Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

No matter how often, or how loudly you repeat a lie, it will never become truth.

Denying the humanity of the most innocent of human beings, in order to justify their murder, only makes you no better than the ones who directly commit those murders.

Actually, if you can be killed by a third person taking a pill, then you really aren't a person, are you?

I mean, if there was a magic pill that killed Mormons if I took it, I'd be popping those suckers like M&M's.

Obviously you don't see an explosive suicide rate among trans as damaging. There are consequences when leftists are grooming children as young as three and four years old. Tranny freak show story time is not about education, it's about indoctrination and grooming. Sex education has no requirement for paunchy men dressed in clown makeup and creepy costumes. You seem to think that John Wayne Gacy impersonators belong in a classroom.

Oh, I see it as explosive, all right. But it only happens because the bigots abuse them.

Wait for it... wait for it...

In a study presented to the American Academy of Pediatrics, research showed a 60% decrease in moderate and severe depression who received gender-affirming care.

Additionally, there was 73% decrease in suicidality among transgender youth and non-binary youth. A fantastic feat for a community with an alarmingly high transgender suicide rate.

The study builds on existing research, which has already demonstrated:

We also know that, alongside proper medication, social support is one of the strongest predictors of positive mental health outcomes for LGBTQ+ youth.

Suicidal ideation is substantially higher among trans and non-binary young people in particular but is significantly reduced with parental acceptance and peer support.

I should point out that Gacy was considered a pillar of his community until he got caught. He owned a business, he was active in local politics, and he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
Actually, quite the contrary.

The bible tells you to stone your daughter to death if she isn't a virgin on her wedding night.
One hero of the bible, Jephthah, sacrificed his daughter to Yahweh because he made a foolish vow.
Another prophet ordered two bears to maul 42 children.
The bible endorses slavery, genocide, racism, and a whole host of other sins that we would not accept today.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

In 50 years, all the churches will be on board with LGBTQ rights, and pretending they weren't the ones instigating it.

Ah, I see. You see, I was thinking that the bible was being Disneyfied in a way that it is more acceptable. Keep the nice parts, cut out the icky parts. So, yeah, I never heard the story of Jephthah once in my whole 12 years of Catholic School. In fact, the ONLY story we heard from the Book of Judges was that of Samson, and then it was only a sanitized version of the story about how he got his hair cut and lost his strength. (The actual story of the man being a literal terrorist was sanitized out.)

Except no one was defending pedophilia. You should check back with Mormon Bob, he was totally defending Joseph Smith marrying 14 year old girls.
You are one super EVIL person Joe (may God have mercy upon you), and sadly by your word's spoken it's a fact that you are evil, and especially full of yourself that you have no more respect than you do about the good Lord up above..

Either you are for or against - So it seems that you've made your choice in life, and so be it then.

We don't want to hear you weeping and groaning come judgement, because that's going to be one terrible awful day for you. Your wicked wisdom will finally come to an end on that day.

Our patience for that day is about as long as a farmer who waits upon the latter rains to come, and then to rain upon his Fields, so we are to be that patient in the coming Future and in the coming time's.

Soon the rain will come, and the weed's will make way for the corn in which will ultimately shade the weed's out.

To give a little context

Does the Bible really say that parents should have their rebellious children stoned?​

stone rebellious children


This is one of those “Yes, buuuuut…” questions, otherwise that requires serious explaining. Leviticus 20:9 says, “If there is anyone who curses his father or his mother, he shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother, his bloodguiltiness is upon him.”

First, a note on the last part of the verse. “His bloodguiltiness is upon him” basically means that he brought this punishment on himself. He knew what he was supposed to do, and he didn’t do it. Also, it is important to remember that the Mosaic Law was for God’s covenant people, Israel, living in a theocracy. The Old Testament Law is not in force today (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23–25; Ephesians 2:15).

Deuteronomy 21:18–21 expands on the law:

If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.

The context of a passage is crucial to understanding what it means. Taking these two verses by themselves, one could come away with a negative attitude toward God and His Word. In the Leviticus passage, this law is part of a section dealing with egregious sins, sins that would tear a nation and family apart. The trespass in question was not a casual, slip-of-the-tongue curse, but a deep-seated rebellion, an ongoing attitude of hatred that had to be dealt with severely. In other words, the punishment was not for minor infractions but for determined defiance.

