San Francisco voters approve new taxes for wealthy CEOs and tech companies

This should be in the GOP platform

The people of San Francisco did the right thing.

Something needs to be done about the huge wage gap.

Business certainly isn't going to do it. If they didn't like paying low wages while the executives and ceos make millions, they would be paying their employees a better wage and lower the wages of people at the top. I would include a huge penalty for those companies that leave the area or outsource.

This or something like this needs to be implemented nation wide.

I would use all the revenue to pay down the deficit and if the deficit is ever eliminated again, start paying down the debt.

Business has been given billions hand over fist. It didn't stop them from leaving America. They have gotten deregulations for decades. That didn't stop them from leaving America.

In fact, all it did was encourage them to leave America.

It should be illegal for any corporation that is making billions or trillions of dollars to not pay a penny in federal income taxes.

We need to make it much more expensive and destructive for companies to leave America. Hit them with huge tax penalties for decades. Require them to create twice as many jobs as they take out of America and jobs that pay much better with much better benefits than what is offered to those in other nations.

That is what will keep jobs in America. Not showering them with tax cuts, deregulations and huge welfare in "subsidies" from the government.

If a city raises taxes on the bosses, the bosses are being forced to lower other people's wages so they will have enough money to pay the new tax.
Why not raise the minimum wage instead? Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.

Because it will just increase costs and thus eliminate any benefit?
Wages merely need to beat inflation on an Institutional basis.

Wow, talk about deluded reasoning. Increasing costs without increasing productivity leads to inflation and elimination of any increase in wages, which requires wage increases which increases costs without increasing productivity, and the cycle continues.
In right wing fantasy and a vacuum of special pleading of micro-economics, you are Always Right.

In real world economics, externalities to capitalism must still be recognized and accounted for. Macro-economics helps with that.

Government Costs. Right wingers have no problem passing costs to the public sector for their bottom line.

Did you know that higher paid labor can create more in demand and generate more in federal income tax revenue?
Externalities to capitalism? You mean like importing labor that undercuts wages here?
Raise the minimum wage.

This should be in the GOP platform

The people of San Francisco did the right thing.

Something needs to be done about the huge wage gap.

Business certainly isn't going to do it. If they didn't like paying low wages while the executives and ceos make millions, they would be paying their employees a better wage and lower the wages of people at the top. I would include a huge penalty for those companies that leave the area or outsource.

This or something like this needs to be implemented nation wide.

I would use all the revenue to pay down the deficit and if the deficit is ever eliminated again, start paying down the debt.

Business has been given billions hand over fist. It didn't stop them from leaving America. They have gotten deregulations for decades. That didn't stop them from leaving America.

In fact, all it did was encourage them to leave America.

It should be illegal for any corporation that is making billions or trillions of dollars to not pay a penny in federal income taxes.

We need to make it much more expensive and destructive for companies to leave America. Hit them with huge tax penalties for decades. Require them to create twice as many jobs as they take out of America and jobs that pay much better with much better benefits than what is offered to those in other nations.

That is what will keep jobs in America. Not showering them with tax cuts, deregulations and huge welfare in "subsidies" from the government.

If a city raises taxes on the bosses, the bosses are being forced to lower other people's wages so they will have enough money to pay the new tax.
Why not raise the minimum wage instead? Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.

Because it will just increase costs and thus eliminate any benefit?
Wages merely need to beat inflation on an Institutional basis.

Wow, talk about deluded reasoning. Increasing costs without increasing productivity leads to inflation and elimination of any increase in wages, which requires wage increases which increases costs without increasing productivity, and the cycle continues.
In right wing fantasy and a vacuum of special pleading of micro-economics, you are Always Right.

In real world economics, externalities to capitalism must still be recognized and accounted for. Macro-economics helps with that.

Government Costs. Right wingers have no problem passing costs to the public sector for their bottom line.

Did you know that higher paid labor can create more in demand and generate more in federal income tax revenue?
Externalities to capitalism? You mean like importing labor that undercuts wages here?
Raise the minimum wage.
How about stop importing foreigners, and raises will go up?

This should be in the GOP platform

The people of San Francisco did the right thing.

Something needs to be done about the huge wage gap.

Business certainly isn't going to do it. If they didn't like paying low wages while the executives and ceos make millions, they would be paying their employees a better wage and lower the wages of people at the top. I would include a huge penalty for those companies that leave the area or outsource.

This or something like this needs to be implemented nation wide.

I would use all the revenue to pay down the deficit and if the deficit is ever eliminated again, start paying down the debt.

Business has been given billions hand over fist. It didn't stop them from leaving America. They have gotten deregulations for decades. That didn't stop them from leaving America.

In fact, all it did was encourage them to leave America.

It should be illegal for any corporation that is making billions or trillions of dollars to not pay a penny in federal income taxes.

We need to make it much more expensive and destructive for companies to leave America. Hit them with huge tax penalties for decades. Require them to create twice as many jobs as they take out of America and jobs that pay much better with much better benefits than what is offered to those in other nations.

That is what will keep jobs in America. Not showering them with tax cuts, deregulations and huge welfare in "subsidies" from the government.

If a city raises taxes on the bosses, the bosses are being forced to lower other people's wages so they will have enough money to pay the new tax.
Why not raise the minimum wage instead? Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.

Because it will just increase costs and thus eliminate any benefit?
Wages merely need to beat inflation on an Institutional basis.

Wow, talk about deluded reasoning. Increasing costs without increasing productivity leads to inflation and elimination of any increase in wages, which requires wage increases which increases costs without increasing productivity, and the cycle continues.
In right wing fantasy and a vacuum of special pleading of micro-economics, you are Always Right.

In real world economics, externalities to capitalism must still be recognized and accounted for. Macro-economics helps with that.

Government Costs. Right wingers have no problem passing costs to the public sector for their bottom line.

Did you know that higher paid labor can create more in demand and generate more in federal income tax revenue?
Externalities to capitalism? You mean like importing labor that undercuts wages here?
Raise the minimum wage.
How about stop importing foreigners, and raises will go up?
How much will that additional Big Government nanny-State cost? Raise the minimum wage so we can at least generate more tax revenue from anyone who does work.
San Francisco will become like Flint Michigan. Anyone who can function will leave. Every business will close. Then the government can open little free stuff distribution centers.

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