Wealthy opponents of new San Francisco shelter claim homeless are bad for environment

But the leftist will CONTINUE to vote for the SAME PEOPLE that CREATED the shit hole, expecting a different outcome.

The absolute definition of insanity... but... that's DEMOCRATS for you.
In a lawsuit filed against the city of San Francisco and the California State Lands Commission, the residents called for the project to undergo an environmental review before breaking ground.

“This project will have a significant effect on the environment due to these unusual circumstances, including by attracting additional homeless persons, open drug and alcohol use, crime, daily emergency calls, public urination and defecation, and other nuisances,” the lawsuit states.


Fucking left wing Lunatics are such hypocrites.
This is what DEMOCRATS want to turn AAALL of America into... this is a DEMOCRAT UTOPIA...

A friend of mine sent me screenshots of the sf bay area Craigslist ads for homos....totally stomach turning. Ads asking to have people shit in their mouthes or on their chest, asking for people to peer in their mouth, tons of ads seeking strangers for random sex.

These people are gross. Now you know why shit in the streets doesn't bother SF residents like it would normal human beings. They have no fear of poop. Hell....quite a few of them probably pick up a fresh turd for breakfast on their way to the bath house.
Cops just keep puking up the same old jazz. Meanwhile neighborhoods become more and more savage and untenable.
If you are an unfortunate resident of the Haight, adjacent to the Polo Fields and GG Park, a timeless breeding ground for crime and drug use the way a Denny's dumpster is a breeding ground for rats, I would say you have two options:

Move as far away from San Francisco as possible. Or buy a gun and make sure the local police know you intend to use it if necessary (document that meeting with the cops). Bring a friend and a video camera. Protect yourself from the punks and the SF bureaucracy.
Cops just keep puking up the same old jazz. Meanwhile neighborhoods become more and more savage and untenable.
If you are an unfortunate resident of the Haight, adjacent to the Polo Fields and GG Park, a timeless breeding ground for crime and drug use the way a Denny's dumpster is a breeding ground for rats, I would say you have two options:

Move as far away from San Francisco as possible. Or buy a gun and make sure the local police know you intend to use it if necessary (document that meeting with the cops). Bring a friend and a video camera. Protect yourself from the punks and the SF bureaucracy.
I would never live anywhere near Than Fran Thisssco. LA was bad enough.
Shelters are bad but blue tarps and shit on the sidewalk and Typhoid fever is good?
I wouldn't go anywhere near the entire state.

I took a road trip to CA in 1974. Wanted to see Redondo Beach. Walked less than 50 feet on the beach and found a joint laying in the sand. Smoked it and it wasn't bad. CA back then was still pretty clean. Liked Santa Barbara and thought about staying there. Glad I didn't.

The state is now a filthy toilet. If America were ever to get an enema, they'd stick the hose in CA.
I would never live anywhere near Than Fran Thisssco. LA was bad enough.
I lived in the beautiful North Bay for decades and saw it slowly turned to crap by being over run by illegals.
The city and county would do nothing. The big wineries needed the cheap labor.
I could tell you some real eye witness horror stories about that.

I left the state for good several years ago. Sacramento has been overrun by leftist advocates for illegal immigrants
disguised as politicians. Now I hope my son will get out too. My ex wife can go to hell.
Cuz ya know the Left care about the poor.

This is how socialism works. The 1% at the top treat everyone else as crap and use the force of government to keep their kingdom propped up.

Time to declare the city of San Francisco an environmental disaster with hypodermic needles and human waste flowing into the Pacific.

San Francisco: wealthy opponents of new shelter claim homeless are bad for environment

California, the chrome-plated pig. I guess the Haight has now become the Hate.

Oh well, they can always grind the poor up when things get bad enough into Soylent Green and serve them on crackers to their guests.
I wouldn't go anywhere near the entire state.

I took a road trip to CA in 1974. Wanted to see Redondo Beach. Walked less than 50 feet on the beach and found a joint laying in the sand. Smoked it and it wasn't bad. CA back then was still pretty clean. Liked Santa Barbara and thought about staying there. Glad I didn't.

The state is now a filthy toilet. If America were ever to get an enema, they'd stick the hose in CA.
I lived in Santa Barbara for a couple of years I hope it hasn't gone downhill, too. I haven't been back there in years. I have a feeling all of the once beautiful cities of Cali are doomed to the same contagion.
They should gather up the poo poo from the streets and burn it as renewable biomass.
I wonder if the owners of poop patrol are paying bums to keep their business roaring?
Leftist broken window business plan.

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