Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

What a shame leftists can't seem to find money for math and science classes. Lots of money for grooming, though.

I guess it depends on what the underlying intentions are, toward those being “taught”.

If your goal is to help young people to grow up to be independent, fully-functional adults, then you teach them math, science, reading, writing, basic life skills , and such.

If your goal is to create a pool of compliant sex toys for adult perverts, a modern, new-and-improved version of the bacha bāzī, then you teach them the sort of crap that is being taught, here.
Yup, your prudeness isn't something I need to get upset about. Teaching kids not to be bigots is a good thing. The last thing you want them to do is to grow up and not be able to hold down a job because they keep blurting out the word "F@gg0t".

Yes, we know you guys are very good at fake outrage. Shit, I must be getting old, didn't we have this same fucking conversation 25 years go with "Heather has Two Mommies"?

Alternatively, leftist grooming is something parents and lawmakers are addressing.

The left understands that grooming children is best performed when it's done under cover of lies to parents and conspiring to keep it secret.
Uh, where are they "touching" children? I mean, your bullshit claims just pile up so fast it's hard to even waste my time researching them to debunk them.

You didn't even bother putting a link on this claim, so I'll just ignore it.

Okay, but the point is, if you want to start burning books, we should probably start with Shakespeare and the Bible.

My God, Titus Andronicus! Rape. Mutilation! Cannibalism!

Also, weren't you guys on the right the ones who lost your shit when they pulled some older books by Dr. Seuss off the shelf that haven't aged well?

Hey, the Bible contains graphic descriptions of incest, child rape, cannibalism, torture, genocide, homosexuality, and so on, and you guys think every kid should read that.

When Dr. Seuss is having oral sex with minor children, you can get back to us, you doofus.
I guess it depends on what the underlying intentions are, toward those being “taught”.

If your goal is to help young people to grow up to be independent, fully-functional adults, then you teach them math, science, reading, writing, basic life skills , and such.

If your goal is to create a pool of compliant sex toys for adult perverts, a modern, new-and-improved version of the bacha bāzī, then you teach them the sort of crap that is being taught, here.
Mormon BOb, you are proving my theory that most hard core homophobes are latent homosexuals.

I mean, you come off like the vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak!
Alternatively, leftist grooming is something parents and lawmakers are addressing.

Uh, yeah, sis, you tried that during the last election and lost, bigly.

But, so your argument is one school decided to protect a child from his psycho parents?

So imagine this. A teacher is told by a student that they might be gay or trans, but don't tell my parents.

The teacher tells the parent.

The next day that kid comes into class with a big old black eye and multiple bruises.

Do you call that a job well done?

When Dr. Seuss is having oral sex with minor children, you can get back to us, you doofus.

No, Doctor Seuss just had a lot of racist content in his early books... Which is understandable, he used to racist advertising and anti-Japanese propaganda during WWII.
Mormon BOb, you are proving my theory that most hard core homophobes are latent homosexuals.

I mean, you come off like the vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak!

By that absurd logic, should we conclude that your deep and intense hatred of anyone who holds to any basic standards of decency, morality, or ethics means that deep down, you have a latent drive to hold to such standards yourself?
By that absurd logic, should we conclude that your deep and intense hatred of anyone who holds to any basic standards of decency, morality, or ethics means that deep down, you have a latent drive to hold to such standards yourself?

I have standards... they just aren't YOUR Standards.

Get it.

I don't despise your cult because you are decent Bob. Frankly, the Mormons I've met are the most backstabbing cocksuckers I've ever met in my life.

Frankly, if the only thing that keeps you from murdering and raping is your fear of an imaginary pixie in the sky, then that's fear, not decency. The fact that you bend your religion to hate on people who aren't really bothering you is also telling.
Uh, yeah, sis, you tried that during the last election and lost, bigly.

But, so your argument is one school decided to protect a child from his psycho parents?

So imagine this. A teacher is told by a student that they might be gay or trans, but don't tell my parents.

The teacher tells the parent.

The next day that kid comes into class with a big old black eye and multiple bruises.

