Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

I guess it depends on what the underlying intentions are, toward those being “taught”.

If your goal is to help young people to grow up to be independent, fully-functional adults, then you teach them math, science, reading, writing, basic life skills , and such.

If your goal is to create a pool of compliant sex toys for adult perverts, a modern, new-and-improved version of the bacha bāzī, then you teach them the sort of crap that is being taught, here.
What other conclusions can there be most people are thinking ??

People aren't stupid, and they know what's taking place in it all (one would think), yet somehow they (the one's ignorantly going along), have been led to believe or groomed themselves to believe that kids being exposed to such things is somehow ok ..... They know that it isn't ok, and that's why the one's with any sense left are fighting back against it all.

The short history of what's newly taking place in this country today, ought to be challenged, just like it is being challenged by parent's who don't want anything to do with their kid's being exposed to such stuff.
Oh, we are sure you will keep insisting that leftists are on a mission to trans children.

Just a shame you don’t know the damage you do.

The only damage is being done by homophobes and transphobes who aren't accepting of people as they are. If Trans kids are killing themselves, it's because of people like you.

Yeah,........that lie.......the parents are the problem? You moron.

The more accurate truth.......the teacher starts grooming the child with child porn.......

Yup, homophobic parents are the problem. Again, when did you decide to be straight? If it's a choice, then there must have been a day you decided to do that.

That's how it is. You children do not identify with depraved and insane sexual perversions, unless some pedophilic piece of shit is filling their heads with that crap.

And any piece of shit who would have any willing part in that needs to be permanently removed from free society.

Then, um, how did we have gay people before that? My late Aunt was gay. She was gay despite being brought up in a very strict Catholic environment. All the praying in the world didn't change her, it just made her more miserable.

It's truly bizarre that you think it rational to condemn me for wishing the very lowest murderers of all—those who prey on the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings—should be brought to proper justice. It just goes to show how morally fucked up you are that you take the side of such murderers, against their innocent victims.

Uh, guy, even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having them. In fact women were never arrested for having abortions, and the men who performed them were only arrested if they messed up and maimed the women. What you want to do is beyond crazy.

But then, it is well known that you always, without exception, take the side of subhuman criminals shit, against that of human beings. More so, it seems, the more depraved the criminal, and the more innocent the victim.

Women who decide to have abortions aren't subhuman or criminal or depraved. They are making a rational choice about their bodies and their lives. If you didn't belong to a misogynist cult, you'd get this.
You have got to be kidding me right.. You can't be this stupid can you ??

The Bible is an instruction book on what not to do, otherwise it isn't a book that promotes supports or tells you to go out and do anything sinful in the way that you attempt to use it or attack it here. Why do you hate the word that tries to instruct you and warn you of how sinful man can sin, what happens to those men, and how to avoid the mistakes that they made so you don't go to hell in the end ?

It warns you that if you follow in the ways of sinful man, otherwise as you attempt to describe certain sins in your attack (as if it supports or promoted such things when it didn't), then it also tells you the consequences of that following or lusting after such things.

Actually, quite the contrary.

The bible tells you to stone your daughter to death if she isn't a virgin on her wedding night.
One hero of the bible, Jephthah, sacrificed his daughter to Yahweh because he made a foolish vow.
Another prophet ordered two bears to maul 42 children.
The bible endorses slavery, genocide, racism, and a whole host of other sins that we would not accept today.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

In 50 years, all the churches will be on board with LGBTQ rights, and pretending they weren't the ones instigating it.

Another thing, the Bible is to be read by adults in the discerning of it's content, and then it is broken up into teachable ways that make it age appropriate in the context it is then kept in for the ages that are being taught about it's content.

Ah, I see. You see, I was thinking that the bible was being Disneyfied in a way that it is more acceptable. Keep the nice parts, cut out the icky parts. So, yeah, I never heard the story of Jephthah once in my whole 12 years of Catholic School. In fact, the ONLY story we heard from the Book of Judges was that of Samson, and then it was only a sanitized version of the story about how he got his hair cut and lost his strength. (The actual story of the man being a literal terrorist was sanitized out.)

Joe, listen bud, because here's the situation, you can't defend just anything no matter how smart you "THINK" that you are, so quit embarrassing yourself you knucklehead.

Also you are in very dangerous soul damaging territory if you find yourself defending pedophilia or any other such ACTIVITY like that. Best go read your Bible, and then understand it's warnings written for you to understand.

Except no one was defending pedophilia. You should check back with Mormon Bob, he was totally defending Joseph Smith marrying 14 year old girls.
A much larger portion of the population has children, or are closely acquainted with children, and are never going to be OK with your kind going after them, sexually.