There are several things to keep in mind about this particular sin and about the law:

The sin was ongoing and continuous. Deuteronomy 21:18 indicates that the punishment was only meted out after a persistent refusal to heed both father and mother and after all discipline had failed. The parents have tried to deal with their son in a loving, firm way, but nothing worked.

It was deep-seated sin. Verse 20 specifies that the son is stubborn in his rebellion. Not only is he recalcitrant, “he is a glutton and a drunkard.” This is not a case of a child who misses curfew or plays ball in the house. This was a true menace, a child who is causing trouble in society and grieving his parents, possibly to the point of endangering them physically and financially.

The punishment was not an impulsive act of anger or vengeance. Verse 19 says that the city elders had to oversee the case and determine the guilt of the child. It is only after the elders pronounced a sentence of death that the execution could take place. The law did not allow an angry parent to arbitrarily stone a child. A modern equivalent of this is when a parent sees news footage of his child committing a crime and subsequently turns the child in to the police. If parents know their child is acting in a way that endangers society, they are responsible to obey the civil authorities and report the crime.

The punishment was designed to preserve the nation. As verse 21 explains, the reason for this law was to purge evil from society and act as a deterrent to further rebellion. Israel was a nation chosen by God to be holy (Exodus 20:6). God gave the Israelites three types of laws: judicial, moral, and ceremonial. This is a judicial law. A child who was actively and deliberately rejecting the laws of the land needed to be punished judicially.

Which brings us to the last and most important factor:

Rebellion against one’s parents is direct rebellion against God. The 5th Command is to honor one’s father and mother (Exodus 20:12). Parents are a God-ordained authority. Disobedience to parents is disobedience to God (Ephesians 6:1-3). Throughout the Bible, there are only a handful of things we are told to fear: God (Proverbs 1:7) and parents (Leviticus 19:3) are among them.

The law requiring rebellious children to be stoned to death was meant for extreme cases to protect God’s people. It would have been heartbreaking for parents to bear the responsibility of initiating such severe measures. However, the Bible never records this law being enforced.

Besides we consist only of our flesh and of our soul, so God can separate us from our flesh in order to save our soul's. Who are we to intervene in God's perfect work's ?? Death to us is not the same to God. He is the giver of life, and he can take it away.

Here is a video looking at shotguns and how they are used...notice the very first shotgun was a weapon used in World War 1 and is still in use today by the militaries around the world......so, if the anti-gunners tell us we can't have "weapons of war," then by that logic pump action shotguns are on their list to be banned and confiscated.......

Trivia: During the first world war, the Germans complained to the allies about the Trench Gun (shotgun).
As for the Democrat Party and firearms: Some Democrat Politicians have come out publicly and admitted that their goal is to end all private ownership of firearms.
After all, once they've succeeded in that, the Marxist agenda can get going full speed ahead, including significantly reducing the population via government owned weapons.
You are one super EVIL person Joe (may God have mercy upon you), and sadly by your word's spoken it's a fact that you are evil, and especially full of yourself that you have no more respect than you do about the good Lord up above..

Either you are for or against - So it seems that you've made your choice in life, and so be it then.

We don't want to hear you weeping and groaning come judgement, because that's going to be one terrible awful day for you. Your wicked wisdom will finally come to an end on that day.

Uh, why would you want to worship a malignant narcissist? The thing is, there's some good stuff in the bible. And there's a lot of awful stuff in the Bible that Christians don't like to talk that much about.

Our patience for that day is about as long as a farmer who waits upon the latter rains to come, and then to rain upon his Fields, so we are to be that patient in the coming Future and in the coming time's.

Soon the rain will come, and the weed's will make way for the corn in which will ultimately shade the weed's out.

Why do you guys have this huge woody for the end of the world?

Does the Bible really say that parents should have their rebellious children stoned?​

stone rebellious children


This is one of those “Yes, buuuuut…” questions, otherwise that requires serious explaining. Leviticus 20:9 says, “If there is anyone who curses his father or his mother, he shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother, his bloodguiltiness is upon him.”

