missed it. I give two shits you bring it to my attention. In fact, thanks, I fixed the post. See, it isn't that hard. One has to have a little pride and be humbled.
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I'll make whatever generalizations about the people I grew up with and lived with as I like. I know them, you don't.

My dad grew up in the poorest areas of St. Louis. He saw lots of ugly shit he blamed on black people. That's why he was a racist. He knew them. The rest of us didn't. Sound familiar?

I know damn well that I could have been an executive in the financial industry in NYC (like so many of my classmates) except for the fact that I had a moral conscience - and they knew it.

I'm sure that was only thing holding you back.

I couldn't care less what you think of me.

You still haven't posted anything relating to the topic - just attacking me for my opinions.

So, once again, either post something related to the topic or STFU!!!

You're the one who steered things off the topic with bigoted horseshit and personal attacks on other posters. Look in a mirror, douchebag.

1. My Dad was a low level Wall St. executive, as were most of the men living in my town (or some equivalent). We had 7 railroad stations in or near my little 'village' to make sure that all the exec's got into Manhattan quickly and conveniently.
Seems you missed the point of my comment altogether. Or, maybe, just steered around it because it was uncomfortable to acknowledge?

2. The primary reason why I wasn't successful in my hometown was that I refused to join the mafia. If I had opportunities would have opened up like magic - and NO, I didn't want to marry a beautiful blonde prostitute, regardless of all the benefits that would have come with it. (She was a total shithead anyway).

3. Yes, after I post something relative to the topic, I like to end by saying something insulting. It tends to get people riled. After all, I post on this message board because I like heated debates. That doesn't negate my previous statements.

So, you're a troll as well as a bigot. Why am I not surprised?

Are you sure you're not a Trumpster? You sure sound like one.

I grew up near Trump...I even caddied at his golf club (pretty sure he was a member...Prince Charles definitely was). So yeah, that's the culture I grew up in.

Funny how you Trumpsters can't take the heat when someone turns it on you.

Ya'll been whining about my nastiness...PUSSIES!!!!
Biden is talking about raising taxes right now: "the corporate tax right was 35 percent, that's too high...but now it's 21 percent, that's too low, we need to get it back to 28 percent, and no one should complain!"...WHAT?
I'll make whatever generalizations about the people I grew up with and lived with as I like. I know them, you don't.

My dad grew up in the poorest areas of St. Louis. He saw lots of ugly shit he blamed on black people. That's why he was a racist. He knew them. The rest of us didn't. Sound familiar?

I know damn well that I could have been an executive in the financial industry in NYC (like so many of my classmates) except for the fact that I had a moral conscience - and they knew it.

I'm sure that was only thing holding you back.

I couldn't care less what you think of me.

You still haven't posted anything relating to the topic - just attacking me for my opinions.

So, once again, either post something related to the topic or STFU!!!

You're the one who steered things off the topic with bigoted horseshit and personal attacks on other posters. Look in a mirror, douchebag.

1. My Dad was a low level Wall St. executive, as were most of the men living in my town (or some equivalent). We had 7 railroad stations in or near my little 'village' to make sure that all the exec's got into Manhattan quickly and conveniently.
Seems you missed the point of my comment altogether. Or, maybe, just steered around it because it was uncomfortable to acknowledge?

2. The primary reason why I wasn't successful in my hometown was that I refused to join the mafia. If I had opportunities would have opened up like magic - and NO, I didn't want to marry a beautiful blonde prostitute, regardless of all the benefits that would have come with it. (She was a total shithead anyway).

3. Yes, after I post something relative to the topic, I like to end by saying something insulting. It tends to get people riled. After all, I post on this message board because I like heated debates. That doesn't negate my previous statements.

So, you're a troll as well as a bigot. Why am I not surprised?

Are you sure you're not a Trumpster? You sure sound like one.

I grew up near Trump...I even caddied at his golf club (pretty sure he was a member...Prince Charles definitely was). So yeah, that's the culture I grew up in.

You seemed to have missed the point (or deliberately steered around it) again.

Funny how you Trumpsters can't take the heat when someone turns it on you.

I'm not a Trumpster. I just don't like chickenshit hypocrites.
in socialism the majority own a lot of nothing
In capitalism the majority own a lot of debt.