Do you call that a job well done?

No, Doctor Seuss just had a lot of racist content in his early books... Which is understandable, he used to racist advertising and anti-Japanese propaganda during WWII.
Uh, yeah, you sidestep accountability for leftist grooming because sidestepping and denial is a part of the grooming agenda. You deny grooming is taking place and float some ignorant conspiracy theory about psycho parents. There is nothing psycho about a parent having concerns about their child subjected to tyranny story time. You're fine with mentally disturbed men dressing up in gaudy outfits and reading stories to 3 and 4 year olds about homosexual acts. You ignore parent's rights because grooming is a part of leftist ideology.

The leftist groomers explicitly lie to parents of children about their actions. The groomers coerce children in terms of instructing them not to have a conversation with their parents about what teachers and school administrators are pressing.

What a shame you presume an entitlement to press tranny freak shows and homosexuality on children.
What kind of idiot needs to use a shotgun for home defense.

One that listens to Quid Pro, who said that we not only need to buy a shotgun, but blindly shoot through the door to keep people away.

"If you want to protect yourself, get a double-barrel shotgun," Biden said in an interview with Parents Magazine back in February. "You don't need an AR-15. It's harder to aim, it's harder to use, and in fact, you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun."

"Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door."

Now, are you saying that Quid Pro is an idiot? You might be surprised to find out how many Americans would agree with you.
Uh, yeah, you sidestep accountability for leftist grooming because sidestepping and denial is a part of the grooming agenda. You deny grooming is taking place and float some ignorant conspiracy theory about psycho parents. There is nothing psycho about a parent having concerns about their child subjected to tyranny story time. You're fine with mentally disturbed men dressing up in gaudy outfits and reading stories to 3 and 4 year olds about homosexual acts. You ignore parent's rights because grooming is a part of leftist ideology.

again, works on the assumption that the kid wouldn't be trans if some evil teacher didn't put it in his head.

Nobody went trans because a drag queen read them a story.

We've all seen what kind of “standards” you have. That's what sane people recognize as a sociopath.
Says the guy who wants to murder women who have abortions and public officials that pass laws he doesn't like.
again, works on the assumption that the kid wouldn't be trans if some evil teacher didn't put it in his head.

Nobody went trans because a drag queen read them a story.

Says the guy who wants to murder women who have abortions and public officials that pass laws he doesn't like.
Again, the left works on the assumption of an entitlement to child grooming / sexual abuse and there won't be repercussions.

In this case, the School Board decided their grooming program would benefit by excluding parents from any discussion of how teaches would groom children.
Again, the left works on the assumption of an entitlement to child grooming / sexual abuse and there won't be repercussions.

Oh, we are sure you will keep whining about this... as you always do.

50 years ago, it was Anita Bryant.
20 years ago, it was getting upset about Heather Has Two Mommies.
Today, you are spewing bullshit about grooming.

Here's why your side will lose. Because with 10% of the population being LGBTQ, everyone has at least one LGBTQ person in their family. Unlike racial civil rights, where white people could isolate themselves, you guys are going to have to face your own on this when they won't meekly stay in the closet anymore.
Oh, we are sure you will keep whining about this... as you always do.

50 years ago, it was Anita Bryant.
20 years ago, it was getting upset about Heather Has Two Mommies.
Today, you are spewing bullshit about grooming.

Here's why your side will lose. Because with 10% of the population being LGBTQ, everyone has at least one LGBTQ person in their family. Unlike racial civil rights, where white people could isolate themselves, you guys are going to have to face your own on this when they won't meekly stay in the closet anymore.
Oh, we are sure you will keep insisting that leftists are on a mission to trans children.

Just a shame you don’t know the damage you do.

It’s just really, really creepy that lefty groomers have this insatiable need to force tranny story time, books, publications and grooming ideology on children.

It’s like watching some perverse horde of child molesters descend upon children.
Uh, yeah, sis, you tried that during the last election and lost, bigly.

But, so your argument is one school decided to protect a child from his psycho parents?

So imagine this. A teacher is told by a student that they might be gay or trans, but don't tell my parents.