Um, wow... I never argued that particularly noxious verse. You seem to spend a lot of time defending something that WOULD get you arrested for murder today. But since I didn't discuss that one, why are you bringing it up.

I specifically DID discuss the issue of women being stoned to death if they weren't virgins on their wedding night. Deuteronomy 22:13 Of course, the way they told if if a woman was a virgin is if her hymen was still intact, but the hymen can be broken in a lot of ways, so you have to wonder how many young women were stoned to death because of something they didn't do.

I could also talk about the verse that calls for a woman to be stoned to death if she was raped in the city because she did not cry out. Deuteronomy 22:23-24 OR the rule that if you rape a girl, but pay her father fifty shekels, you can marry her. Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I could talk about all the times the Bible outright endorses genocide - Deuteronomy 7:2, Deuteronomy 13:15, Joshua 10:40, 1 Samuel 15:2-3

Or where God calls for human sacrifice - Judges 11:29-39

Or where the Bible endorses slavery -

But, yes, this is a book about morality, and we should totally follow it until we are all arrested for being sociopaths.
Actually, if you can be killed by a third person taking a pill, then you really aren't a person, are you?

I mean, if there was a magic pill that killed Mormons if I took it, I'd be popping those suckers like M&M's.

Oh, I see it as explosive, all right. But it only happens because the bigots abuse them.

Wait for it... wait for it...

In a study presented to the American Academy of Pediatrics, research showed a 60% decrease in moderate and severe depression who received gender-affirming care.

Additionally, there was 73% decrease in suicidality among transgender youth and non-binary youth. A fantastic feat for a community with an alarmingly high transgender suicide rate.

The study builds on existing research, which has already demonstrated:

We also know that, alongside proper medication, social support is one of the strongest predictors of positive mental health outcomes for LGBTQ+ youth.

Suicidal ideation is substantially higher among trans and non-binary young people in particular but is significantly reduced with parental acceptance and peer support.

I should point out that Gacy was considered a pillar of his community until he got caught. He owned a business, he was active in local politics, and he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce.

You should have read the link you posted. It says clearly, “a study presented to…”

The American College of Pediatricians has a different take.

While you’re flailing your Pom Poms for doping other peoples children with hormones and puberty blockers, I suppose it’s easy to ignore the damage you do.

American College of Pediatricians.

There is not a single long-term study to demonstrate the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for transgender-believing youth. This means that youth transition is experimental, and therefore, parents cannot provide informed consent, nor can minors provide assent for these interventions. Moreover, the best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide.

Puberty blockers may cause mental illness

Puberty blockers may actually cause depression and other emotional disturbances related to suicide. In fact, the package insert for Lupron, the number one prescribed puberty blocker in America, lists “emotional instability” as a side effect and warns prescribers to “Monitor for development or worsening of psychiatric symptoms during treatment.” Similarly, discussing an experimental trial of puberty blockers in the U.K., Oxford University Professor Michael Biggs wrote, “There was no statistically significant difference in psychosocial functioning between the group given blockers and the group given only psychological support. In addition, there is unpublished evidence that after a year on [puberty blockers] children reported greater self-harm, and the girls also experienced more behavioral and emotional problems and expressed greater dissatisfaction with their body—so puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria.”

Puberty blockers may cause permanent physical harm

Temporary use of Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.

The problem confronting three and four year old children is authority figures at school pressing a relentless campaign of grooming. Impressionable children are a target of leftist groomers who descend upon them with a fusillade of tranny books, tranny story time and indoctrination tactics that mimic the very worst of what is described in the 20th century Socialist / Marxist collectivism.
No, they really aren't. If they were, we'd charge women with murder for having abortions. We didn't do that when abortion was illegal.

When slavery was legal in this country, we did not charge anyone with a crime for owning or abusing slaves.
Actually, if you can be killed by a third person taking a pill, then you really aren't a person, are you?

There are plenty of actions that a third party can take that will cause the death of another person.