Who gets rich from that?

It's the austerity, stupid: The cherry-picked data behind the biggest lie since WMDs

"In January 2010, as the global economy was slowly beginning to claw its way out of the depths of the Great Recession, the Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff published a short paper with a grim message: Too much debt kills economic growth.

"They had compiled a comprehensive database of debt episodes throughout the 20th century, and their data told an unmistakable story: Time and again, countries that rack up high debt levels have gone on to suffer years—sometimes decades—of stagnation."
I'll make whatever generalizations about the people I grew up with and lived with as I like. I know them, you don't.

My dad grew up in the poorest areas of St. Louis. He saw lots of ugly shit he blamed on black people. That's why he was a racist. He knew them. The rest of us didn't. Sound familiar?

I know damn well that I could have been an executive in the financial industry in NYC (like so many of my classmates) except for the fact that I had a moral conscience - and they knew it.

I'm sure that was only thing holding you back.

I couldn't care less what you think of me.

You still haven't posted anything relating to the topic - just attacking me for my opinions.

So, once again, either post something related to the topic or STFU!!!

You're the one who steered things off the topic with bigoted horseshit and personal attacks on other posters. Look in a mirror, douchebag.

1. My Dad was a low level Wall St. executive, as were most of the men living in my town (or some equivalent). We had 7 railroad stations in or near my little 'village' to make sure that all the exec's got into Manhattan quickly and conveniently.
Seems you missed the point of my comment altogether. Or, maybe, just steered around it because it was uncomfortable to acknowledge?

2. The primary reason why I wasn't successful in my hometown was that I refused to join the mafia. If I had opportunities would have opened up like magic - and NO, I didn't want to marry a beautiful blonde prostitute, regardless of all the benefits that would have come with it. (She was a total shithead anyway).

3. Yes, after I post something relative to the topic, I like to end by saying something insulting. It tends to get people riled. After all, I post on this message board because I like heated debates. That doesn't negate my previous statements.

So, you're a troll as well as a bigot. Why am I not surprised?

Are you sure you're not a Trumpster? You sure sound like one.

I grew up near Trump...I even caddied at his golf club (pretty sure he was a member...Prince Charles definitely was). So yeah, that's the culture I grew up in.

You seemed to have missed the point (or deliberately steered around it) again.

Funny how you Trumpsters can't take the heat when someone turns it on you.

I'm not a Trumpster. I just don't like chickenshit hypocrites.

I'm outta here for the night.

I sincerely apologize if I've offended your delicate sensibilities.

Capitalism is a game in which both sides (motivated by self interest) benefit from a/the transaction.

You have a choice of when and where to participate.
Under capitalism the vast majority of participants have a choice between selling their labor or starving. Like feudalism and slavery, capitalism divided society into a pair of very unequal cohorts: a small minority who control what to produce, where to produce it, and, most importantly, how to distribute any surplus.

There is an alternative.

economic democracy
in socialism the majority own a lot of nothing
In capitalism the majority own a lot of debt.

Who gets rich from that?

It's the austerity, stupid: The cherry-picked data behind the biggest lie since WMDs

"In January 2010, as the global economy was slowly beginning to claw its way out of the depths of the Great Recession, the Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff published a short paper with a grim message: Too much debt kills economic growth.

"They had compiled a comprehensive database of debt episodes throughout the 20th century, and their data told an unmistakable story: Time and again, countries that rack up high debt levels have gone on to suffer years—sometimes decades—of stagnation."
why aren't you demanding the demofks stop spending? I am saying stop the spending to them all, even trump. I only gave trump a little wiggle room because presidents don't have a line item veto. If they had that and then passed these massive budgets they can't pay for, that would include him or any president.
Capitalism is a game in which both sides (motivated by self interest) benefit from a/the transaction.

You have a choice of when and where to participate.
Under capitalism the vast majority of participants have a choice between selling their labor or starving. Like feudalism and slavery, capitalism divided society into a pair of very unequal cohorts: a small minority who control what to produce, where to produce it, and, most importantly, how to distribute any surplus.

There is an alternative.

economic democracy
ball players making millions playing sports are slaves to their owners? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

There isn't any person in society that isn't a slave. no matter what you may think. they owe something to someone always.

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