The teacher tells the parent.

The next day that kid comes into class with a big old black eye and multiple bruises.

Do you call that a job well done?

No, Doctor Seuss just had a lot of racist content in his early books... Which is understandable, he used to racist advertising and anti-Japanese propaganda during WWII.

Yeah,........that lie.......the parents are the problem? You moron.

The more accurate truth.......the teacher starts grooming the child with child porn.......
Oh, we are sure you will keep insisting that leftists are on a mission to trans children.

Just a shame you don’t know the damage you do.

It’s just really, really creepy that lefty groomers have this insatiable need to force tranny story time, books, publications and grooming ideology on children.

It’s like watching some perverse horde of child molesters descend upon children.

They are insane......no other explanation. I have been watching these people for decades and the only thing that makes sense is their brains are not normal.......they see lies as truth, right as wrong......

Evan Sayet explained it really well....

again, works on the assumption that the kid wouldn't be trans if some evil teacher didn't put it in his head.

That's how it is. You children do not identify with depraved and insane sexual perversions, unless some pedophilic piece of shit is filling their heads with that crap.

And any piece of shit who would have any willing part in that needs to be permanently removed from free society.


Says the guy who wants to murder women who have abortions and public officials that pass laws he doesn't like.

It's truly bizarre that you think it rational to condemn me for wishing the very lowest murderers of all—those who prey on the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings—should be brought to proper justice. It just goes to show how morally fucked up you are that you take the side of such murderers, against their innocent victims.

But then, it is well known that you always, without exception, take the side of subhuman criminals shit, against that of human beings. More so, it seems, the more depraved the criminal, and the more innocent the victim.
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Here's why your side will lose. Because with 10% of the population being LGBTQ, everyone has at least one LGBTQ person in their family. Unlike racial civil rights, where white people could isolate themselves, you guys are going to have to face your own on this when they won't meekly stay in the closet anymore.

A much larger portion of the population has children, or are closely acquainted with children, and are never going to be OK with your kind going after them, sexually.
Just a shame you don’t know the damage you do.

It knows. At best, it doesn't care how many children are how badly fucked up, to promote the agenda that it seeks to promote. More likely, it wants them to be fucked up. Incel Joe is a truly evil piece of subhuman shit, that delights in harm being done to human beings.
Uh, where are they "touching" children? I mean, your bullshit claims just pile up so fast it's hard to even waste my time researching them to debunk them.

You didn't even bother putting a link on this claim, so I'll just ignore it.

Okay, but the point is, if you want to start burning books, we should probably start with Shakespeare and the Bible.

My God, Titus Andronicus! Rape. Mutilation! Cannibalism!

Also, weren't you guys on the right the ones who lost your shit when they pulled some older books by Dr. Seuss off the shelf that haven't aged well?

Hey, the Bible contains graphic descriptions of incest, child rape, cannibalism, torture, genocide, homosexuality, and so on, and you guys think every kid should read that.
You have got to be kidding me right.. You can't be this stupid can you ??

The Bible is an instruction book on what not to do, otherwise it isn't a book that promotes supports or tells you to go out and do anything sinful in the way that you attempt to use it or attack it here. Why do you hate the word that tries to instruct you and warn you of how sinful man can sin, what happens to those men, and how to avoid the mistakes that they made so you don't go to hell in the end ?

It warns you that if you follow in the ways of sinful man, otherwise as you attempt to describe certain sins in your attack (as if it supports or promoted such things when it didn't), then it also tells you the consequences of that following or lusting after such things.

Another thing, the Bible is to be read by adults in the discerning of it's content, and then it is broken up into teachable ways that make it age appropriate in the context it is then kept in for the ages that are being taught about it's content.

Joe, listen bud, because here's the situation, you can't defend just anything no matter how smart you "THINK" that you are, so quit embarrassing yourself you knucklehead.

Also you are in very dangerous soul damaging territory if you find yourself defending pedophilia or any other such ACTIVITY like that. Best go read your Bible, and then understand it's warnings written for you to understand.

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