Your argument makes no more sense than claiming that if a third person can kill you by hitting you in the head with a large rock, then you're not really a person.
Uh, why would you want to worship a malignant narcissist? The thing is, there's some good stuff in the bible. And there's a lot of awful stuff in the Bible that Christians don't like to talk that much about.

Why do you guys have this huge woody for the end of the world?

Um, wow... I never argued that particularly noxious verse. You seem to spend a lot of time defending something that WOULD get you arrested for murder today. But since I didn't discuss that one, why are you bringing it up.

I specifically DID discuss the issue of women being stoned to death if they weren't virgins on their wedding night. Deuteronomy 22:13 Of course, the way they told if if a woman was a virgin is if her hymen was still intact, but the hymen can be broken in a lot of ways, so you have to wonder how many young women were stoned to death because of something they didn't do.

I could also talk about the verse that calls for a woman to be stoned to death if she was raped in the city because she did not cry out. Deuteronomy 22:23-24 OR the rule that if you rape a girl, but pay her father fifty shekels, you can marry her. Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I could talk about all the times the Bible outright endorses genocide - Deuteronomy 7:2, Deuteronomy 13:15, Joshua 10:40, 1 Samuel 15:2-3

Or where God calls for human sacrifice - Judges 11:29-39

Or where the Bible endorses slavery -

But, yes, this is a book about morality, and we should totally follow it until we are all arrested for being sociopaths.
You pervert the commandments of God the giver of life, and the taker of life upon the earth as we know it. It is done that we should not continue in sin before him and our fellow human beings without end. You attempt to blame God when you ignore Satan.... Interesting.

God's love and mercy is forever, and his love for us is so much so that he won't have us to live in sin without relief, otherwise a relief that will come through his mercy and love for us. Yes though we walk through the shadows of death, we shall fear no evil. God is love, and God is life everlasting. Without him we are doomed. The evil one would have you to believe that upon your death you are at an end, but it is a lie and deceiving thing. Stop following that which is evil, and recognize the true creator of life, and the way in which we continue our lives be it here or there when we obey his commandments.

Remember he is the creator of life. What part of that fact do you keep struggling with ?
You should have read the link you posted. It says clearly, “a study presented to…”

The American College of Pediatricians has a different take.

While you’re flailing your Pom Poms for doping other peoples children with hormones and puberty blockers, I suppose it’s easy to ignore the damage you do.

Except no one is doping other people's children with hormones without the parents being involved. You are kind of all over the map here. I've presented two studies (so far) that show that gender affirming treatments HELP trans people.

When slavery was legal in this country, we did not charge anyone with a crime for owning or abusing slaves.

Um, not really relevant to my point. Let's try again.

Abortion was illegal in this country up until 1973. Yet women were never charged with ANY Crime for having them, and providers were only charged with a crime if they maimed the women through incompetence. The laws were largely unenforced by 1973, which is why SCOTUS felt they could strike them down. Evangelicals didn't care, they saw abortion and birth control as a "Catholic" hang up.

Then they needed an issue to get asses back into pews after segregation wasn't playing well anymore.

So clearly, even when abortion was considered a crime, no one considered it the same as murder.

There are plenty of actions that a third party can take that will cause the death of another person.

Your argument makes no more sense than claiming that if a third person can kill you by hitting you in the head with a large rock, then you're not really a person.

And most of those aren't charged as murder.
You pervert the commandments of God the giver of life, and the taker of life upon the earth as we know it. It is done that we should not continue in sin before him and our fellow human beings without end. You attempt to blame God when you ignore Satan.... Interesting.

I don't think God or Satan actually exist, any more than I think Zeus or Loki exist. As far as the commandments, there are a whole bunch of things in the bible even Christians ignore, which is why they aren't stoning your neighbors for working on the Sabbath, or stoning their daughters for having sex before marriage. In fact, 95% of Americas have had sex before marriage, so we are going to need a lot of stones.

God's love and mercy is forever, and his love for us is so much so that he won't have us to live in sin without relief, otherwise a relief that will come through his mercy and love for us. Yes though we walk through the shadows of death, we shall fear no evil. God is love, and God is life everlasting. Without him we are doomed. The evil one would have you to believe that upon your death you are at an end, but it is a lie and deceiving thing. Stop following that which is evil, and recognize the true creator of life, and the way in which we continue our lives be it here or there when we obey his commandments.