Except the only people doing that are the religious assholes...

Here we go again.

  • In 2001, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) paid a three million dollar settlement to Jeremiah Scott, after Scott filed a lawsuit in 1998 against the church for what his attorney described as an attempted cover-up of sexual abuse Scott suffered from church member Franklin Curtis.[1] The LDS Church denied legal liability in the case, and said it was settling the lawsuit based on "litigation economics" alone.[1]
  • In September 2008, LDS Church bishop Timothy McCleve pleaded guilty to sexually molesting children from his ward.[2] He was sentenced in December 2008 to 1–15 year prison terms for the abuse.[3]
  • In March 2010, former LDS Church bishop,Lon Kennard Sr. was charged with 43 felony counts of sex abuse and sexual exploitation of children, and was imprisoned in Wasatch County, Utah. In November 2011, Kennard was sentenced to three terms of five-years-to-life in prison to be served consecutively, after pleading guilty to three first-degree felony counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child for sexually abusing his daughters.[4][5]
  • In mid-2013, LDS member Michael Jensen, son of a respected local Mormon family, while still on his mission in Arizona, was brought back to West Virginia for questioning. Members of Jensen's congregation were told by his mother to ask Michael to babysit. He abused the young children in the families who are included in the lawsuits and many other children too. Jensen was convicted of sexually abusing two children and is currently serving a prison sentence of 35 years to 75 years in a West Virginia state prison. Unfortunately, due to the extreme difficulty for children to testify, Michael was only convicted for abusing two of the many children he abused. At the time of his sentencing, a state judge classified him as a "violent sexual predator".[6]
  • In December 2013, LDS Church bishop Todd Michael Edwards was sentenced to three years in prison for molesting two teenage girls who attended his congregation in Menifee, California. Edwards received two concurrent sentences of three years in prison for two felony counts of sexual battery and sexual penetration with a foreign object. A felony charge of witness intimidation was dismissed as part of a plea bargain with prosecutors after Edwards pleaded not guilty.[7]
  • In January 2014, two men filed a lawsuit in the U.S. state of Hawaii against the LDS Church, alleging that they were sexually abused as children on a church-owned pineapple farm in Maui from 1986 through 1988.[8]
  • In January 2014, former LDS Church bishop Michael Wayne Coleman was arrested and charged with luring a minor for sexual exploitation after a forensic examination of his laptop and cellphone revealed sexually graphic conversations and an exchange of nude photographs with a teenaged student in Brazil.[9]
  • In August 2017, former LDS Church bishop Erik Hughes pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two teenage boys from his congregation in Mapleton, Utah. The abuse occurred in June 2014 during his tenure as bishop. Hughes received concurrent 1–15 year prison sentences on the sexual abuse counts, and 0–5 years in prison for witness tampering.[10]
  • On August 15, 2017, MormonLeaks published a 316-page document which contained confirmed and alleged instances of child sexual abuse between 1959 and 2017.[11]
  • On October 30, 2017, an Australian court sentenced Darran Scott to 10 years in prison for sexually abusing boys, some of whom he met as a Mormon leader.[12]
  • In 2022, a bankruptcy judge approved a reorganization plan for the Boy Scouts of America to settle claims of child sexual abuse by troop leaders. The original plan was to include a US$ 250 million payment from the LDS Church, but the judge refused to approve that part of the settlement proposal, stating it went too far in attempting to protect the LDS Church from abuse claims that were only loosely connected to scouting activities.[13]
And of course, let's not forget, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young regularly molested teenage girls.
What other conclusions can there be most people are thinking ??

People aren't stupid, and they know what's taking place in it all (one would think), yet somehow they (the one's ignorantly going along), have been led to believe or groomed themselves to believe that kids being exposed to such things is somehow ok ..... They know that it isn't ok, and that's why the one's with any sense left are fighting back against it all.

The short history of what's newly taking place in this country today, ought to be challenged, just like it is being challenged by parent's who don't want anything to do with their kid's being exposed to such stuff.

Most people realize that teaching kids not to be bigots is a good thing.

You guys think that some kid is going to be gay because a drag queen read him a story once? That's kind of absurd. He's going to be gay because that's the way his brain is wired. And yes, 10% of the population is LGBTQ.
The only damage is being done by homophobes and transphobes who aren't accepting of people as they are. If Trans kids are killing themselves, it's because of people like you.

Yup, homophobic parents are the problem. Again, when did you decide to be straight? If it's a choice, then there must have been a day you decided to do that.

Then, um, how did we have gay people before that? My late Aunt was gay. She was gay despite being brought up in a very strict Catholic environment. All the praying in the world didn't change her, it just made her more miserable.