Why you are right... I am going to go down to my Church of Zeus tomorrow and offer sacrifices... and um, wait, there is no Church of Zeus anymore. Dammit.

Remember he is the creator of life. What part of that fact do you keep struggling with ?

The fact that life is a natural chemical reaction and that life has evolved. We actually have evidence of this, unlike your Magic Sky Friend.
Except no one is doping other people's children with hormones without the parents being involved. You are kind of all over the map here. I've presented two studies (so far) that show that gender affirming treatments HELP trans people.

Um, not really relevant to my point. Let's try again.

Abortion was illegal in this country up until 1973. Yet women were never charged with ANY Crime for having them, and providers were only charged with a crime if they maimed the women through incompetence. The laws were largely unenforced by 1973, which is why SCOTUS felt they could strike them down. Evangelicals didn't care, they saw abortion and birth control as a "Catholic" hang up.

Then they needed an issue to get asses back into pews after segregation wasn't playing well anymore.

So clearly, even when abortion was considered a crime, no one considered it the same as murder.

And most of those aren't charged as murder.
Um, I though it was hilarious that you tried to prop up your argument with silly, leftist SJW hacks.

Let’s take a look at who performed the “study” you claim was presented to the Academy of Pediatrics, shall we?

It was presented by something called the “Center for Diversity and Health Equity”. Um, yeah. Some obvious leftist slogans in there. Diversity and equity groupies.

Who are these D&E groupies? Not doctors.

If we look at “the team”, not a doctor among them.

What a laughable joke.
Except no one is doping other people's children with hormones without the parents being involved. You are kind of all over the map here. I've presented two studies (so far) that show that gender affirming treatments HELP trans people.

Um, not really relevant to my point. Let's try again.

Abortion was illegal in this country up until 1973. Yet women were never charged with ANY Crime for having them, and providers were only charged with a crime if they maimed the women through incompetence. The laws were largely unenforced by 1973, which is why SCOTUS felt they could strike them down. Evangelicals didn't care, they saw abortion and birth control as a "Catholic" hang up.

Then they needed an issue to get asses back into pews after segregation wasn't playing well anymore.

So clearly, even when abortion was considered a crime, no one considered it the same as murder.

And most of those aren't charged as murder.
Except the long term risks of doping children are unknown.

American College of Pediatricians.
In fact, many medical organizations around the world, including the Australian College of Physicians,3 the Royal College of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom,4 and the Swedish National Council for Medical Ethics5 have characterized these interventions in children as experimental and dangerous. World renowned Swedish psychiatrist Dr. Christopher Gillberg has said that pediatric transition is “possibly one of the greatest scandals in medical history”6 and called for “an immediate moratorium on the use of puberty blocker drugs because of their unknown long-term effects.”7

Instead of math and science, you prefer this:


Lil Miss Hot Mess reads “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish” to hundreds of children.
Um, I though it was hilarious that you tried to prop up your argument with silly, leftist SJW hacks.

Let’s take a look at who performed the “study” you claim was presented to the Academy of Pediatrics, shall we?

It was presented by something called the “Center for Diversity and Health Equity”. Um, yeah. Some obvious leftist slogans in there. Diversity and equity groupies.

Yes, I know diversity and equity horrify you! You want that white privilege!

In fact, many medical organizations around the world, including the Australian College of Physicians,3 the Royal College of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom,4 and the Swedish National Council for Medical Ethics5 have characterized these interventions in children as experimental and dangerous. World renowned Swedish psychiatrist Dr. Christopher Gillberg has said that pediatric transition is “possibly one of the greatest scandals in medical history”6 and called for “an immediate moratorium on the use of puberty blocker drugs because of their unknown long-term effects.”7

As stated, only 5000 minors are getting puberty blockers, and most of them for early onset puberty, not gender dysphoria.

Almost none are getting gender confirmation surgery.

Compare that to how many kids are getting Ritalin because they've been over diagnosing ADHD for years. But there is big money hawking these drugs, so little Timmy better watch his step, or they'll shove Ritalin down his throat.
Yes, I know diversity and equity horrify you! You want that white privilege!

As stated, only 5000 minors are getting puberty blockers, and most of them for early onset puberty, not gender dysphoria.

Almost none are getting gender confirmation surgery.

Compare that to how many kids are getting Ritalin because they've been over diagnosing ADHD for years. But there is big money hawking these drugs, so little Timmy better watch his step, or they'll shove Ritalin down his throat.
Well, um, yes. When you try and fraudulently pass off SJW diversity and equity groupies as having legitimate medical "studies", it becomes nothing more than leftist justification for doping children with dangerous drugs.

Apparently you feel the need to throw in nonsensical "white privilege" as the usual leftist tactic of having no defendable argument.

When leftist grooming is combined with doping and tranny story time with "Lil Miss Hot Mess", it has the awful smell of willful child abuse.

Um, yeah. When you're looking for that dream job at Lockheed Martin and you tell the interviewer that you failed your math and science courses, just relate your qualifications of tranny story hour with "Lil Miss Hot Mess".

You are being redirected... American College of Pediatricians.

The vast majority of children with gender incongruence will outgrow it by young adulthood(8) and the vast majority of gender incongruent teens are struggling with other psychological diagnoses that predate their gender incongruence.(9) A recent report confirmed the findings of several older case series revealing that gender incongruent adolescents can embrace their bodies through counseling alone when it is directed toward underlying psychological issues.(10)
Well, um, yes. When you try and fraudulently pass off SJW diversity and equity groupies as having legitimate medical "studies", it becomes nothing more than leftist justification for doping children with dangerous drugs.

Actually, there have been numerous studies that support the position that gender affirming is the best course of action with gender dysphoria.

When leftist grooming is combined with doping and tranny story time with "Lil Miss Hot Mess", it has the awful smell of willful child abuse.

Except very few kids are getting the hormone treatments...

Um, yeah. When you're looking for that dream job at Lockheed Martin and you tell the interviewer that you failed your math and science courses, just relate your qualifications of tranny story hour with "Lil Miss Hot Mess".

Most people aren't going to get jobs with Lockheed Martin.
Most people are going to have LGBTQ coworkers.
No matter where you work, screaming "JESUS" at your gay coworkers will get you a trip to HR with a banker box.

The vast majority of children with gender incongruence will outgrow it by young adulthood(8) and the vast majority of gender incongruent teens are struggling with other psychological diagnoses that predate their gender incongruence.(9) A recent report confirmed the findings of several older case series revealing that gender incongruent adolescents can embrace their bodies through counseling alone when it is directed toward underlying psychological issues.(10)
And what about the ones who can't. No one has suggested every gender confused kid should get hormones and surgery... In fact, the standards are high for these treatments for a reason.

You know, unlike ADHD, where they won't let little Timmy back in the class unless he's been sedated.
Actually, there have been numerous studies that support the position that gender affirming is the best course of action with gender dysphoria.

Except very few kids are getting the hormone treatments...

Most people aren't going to get jobs with Lockheed Martin.
Most people are going to have LGBTQ coworkers.
No matter where you work, screaming "JESUS" at your gay coworkers will get you a trip to HR with a banker box.

And what about the ones who can't. No one has suggested every gender confused kid should get hormones and surgery... In fact, the standards are high for these treatments for a reason.

You know, unlike ADHD, where they won't let little Timmy back in the class unless he's been sedated.
Actually, one of those ''numerous studies" was prepared by silly SJW's which you hoped to represent as legitimate. Meanwhile, medical doctors make the case that:

You are being redirected... Anetican College of Pediatricians

Stealing is a crime and it is no less so when the stolen item is a child’s normally timed puberty. Puberty is not a disease.11 It is a critical window of normal development that is radically disrupted by puberty blockers like Lupron. When normal puberty is arrested, valuable time is forever stolen from these children, time during which significant advances in bone, brain, sexual and psycho-social development occur; time that can never be given back. This harm is in addition to well documented negative emotional effects of Lupron.

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