Uh, guy, even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having them. In fact women were never arrested for having abortions, and the men who performed them were only arrested if they messed up and maimed the women. What you want to do is beyond crazy.

Women who decide to have abortions aren't subhuman or criminal or depraved. They are making a rational choice about their bodies and their lives. If you didn't belong to a misogynist cult, you'd get this.

No....children with gender dysphoria kill themselves because they have a mental disorder and the symptom is gender dysphoria.....and morons like you are not helping them, you are feeding the illness......and they aren't getting the help they need.
Except the only people doing that are the religious assholes...

Here we go again.

  • In 2001, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) paid a three million dollar settlement to Jeremiah Scott, after Scott filed a lawsuit in 1998 against the church for what his attorney described as an attempted cover-up of sexual abuse Scott suffered from church member Franklin Curtis.[1] The LDS Church denied legal liability in the case, and said it was settling the lawsuit based on "litigation economics" alone.[1]
  • In September 2008, LDS Church bishop Timothy McCleve pleaded guilty to sexually molesting children from his ward.[2] He was sentenced in December 2008 to 1–15 year prison terms for the abuse.[3]
  • In March 2010, former LDS Church bishop,Lon Kennard Sr. was charged with 43 felony counts of sex abuse and sexual exploitation of children, and was imprisoned in Wasatch County, Utah. In November 2011, Kennard was sentenced to three terms of five-years-to-life in prison to be served consecutively, after pleading guilty to three first-degree felony counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child for sexually abusing his daughters.[4][5]
  • In mid-2013, LDS member Michael Jensen, son of a respected local Mormon family, while still on his mission in Arizona, was brought back to West Virginia for questioning. Members of Jensen's congregation were told by his mother to ask Michael to babysit. He abused the young children in the families who are included in the lawsuits and many other children too. Jensen was convicted of sexually abusing two children and is currently serving a prison sentence of 35 years to 75 years in a West Virginia state prison. Unfortunately, due to the extreme difficulty for children to testify, Michael was only convicted for abusing two of the many children he abused. At the time of his sentencing, a state judge classified him as a "violent sexual predator".[6]
  • In December 2013, LDS Church bishop Todd Michael Edwards was sentenced to three years in prison for molesting two teenage girls who attended his congregation in Menifee, California. Edwards received two concurrent sentences of three years in prison for two felony counts of sexual battery and sexual penetration with a foreign object. A felony charge of witness intimidation was dismissed as part of a plea bargain with prosecutors after Edwards pleaded not guilty.[7]
  • In January 2014, two men filed a lawsuit in the U.S. state of Hawaii against the LDS Church, alleging that they were sexually abused as children on a church-owned pineapple farm in Maui from 1986 through 1988.[8]
  • In January 2014, former LDS Church bishop Michael Wayne Coleman was arrested and charged with luring a minor for sexual exploitation after a forensic examination of his laptop and cellphone revealed sexually graphic conversations and an exchange of nude photographs with a teenaged student in Brazil.[9]
  • In August 2017, former LDS Church bishop Erik Hughes pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two teenage boys from his congregation in Mapleton, Utah. The abuse occurred in June 2014 during his tenure as bishop. Hughes received concurrent 1–15 year prison sentences on the sexual abuse counts, and 0–5 years in prison for witness tampering.[10]
  • On August 15, 2017, MormonLeaks published a 316-page document which contained confirmed and alleged instances of child sexual abuse between 1959 and 2017.[11]
  • On October 30, 2017, an Australian court sentenced Darran Scott to 10 years in prison for sexually abusing boys, some of whom he met as a Mormon leader.[12]
  • In 2022, a bankruptcy judge approved a reorganization plan for the Boy Scouts of America to settle claims of child sexual abuse by troop leaders. The original plan was to include a US$ 250 million payment from the LDS Church, but the judge refused to approve that part of the settlement proposal, stating it went too far in attempting to protect the LDS Church from abuse claims that were only loosely connected to scouting activities.[13]
And of course, let's not forget, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young regularly molested teenage girls.

Moron......public school teachers are molesting more children and you are forced to send your kids to those schools if you can't afford to double pay for your kid's education........
No....children with gender dysphoria kill themselves because they have a mental disorder and the symptom is gender dysphoria.....and morons like you are not helping them, you are feeding the illness......and they aren't getting the help they need.

Actually, quite the contrary.

A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental health outcomes among transgender people. The study was authored by researchers at Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. It is the first large-scale, controlled study to demonstrate an association between gender-affirming surgery and improved mental health outcomes and adds important new knowledge to the field as there is little high-quality evidence regarding the mental health effects of gender-affirming surgery.

The study, titled “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” compared the psychological distress, substance use, and suicide risk of 3,559 transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery with those of 16,401 transgender people who desired gender-affirming surgery but had not yet undergone any. It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.

So if you were really concerned about trans kids killing themselves, you'd make gender confirmation surgery more available, not less.

Moron......public school teachers are molesting more children and you are forced to send your kids to those schools if you can't afford to double pay for your kid's education........

Not really. Hey, guy, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Two of the priests from my parish were accused of pedophilia, and the Church settled with the families. At the high school I went to, the junior football coach invited players to his home to watch gay porn, and this went on for YEARS before anyone did anything about it. (That guy always gave me the creeps. Now I know why.)

Now, a couple of points.

Most child sexual abuse is at the hands of a relative, not a teacher.

Yes, pedophiles will try to get into situations where they have access to children, which is why schools WILL be a problem. But while schools have extensive systems to weed these people out, churches like the Catholics and Mormons have systems to protect the abusers.
Actually, quite the contrary.

A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental health outcomes among transgender people. The study was authored by researchers at Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. It is the first large-scale, controlled study to demonstrate an association between gender-affirming surgery and improved mental health outcomes and adds important new knowledge to the field as there is little high-quality evidence regarding the mental health effects of gender-affirming surgery.

The study, titled “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” compared the psychological distress, substance use, and suicide risk of 3,559 transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery with those of 16,401 transgender people who desired gender-affirming surgery but had not yet undergone any. It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.

So if you were really concerned about trans kids killing themselves, you'd make gender confirmation surgery more available, not less.

Not really. Hey, guy, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Two of the priests from my parish were accused of pedophilia, and the Church settled with the families. At the high school I went to, the junior football coach invited players to his home to watch gay porn, and this went on for YEARS before anyone did anything about it. (That guy always gave me the creeps. Now I know why.)

Now, a couple of points.

Most child sexual abuse is at the hands of a relative, not a teacher.

Yes, pedophiles will try to get into situations where they have access to children, which is why schools WILL be a problem. But while schools have extensive systems to weed these people out, churches like the Catholics and Mormons have systems to protect the abusers.

Actually, quite the contrary.

A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental health outcomes among transgender people. The study was authored by researchers at Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. It is the first large-scale, controlled study to demonstrate an association between gender-affirming surgery and improved mental health outcomes and adds important new knowledge to the field as there is little high-quality evidence regarding the mental health effects of gender-affirming surgery.

The study, titled “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” compared the psychological distress, substance use, and suicide risk of 3,559 transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery with those of 16,401 transgender people who desired gender-affirming surgery but had not yet undergone any. It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.

So if you were really concerned about trans kids killing themselves, you'd make gender confirmation surgery more available, not less.

Not really. Hey, guy, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Two of the priests from my parish were accused of pedophilia, and the Church settled with the families. At the high school I went to, the junior football coach invited players to his home to watch gay porn, and this went on for YEARS before anyone did anything about it. (That guy always gave me the creeps. Now I know why.)

Now, a couple of points.

Most child sexual abuse is at the hands of a relative, not a teacher.

Yes, pedophiles will try to get into situations where they have access to children, which is why schools WILL be a problem. But while schools have extensive systems to weed these people out, churches like the Catholics and Mormons have systems to protect the abusers.

Wrong...public schools are worse than any religious institution as far as molesting children......it is simply that the democrat party and their minions in the teachers unions do everything they can to protect the molestors.
Actually, quite the contrary.

A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental health outcomes among transgender people. The study was authored by researchers at Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. It is the first large-scale, controlled study to demonstrate an association between gender-affirming surgery and improved mental health outcomes and adds important new knowledge to the field as there is little high-quality evidence regarding the mental health effects of gender-affirming surgery.

The study, titled “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” compared the psychological distress, substance use, and suicide risk of 3,559 transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery with those of 16,401 transgender people who desired gender-affirming surgery but had not yet undergone any. It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.

So if you were really concerned about trans kids killing themselves, you'd make gender confirmation surgery more available, not less.

Not really. Hey, guy, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Two of the priests from my parish were accused of pedophilia, and the Church settled with the families. At the high school I went to, the junior football coach invited players to his home to watch gay porn, and this went on for YEARS before anyone did anything about it. (That guy always gave me the creeps. Now I know why.)

Now, a couple of points.

Most child sexual abuse is at the hands of a relative, not a teacher.

Yes, pedophiles will try to get into situations where they have access to children, which is why schools WILL be a problem. But while schools have extensive systems to weed these people out, churches like the Catholics and Mormons have systems to protect the abusers.


The most comprehensive report about sexual abuse in public schools, published by the Department of Education in 2004, estimates—on the basis of a 2000 survey, conducted by the American Association of University Women, of 2,065 students in grades eight through 11—that nearly 10 percent of K-12 students have been victims of sexual misconduct by a public school employee. Assuming that figure is accurate, this would translate into an approximately 4.5 million children nationwide suffering sexual misconduct by public school employees, with an estimated 3 million suffering physical sexual abuse—a number, according to the author of the study, Hofstra University professor Charol Shakeshaft, more than 100 times greater than the physical abuse committed by Catholic priests, who, at the time the report was published, were undergoing a reckoning for the crimes within their ranks.

Women who decide to have abortions aren't subhuman or criminal or depraved.

Murdering innocent children in cold blood is about as subhuman and depraved as it is possible to get. Grooming children with depraved sexual perversions, in order to set them up to be easy prey for childfuckers, is close to the same level.
Your concession is duly noted.

Wrong...public schools are worse than any religious institution as far as molesting children......it is simply that the democrat party and their minions in the teachers unions do everything they can to protect the molestors.

Except not really. We don't see what the Catholic Church did for years, paid off families and moved the molesting priests around from parish to parish without warning anyone.

The most comprehensive report about sexual abuse in public schools, published by the Department of Education in 2004, estimates—on the basis of a 2000 survey, conducted by the American Association of University Women,

Sound like a pretty questionable survey... only 2065 people? And a 22 year old survey?
Murdering innocent children in cold blood is about as subhuman and depraved as it is possible to get. Grooming children with depraved sexual perversions, in order to set them up to be easy prey for childfuckers, is close to the same level.

Fetuses aren't children. We've been over this.

And I agree, the Mormon and Catholic Churches grooming children is pretty awful, we need to totally ban that shit.
Except no one was defending pedophilia. You should check back with Mormon Bob, he was totally defending Joseph Smith marrying 14 year old girls.

Telling lies, falsely accusing others of supporting or engaging in evil similar to that which you openly support or engage in, does nothing to excuse your own depraved behavior.
Telling lies, falsely accusing others of supporting or engaging in evil similar to that which you openly support or engage in, does nothing to excuse your own depraved behavior.

Uh, Joseph Smith's marriage to 14 year olds is a matter of historic fact. It's probably textbook grooming-

Yet you guys think he was a prophet who was talking to God. I mean, it was a good thing God clarified things so Utah could get into the Union! Because I am sure he was really worried about that.

This has nothing to so with providing guidance and acceptance to people with different types of sexuality.
Actually, quite the contrary.

By definition, a man who thinks he is a woman, or vice versa, is severely fucked-up in his head.

Any study that claims improved mental health for such a freak, based on procedures that only reinforce this delusion, are obvious bullshit.

To improve the mental health of such a patient, he needs to be relieved of these delusions, not have them reinforced.
By definition, a man who thinks he is a woman, or vice versa, is severely fucked-up in his head.

Any study that claims improved mental health for such a freak, based on procedures that only reinforce this delusion, are obvious bullshit.

To improve the mental health of such a patient, he needs to be relieved of these delusions, not have them reinforced.

I'll take the word of medical professionals over a guy who strings wires because he couldn't hack being a computer programmer.
Fetuses aren't children. We've been over this.

No matter how often, or how loudly you repeat a lie, it will never become truth.

Denying the humanity of the most innocent of human beings, in order to justify their murder, only makes you no better than the ones who directly commit those murders.
The only damage is being done by homophobes and transphobes who aren't accepting of people as they are. If Trans kids are killing themselves, it's because of people like you.

Yup, homophobic parents are the problem. Again, when did you decide to be straight? If it's a choice, then there must have been a day you decided to do that.

Then, um, how did we have gay people before that? My late Aunt was gay. She was gay despite being brought up in a very strict Catholic environment. All the praying in the world didn't change her, it just made her more miserable.

Uh, guy, even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having them. In fact women were never arrested for having abortions, and the men who performed them were only arrested if they messed up and maimed the women. What you want to do is beyond crazy.

Women who decide to have abortions aren't subhuman or criminal or depraved. They are making a rational choice about their bodies and their lives. If you didn't belong to a misogynist cult, you'd get this.
Obviously you don't see an explosive suicide rate among trans as damaging. There are consequences when leftists are grooming children as young as three and four years old. Tranny freak show story time is not about education, it's about indoctrination and grooming. Sex education has no requirement for paunchy men dressed in clown makeup and creepy costumes. You seem to think that John Wayne Gacy impersonators belong in a classroom.

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